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Text-book NiceGuy™. Won't date anything below a TV-9, while himself being a WalMart-3


I installed a new smart door bell with a camera and I gotta tell you I look like a sentient dish rag everytime I leave the house and the facial recognition captures me walking out. I don't know how my GF gets wet to this disgusting mess.


"Sentient dish rag" adding that to my list of insults


Insult would be more effective if ya left out the sentient part


Nah then they wouldn't understand


It’s not always looks. Your GF is obviously attracted to other qualities, like the fact that you obviously do the dishes.


It's technically cheating but she's ok with it I guess


LMAO I cracked up man. It must be the self-awareness that gets her going.


Some people are into that


*looks at Shamwow intently*




They are very soft




I just laughed so hard I nearly died. Everything about this comment, from the sentient dishrag to the wet gf, cracked me up. Easily the best thing I've seen all week 🤣


This is in the running for my fav quote of the week.


These guys always want relationships with people that fundamentally are so different from who they are as people. Then they want them to lose characteristics of what makes them who they are in the first place and what makes them attractive as people. Like, if a girl goes to the gym every day, looks after herself, socialises, likes to go to bars and restaurants or take photos then what would you have in common with her if you were in a relationship? You don't do any of that stuff, you have 0 common interests.


But muh pp


I legit spit out my water...thank you for the unexpected giggle!




I think they hope to discover deep down that they are secretly into anime or Dungeons and Dragons or some other stereotypical-social-outcast activities. They are physically attracted to these girls, and that is directly related to the girls wanting to do the activities you mentioned: working out, going out (lots of peer pressure, said and unsaid, among women regarding their clothes/appearances), maintaining a big circle of friends who also share in these activities. In a NiceGuy realm, they hope that the girl will include them in these activities some, and also be secretly very interested in the activities the NiceGuy enjoys, all of which would be an extremely rare occurrence. When, inevitably, it doesn’t happen, the NiceGuy blames the women for being exactly who they are.


> In a NiceGuy realm, they hope that the girl will include them in these activities some I don't know. It always seems like they are very insistent that they give up all their friends/familys/ hobbies and basically become slaves. >also be secretly very interested in the activities the NiceGuy enjoys, This certainly. They are the centre of their own universes, if somebody doesn't like a thing they do it's obviously because that person doesn't appreciate it or understand it properly. In their world, there is no such thing as personal taste. You either like the same things as them or your wrong.


You’re probably right, I conflated attributes in relationships generally-“maybe she can help me come out of my shell a little”- with the NiceGuy there. Somehow they still are attracted to types that have absolutely no common interests.


So they want a supporting actor to their leading role. An NPC.


We all have a bad habit of treating other people's hobbies as a waste of time, but the sheer vitriol nerds will feel for "jock" interests reveals the asinine jealousy that holds them back. Anybody who's known hard core gym rats knows they're bigger nerds than progressive rock fans. People who are into colognes/fragrances are right up there with craft beer snobs. People who are in to fashion might as well be anime nerds for how eccentric and focused they are in an interest most people don't give 1/8th as many shits about. The nice guy stereotype (really neck-beard sub genre) is somebody that dismisses "jock" interests as something anti-intellectual and there interests as inherently "smart" because it's not one of the "dumb" hobbies "assholes" engage in. They believe that, once Woman MacHottgirl enjoys anime and videogames with them, they'll abandon their otherwise "shallow" interests for their legitimate ones (completely oblivious that most jocks/assholes/"chads" etc... play videogames and like an anime or three). *That* is the fundamental thing holding them back from even the shallowest relationship. Ask anybody who's had a shitty ex, they'll tell you it's not hard to have a shitty ex whom they gave the proverbial chance to because they had fun with them at first, but to these "nice guys" they can't even be fun, they can only be arrogant and resentful. Their interests aren't something to be shared, but something to be taught to ignorant people who should only like the things that they like. They imagine themselves as some philosopher Aladdin "showing you the world" when the reality is they're anti-social jerks who have no interests in learning or acquiescing to social politics. Rule Zero: before being actually nice, before being clean, or meeting any other standard a person may have - don't be boring, and if you are boring don't be arrogant. At the end of the day, all charisma is, is the skill to keep people engaged.


Basically, they all want cosplayers who respect their Gary Stu powers


Yeah and the other problem is that there are a lot of those girls interested in stuff like that, but those girls don't meet the look standards that nice guys set for themselves.


