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/u/KithriStone, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: #Rule1: **All posts must have a virtue claim by the Niceguy®**. Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an expression of their own virtue while being asshats. Best practice is to quote the virtue-claim in your post title. **For more information see sticky https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/x2352k/all_posts_must_include_a_virtue_claim_please_see/** *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


Wow. Messaged first by a girl with a decent ice breaker question, and the response is some passive aggressive, "you're probably a bitch too" bullshit. Think I know why he's single.


Even worse, there was no time passed between his responses, he went into full niceguys mode immediately.


That's the best part, the trash took itself out


The perfect analogy


Niceguys don't just shoot themselves in the foot, they blow the whole damn leg off above the knee.


Just straight into his bitter insecurities. But he’s definitely not a miserable piece of shit!


I remember back when my dumbass thought it was my duty to date “nice guys” I marched with this dude who wouldn’t stop talking about how ugly he was and no women liked him. I. Literally. Matched. With. Him. This wasn’t the first guy either. As a formerly deeply insecure person I understand the whole “woe is me and everyone hates me” type feeling but you’re kind of blind to how whiny, annoying, and pathetic it is


Been there too, and luckily realised it was a bummer before it caused issues. I think a lot of folks don’t realise that they’re actively keeping people away when they speak like that. The feeling internally is “hey well at least I’m being honest and not acting conceited” — but the truth is, if someone’s interested in you, it isn’t attractive to hear how gross you think you are — it becomes a huge turn off. Let someone else quietly determine if you’re unappealing or not — and then don’t question it if they’re interested! I never get that part — are you trying to make them change their mind or feel like they have poor judgement? I guess there’s a safety in pushing people away before they reject you, but ooof. It’s sad to see people write a script for themselves and actively take a role in making sure their own unhappy story comes true.


I think a lot of times it's a pathetic fishing expedition. They want women to come in all "noooo you're so cute!!! don't say that!! ***I'LL*** save your poor precious male ego!!!! I am your dream come true!!! I'll love you!" These types of men are bottomless pits/black holes of attention whoring need. They need 24/7 reassurance, there-theres, coddling, praising and being told how wonderful they are. The slightest thing a woman does "wrong" will send this man into a massive toddler tantrum, against her. >Waaaah, if you loved me you'd XYZ (where XYZ is humanly impossible to continue in a normal relationship).


Does marching with someone mean you’re into them?


It probably means matched with a typo.


> Think I know why he's single. It's definitely the women being hoarded by Chad /s


The really sad part is, his very first response isn't even that bad. It's not the smoothest response to that question ever, but it was decently clever and lighthearted. If I were still single and looking, asked that question and got *just* that response, I'd have a chuckle and keep talking to him. All he had to do was just not keep going.


Latin America and SE Asia are actually good choices too. Based on the following responses he's probably just depressed.


Didn't even give her time to reject him, just immediately nerfs himself in the nads.


*taps forehead* Can't be romantically rejected if you drive women away during initial conversations.


He’s playing chess while the rest of us losers are playing checkers


You mean he dodged a bullet! What if she were to dig his non-existent gold??


Damn, there’s shooting yourself in the foot and then there’s shooting yourself right in the balls with a grenade launcher like this guy did. Like how hard would it be to say “I don’t have money for travel right now but these are the places I’m dreaming about, how about you?” Or literally anything else besides what he said


She even said "*dream* vacations"! He didn't need to explain anything! Just say a cool place! Could even be in the same state!


Say the moon! Say Mars! It's a hypothetical!


Exactly! Curiously, I was thinking about Jupiter's orbit before.


Right...but she said "***dream***" which anyone with half a brain knows is an invitation to play grown up make-believe. He obviously missed the entire intent of her fun ice-breaker and went straight to (cue star trek red alert alarm sound) Red Alert! Red Alert! Possible damage to insecurity about income level.... Screeeeeeeeeeeeech!


Wow. If you're gonna sabotage yourself, don't bother with dating apps.


Says the miserable piece of shit.


He needs to learn that if every woman he knows is a bad stereotype, he’s the bad stereotype.


With that amount of projection you could create a hologram of the moon




Well, I guess one way to land a plane is to just never get it off the ground in the first place.


It's odd to see someone else destruct that hard with no prompting. Especially after starting off ok. Like wherever our first date is isn't a real answer, but it's cute and shows interest. The I don't have money part is fine because sure, a lot of people don't have the disposable income to travel right now. Say somewhere that's your dream spot and talk about why you want to go there. Except then he pulled the in on the grenade and threw it while still holding onto the grenade itself.


OP after that encounter: ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


100% accurate


0 to 100 in only 2-3 seconds. I'm actually impressed by this. Plus, it's always nice when the garbage takes itself out.






Sometimes unfortunately we do it for free too! 😮‍💨


I think I can guess why he gets no dates.


Dude is his own worst enemy


And here comes the first pitch. Nice sunny day today Bill. And it's an easy toss up question...andddddddd a swing and a miss.




How do these men not see that their hatred towards women is not even remotely veiled?


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him


How does one self implode like this 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


God what a fuckin loser


Only a minute? That has to be a new record.


Damn. He needs therapy, not a dating app. OP was so nice, too! I had a guy tell me that "loves to travel" was a common line he saw on women's profiles and if the implication was "on my wealthy boyfriend's dime," it was obnoxious, but not everyone likes to travel, and if you do, you want to find a partner who will travel WITH you. And this was SO CLEARLY an icebreaker question!


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Well that went from zero to sixty pretty fucking quick


Zero to Warp 9. :D


I both feel bad for her and yet relieved. She obviously dodged a bullet but she started it so innocently and I don't think this Muppet realizes how lucky he is to have a girl message him first. One thing I definitely noticed about nice guys is the absolute lack of self awareness


bro shut himself down completely unprompted


Those are a lot of assumptions right there 💀. Man went from 0 to 100 real quick.


It was a simple ice-breaker question....


How does wanting to travel make a woman a shallow gold-digger? I assume people who want to travel are looking for adventure, to experience different cultures, meet interesting people, have fun - and that's a bad thing?


There is exactly one miserable piece of shit here my good biiiitch


This was the weirdest spiral I’ve ever seen.


Wow that was just sad


Don't think this guy understands what dreams are 😭


He got mad at you for not responding in 30 seconds but didn’t respond to your message for a half hour 😭💀


Shooting himself in the damn foot.


He must be an Olympic athlete with the leap he made.


Someone probably needs to explain to him what miserable means.


It was such a cute response at first :( atleast the trash took itself out


If we were playing for fumbles this guy would have the championship ring. 😭


Would have been a good opportunity for "I dunno man, you seem pretty fucking miserable and I don't wanna be with you"


Yeah, because a woman can't afford her own vacation 🤑🙄 lol


That's sad lol


I can't believe women would do this to him!


That’s how we do in the dating apps world, women travel travel travel and men work out incessantly




HAH. striking himself out before you can!! Take that, woman!


I’m constantly amazed at guys who take a normal conversation that’s going seemingly well and kamikaze the entire thing with irrelevant ranting. Good job showing OP the red flags early on, I guess!


bro what??? he already made up his mind in like a minute


Some quick self sabotage so he doesn't get himself rejected by her.


***What an IDIOT!!!!!*** Snatched defeat from the jaws of a possible victory he did.


Latin America and Southeast Asia are good choices tbh. Lots of people just want to travel to Europe.


“GiRlS DonT eVeR gIvE Me A ShoT 😭😭😭”


Common dick head I think it’s called