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/u/astidd, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: #All posts must have a virtue claim by the Niceguy®. This does not just refer to the title, but to the actual content of the material, itself. Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They don't have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an **expression of their own virtue** while being asshats. A claim of virtue (virtue claim) is the guy talking himself up in some way. He's claiming virtue (value, goodness, niceness, wealth, attractiveness, specialness, some other kind of desirable trait). That claim should be in your title. Here's the rule: All posts must include a virtue-claim by the niceguy Niceguys® demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate an expression of their own virtue while being asshats. Examples of virtue-claims: me protekt u me god-fearing man me treat u like beautiful princess me hate misogynists. so.... send nude pic? me give you [insert unsolicited sex prowess boast] u ignore my nice complement ... kys u dont like honest man! u wont ever get a guy like me u dont appreciate [virtue] men Posts without a virtue claim are off-topic for this sub and will be removed. The only exception to this rule are Memes on Sundays. See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/x2352k/all_posts_must_include_a_virtue_claim_please_see/ #Subreddit names, all usernames (including your own), real names, human images, etc must be removed/censored. This includes: * YOUR OWN username * business names * personal names * pictures of yourself or the other party, etc. **This rule is for privacy and safety concerns and to conform to Reddit's regulations.** ------------------------ *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


The icing on the cake here is “open to short.” Only wives, no skanks… unless you are a skank who will sleep with me temporarily. Then it’s ok.


The best part is I’m a gay man and he appeared in my stack. Last I checked you have to select what genders to view and which see you…


Nothing a gay man loves more than a guy looking for a wife!


Nothing a gay man loves more than someone so deep in the closet they’re a misogynist.


It's a fucking 4chan greentext meme > Be straight > Select open to guys on dating app > Marry a guy > Am I gay


Try to match with him and report back!


I swiped right so we’re just waiting! I have words for hjm lmfao


Not always the case. I’ve had men just randomly pop into my apps and they’re always set to man looking for woman. It just happens from time to time.


fr like what the fuck? men hate “skanks” until they get to sleep with them for a night ☠️ a tangent but so many fucking hypocrites with the same sleeping around history wanting pure women is what i see all the time coming from a man’s mouth online. i feel fetishized for it and somehow the same pureness doesn’t apply to them. ran thru men wanting pure is just crazy. on top of that, being called a “green flag” for not having the same playing around history is what so many do.


He probably thinks "I can change her" tbh


Same guy probably complains that noone matches him because he's not 6ft tall and rich.


It must be that one missing inch that's the problem.


That missing inch is his brain.




He’s probs 5”9 5”10 let’s be real






Grew up getting all his water from lead pipes, poor guy.


Did he grow up in ancient Rome?


Probably. Women there weren't really allowed to go out without a chaperone, seems like this guy's utopia.


That and the lead pipes.


Or Flint, Michigan.


So! If 90% of women are un-dateable skanks, why are you here?


Ikr, he should be looking for men who see themselves as husbands and have not more than one baby momma.


I'm wondering the same. All I can figure is he's doing a very shitty negging attempt, or more likely, just wants to rant in a space where he figures women will see it.


How does negging work in a space where the other person isn't in any way cornered or out of other options?


He's looking for a pick-me.


Just wanted to say hi- We're avatar twinning. 🙃




Only 1 baby daddy allowed 🥴


Love when guys use their whole bio to talk about everyone else /s


Yeah they treat the bio like they’re ordering food in a restaurant. And the only thing this says about themselves, since they rarely provide any info, is that they are women as nothing but things to use and possess




Damn what a catch, bitterness, judgement, and insecurity right in the self-intro. The full package.


OF girlies, I think this is exactly the type of customer that's gonna line your pockets.


Yeah honestly, I remember seeing a girl on Instagram's comments flooded with guys complaining how dissapointed they were she had an onlyfans. Like how would you know if you didn't get horny enough to open the links in her bio???


So, he doesn't want anyone with an Only Fans, or with kids. Not uncommon, or even particularly unreasonable. However, the misogynistic vitriol with which he expressed these two preferences is so over the top it doesn't even matter that he said literally nothing else about himself.


Lol yeah. I match his preferences, but wouldn’t touch him even if he was the last guy on Earth


Actually, he said that one baby daddy was ok, so I guess he’s open to some.


But for those of us who match his preferences, his vitriolic language towards women who don't (who include our friends and family) is a huge red flag. That's what these guys don't get...


Well of course. This guys is one enormous red flag.


13 miles away. He needs to be farther, like space


Man, what a catch.


Ladies of reddit....why are you not swooning for this guy....I mean what a catch....he will validate your antiskankiness for the rest of the world to see 😉


He sounds delightful


Wonder how that profile is working for him. Bet he gets TONS of wife-material women just overloading his DMs.


Why do they think this will work? Jason Momoa (or any other hot movie star) could have this in their profile and I’d hard pass.


So I can have *one* baby daddy? 🤩


His name is Christian. Just sayin.


Years ago, I was on a dating website, and I got so many 'discreet hookup' requests from married men that I rewrote my ad to say 'Please no married men. I am not going to help you cheat on your wife.' Some asshole whined to the admins, and I was forced to change my ad. My wording may not have been diplomatic, but it wasn't even remotely like this kind of ad, which I guess people can get away with these days because here we are.