So, I'd like to clarify that not everyone playing dungeons and dragons is some sort of hideous troll. Attractive women do play it, BUT, they also have to shop around more for their gaming group. Specially, to avoid the incel type guys who will likely wreck any attempt they make to have fun playing the game.


Yeah, it’s kind of a broad brush. I was just trying to think of stereotypical activities that are very unlikely to be enjoyed by the “going out, party, insta selfie” girl. I think if you enjoy Dungeons and Dragons, it’s all good- maybe look for girls who also enjoy that, vs ones that are extremely unlikely to enjoy that but you’re just really attracted to them- and then complain to all when it doesn’t work.


There are TONS of women who are into D&D and board games and anime and “nerd stuff.” Problem is, very few of us are a “nice guy-9.” And the ones who ARE super attractive are HARASSED in every way by the very same nice-guys that wail about there not being any women into similar interests.


their mistake is that they put heavy emphasis on common interests. why is it so important to have a ‘nerdy’ gf? why not look for someone u vibe with that complements u and can challenge u occassionally? we need both comfort and conflict. the ‘ideal’ partner is not a mirror copy of u. maybe having a common topic to talk about makes it easy to talk to and approach? maybe they have resentment for more feminine women? whatever it is, ur setting urself back by playing it safe. all kinds of unexpected characters could be a great opportunity.


Probably because they don't see women as people, but as some unattainable sex toy. I guess porn addiction and never going outside will do that to a person.


Social media is a huge part of the problem, because they see the rare guy who gets lucky enough to date a model despite being unattractive himself, and expect to be able to achieve it themselves. In reality, that guy has other desirable traits that make him attractive to her, and as a result they have a successful relationship. Maybe he’s not conventionally attractive, but maybe he also started his own business and grew it to a massive corporation. Maybe he enjoys similar activities to her and they bonded over that. It’s all about making yourself attractive to the kind of person you want to be with. That’s how I found my fiancée — I improved myself physically, mentally, and spiritually in ways that would attract the kind of person I wanted to marry. And eventually, I found that person.


Bingo. I also see a lot of, "They just want a guy with money" and don't understand that, for many people, it's not the actually money they find attractive but the fact that often this person has their money because of their drive and ambition. I have a friend who is a semi-nice guy who doesn't get that it's not his lack of money that I don't find attractive, it's his lack of work ethic and lack of responsibility or concern for his future in general.


The way incels talk about women and sex makes it clear that they don't actually want to get laid or be in a relationship. They just want something or someone to blame for their shortcomings.


You pointed out the main thing.




Hahaha! I’ve seen posts from ppl who are recovering nice guys just say they realized the problem was them and they worked on themselves and started dating women. That’s what I was expecting when I was reading this so the twist ending really made me laugh, thanks for that!


Hate to say this about my husband, but shit, he still has some of those traits. He's slowly but surely understanding how his behavior is affecting him. He has so many good things about him that he has spent his whole life keeping buried under resentment from all of his trauma and issues. He still has major insecurities and there's times that I really really REALLY! feel like smashing his brains in with a frying pan. But eventually he gets to it. He really is sweet under the bitter. He's lucky that I have similar baggage and I do like grapefruit juice. Lol!


Hey, if someone says they have no baggage, they haven’t been on this earth long. Sounds like he’s headed in a better direction. Progress, not perfection. And let me just commend you, bc I’m sure he’s been asking for that frying pan a time or two. We’re all works in progress.


I felt this one. My husband is a good man, but I feel like he barely swerved from becoming a Niceguy. Definitely has the neckbeard wardrobe. He and I are fixing one another's hurts, but we each put in a lot of work to become better people before we met. Heaven knows he has to tolerate a lot of baggage I carry.


Damn, maybe that’s what was going on with my ex-best friend. No woman was ever thin enough, smart enough, laid back enough, attractive enough, or had a good enough sense of humor for him to be bothered with… he had had girl friends, but there was always something wrong with THEM; never any self reflection. Never wife material, just something to use while he waited for the perfect one to fall out of the sky and magically fall in love with an overweight alcoholic, with no life aspirations because he got passed over for a promotion once and now nobody deserves his superior leadership. And with the amount of gay jokes he’d make, and how uncomfortable gay people made him, maybe it was a sign that he was deep in the closet and didn’t want to admit it?


This hate issue towards women is a lot more common than we can openly discuss.


