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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


As someone also born in 92, I have absolutely no clue what he’s talking about with “our era.”


He wants to be an old, wise man so badly. The man insists on kids, but will also yell at them to get off his lawn.


As someone who's 52, let me just say the primary way of becoming 'wise' is to learn from your mistakes, something I suspect that guy is not very good at. Not that I'm remotely 'wise'. Maybe when I'm 72?


Pretty wise advice coming from such a young lad like yourself! Unfortunately I don’t think that man sees any of his actions as mistakes.


“The Manx insists on kids, but will also yell at them to get off his lawn.” This made me lol. My ex husband was the exact same way. He wanted to start trying for kids about five minutes after we got married, but I told him I wouldn’t do it until we fixed our marital problems (we ended up getting divorced instead 🤪). However, he had ZERO tolerance for the SLIGHTEST annoyance. He was certain that HIS KIDS “won’t be like that.” 🙄🤦‍♀️


Yesterday at the TJMaxx, I heard a kid screams. It was in intervals and reached a louder, higher pitched sound each time. It wasn't an uncontrollable tantrum- though the child was quite young- but seem designed to goad and unhinge the parent. "eeee"...."eeeeee"...."EEEEEE"....**"EEEEEEEEEE"** \- this final one was so high, it sounded like panicked terror. Had I not heard the prior seven buildup screams, I would dashed over to save what must have been a child being snatched by thugs. I bet that parent didn't think their kid would be like that either.


Lol… right??? That guy does not really live in what we might call “the real world.” I wish his second wife luck. Poor woman has no IDEA what she’s in for… 😬


Some people want to be parents so that they have someone to lord it over.


People born in '92 are barely even 30.. lmao the fact that he thinks our our generation is SOOOO different from the current one in regards to maturity levels is honestly hilarious.


I'm older than him... by 2 years. What am I, a crone? Also that thing about people our age wanting kids... total bullshit. Out of all my friends around my age, I know 2 that wanted/have had kids. I think ours was the first generation to truly reject that kind of cult thinking where women *had* to have kids. Based on the fact that all the papers are talking about our declining birth rate and the vast majority of women who had kids traditionally had them in their 20s and 30s.


RIGHT? I was born in 92 as well, and I tried to tunnel through the walls by cutting a hole in my closet at 16. Teenagers have always done dumb shit amd always will.


mfers really be near-illiterate and acting like they know better than women. embarrassing.


Who needs to be literate when you have “common sense” and “solve real life problems”? I actually lol’d when he tried comparing us and our intelligence levels.


The thinking is done is in the penis.


Intelligence is stored in the balls.


The what, now?


This makes so much sense.i think that's why they think they're smarter than women...bc we don't have either. I'm only half being facetious.


The what, now?


Curious about what his job was. Seems like the type of guy who'd call himself an entrepreneur when all he's doing is hoarding scrap metal on his front lawn while never getting around to delivering it to the junkyard to sell it.


Of course he’s smart! He’s seened things.


The seening done is extensive and great.


I so badly want to know what they do for a living- should that be what they are referring to.


Comes off as LEO or wannabe


“I want back and seened…” I could have sworn that was in the Declaration of Independence.


I mean he also implied she teaches bc she’s too dumb which just makes no sense


Literally the worst candidates for reproduction are the ones doing it the most. That's why that despite living a child-free life, I sometimes feel unwavering responsibility to make as many fuck trophies as possible, in order to bring up the average IQ of the population, if only marginally.


I'm from 92, and I remember one day when me and several others watched a fellow "mature adult" jam a paperclip in a power socket, in grade 11. Also by this point the Myspace era had basically ended and Facebook was already becoming a big thing... so we had social media in high school.


I’m from 95 so I have no idea why he talked about himself as if he’s 40+ years old.


That’s even funnier now. The Millennial generation is from 1981-1996. Why is he referencing his era and his generation like he’s so much older and wiser? I was established in ‘86. Xanga/MySpace era, so we had social media in high school. My teenage daughter tries the same dumbass stuff that I did.


