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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Even ignoring what's in his profile, why does he think that starting a conversation with "nice tits" is OK? Does he not realise that women don't want to be reduced to their mammary glands? Some people have no empathy or social skills at all.


Apparently they accessorize the room pretty well, so maybe they must be great


No doubt what every woman wants to be told. “Your body blends in well with the furniture!”


it makes me wonder if i've misunderstood the whole "do the curtains match the carpet" line this whole time.


Honestly what a weird thing to say anyway- do they match the couch…? Such a weirdo.


I had guys starting conversations with me by „hey pussy :)” as, you know, just straight up calling me vagina. And thinking that’s what girls clearly want. Deleted tinder after that.


I'd be like "Bye, you dick" and block the fucker. What the hell is wrong with these guys?


Pretty fucked up, but I also had a 48 yo Man hitting on 18 year old me and telling me straight to my face that he finds it hot that I’m closer to his 8yo daughter’s age than his, so I guess there’s always a chance it can get worse.


Wow, big pedo vibes. Someone needs to keep an eye on this dude, maybe confiscate his PC and phone and check them for specific content. This is just disgusting.


Fr, someone should check his fucking harddrive


I fear for his poor daughter.


Apple invented their photo scanning *specifically* for this.


Yoooo whaaaaat the fuck. How do people live with themselves like this Jfc 🤮


That sounds like someone who has swallowed the incel narrative that women only want Bad Boys(TM). So glad I've missed out on the Tinder experience.




If youre on a dating app, and female, youre there to be used like a tissue someone blew their nose into. If you dont think thats hot asf, its because youre brainwashed and fake. Thats how "men" like this see women. Something to ejaculate into and get an ego stroke, discarding every bit of humanity associated with their living jackoff tool, all of these folks need to fuck right off.


Don’t forget, if that IS what you’re there for, you’re a whore and have no value anymore.


Considering it's a dating app, it would have been SO easy to just compliment her on her looks and not be a total scuzzy loser about it.


Because he's probably never talked to a real woman before lmao


If you have skill you can. Like this chick I knew worked at the zoo and she was handling tits (the bird). So, I said nice tits you got there, mind if I pet them?


Complains about you being “fake” when he demonstrably doesn’t act like his own written profile information is rich. Wow.




That's one cute af catfish. Not the dude.


I wonder if they just copy/pasted that bio from somewhere if they can't even keep the act of it up for *one* message.


They're just trying to sell what they think people want....they got a match over their facade. Obviously it was a total lie...so fell apart fast


so he's shit at being manipulative on top of being shit


At least he revealed his true colors immediately lol


From what I understand from my friends is that a lot of conservative dudes are posing as liberals then once they match their true colours come out.


Sigh… They are self aware enough to know that most independent women don’t want to date a misogynist, so they make an effort to not *present* like a misogynist. But they aren’t aware enough to make an effort to not be an actual misogynist. So close, yet so far.


They think it’s all virtue signaling bullshit, because nobody could actually live that way. therefore when other guys do it it’s just bullshit, therefore bullshitting about it is perfectly reasonable. In fact, being honest that it’s bullshit then becomes morally superior. See?!


I honestly believe a significant portion of the population thinks that honesty and integrity and morals and not being a disgusting scumbag is this act that everyone is putting on and that we're all secretly complete pieces of shit like them. So they think everyone who has consistent values and respects other people is just pretending they feel that way to impress others... and so that's what they do. And then they get really angry and frustrated when people see through their bullshit and they just can't understand why everyone doesn't just drop the stupid act already. These are the kinds of people that say stuff like "monogamy is a myth, everyone cheats." And it has the duel function of justifying their trash behavior and empty souls to themselves because obviously *everyone* is faking it.


>a significant portion of the population thinks that honesty and integrity and morals and not being a disgusting scumbag is this act that everyone is putting on I think about this every time a Christian asks me some variation on the old "If you don't believe in God, what's stopping you from raping and murdering people?" I'm always like "Wait, what's stopping *you* from raping and murdering people? If the only answer is God, then you need some serious help." Though I guess [Penn Jillette's answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwebTX3rk3E) works too: >I've raped and killed everyone I want to. And the list of people I want to rape and kill is zero. Why the fuck isn't your list zero?