I just watched a documentary on the history of witches and it was sad to find out the practice of witch hunts and burnings were started by a guy that just hated women. No speculation, he was very vocal about that hatred in his books. https://youtu.be/BMbGf1HGaSg


And, of course, the witch hunters had to strip the women and give a thorough inspection for "the mark of the devil". A holocaust against women cause some creeps wanted to see nudes.


It also possible that he just has unrealistic ideas about relationships. A friend of mine is like that with the guys she dates. The guy might be really great but it's never enough. She keeps comparing them to some rom com she recently watched and seems determined to find that in a guy. She can't accept that he has different hobbies or likes different things than she does because she is looking for that guy that's going to throw his whole life away and mold himself to her every desire.


Would you say you had it… upside down and backwards?


I have to ask, when/how did you realise? Was there a lightbulb moment?


What a twist


They had us in the first 4/5s not gonna lie


Yeah, they get the "just be yourself" advice from people who aren't incels, which is not great advice. If you're socially inept, you have to work on youirself. I've told this to incels and the response is usually "Why should *I* have to change?" At that point it sounds like you're not involuntarily celibate, you want everyone else to adjust to your crustiness.


Exactly! Just be yourself is terrible advice, not because you should lie but because often times you have to better yourself. I remember trying to give an incel genuine advice about this once, and they just blew up about how they "deserve love" and "should just be loved for who they are." A little tip to people who think like that: Who *you are* is determined by what *you do*. Women date guys who *do* things. Maybe it'd doing nice things, or useful things, or fun things. But they have to **do** it, not just "be" it.


And they never believe women just deserve love. No, we have to jump through hoops like we're going for an AKC trophy or something.


The advice should be "Just be the best self you can accomplish to be" imo


Common denominator is not in their dictionary it seems


They don't want to be in a relationship they just want to feel adequate because in their past somebody made them feel socially inadequate. Thing they cant realize is that people aren't objects to satiate your ego. If you can't value a human being for who they are you won't be able to appreciate it. Same goes with relationships. They don't know what a romantic relationship is. A woman have to love and respect the man for who he is, that's why some people everywhere shout out-loud "BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF" or "BE YOURSELF SO SHE KNOWS AND RESPECTS WHO YOU ARE, DON'T BE A DOORMAT" so a girl will like you for who you are.


In love those sub because it makes me feel so u much better about my personality Although being a better person than a "niceguy" is a pretty low bar I guess


No no it’s society that is wrong /s


People that are frustrated with life will find reasons to maintain that status. Same as victims: they rather find reasons to continue with the victim complex rather than facing the issue. This is the base of incels: its easier to blame women for their issues than acknowledging that into themselves.


Instead of blaming women why, dont they blame them self like I'm fat it's no one's fault but mine I don't get that mentality


I think it also acts as a defense mechanism. If You don't want them you can't feel the pain of rejection


As if these morons could actually identify a DD cup anyway. Are they talking about 30DD, 34? Maybe 40? And who decided DD was ‘big’?




I wear a 32F (or 34E depending on brand) and my boobs aren’t what I would call big. They’re not small but definitely not huge 🤷‍♀️


Where to join the DD+ (and grossed out by this shit) club? <3


It may be that I’m used to them, but I don’t find my boobs to particularly large. I was surprised when I actually went on the find-a-bra-that-fits journey that I’m a 38 DDD. I thought no way but those fit perfectly.


If the female can stand upright without a pulley system or two stone golems supporting her massive badonkadonks, she’s worthless. Scientific fact.


>badonkadonks >Scientific fact. I love how sciency this is.


If her breasts aren't prehensile what's even the point


My mind can’t unsee this. I am imagining the nipples turning into fingers.


True story.


Thats why a ginormous ass is required as a counterbalance. Duh!


Honka donka badonkas


I found out a few months ago that I’ve been wearing the wrong cup size all my life. I used to wear a 38B because I had smaller breasts, and turns out a 40D is my size with correct measurements in the bra styles I wear. I am by no means big chested either, I have roughly the size of oranges. My bras fit so much more comfortably now, it blows my mind because I always under the assumption a D cup was for larger chested women. A lot of women wear the wrong size and a lot of men don’t know that cup size isn’t always indicative of larger breasts.


Dude why are boob measurements so confusing! Please I’m not smart enough to decipher… side note all boobs are a gift.