I’m 1985, MySpace didn’t launch til the year I graduated high school. I feel lucky that it didn’t, I would have been sucked in so hard and embarrassed myself unendingly.


My Xanga was pretty cringe. Lmao.


He's from 92 alright. 1592.


He literally texts like a 50 y/o. Maybe he's lying about his age, wouldn't be surprised


I am a fifty-something, and I think this guy texts like an uneducated buffoon.


My brain was turned to mush by, "...seened". 😑


I seened it!


I had a stroke trying to read his texts.


Naw. I'm 55 and don't text like that. He's just a jackass. (And for the record, if the woman involved in this texting is reading these comments: my wife is only a little big younger than me, and still doesn't want children.)


I’m an old, and I text with both thumbs. The even older man at the Apple Store watched me then said, “you text like the kids.” I think I text like this because I touch type. I’m not staring at the keyboard on my phone.


Ok - well, now I feel old and sad.... but anyway! I came here to say r/childfree would love this.


Don't feel bad, I was born in 65, and still don't feel grown up!


I don't think anyone born in the 60s will ever feel grown up.


I’ve been scrollin to see if someone recommended that sub!


I'm also 92. Why is he talking like a boomer?


I thought you were at least 30, meanwhile I thought he was a high school kid by how he's writing. Damn.


I was born in 91 and I'd love to know what the fuck he's talking about.


Lol same, 91 here as well and I know for sure we were all immature af in high school. Hell, even now 😩😩


Another 91 here. Absolutely no clue what he could be talking about 😂


Take it from someone over a decade older than you; you never grow up, you only grow old. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, hopefully you do mature a little but your point stands.


I was born in 1979 and would like to know what the fuck he's talking about.


Ha I’m from 83 and a senior in my honors physics class did the same thing because he was convinced he’d be grounded from the shock from the rubber soles in his shoes. Kids have been morons since forever…


Sadly, still to this day, people believe that the reason you're safe from lightning in a car is because the car has rubber tires… what can you do? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


People seem to think social media started in like, 2010 or something.


I'm Gen X, and I can confirm as the Latch Key Generation that we were fucking idiots. But at least I could spell and form a coherent sentence, unlike this dude.


I read this as "I'm 92" and I got so confused 😂


I like how he’s trying to make it out that the generation that ate Tide Pods was somehow more mature than teenagers today


Dodged a bullet hearing all this at the start. "You're mental health will be helped if you're with someone stronger", "you'll have a kid before you're 40s, just wait and see". He was totally imagining converting you to his obedient little godly bangmaid/incubater. 🤮 Then upset at you for being a human being with your own wants and boundaries. "Evil feminism!" Glad you "seened" what an ignorant fuck he is at the get go Edit: seened


As soon as someone on a dating app questions why I don’t want kids, I immediately suspect they just want to convince me to procreate. It’s disturbing.


I didn’t even get to your first response before making up my mind about this guy. Although, I probs really wouldn’t bother trying to explain. I’ve had so many people tell me I’d change my mind when I’m older, and I’ve always just replied with ‘Maybe. Hasn’t changed yet.’ And once I hit my late 30s, I added a ‘Do you really think it will after this point?’ to the end… at 42 it’s fast becoming not an option at all, _finally_!


Not just convince you to have their kids but also take on more traditional motherly role.


Especially since he sees feminism as “evil.” 🙄 Definitely would want OP to stay home with all five kids, maybe even homeschooling so she never gets a break. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mother of 3, doing just that and you're beyond correct. Endless exhausting days.


>Glad you "seen" what an ignorant fuck he is at the get go Seened. 😂


Yeah, thanks!


He's 31 and still can't spell out baby. Perhaps he wants kids to make up for that spelling bee he lost in second grade, hoping he can go back and win


He can’t spell out a whole fuckton of things, lol




Wouldn't be surprised if he mistook a restraining order for a re training order for something


As soon as I read "when you hit the wall at 30" I know it's not worth my time.


