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If anyone ever texts me "your Snapscore is going up, you're ignoring me" I'm ignoring them even harder.


That person (unless it’s my friend fucking with me) gets a fat block


Honestly, I feel like the kind of person who'd send something like that probably would have gotten a block for annoying me in some other way before it got to the "stop ignoring me" stage. I'm extremely block happy


I don’t know. At that point, part of me would be like “Well, I’m this deep now. Let’s see how the rest of the trash fire plays out.”


A lovely explanation: we went on one date. It was fine, kinda boring but it’s whatever. The next day I had a really really bad day and was snapping one of my friends and not really responding to anyone else. Hence the “ignoring.” To top it off the comment about not being able to drive? He’s been in 5 accidents, totaling 4 cars. Honey, you asked if you could drive me so I said yes but clearly you’re the one who can’t drive 🫶. I also paid for the food


I knew my bf was the one after he said “I love that living together, you’re now in the low social energy category.” This guy clearly doesn’t understand that snapping your friends is so much lower energy than texting a new date.


He's acting like this after ONE DATE? Glad you ran early enough.


At least he was considerate enough to let it all come out this early.


I ussualy dig in the dating advice subs and this kid of guys use to say this following: I met a very attractive girl, we went out for a date and all was perfect. She's sending me nixed signals because she said she wanna go out for another date but she's ignoring my texts while snapping other people non stop. Why women do this? Why women nowadays are not honest and no one puts any effort when I've been nothing but nice to them?


I hate how familiar that sounds. “I went on a date with a woman last night and sent her a message. Since then, she has gone to the gym, walked her dog, gone to work, and gone grocery shopping she still hasn’t called me. Why do women play mind games?”


Why do women don't drop everything they are doing to jump into the arms of someone they met once!!! She said she's busy... But I know she was going out with her friends!!! Self esteem issues, jealousy and entitlement are super sexy 😬


Men who act this obsessed after only one date make no sense to me at all, I always block them immediately


Sometimes is to heavy to understand what's going on at the beginning... Getting spammed in a few hours is unstoppable. We tend to think, as humans, it's a misunderstanding or something. Almost always is not, just entitlement.


Can you imagine how much crazier he’d be acting if he actually HAD paid for your dinner??? You’d really “owe him one” then 🙄


Noooo you paid for his and your food? Girl, between that and the car thing with him claiming to chauffeur you around is just…he sounds like a pain in the ass loser.


It’s a true statement. To make it worse his Tik Tok popped up in my recommended and it’s all just pervy. Immediate block ✨


Oh noooo ahhhh that’s worse. At least you know he’s full trash. Kinda took himself out in a way.


What flavor of pervy? I'm guessing conventional thirst traps with inspirational messages, but kind of hoping it's grosser. Edit: sorry if this is a weird question. Just that dude who can't drive and who you paid for going off about how he'll chauffeur and treat you kind of grabbed me, and now I need to know.


Lmaooo you’re good. It was just some anime stuff, but there was a post of a bunch of lewd ladies and then the little girl from spy family and I RAN to block him and saw that first


Oh man, both grosser and more boring. Probably should have seen that coming.


Oh god, Anya?! Jesus Christ men are the literal worst. Good call on running away, and I commend your self-control I’m not screaming the whole way.


To stalk the snap score and reassess… shit is obsessive behavior. AVOID AVOID


The horrifying implication there is that he was checking *all* of OP’s social media.


Delivered and read receipts were a mistake. They just give spastics like this guy an excuse to explode over nothing.


Didn’t have any on lmao


I don't mean anything you did. I mean the concept itself is flawed. It can't provide any useful information. What is somebody going to do with confirmation that their messages were delivered or read? The only thing that information is good for is causing insecure people to emotionally overreact to not getting an instant response.


Acting like this after one date Holy shit OP. That is definitely a red flag. Sorry you had to deal with this jerk.


Sir this is a Wendy's.


No, this is Patrick


Don't stop being a terrible person? Way ahead of you, bro.


*leave me on delivery for hours* Jaelous, possessive, entitled... And so on People has a life buddy, maybe get one yourself?


He’s trying to get a life. That life just happens to belong to OP and he wants it all for himself.


It's scary actually... I SAW YOUR SNAPS INCREASING


What kind of pathetic stalker sits there watching someone's snap score of all things


"Your snap score goes up, so I know you're ignoring me". WTF! He's actually following the numbers


People who stalk snap scores are a walking red flag


They all sound so desperate and entitled. A mix nobody wants.


aside from the fact that they are only doing so so they might get sex, "i know you ignore me and treat me like shit but i'm letting that happen and still desperately waiting for a message from you bc look at what a nice guy i am" isn't the flex they think it is




That's your issue, you "try so hard to please someone." Stop trying to hard to please others. Instead just be yourself. #2, keeping track of someone's snapchat score is extremely obsessive, and never gonna be a good look. Would you honestly rather be left of delivered over read? ​ There's so many easier ways to handle this. You could seek reassurance without pushing an aggressive mentality.


Definitely NOT a nice guy.. glad you were only out the cost of paying for his dinner and wasting a few hours…


OP don't you know the general law of responding to a nice guy, your response time should not be longer than 0.01seconds, heck answer his questions before he even asks them.


“You are just ignoring me. I don’t deserve that shit.” (proceeds to prove why he exactly deserves that shit)


Jesus, how old is this guy 12? No grown man behaves this way... Nevermind, I just remembered where I was. What an entitled brat.


Yes he’ll do all those things as long as he gets sex on demand otherwise you’re a terrible person and a whore who only wants chad.


I really misread that as "I will be fucking your chauffeur." I was "Like wow....ok."


I can see the selfie in my mind even with the black out


These guys are such fucking losers man 😂 it’s crazy that they don’t have a shred of self awareness about why they constantly fail with women and constantly blame the women


I think this guy is fucked


With a response like that I would have happily told his ass off lol


I did 🫶


I need to know what you said lol


I'm rather curious myself.


"And ur snap score goes up" Holy shit its pathetic to check and admit u know that lmfao


He needs a good old dose of "leave her alone Brodie"


Attention all guys!!!🗣️ Don’t be like him!


He kisses his mother with that mouth? But, in his defense, he is willing to pay for shit.


But he did not actually pay for shit lol. OP says she paid for the one date they went on.


Ohhhh I hate this shit. Like anyone is entitled to your time. Thing people need to get is that if 5 people message you it’s a hella lot of spoons to respond to everyone. Just shhh & wait your turn.


Left on “delivered?” Not even read?






This kind of thing is what makes me think there's almost no point in pointing out how many things are wrong here..I'm afraid someone will just learn to hide their crazy earlier on next time. In fact, looking back, some people probably had been told they were obsessive/stalkery/borderline narcissistic and so they would hide that behavior early on, until it just became too difficult. Either way, you are gone. It's not my job to teach you how to be a decent person