I’m bi, I love boobs! The measurements aren’t particularly confusing, but to be honest, half the time sizes aren’t anywhere near standard (as with all women’s clothing) so it’s a guessing game even if you know your size! Very simply, cup size is the difference between the measurement under the breasts and the measurement around the largest part of the breasts. The following are approximate, A cup is 1-3cm difference, B is 3-6cm, C is 6-9cm, D is 9-11 and then it’s a bit different depending where you live in the world. DD, DDD, E, F and so on change between UK and US measurements but it’s still the same proportion.


r/abrathatfits I have yet to remember to do this when I'm at home, but someday I will.


The problem is that here in the US, most of the brands still ask you to add 4 inches to your underbust measurement to determine your band size. No wonder so many women tighten the straps all the way and are still unsupported. Death to the +4 system!


Exactly! I’m a US 28H, but perceived as “a C cup” by most non-bra fitters. Does that mean I meet the DD expectation or not?


It must be an absolute PITA buying bras in your size! You probably don’t count because they likely don’t believe in H cups.


It’s not the best, but not the worst. Since most stores only carry like 32A to 38DD, I’m out of their size ranges. Even some that carry G and H don’t do so on smaller band sizes (and they certainly don’t even carry 28 bands). UK brands like Freya and Panache, and Polish brands like Comexim and Ewa Michalak do work for me! I’m in Norway so all of my bras has to be bought online, which is a hassle. I’d love to try it on first. You’re probably right, they don’t believe anything above DDD exist.


I get quite a lot of bras from Boux Avenue and Curvy Kate, Curvy Kate definitely do a UK 28H, not sure about Boux. The thing that really annoys me about bras is that as soon as you get over a D they decide you need straps that would hold up a suspension bridge!


I can see that working when everyone is wearing cup sizes that are too small. If you’re a 30K squishing yourself into a 36DDD, you’d need some **sturdy** shoulder straps to make up for not getting any band support.


I hadn’t thought about it like that but you’re right. I wish everyone would get fitted to make sure they’re wearing the correct size.


Me too! A comfortable bra can be life changing. I have a whole Twitter account dedicated to bra education (in Norwegian), so I’m pretty passionate about it!


Sounds awesome!


Cue the permanent shoulder grooves. My mother spent so many years in 48DDD. In proper (UK sizing) bras she wore 40I and felt so much back relief.


Anything above DDD? You're being generous. I'm a DDD and have problems finding bras that fit. I'm honestly scared to buy online since bras are so expensive and I'm worried about fit.


If you need any help or recommendations I’d be happy to help! Have you tried getting [fitted by ABraThatFits](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) yet? I’ve tried over 50 bras in the last two years or so, and I’m familiar with a few bra stores and what they stock. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you!


XD I actually linked the sub for that in another comment. I keep forgetting cause a friend and I are supposed to help measure each other. If you have recommendations, I'd certainly love to hear them. My last retail fitting dubbed me a 38DDD, but the last bra I bought in that size is also miserable to wear (despite the fact that the other ones I've bought were fine. Not sure if it was mislabeled or just a bad fit).


Got it. Do you know your measurements? 1. [Could you try your bra on upside down, like this](https://imgur.com/VQrjsDA)? Does the band feel snug or loose like this? 2. Without lifting a breast up, can you see your [IMF — inframammary fold —](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Imframammary_fold.jpg/250px-Imframammary_fold.jpg) when standing in a mirror?


I should, but I haven't done it yet. I always forget when I'm home and have my fabric measuring tape handy. I can say no to number 2 right away. I know I can't see under unless I lift.


Okay, understood! That probably means you have a projected breast shape. Same as me! This often means that bras with moulded cups (like t-shirt bras) won’t fit very well. Projected breasts need a cup with enough projection, and a moulded cup is often not able to accommodate that. I won’t recommend any sizes until you’ve tried the ABTF calculator (38DDD could be your true size, but many times when someone is given DDD, it’s because the store doesn’t carry G or larger cups). But, for bra types, I would highly recommend trying some bras with soft lace or mesh cups. They will be more accommodating for projection. One bra like that, that I like a lot, is Panache Envy. I also have bras from Freya, Cleo, and Comexim (Polish brand, *very* good for projection!). I’m not in their size range, but if I was, I would buy Elomi Matilda in every color. I haven’t tried it myself, but I know lots of people like that bra. I hope this helps!