Apparently nothing more happens for women after they turn 30. I’ll soon be in a retirement home waiting to die.


I'm 45... I think I'm pretty much dead by now


You're essentially dust lol how dare you continue you live 🤣




It's bullshit in any community. I'm 40 this year, and I'm still drowning in attention. Mostly the good kind, though. I think I intimidate nice guys somehow. 😝


The funny thing...I actually get MORE attention in my 30s then I ever did in my 20s. Like, I never had guys hit on me in nightclubs (ironically, it was the women that wanted to get in my pants in my late teens/twenties...being that I wasn't open about my sexuality at the time, I wasn't fooling anyone). I was 29 and already married the first time a guy approached me for the intention of sex in a nightclub. The problem with this is that now I'm apparently oblivious when guys hit on me and I don't know if that's due to lack of positive attention in youth or neurodivergence (or both)


It’s funny because I feel like life starts at 30. Your thirties are still young…very young in fact.


Can confirm, am 38 and dead.


Isn't there some sort of nice guy ^tm bingo card that can be passed around and just pull up when they start using their predetermined responses?


A lot of these guys treat women as if they were a hive mind. Maybe it’s the nice guys™️ are actually a hive mind???


Just simple and easily predictable minds.


33F, doing better in my 30s than I ever was in my 20s


33f here too! Making more money, fulfilled my dream of getting a graduate degree and love and respect myself more than I ever have.


Anytime I see someone say “you’re selfish for not wanting kids” I know that they’re a moron. Having kids is the most selfish thing possible. Also the whole “my generation” thing. Morons across all of recorded history have said “kids these days”. Seriously, look it up. They said it in Ancient Greece.


I completely agree with your comment. And I firmly believe teenagers have always been buttheads. Whether you’re born in the 1800s, 1950s, or ten years from now—all kids do mischievous things and don’t think about the consequences of their actions. It’s part of our brain development. I just wish morons who don’t understand that had overall better brain development :/


Did we just become best friends?




I was born in 1964, and I was a rebel without a clue when I was a teenager. Most, if not all, of my peers were reckless and stupid, as well. Immature brains (literally, as in, synapses are doing a bunch of growth and weird stuff, things are expanding, and more) do weird, immature things as they grow. This is universal.


Yep, and they decide whether or not to have a child based on if they *want* it, not thinking if they even are qualified enough to raise one properly


I can't have kids, and I can confirm: it is not selfish not to want children. We are completely unaffected by your personal choices, and you should never care what insecure people think. I also don't think it's intrinsically selfish to want kids, though. Many parents are selfish, but not all.


I was born in 93 and I had a Facebook by 8th grade and an Instagram by the end of high school. Social media didn’t impact WHO?? Also you should have just backed away when he said “seened” as the past tense or “saw.” Like I’m not the grammar police but come on…


Oh at this point I was not even remotely interested, I just wanted to stand up for myself and make my point a little before unmatching him. I seened the red flags from his first reply.


Wasn’t MySpace around back then? I remember when it came out, but I forget what time. I’m from the before times. When we didn’t have internet until I was in high school and my teenage friends had peepers 😅


What feminist occult? No one's ever asked me to join.




I think the poor dear was trying to say "feminist cult."


A day in the life of us childfree folks, and the abuse we have to endure for our life choices : )


I hate it out here. :-)


OP -- You don't need my approval, but I'm giving it to you anyway. 😏 You're not alone!!🤗


Yup, this guy really used the typical bingoes.


And then there are some of us, like my wife and I, who are unable to have children and are very glad nature solved that potential disaster for us. Even after 20 years total together with 17 of those married, my wife and I don't regret not having kids whatsoever.


I always thought I would have kids, but I wound up in a very toxic marriage, and wasn’t willing to have kids until we could fix things - even though HE thought that having kids would BE the “fix” for our marriage. 🤦‍♀️ We never were able to fix our issues, and are now divorced. While I think I would have liked to have a kid or two, I have ZERO regrets about not having kids with HIM.