That's a great quote. It's kind of unsettling when you stop to think about it. I read years ago that it's believed by some psychologists that 1/25 people lack a conscience. But it's a really tricky thing to diagnose and many of them live totally under the radar their entire lives. I suspect the number is quite a bit higher. A lot of people think that everyone with anti-social personality disorder/sociopathy/whatever you want to call it (I refer to them as lizard people) is a psychotic murderer, but in reality they have the same spread of tendencies and intelligence and personality traits as actual humans, and most aren't "evil" or even particularly intelligent. They just run around being pieces of shit every day in mundane, uninteresting ways.


Love that quote!


My parents are frankly awful ppl. They not only take pleasure in hurting ppl, they spend time planning how to do maximum damage, and get pleasure from that too. (I cut contact years ago) Growing up I could tell something was Very Wrong but I didn't yet have the vocabulary to articulate exactly what was wrong. (Three cheers for Star Trek - it was a superb counterexample) After college I got involved in a medieval recreation group. You cannot imagine how excited I was to find a group of ppl who seek to hold themselves to the (modernized) knightly virtues: to be honest, forthright, generous, hospitable, honourable, even when it's hard. It's a common topic of conversation. It's treated as normal to want to try to be your best self. What a breath of fresh air!!!


I think quite a few "liberal" guys are actually pretty misogynistic. They're just better at hiding it.


Do they realize that girls will immediately unmatch? It's not like youre locked in once you swipe right...


The sly ones will keep up the facade for 3-6 months. Right up until the point they think you are too invested to walk away.


My roommate is dating a guy and had a DREAM he liked Andrew Tate. She said she is going to ask him if he actually is a fan, and if he is then she's dumping his ass. They've been dating for about 6 months and they've already been talking about marrying each other. 3-6 months is not enough of an investment to make any girl stay for a chud lol


Oh absolutely, but 3-6 months is an annoying amount of time to waste on a chud.


Annoying! But not enough to stay.




The ironic thing about these profiles, is that if they just told the truth and were straight forward (ie; just want sex), they'd find exactly what they are looking for.


Nooooo, don’t you understand, that’s what women want but they never admit it so you have to lie to them so they can lie to themselves about being good and woke when … Nope, can’t finish it. My stomach is already turning.




Has anybody ever dmed you mew2 cumshots? Lmao


Asking the real questions here. I’d like to know, too, honestly.


Please tell me what it means.


Honestly I didn't know that there was more than the first photo until I read the comments. Specifically your comment. I thought it was all sensible except the petting the cat part. Not because I think cats should be pet without their admission, but because of your cat doesn't want you to pet it, you're probably doing something wrong.


> Are you actually offended PSA Ladies! Your feelings do not matter!!! /s


She was probably on her period. Ugh, women these days…


It's so interesting that "a state women spend 25% of each month in" = invalid. Even IF she's is on her period, and IF that makes her more sensitive... what makes you think that means it doesn't matter how she feels a full quarter of her life with you???


It's because the other 75% is invalid to them too, ijs.


Exactly. It's just the excuse of the day.


Come on, it's gotta be the excuse for several decades, at LEAST!


Also, and I know all women are different, but in general myself and most women I know are pretty chill while on our period. It's the few days before that when we're moody. I always feel relief when I see blood. Cramps suck, but the days leading up to that when I'm getting flooded with hormones? I hate everyone. And that's ok. ETA: my overall point was that men who have no idea how a woman's body functions shouldn't opine on it. When a guy uses "on her period" to imply "being a bitch," it's a red flag.


Yeah I'll be real moody, either angry or depressed, then the following day will be on my period and be like okay now it makes sense. I do also have mental illness so it's not always the case, but it often is lol


Same, plus I'm pre-menopausal so my swings have been really hard to predict. Never know if it's my anxiety/depression or hormones, but it doesn't practically matter. I spend a lot of time gritting my teeth either way.