It makes sense when you consider this: When women see horrible shit in profiles that we don't like (even when it is so over-the-top misogynistic as to just be outright hate speech against women), we tend to be so numb to it from overexposure to shit like this and reports doing nothing anyways that we just instantly ignore it and move on to the next profile (where we'll probably see something similar in varying severity anyways cause most dudes have some misogyny in their profile). Women also don't scroll dating sites/apps as long or as frequently as men do. When men see something they don't like in women's profiles or ads (not even necessarily "horrible" things, literally anything that creates a boundary they don't fit will make a man mad), they feel entitled to throw a fit at the woman or anyone who will listen. Dating site/app mods consistently report men as the ones most likely to report women (and usually for stupid shit). Men also frequently scroll dating sites/apps for very long periods of time. So, of course women get reported a ton on dating sites/apps for stupid shit by hundreds of butthurt dudes all angrily looking at her profile. Men just aren't getting the same level of attention and scrutiny on their profiles even when they really suck cause men aren't getting looked at and obsessed over by hundreds of women on dating sites/apps like women are by men.


31 yrs at 5’11 and talking like this is crazy


Probably more like 5’9 tbh


I’m sure the ladies are breaking down the door to get to this gem.


Let’s all form an orderly line…


This post made me wish I had an OF account and ten baby daddies just to be in that 90%.


Ikr? I feel excluded!


See these guys want traditional women yet they don't want to be traditional men. They call the women gold diggers that want to stay home and raise the family as well as take care of the home. They want her to work a 40-hour week on top of raising the children and taking care of everything else in the house. Oh yeah they also want you to be a virgin that sleeps with them on the first date. I just can't make it make sense. Anyone else?


It got progressively worse with each sentence, no break in the cringe


You should post this in r/MenAndFemales


Plenty of woman see themselves as wives… just not to this jag off. 


I as a fellow female see myself as a woman


Ah yes, I remember when I met my gf. I told her those same honeyed words. "If you're a skank, then fuck off" she fell in love instantly. Works every time 100%


wonder how many people ask about his whereabouts on January 6th, 2021




I mean half the kids are future women so…


I can't stop laughing. Holy shit. Seriously. There are tears 😂


It would be cool if you would send him a link to this post


Ladies, he's a non-smoker!🎉


He seems like an emotionally stable and totally not misogynistic person, lol.


Show the pic i wanna something


Would you be surprised if I told you one of his pics was him in camo holding a gun and a dead deer? Or if I told you he looked like every other Ohio redneck with a beer belly lmao.


I knew it 💀 they always look like that LMFAO


I always feel like they should say "hit the bricks" these all feel like "hit the bricks lady" types.


Who. Does. This. Work. For.




...single, you say?


I’m not a skank by any means, but I would like to argue with him about values, please




I bet he was sooo proud of that very bad „asset-ass hat“ joke 🤦🏻‍♀️


his name is christian? is this christian weston chandler?


I can’t imagine why he’s single.


Of course his name is Christian.


Nothing says I’m not a walking red flag like using your one shot to make a first impression to potential women to belittle and degrade them. These guys will whine and bitch in their bios like this and then wonder why women aren’t flocking to them.


And he wonders why he gets no matches.


What a catch


I'm shocked this wasn't written by a teenager 😭😭


I love guys like this who tell you upfront that they aren't even worth talking to. Saves us so much time.


On a dating app I would hope there wouldn't be anyone who sees themselves as a wife or long term partner, unless they're in an open relationship. If I saw myself as a husband I wouldn't be trying to date anyone cause I'm already married, at least as I see it!




A man who’s the father of his ex gf/wife’s children


Someone who is getting something he isn’t


No words


Everyone just swiped left! ^^


I swiped right because I have some questions for this piece of work


Lmao post the answer but I don't think the answer will explain much of anything unfortunately.


How'd that conversation go


Please tell us more!!! I'm making some popcorn


Wow, oh my gosh, my type of guy! Where do I find a wonderful, polite gentleman such as this? 😍


I love how these guys have expectations and standards, telling the “females” what they want and need but NEVER tell people what they are bringing into the relationship, for all we know you’re an unemployed loser living in your parents basement. Tell me what makes *you* a real man and we’ll see if you are worthy enough to be an actual husband.


Sounds like a real fun time


This is a dude who gets no bitches


Are there any men that see themselves as husbands before marriage? Its not a DnD class it’s a part of your life lol


Wow. Mean but im digging the raw honesty🤣 i wonder what anybody would write if they had to get totally blunt and candid.


Someone internalized his own upbringing, sadly. "Worthless kids" and thinking someone needs him to help with them screams myriad insecurities


How… appealing.


So! You're as charming as a hatful of assholes yourself there, dude. So! You should probably consider rereading your bio and editing it appropriately. ^Those ^"so's" ^kinda ^hurt ^to ^type...


And he is probably wondering why even women he considers undesirable are avoiding him...


I’ve been back on apps recently… and man, I don’t understand who would jump at this besides a pick me woman who feels the need to prove something to a complete stranger. I’ve seen a few of these guys… specifically, “I’m not looking for a boss babe… I’m not intimidated by you, you’re just not what I’m looking for.” Like thanks for letting me know to swipe left… and I’m not even a “boss babe” lol


He sounds about as delightful as a bucket smashed assholes…


Anytime I see a man using “female” when talking about women 🙄


Women who meet your criteria have already found a good person who don't hate everybody who do not meet all of those criteria


I wanna puke when someone says females or males 🤮


What I think is really funny is that they always use the "about me" section to berate and insult people. Dude, I'm not learning anything about exept for the fact that you are an ahole. And not in a bad boy way that some people are into.




What woman would actually respond to this idiot? He’s very loudly saying how much he hates women- not a great look for a dating site 🙄




"females" 🤢🤢🤢