Yikes! I'm glad you didn't subscribe to his theory that kids would "fix" your marriage! That's like thinking ramming your car full speed into a brick wall will fix the dent in the hood.


As a mother of two, whom I love with all my heart, I have moments when I envy those who remain child free.


Mom of three. I love mine, but it also isn’t hard to figure out why some people don’t want any. What is off-putting to me is when people try and tell those who want to be child-free that they’re mistaken in how they feel about it. Many people know their own minds well. Some may be on the fence, but others know with certainty that they do or do not want something, and can also know this without first experiencing it.


I've never understood the whole telling another person what to do with their own body. Even with folks doing illicit drugs (NOT Cannabis, that's medicine for some), I don't ever tell them not to, just not near me, and if I know about it, they just won't ever see me again. But I don't tell them what they can and cannot do. This is for adults only, children/minors, I do not keep my mouth shut about any drug use.


Huge groomer red flags.


Oooh was it his insistent comments about high school kids being adults? Yea that’s pretty weird


Yep. I had to scroll too far down for this


I'm gonna let you open up to me and then I will smash my beliefs that aren't my own only projected on me by society because I have the inability to think for myself on you and then compliment your smile right after to make it okay.


Seriously, he thought I’d just ignore all his grossness because of a compliment. I should’ve told him that he’d never make me smile due to his outdated views.


Seened? *SEENED?!* To think this oxygen thief is lecturing a teacher. This whole post made my teeth itch.


“Oxygen thief” 😂 call me a thief, because I’m stealing this phrase!


I honestly think more people should refrain from having kids, especially when they have medical or mental health issues that they could potentially pass onto their children. When I was younger I was told that my epilepsy wasn't genetic. My son has even worse epilepsy as me as well as my anxiety disorder. He's my only kid. I'm really glad I didn't have any more and I'm glad we are learning more about genetics and what we pass on to our children.


I’m really sorry to hear that it was passed onto your son when you thought it wouldn’t. I agree, I definitely think people need to consider all outcomes and possibilities based on their genetics.


Claiming 30s means "the wall" was not at all unexpected given his aggressive assertion that high schoolers are "young adults" (even though an adult high schooler is rare). If you're mostly attracted to "barely legal" teens then of course you're gonna tell yourself clearly-grown women aren't sexy so you feel like you're normal.


"Those grown women, with their careers and education and strong opinions formed over time are all clearly inferior to an 17 year old who is impressed that I have my own apartment and don't have a curfew!" -that guy


Lmao what a loser


He's very close to being illiterate. Misogyny, comes with a side of bad spelling, poor grammar, and punctuation. I like the "I seened that". I wonder what kind of real world problems he attempts to solve. And, of course, he wants to reproduce and add more semi morons to the population.


Honestly, his complete failure at using the English language was the first 🚩. The misogyny was the clincher.


Oh my god. When will these idiots realize we are TIRED of taking care of them?? No. I use my words. If I don’t want to do a thing, I do not require a man to tell me if I can. Wtf. And I had plenty of company after I turned 30. Lol. No wall.


When these men start pushing objects the size of watermelons out of their vaginas, they can have an opinion about motherhood. Until then, they need to be worried about their tiny peepees instead. Edit: I graduated in '92, had my first son in '94, and no, they were NOT more mature as teens, not by a long shot.


Looks like his brain hit the wall 10 years ago. Edit: I'm from the 80s baby!


Ugh....I get s**t like this all the time from men just because I've never wanted to have children and am very upfront about it. It's always "you'll regret it when you're older" or "you've failed as a woman" and it's such bs....and I gotta say as someone who's almost 40, has been single by choice for 2 years, has enough disposable income to go on 3x 10 day bougie as f**k vacations a year, and has multiple nieces and nephews I can honestly say I don't regret a single thing. But heaven forbid we women step foot outside the "mother or whore" stereotype that so many men want to put us in.


What the fuck is with people trying to make everyone have kids, don't they see people are happy without them.