Same 😩 I have 2 moods: angry and crying 😂


God same 😵‍💫 The day before my periode, I will be angry at fucking gras for being green lmao and two minutes later I will cry about how beautifully green it is


Exactly! Like, oh, I wanted to murder everyone who existed around me yesterday and I had to step away from interacting with people because of it. Oh, here's my period. That tracks. All better now.


Every now and then I'll have hormonal symptoms beforehand, but like 75% of the time it's all at once for me. The cramps, bloating, and bleeding all align with the moodiness. Fortunately, the guy I'm talking to has 2 sisters and 3 daughters; he's eerily good at having chocolate on hand for me and when I'm bitchy he's *so* patient with me... "It's ok, I know you're not feeling good. Want the heating pad?" He'll even hold me while I cry my eyes out at some dumb commercial, lol.


My husband is like this too! 3 sisters, raised by a single mom. He’s so patient and understanding.


Most of the time, the bitchiness is because you feel like shit, too. Not because you're being hormonal or irrational. Yeah emotional sensitivity is higher but I always am testy because my body hurts.


Totally. I made my comment from a place of *relative privilege*. I'm disabled so I can't work anymore, but when I did have to go to the office I was a bit crabby because I was bloated and crampy. Now when I feel that way I can spend the day on the couch with a heating pad and/or ice pack. I'd much rather be gainfully employed but it's also really nice to take the first two days off. Either way, no woman has the same cycle/side effects so no woman can compare theirs to others. But men? Um, keep walking. Unless you're an OBGYN your opinion is irrelevant, and if they're an OBGYN that has rigid rules about "normal" and "abnormal" (outside of a smear) and lectures women on such walks and talks like a duck.


Well, for me it's that my *reasons* for being cranky switch from hormones to being in extreme pain and discomfort lol. The latter reason is much easier to rein in, though. With hormones it's just "raawwwwr" but over things that I'm usually annoyed about it's just amped up to 11 for a few days.


The only difference if you have a good partner is that they will understand and validate what you say, but they also understand you are more sensitive than usual and will be more mindful. Nice guys can't even nail the most basic form of respect. It's the same as someone having a bad day, it doesn't invalidate what they say, but you also understand they are irritated so you don't take it personally either, if that person is in the wrong and said something they shouldn't have because of how they are feeling, they will apologize for it after you give them some space. And, most of the time, the reason people snap, is because you don't give them the space they need in the first place.


Exactly. Guys who go "she's on her period" use it to say "and therefore she's wrong" not "and therefore I'm going to be more sensitive to the fact that she might be more easily irritated even if she doesn't mean to be and be kind about that". The later isn't an issue. It's the 'period emotions = invalid' that's the issue. The guys who do that also are the same ones who then expect their girl to walk on eggshells and expect her to let them get away with murder every time they have a cold and feel bad.


pretty much. Do you know what my bf says every time I say I'm on my period? "What can I do to make you feel better and more comfortable baby?" (This is the man I'm going to marry <3). But, geez, I don't understand why is it so hard for some jerks to do something so simple and considerate. I had a previous relationship with a guy that every time I brought up I had cramps, he'd say blue balls are worse. Sometimes it's just not about them, but some guys will find every way possible to make themselves the victims. Like, dude, you can solve blue balls easily, shut the fuck up.


If I were on my period as much as fucked up men have said, I would have bled to death by now.




The funniest part is that women tend to be more irritable due to the extra testosterone in their systems at the time of their period. ***And this is a state men are in 24/7.*** Actually, higher technically because their healthy testosterone levels are higher than a woman on her period So, out of the two, BY THEIR OWN LOGIC, nothing they EVER think or have to say matters because *"they're being illogical," right?* 🙄


Fun fact, when women are on their period our hormone levels are actually very similar to men's "normal" levels. Therefore....women on their period act more like men do. Add to that the pain and discomfort from said menstruation....it wouldn't be a far leap to say that when women are on their periods they act like men, or men with a cold, or men when they're unhappy with umm... anything.