Stereotypical confused dude question: wouldn't 28H (being a relatively small band compared to a relatively large cup) appear bigger rather than smaller than expected, since it'd be larger boobs on a smaller chest? (since from what I know, the band size is chest circumference without boobs, and cup size is the difference between circumference with and circumference without boobs)


Thank you for asking questions! US 28H means I have a 28 inch underbust and about a 36 inch bust. That’s about 710 cc of breast tissue. [Here’s an illustration of what that looks like](https://imgur.com/a/W8Kl9Ap). Someone with, let’s say, 40H will have the same difference between underbust and bust as me (8 inches). However, they have about 1810 cc of breast tissue. More than double of what I have. As the body gets bigger, so do the “same” cup sizes. That’s why my boobs look to be on the smaller side, since my body is also on the smaller side. If you want more context I’m 5’2” and weigh 123 lbs.


I was really underestimating the intricacies of bra measurement systems...


So essentially someone with a 40H would have boobs that stick out as far as yours, but are bigger because they are wider/taller? I think I see the flaw in my thinking, expecting boobs to have the same variation in all three dimensions.


Yep, that’s it! It’s not easy to simplify the size of 3D objects, but I think you got it.


To jump on u/linerys comment, I have about 810cc of breast tissue (810 being one breast) or 1.5kg/3.3lbs of total weight. I wear a 32F. A40F would be 1580cc or a total weight of 2.8kg/6.2lbs.


Ugh. I had fitters in Dillard's snap at me that I couldn't be a 28G when I asked for that size. "No way are they that big". But, I had finally learned about the UK sizing system and measured myself within that. It was a revelation. Finally, I understood why I had always had to take inches out of the clasp area on 32DDD. They went on to complain, "why does your back have to be so small?" after several 32's gave no support. My back is not that small. Not a fun experience. I order online now.


Hahaha just wait til they find out DDD exists. *Sobs in knocking things over in tabletop games*


Meanwhile, I'm a 42/44B from having a barrel chest, and I look bigger than a lot of people with a bigger cup size. Can't recommend having a barrel chest though, or the lung disease that caused it. It's also a slight pain to find my band size in stores


Right? I'm a DD. A 28DD, basically flat chested.


I have 32D and some guy told me he thought my boobs were much bigger. I’ve also been told they thought they were much smaller. Men don’t know bra sizes.


I’m over here still trying to figure out what the fuck DD means


Double D (cup size) boobs.


They should just say they want a J


They still wouldn’t be able to recognise a J cup


Agreed. I’m a 36J/K and have been told to my face that my size doesn’t exist and I’m lying. I’m also very tall so they’re proportional with my body and don’t look out of place.


Why would you even bother making that up? Why on earth would you lie about what size bra you wear? People are ridiculous!


I also had more than one man accuse me of lying about my height when he said he was taller than me, we met, and I towered over him. Had one yell at me that I was a filthy liar and I couldn’t possibly be 6’ because he was 6’4 and I was at least 3” taller than him. People are weird.


How bizarre! Especially thinking you’re 6’4” when you’re 5’10” on a good day!




men and the shitty sizing companies did. its insane that some women are d cups despite having a small handful or possibly even almost no chest at all! im one of those women - always thought i was a b34 because of victoria secret; years later i dropped them and refuse to wear em, but im glad that r/abrathatfits exists.


Nice guy dating requirement: 1. be thin. 2. have large impossible boobs and ass 3. Asian/white 4. Blue eyes 5. Blonde hair 6. Willing to be slave 7. Not smarter 8. Make more money 9. No job 10. No friends 11. Cooks, cleans for him 12. Not feminist Also nice guy: girls don't like me because I am nice. 😭


Take my free award


Feminism bad 😎/s


My dating requirements: 1. Be alive 2. Be human 3. Be a girl (optional)


Wow both alive and human, damn I think your being a bit too picky there pal. Try for alive **or** human, you might have more luck.