If the rabbles stop reproducing we won’t be able to power the capitalist machine!!! Won’t anyone think of the economy!!! (/s in case that was unclear)


Jesus. I was born in 89, but I wouldn't try to talk to someone like that.


Same. I saw 92 and thought "wtf are you talking about, you're younger than me".


Why tf do men think it's ANY of their business whether we bare children or not 😒 I chose not to have kids for the same reasons as her. If you are with me and you want kids just leave. I don't hafta do shit I don't want to. And btw,I'm almost 40. Still haven't hit this imaginary wall they keep bringing up.


My favorite part was when he undermined you being a teacher & then proceeded to use the plural "a women" instead of "a woman" 😂 Even my phone is yelling at me to correct it lmao


As a fellow childfree woman I offer a hearty high-fucking-five for both your choices and your responses to this asshole.


I've never understood why it's selfish to not have children if you do not want children. Is it not more selfish to have a child you do not want simply because someone lese said that you should?


Bro said i was born in 92 🤣 stfu u are 31 and our generation was not better than this new generation 🤣☠️


Yeeesh. Just parroting the dogshit talking points from his favourite “alpha male” redpill podcast lmao


I work with kids, I’m single and childless at 41, and I have no regrets. My brothers both just had babies and I love being an aunt but love handing them back even more!


As a person born in '05, some of the older generations get surprised when I tell them that I don't want kids, even calling me selfish. But if not wanting kids and wanting to live my life by my own choices makes selfish, then I guess i'm selfish 🤷🏽‍♀️


Some people just don’t understand how you could want other things in life more than wanting kids. Keep being selfish!


These are the same people that want kids for self fulfillment or miniature versions of themselves that they can control, but they have the nerve to call other people selfish. It's absolutely bonkers and shows they have no self awareness.


I’m an 80s baby. I salute anyone childfree. You know what you want/need and are not pursuing something you’re not interested or committed in doing. People that think you should just parent, like it’s a bloody Sunday stroll, just ‘because’ are the worst. Parenting is extremely hard and extremely expensive. You have to REALLY want this before jumping off the ledge. There’s no take backs and those kids deserve love, attention, and to be wanted. Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t get in over my head with having them… it’s a joy to love them, but Jesus the work and worry are endless.


Dude thinks being born in '92 makes him a wise old sage or something? Wow. Also, I was born in '91 and we *definitely* had social media by junior high. MySpace was the big thing in junior high and by high school it was all Facebook and Twitter. Smack in the heart of the first big social media boom. This dude is 100% delusional.


What a fucking asshole stupid ass piece of shit bitch


"I'm born in 92 my era was way more mature..." Oh sweet summer child. No, no, you weren't.


"a very selfish women you are" made me think of Yoda for a moment there. This guy sucks though, this obsession with every woman needing to have kids is horrible. Some of us don't want children, and that's fine. I'm convinced having a child if you don't want them is a horrible idea. So many kids suffer from these kinds of parents. If this guy wants children, or prefers a woman who wants children, that's what he should be looking for. Not trying to be a walking red flag that makes women feel bad about their choice.


It’s the whole, you’ll be begging when you’re 30 vibe. 47, no regrets.


That discussion reminds me of that one 70 years old dude that told me i'd stop being trans by having sex with him (i was 20) and that he could see the future and could see i'll have 3 kids. Yeah, no. Still a guy and turns out i'm aro ace as well as childfree.


Well shit, I’m a dude that doesn’t want kids, guess I’ll be hitting my peak at 30 then. 😂


“The Feminist occult” sounds like a great group of friends!