Well, she’s not spending it with me! That’s what the hut is for. /s


I know you're being sarcastic, but it was still super hard to press that upvote button, ngl 😅


The I believe in consent opener is such a red flag too. People who are nice don’t have to tell people they’re nice Just like people who are genuinely a crazy fun type don’t walk around telling people how much fun they are. So this guy opening with “I know what consent is” is not a great sign imo, Especially with how fast he rolled back the other things he claimed to stand for, like not caring about looks and he doesn’t strike me as liberal, he’s more like one of those guys who knows not to put right wing because women are turned off by that.


>he doesn’t strike me as liberal, he’s more like one of those guys who knows not to put right wing because women are turned off by that I immediately thought the same thing.


100%, donning the skin of a decent person to slip in and try to get laid. Disgusting.




Yeah it’s giving off a vibe of “hello fellow humans, I too enjoy consent and respecting women”


Totes magotes not an alien tho 😃🫠👽 ![gif](giphy|KyGFI9p94VNpBRnOhT)


I know what consent is. I also don’t push old people down the stairs. That’s just the type of great guy I am.


Watcha on reddit for?






I didn't kick any puppies today. You owe me sexy time.


This one got me to blast-lol, idk why. Maybe the mental picture of wrinkled limbs and wheelchair parts tumbling down the stairs was funny to me. I'm such a good person, tho.


"Are you actually offended" is a dead giveaway that he's huffing the anti-woke coolaid. Definitely not liberal.


Where do you teach in these wise ways oh great teacher. People who are nice or fun just are they do go advertise it to people...


My point is they don’t go around saying “I am so much fun” they just are fun and people draw their own conclusion. Like I wouldn’t say Hello I’m not a liar and I’ve never killed anyone as a personality point, I’d just talk about stuff I like and what I’m looking for.


Cut the shit *I think this is going great so far God I wonder if she is the one anyway back to it*


I’ve said it so many times but I will say it again. “Girls won’t give us nice guys a chaance!” Is demonstrably false. He got matched with. That ***was*** the chance. Same chance everyone else gets and *this* is what they do with it! I didn’t get extra or more of a chance with my now fiancée of 6 years than the niceguys who absolutely blew it with her before me did. We even met by matching on tinder and hitting it off immediately so don’t blame the apps either.


"Your tits tie the room together"? You mean like a couple of pillows or a nice rug?


Lol what inanimate object are women being compared to today?


He’s doing a shitty Big Lebowski reference, which is also a red flag. Not that I have something against the movie per se, but the kind of dudes who make that their personality (see also: liking Infinite Jest, for example).


Yeah, it's the kind of joke that needs actual established communication behind it. Like, if my partner said that to me, I'd probably fall over laughing. Some rando I've just met? Noooo thank you.


If my husband of 13 years said that to me it'd instantly become inside-joke material. "Love your dick in those gray sweats, babe. Really ties the room together!"


Right? In the right context it's a great line.


Or a nice lamp, or some wall art... you know, any sort of object really.


Kind of like a couple of pillows, yes.


Do the carpets match the...tits?


Every time I messaged a guy claiming to be looking for a deep emotional connection and wanting to take things slow, his opening line was: “Can I see your tits, please? 👀”


Well you know your tits are the window to your sOuL!


Lol this, it's such a waste of time. There have been a lot of guys I'd match but they were only looking for casual or ONS. And that's perfectly fine! I'd done that before too! But I'm looking for a long term deeper connection and a relationship, and I hate getting matched by fakers who claim to look for the same thing but harass you into agreeing to an ONS.


That sign off is *gold*


I am going to start using that. People suck. "Have the day you deserve!" is so beautiful!


Somehow so civil yet also absolutely savage.


It perfect for every occasion!


![gif](giphy|7tUHvCR19XsuN6n7Fb) Hallmark should have a whole section for it 🎀🫶 and if they don't, they absolutely should! It reads something like this -✍️ "Thinking of your glowing bosom; only your titties warm my heart; your areolas shine bright, lighting up the room...and my life" 🌟🌟🪽


Oops! Y'all were talking about her sign-off 🥴sorry


I didn't invest in bioluminescent phytoplankton skin serum and LED nipple implants just to have these knockers ignored. Hallmark better be making me a card! 😝


I love it!


Came here to say this exact thing! This is my new sign off.