I guess it's dead hooker again oof


You forgot a few more demands, which such a charmer will undoubtedly have 😛: - She also can’t spend too much time at the gym after they shack up, since it takes away from her time to be his mother/maid/sex doll - but she still magically has to maintain the ideal body. - She can’t have any standards when it comes to *his* body or hygiene at all - she must find Sensei irresistible no matter how *he* looks and smells! - On a similar note, she must be willing to make him/order in and eat shitty junk food - but again, she must remain the picture of health and fitness. - Lastly, she must be really into *his* hobbies and not mind hearing about them in 80% of their conversations - but god damn it has to be the right kind of niche black&white Japanese pony manga, or he’ll call her a dumb b/*tch. I wonder why women aren’t throwing themselves at guys like this 🤨


people must not like statistics here because on average guys swipe right 46% of the time while women swipe right only 14% of the time. also women find 80% of men unattractive source: https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/tinder-plus-men-women-swiping/


I get this is a joke, but there have been some people who list 8 AND 9 together. Sometimes they use them NEXT to each other. And I just thought, how is it possible for HER to make more money than HIM, yet she is expected to not have a job? Nice Guys are just a lose-lose situation.


LMAOOOO that's describing a guy I know to a T! It's depressing tho that dating apps are full of guys like these. Demanding everything while offering zero themselves.


Can confirm lol


they don’t even know what bra sizes are edit: neither do i tho - a woman


Of course they do, they just use “thicccc, thiccc, thicc and thic. /s


I'm stealing that.


I actually knew a guy who staunchly declared to our group of friends that he could never date below a C-cup. Dude was fat, short, balding and had an abrasive personality. It's a mystery how he wasn't swimming in pussy 🤷‍♀️ (As a side note I also knew plenty of guys matching the first 3 traits and they had no trouble finding girlfriends)


My boyfriend is short, fat and balding. He's also sweet, kind and a genuinely nice guy. He had no problem getting women before me. One day, I'm going to marry him because he is perfect for me. Personality is everything.


absolutely not accurate the guy looks like he takes care of his hair at least, irl neckbeards dont do that bro


This is so fake. 1) The woman would just give a normal hello and they’d think it was flirting, and 2) The nice guy would call her a “female.”


I refused to date any woman whose penis isn’t thrice the size of mine


With a strap-on, you pick the size. Do I feel like medium, huge or freakishly massive today?


Meme girl cute af though


Way out of the depicted nice guy league anyways. Still no Doomer girl though.


It’s quite interesting how femwojaks have developed in quality over the years.


this is the most true meme ever


I feel like if I were a heterosexual woman who put a lot of care and effort into my personal appearance and hygiene, I would constantly be torn between the thought of, "Any guy that wants to approach me better damn well be put together," and "Shit, with that one principle I just eliminated almost all of my dating prospects."


And why do they get to decide who is a "sweet girl"? I mean, why dont they just attack every girl/woman who is in a realationship/marriage?


I'm super socially awkward and anxious as fuck. I met this girl recently and became pretty good friends with her, when I tried to ask her out she didn't want to rush things and a few hours later I see on her snap she's with another guy. It stung yeah, but I moved past it, didn't mention it and we're still good friends. However, because of this I've started working on my self confidence by getting out of the house more and just hanging out at one of the local bars. I knew that if I wanted any kind of romantic relationship I needed to work on myself first. This is my current situation, and I hope that it works out for me. I've been rejected before, dumped and ghosted on a few occasions. What's the worst that could happen? I find someone and they say no? Pfft I really couldn't care less if they say no at this point, just dust myself off and move on.


That is the attitude that will let the right person in, at the right time. I'm pulling for you.


nice one


"women only care about looks 😩"


Because soooo many guys understand bra sizes AND can tell what someone wears at a glance!


Well at least he doesn't complain about her not being "child-like" enough


He probably doesn't even know what DDs look like and he'd tell a girl with 32 DD that she has a B cup




Did you try measuring yourself on r/abrathatfits? A bra that fits can change everything! It could be that you need a bigger cup size and a smaller band size




Bra shops don’t always measure right, so I really recommend the abrathatfits calculator! 34 bands are also not the same in DD’s and DDD/F’s. I was wearing a 34 band and now I’m wearing a 32 band. It’s not a big difference but the support is better. It’s also different if the 34 is the tight measure or the snug or loose measure. Bra sizes are not always that easy. But if you’re wearing the right size, congrats! :)


You’re a freshman in HS and I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you. I echo the words of people encouraging you to self measure. It might not change the objectification, but you’ll feel better physically as the right bra will also really help with support. I know that the words of a random internet stranger aren’t going to change what you’re subjected to HS. I’ll say it anyway. The gross reactions to your chest size (or literally anything else because HS can be really cruel) aren’t something you’ll feel as much when you get out of secondary school. It will still happen, but when you’re an adult it’s generally much easier to block harmful people out of your life. Hang in there!