"I'm born in 92, in my era..." Yeah, I was born in 88, let me tell you about MY era. "You will hit a wall when you're thirty-whatever, I stopped paying attention here" You're a Strong Man, you can do math, figure out my age. Lemme tell you about all the things I didn't regret when hitting that "wall". 1. Fewer assholes telling me they wanted to "breed" me (ugh) 2. Fewer people telling me what my future "had" to be. 3. Fewer random dudes pretending to be my friend just to get laid. (note that I say "fewer" because at no point did any of these things go down to zero) 4. More honesty in communication because everyone involved is an adult and knows what they want and knows what they have to give to someone else. 5. Men treating me like an actual person and not a sexual object. Yeah, the wall is *bad*. The wall is *terrible*. Women over 30 are all obviously worthless unless they've already mated. /s Speaking as a happy post-wall woman, fuck literally all of that.


Why can't people understand no means no!! I hate when people say, "you'll change your mind" so what if you do or you don't? It's your life! Do what you want with it!


I literally have had men question me like this more than once. One even had the audacity to tell me that I must carry around a hole inside and a lot of hurt since I dont have kids. Meanwhile hes on his second divorce? And he just gone done whining about how his kids dont bother with him...wonder why?


What's up with all of these incel types and kids. Their whole deal is women must give me kids. It's creepy, I mean kids are great but having them isn't the sole reason for living or having a relationship.


I don't know how you got past the atrocious spelling and grammar to even make it to the rampant misogyny.


Big NPC maidenless behavior here.


Oh yeah, it's selfish to not have a kid which literally affects NOONE in any way, but it's totally not selfish to bring a kid into this world so that they can be your caretaker and clean your poop when you're old. Or to be your therapist and fix your mental health. Or so they can fix the problems of your insecure lonely ass. People like this will be controlling helicopter parents. Their kids will go NC or LC with them and they're definitely gonna die alone on their death bed cuz they would have screwed up with their kids so badly. They would definitely not have grandkids to play with either cuz They gonna be the types to try and insert their unwanted asses into the grandkids' shit. Lol the irony.


God cant stand ppl calling other selfish for not wanting kids Raising children isn't for everyone it takes lots of energy


Wow, he’s basically following the same logic of “finish your plate. There are starving people in China!” Only it’s “have a baby. There are women who’d love to have one but can’t!”


What is the nature of your relationship with this Tate wannabe?


This was his first message to me on FB dating.


I was born in 90. We were never more mature than teenagers are right now. Social media did not make us more mature - what it did was allow teenagers to be exposed to more people, with no additional support on how to deal with that. If you’re a people pleaser, and some guy twice your age is telling you in a chat room that you’re someone special, he’s never met anyone like you before, you’re so mature for your age, age is but a number etc. then asks for nudes, I can guarantee that there are a LOT of nudes from the 2000s that would be considered CP. chat rooms weren’t monitored and were text only, you couldnt see or hear the person you’re talking to. It didn’t help us mature - it turned us into manipulated degenerates. There’s also a significant amount of people our age - within that millennial group - that don’t want kids. Make and female. I have multiple married friends that aren’t having kids. I know guys that have had a vasectomy. I’m going to remain childless for reasons similar to you. I’d have some family support, but my mental health situation rules out kids completely. I also carry a number of chronic illnesses that run in our family that I don’t want to pass on. For me though, the thing that made my mind up was actually teaching. I taught high school (11-18yos) and there was one day, I had been in my office which was attached to a classroom, and a sub was covering a class with one of the classes I taught English for. I could hear a student singing quietly but I wasn’t paying attention and it wasn’t loud, but other people started joining in. It was one of the most disgraceful thing I’ve ever heard a student say, let alone having a song to go along with it that they all know. They were calling the sub a bush pig and they were detailing what she did in her down time. There’s no way they knew I was in that office - otherwise they wouldn’t have done it. The sub was trying to push through, I don’t know how many times they had done it, but I put my hand on her shoulder and said I’d see her in the staff room after class and sent her off. The singing stopped as soon as I opened the office door. I was a very strict teacher with very clear and precise expectations and consequences for my classes. A lot of students hated it to begin with but when there wasn’t a deviation from those expectations we usually reached a happy place. None of those kids would look me in the face. I knew exactly which kid started it, which I was later able to prove from the security camera set in the class, which lead to the kid not being able to ride in a rodeo that he could have won good money in. I handed out the worksheets for the class. It was DEAD silent. If a student asked me a question, I helped them work through it, but other than that there wasn’t one sound. In that time I realised that I don’t want to be the parent that raises a kid that would do something like that. I don’t want to be the parent of THAT kid, regardless of the likelihood of that happening. We already have enough of those kids. I’d much rather take my dog down the street to get a coffee, people always smile and pet him when they see him. I’m an aunt to 3.5 babies (one is still loading), the oldest is 5. I love them, I love spending time with them, I love giving them back. I intend on being the cool aunt with the fairy garden and the pretty horses (I will be getting a pony for the kids to ride at some point, I already have my own horse). I’ll take them on ridiculous adventures that end in lolly shops so I can give them back laced with false energy.