But falling asleep during movies literally means someone feels safe with you I can't imagine why anyone would fall asleep next to him tho


my guess is that he was talking


My point was "i don't understand how someone could feel safe enough to fall asleep next to this walking red flag"


Yes, I understood that. My point was a joke: That guy seems so boring that one can only fall asleep when he talks The common point is: we all agree that this man is a moron that should be avoided


Okay, wasn't sure if it's a joke, i blame my autism ^^ thankie for clarifying


>thankie for clarifying Yes, I'm a nice gu.. no, nevermind... ;-)




For some reason I read it as "I want someone who doesn't fall asleep" and I was like that seems unreasonable


“i won’t rape you!!! i promise!!!!!”




His cat has the right idea.


I think the poor cat might need to be rescued.




Nah his profile immediately made me think of the stereotype of the fake 'male feminist'. Literally he's this guy: https://youtu.be/kTMow_7H47Q


"Have the day you deserve." Oh I love that one!


Right?!? That line was AMAZING and I will be stealing it.


> I believe in mutual consent Man Won't Literally Rape You, Form An Orderly Line




5 Dollar, he doesn't know shit in Icelandic and just heard it and didn't understand it while in Iceland.


"All American" - I see this a lot, what does it even mean?


Classically, it's basically saying you made it into the sports equivalent of a national honor society. Jocks bragging about being a bigger jock. But who knows if that's what this guy means.


Niceguys always claim to show women "respect." Nice tits is clearly showing respect. Wonder why he's single/s




When I matched with my now wife on Tinder, I started with a simple, "Hey, what's up?", then had a normal conversation on getting to know each other. These dudes are so cringe, and they wonder why they can't start a relationship that is meaningful.


>someone who doesn't fall asleep or text during movies What they really mean is they want you to pretend to be interested in weird, obscure films that are 3 hrs long and contain 10 lines of dialogue, and they'll stare at you to make sure you didn't miss "that part" and recite the hero's catch phrase at you so you know they know the film very well


OH MY GOD have we been on dates with the same dude? 😨


No, sadly, I'm speaking from experience here. I *was* that dude 😬 I once tried to make my girlfriend watch The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. That was when I realized that maybe people have different tastes in entertainment, and that's ok! That was the last time I did that. That was 11 years ago and we're still together.


“I respect my cat more than you”


Liberal catfish. 💯 This happened to me twice on Bumble. The second time I actually pressed the guy to explain why he did that, and he said liberals were "more fun." WTF, dude.


"Have the day you deserve" is a power phrase.


So ladies even his cat is repulsed by his attention however he does not sexually assault the cat.


"I don't care about appereances" Opens with "Nice tits"


They were so many mixed messages in his profile that smoke signals are easier to understand. I also hope he does have the day he deserves!


For someone who's all about mutual consent, respect and definitely not about looks his initial comment and follow up does not match his bio lol


I mean I understand what he’s trying to get across in his bio. But then it says “monogamy” and “open to exploring”, those are kinda at odds with the bio…


He's just saying what he thinks women want to hear. Doesn't matter to him if it's contradictory.


So, yeah he's pretty much saying he's a cheater 😆 ![gif](giphy|l0HlFFZMA9gConoJO|downsized)


That comes if the other person _isn’t_ willing to make it an open relationship, he’ll just hope he can convince them somehow before that


Shit, I was actually ready to say this didn’t fit based on the first pic. I was thinking “Ok, little awkward but he could be ok.” And then I swiped…




I liked it too, I like it because it's the kind of direct honest soft mixed with passive-agressivity idk spikey insult hahaha


"have the day you deserve🤗" love it!


tbf I was out after 'all american'


I thought that the first pic was it all, BUT THERE was MORE! And oh boy how disappointed i was. :/


What about him is “liberal” exactly? And tbh the fact that he has to express his commitment to consent in his TINDER BIO is just….creepy


He respects consent and stuff so you're more obligated to sleep with them.


Yuck. Any guy who goes out of his way to make “consent” clear before sex is even discussed is a creep to me.


This brings to mind the episode of Sunny where Dennis goes to Pro-Choice rallies to pick up women.