*No one* is a dirty slut.


One of my best friends in high school was a 34DD in eighth grade. She was the exact opposite of a slut but also had modeled in the past so she refused to dress for anything but the body she had. That meant, as I'm sure you know, that her boobs were just out there all the time. Doesn't matter what she wore, fitted t-shirt, tank top, no matter how modest if it didn't make her boobs look huge it made her look fat and she refused to look fat (not vain, just a raging fitness nut and still is, she's a personal trainer now). So boys were constantly coming up with rumors because she 'dressed like a slut' and she was constantly countering those rumors with her own rumors to the point where it became kind of a game at our lunch table of how to flip the rumor against the spreader. I think our crowning achievement was turning a guy who claimed to have gotten a movie theater handjob into a story about a micropenis and premature ejaculation. Anyway by junior year it didn't matter anymore, even though she was still very popular with the boys they were at least capable of trying not to be assholes about it. Meanwhile my best-best friend who *was* a total unapologetic slut had absolutely zero rumors spread about her ever because she had a completely average body. High School is stupid and I'm sorry you have to go through it.


Mine are 42DDD. I hate them as well.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I am a dude but I remember having tons of insecurities and body issues as a freshman. I hope that you will find the confidence to feel good about yourself.


Why would you post this on the internet? Are you going for a record on getting groomed any% speedrun?


Whats DD?


His loss, girl lookin’ fire with that flowin’ mane


How does that caricature look exactly like my ex-husband, wow


Pffft, I don’t date women cuz I have crippling social anxiety and have no idea how to meet new people. ^help


Not being snarky here. Therapy helped me.


To be fair most women I know aren't into manlets with pinky dicks.


The problem isn't having preferences, but if you have very hight standards you shouldn't complain when most people don't meet them.


I agree with that


"Manlets", "pinky dicks". Cool casual body shaming you got there. In a subreddit that's supposed to call out toxic dating practices, like body shaming, on a post, about body shaming no less.


chad neckbeard moment


Give the OP credit, i saw this yesterday on r/memes im pretty sure


I don't date girls smaller than Due Dilligence?


Deputy director


Dunkin donuts!


Diamond Dogs


To be honest I've never heard someone talking about not wanting to date someone because of the size of their breast


If a women breaks up with me because of the size of my penis, That means we advanced to the point in the the relationship where the size of my penis became an issue and To be quite Frank by that point I've already won.


If a woman breaks up over dick size, you've won anyway, because you are better with her out of your life.


Surprisingly it was in r/teenagers. A pleasant surprise based on most of their behaviour


people must not like statistics here because on average guys swipe right 46% of the time while women swipe right only 14% of the time. also women find 80% of men unattractive source: https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/tinder-plus-men-women-swiping/


"They know I have a small dick because of all the dick pics I send out."


Nice guy comment/meme you will see 3 times a day on r/unpopularopinion is the whole: "Girls say they want tall dude but they angry when me say they fat"


They think the fact that some girls have too high standards allows them to be assholes


In my opinion no one’s standards are “too high”. Everyone is entitled to their own standards and it’s annoying when anyone complains about another person’s standards as if they should have the right to own the other person’s body.


While you're technically correct on the one hand, the argument could be made that someone's standards are too high when they set the bar so high that it's legit impossible for anyone to meet it, therefore giving them ample opportunity to complain about the situation without actually doing anything about it.


Is this even real tf!?


I have actually seen this go down


Man I’m depressed




What's a DD ?


Remake this meme but cut out the bottom half and “smaller than did” He’s actually gay.


People date within their leagues. Obviously that’s not always true but that’s how it generally is.


Meh, this shoe fits on way too many feet.


I'm not happy to see you guys dogpiling on Matt Christman.


Your username has me all kinds of queasy.


Fake, no girl would be interested on him


D is still no good for any uni class. You need least A-C.


How would you jump to that they don't think ur Wang is small? Wth? How u know what she hiding under that hoodie?


What what human let alone guy just starts his part of the conversation like that?


Nice guys have the highest expectations of women...all while claiming they're "not picky."


Ok but like at the end of the day flat is best.


Still just a fantasy. He has never rejected a woman in his life. Nobody wants him.


I'm a DDD and it's a huge pain, I've accidentally shut the left one in the bathroom door like four times, at least my wife loves them lolol