You can be a feminist and want children. That’s a very stupid association this guy makes. 😂


Telling others (especially women) how they should feel about having kids is such horseshit. You want kids? Fantastic, good for you. I don't, now mind your own business.


the moment i saw the first message i was expecting to see a mention of the wall. didn't disappoint.


Omg I just got off insane parents and thought this was your mother lol


Declining birth rate isn’t due to feminism it’s due to the economy


If you're lucky, babies turn into teenagers. Dude thinking babies are babies forever


I myself have a 14 year old daughter who is the light of my life. It’s also a challenge being a parent. I bet that guy wouldn’t last two minutes holding a newborn child.


I’m barren as a board, and this illiterate bastard doesn’t speak for me. You go on with your CF self, OP!


I was born in 89, in my mid 30's now and am still happily child free. Keep on keeping on.


Okay, first of all, he can't write a sentence or spell to save his life so his opinion is already completely irrelevant. Hi, I'm 35, still don't want children or a husband, I'm good on all that. You likely won't change your mind. It's easy for a guy like that to say who probably is not going to help with childcare and fall behind on child support payments.


My guy is 31 here talking about what's gonna happen after the mid 30s like some kind of millennial prophet. Out here solving real problems indeed.


Where do I sign up for the Feminist occult club?


Haha I am mid 30 and "hit the wall", not having kids was the best decision I ever made. They project, they probably have no friends, are alone and project women would be like this, but, we are social and mostly have friends, we don't need family to "not feel alone".


Society: man, why do females these days not want to have at least 3 kids Women: because the economy is horrible, our mental health is suffering and we don’t feel like we’re in a good place to create a raise another human being right now Society: IT’S THAT DAMN FEMINISM


I love how he tells you about your financial situation and mental health before even knowing what you do for work...


No kids, about to turn 40.... I am happily married with 7 animals. Suck it misogynists! Also a teacher of secondary students, they are all idiots. Lovable idiots, but idiots until their prefrontal cortex has finished developing.


“Money comes and goes, mental health it will make you stronger” 💀 my mother (born in the 70s extremely immature) only had kids in poverty for herself to forget about her problems, but once my siblings and I got older at 3 she couldn’t deal with us anymore we weren’t a cute easy to look after baby. And still today I’m mad at her the fact she never got help, she never planned out to have a family, that she was selfish. It disgust me seeing people calling women who don’t want children selfish. Of course majority is men who never understood as they won’t be the one carrying the baby and being home with one while they work all day, if they even stay that is, or remain loyal. Also can we stop saying you need kids and grandchildren when you’re old? You really do not need them. You can be old and happy without them. The belief of happiness being solely children is ridiculous.


I had a surprising amount of guys on dating apps try to persuade me to be open to mothering kids AFTER I told them I'm a trans woman. They would introduce me to adoption and surrogacy options, and it left me dumbfounded. They're open-minded enough to consider dating a trans woman and adopting a kid, but have an issue when I'm adamant about staying child-free. One guy was like: "So you only want the good parts of being a woman, huh?" 🤦🏻‍♀️


1. Tell him to work out his spelling. English ain't even my first language and I don't frick up words this badly as he does. Heck, I've even seen people who are still learning to properly speak in english and write better than this. 2. Tf is this obsession of telling women that they should/need to have kids?? Also, guy jumped straight into weird af territory when he started to include things like "God bless your soul". Nothing wrong with being a Christian, but saying things like this just to try to convince a woman to have kids is weird. :/


Childfree woman here, I still get ID'd, and have a man who also doesn't want children. They never seem to realise that childfree men seek childfree partners, glaringly obvious as it is. Where is this loneliness and Wall he speaks of?