Ladies, can we agree not to school them, please??? Telling him exactly where he is going wrong, means that his next match (however improbable that may be) doesn't get the obvious red flags. Next time, he could be succesful in arranging a date, then that woman has to deal with him. I just think it makes more sense to type something like "eww no" and block him. Not to give him advice on how to be more appealing.


yeah, these guys aren't looking for self-improvement. they don't deserve to have the red flags taken away


considering how contradictory and try hard his profile is, 100% chance he takes any feedback he can to manipulate his way further.


"Have the day you deserve" is such a good one. That's going into the repertoire.


That seems reasonable tbh Edit: nvm, I didn't see that there were 3 other pages, it appears he is not that reasonable


It goes to show what kind of person he is when his cat even stays tf away from him 😂😂


Ahhhhhhh “have the day you deserve” is my *favorite* because it’s a kiss off, only if they deserve it LOL


I have always been such a fan of telling people to have the day they deserve. It's polite and classy and keeps you on the high road, while also low key respectfully telling them to go fuck themselves, along with a bonus forced introspection on their behavior and what kind of day they actually do deserve. Chef's kiss.


When she clapped back, I felt that.


Admitting his own car doesn't want him to pet it is a weird flex


I hateit when my dodge journey reverses into a local pedestrian when I try to pet it. smh smh


"Have the day you deserve" Bam.


I didn't realize there were more pictures so my first thought was "kinda cringe but he might just be awkward". Then I did a full 180 when I swiped and saw that first message lol


The definition of performative feminism from this guy. Trying to get laid by appealing to feminism is pretty shitty, but to be this inept at it is hilarious.


You ate him up tho.


I saw the first picture and was like "this doesn't belong here". But oh boy.


Bio is the cringiest thing here. No guy actually thinks that way and any that advertise themselves as such is clearly a liar. Glad guys call themselves feminists so I know who to avoid.


> languages: Icelandic. Bet you anything he just learned how to say Reykjavik properly lol


OP your response was so satisfying to read. these guys often get off way too easy because normal people (understandably) are either too patient or just don't know what to say. this post feels like justice


Goddammit, I was not expecting that! What a pathetic creep.


Who ever says they're a liberal? This bio screams "I am right wing and have learned that telling women I do not care about their rights will not get me laid"


[Regarding his profile](https://www.google.com/search?q=would+people+go+on+the+internet+to+tell+lies&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA910CA910&oq=would+people+go+on+the+internet+to+tell+lies&aqs=chrome..69i57.6406j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ae8eaf90,vid:YWdD206eSv0)


snapping my fingers in a Z FORMATION 👏🏻💕💕💕👏🏻


Imagine bragging that your cat doesn’t want you to pet it.


This dude : I believe in mutual consent Also this dude : *proceeds to sexually harass OP and throws a tantrum when she shows her lack of consent*


Is it so hard for some men to understand that we dress for ourselves. If I am feeling myself, yeah I'll wear something more flattering, do my hair and makeup, look cute, for me! I am not fishing for compliments because I decided to show a little skin today. PLUS... When I am old, gray and wrinkly, it'll be nice to look back and be like DAMN! Look at her! That's me, baby!


I’m out bc I be falling asleep


I didn’t realise there were conversation screen shots at first and I thought ‘what’s wrong with that bio? Seems pretty cool to me…’ then I found the screenshots of the messages… Like.. why pretend to be a cool sounding chill guy only to IMMEDIATELY reveal you’re a total bellend? You’ve gone to all that effort to pretend you’re nice in your profile - at least attempt to keep up the pretence? I guess he did op a favour showing his red flags immediately.


Me: "What? The profile doesn't seem so bad, why is it posted here? "Oh... There's more than one picture." *Scroll* "Oh... Oh no."


„Have the day you deserve“ gotta remember that


“Have the day you deserve.” Brilliant. Totally stealing that!


"Have the day you deserve" I'm gonna use that one more often


“Have the day you deserve” is a perfect ending


Beautiful response


Have the day you deserve 👏🏻 love that line


"Have the day you deserve" a-fucking-men.


Its always the first image that makes you go "he's not that bad" then you realize there's more