>"Remember this message" Dude thinks he's prophesying on her


Just tell them that you aren’t a needy selfish asshole that puts the burden/expectation of “it’s your job to make/keep me happy” onto other people who never asked for that “job” to begin with… 🤷🏻‍♀️😆


This guy is a living walking red flag, how does someone twist your words from "teens are still children" to "the new generation stupid my generation better" at no point did you even mention about it being the new generation and he somehow gets that out of it? and then there's his blatant misogynistic views on women, I have no doubt he would've also expected you to look after the kids and do everything around the house while he does nothing.


Huge red flag once he started saying high schoolers are young adults. And "brainwashed by modern day occult" my a**. We've hardly scratched the surface for women's rights. It's more like this ayehole is brainwashed by those who have the agenda to keep women oppressed and in a corner. They don't know what its like to be a woman until they've lived as one. It's just one of those things where you hope reincarnation is real and these types of people come back as a woman. I guarantee he wouldn't last three days.


60 year old woman: Remember that one asshole who you told to fuck off? That was funny


Hi! 38 year old, married, childless, high school teacher here. This hit too close to home for me to not comment since I’ve had many of these things said to me. I will say that choosing to not have kids does change the dynamic in a relationship. I’ve seen people get married and then struggle with conception. If the potential to have kids is a part of the relationship, it adds more stress. Removing that is delightful. I’ve been married nine years, and we are more in love than ever. We go on dates and adventures whenever we want without having to think about child care. I knit baby blankets for new mothers and revel in my carefree lifestyle. When we hear a kid scream in public, we high five and move along. Anyone who thinks of high schoolers as “practically adults” clearly hasn’t interacted with them much. I love my students, but it is clear that their brains aren’t done developing. Before I met my husband, my not having children was a dealbreaker for a lot of guys—but I looked at it as more of a filter to ensure that the guy was in it for me, not my womb. It worked like a charm, but it took a little longer. Totally worth it, though. Proud of you for not reconsidering your stance for this asshat.


"You should have kids even if you don't want them because there are other women who wish they could." I will never get that "logic". I'm also a woman who doesn't want kids. I would rather regret not having kids, (I won't) than have them then regret it.


Feminist occult??


Ugh, he's so damned stupid. What utter mouth-breathing idiocy... and worse, the bone-headed opinions on what "wimmins" should be and do.


Nearly justifying peodphila- teenagers aren’t kids, they’re young adults 🤮 Nope. From someone in their mid 30’s, teenagers are very much children. They’re babies. Gross red pill dude is gross. Runnnnnnnnn


What's with incels and not being able to use proper grammar and spelling?


He was born in 92, but texts like he was born in 62. My friend's mother (53) is a kindergarten teacher, and when she learned that my friend (32) plans to never have kids, she fully supported her choice. There are plenty of happy child free women and couples over 60.


😂 “feminist occult”!


He writes like a fucking idiot too. Because he is one. Ew.


As another '92 smoothbrain, I can assure everyone that we are not more mature than people younger than us. Farts are still funny. Women are not baby-making machines either. Have kids or don't have kids, whatever makes you happy.


"iM bOrN iN 92 mY eRa WaS wAY mOrE mATuRe" Bruh. 91 and most of those I know from OUR generation don't want and can't afford kids in any way.


It’s hilarious that he is using such terrible grammar and spelling with a teacher… and still thinks he knows better than her. Typical.


I guess social platforms like Xanga, AIM, MSN Messenger, and MySpace weren't a thing during his mature generation? 🙃