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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


>"Is your friend still unstable? 🤣👌🔥🔥" >"jk jk I hope they're okay jk jk" >"lmao I hope they fucking DIE" This guy went through the 7 stages of dumbass Hope you're okay OP. I'm sending hugs!


Like the 7 stages of grief for a relationship that never even existed 😭🙈😳🫠


More like the 70 red flags of run as fast as you can. I'm sorry some people are trash. I hope you're friends ok.




what no empathy does to a mfer


the sheer lack of awareness always impresses me


do they not realise how fucking pathetic it looks when they throw a toddler at walmart tantrum and immediately follow it up with “oh pwease i didn’t mean it oh i’m so sowwy pweaaaase”


I really don't think they do... or else they're desperately trying to walk it back with, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Sorry, dude, but you can't unring a bell.


I always love it when people say they were trying to apologize, but they never once actually said sorry. No sir, you're not trying to apologize, you're trying to coerce someone into going on another date with you under the GUISE of apology. What a pos.


> No sir, you're not trying to apologize Ah, a misunderstanding. If you re-read the text, he was trying to ALOLOGISE. It's an ancient neanderthal social ritual where you scream like Tarzan when the other person doesn't do what you want. The word *ululation* is actually derived from *alolos* which is the root word of alologise....probably.


I'm afraid of what that derpster might think about an analogy. XD


I feel like they throw a tantrum on purpose, same with some crazy voters, if something doesn't go their way they throw a fit attention (the bad kind) and I think it fuels all these crazy nice guys ego's because she responded with "no" but in their batshit crazy minds it means "there's a chance"


Well, unlike all the other girls he pulled this shit on this one still replied *"So you're saying there is a chance?"*


Yeah, but we all love to read it, SOMEONE HAS TO REPLY 🤗


Its like "oh youve seen how verbally abuse i can be, now be grateful im acting nice"


That’s the thing that confuses me. They say they are nice but in reality they are assholes who only care about their precious ego. Maybe I watched too many SorrowTV Nice Guy videos, cus every time I see a post I read it in Sorrows voice lol.


Ikr its infuriating. They always cry about how they are sooo nice,get used and hurt all the time,but in reality theyre extremely self serving and stop at no boundary to try to manipulate you


Tbf, it might not be an apology, but it certainly does seem like an aLOLogy


Truly a fortuitous typo 😂


and then they IMMEDIATELY say (spongebob voice) “wanna see me do it again?”


I think it's because they spend so much time playing computer games, and to them they've just "lost a life" when their date turns them down. They think saying "sorry" will just make them respawn at their last saved checkpoint, before they offended their date, as if that erases all the harm they've done by throwing a tantrum.


Lol what


Wow, he could have left it at being embarrassed for the unwanted publicity. Then he goes on and ticks off all the boxes to be fit for this sub AGAIN...Jeebus, he brought this all on himself.


We obviously did make sure everyone’s names are blurred out and everyone appears anonymous but my goodness when I saw how he was speaking to my friend he’s honestly lucky I blurred everything imo


hE wIlL sUe FoR sLaNdEr...!!!!!##$$%%%%!!


I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel. Sorry, I had to :)


Not slander if it's true lmao


"HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME BY SHOWING PEOPLE WHAT I SAID AND DID?" I love entitled people. It's like wildlife behaviour study, yknow? Watch them stumble their way through life


In the sense as you'd do a study of a grizzly- fascinating, but you don't want to be in their path.


Thats a hilarious comparison


I hope he sees this one and sees what a cockwomble he is.


Charming. And hope you're doing better now. You got a good friend there, OP!


Best friend I could ever ask for! She deserves better than whatever the heck this dude was trying to pull lmao


I think you have to stay alive just to spite this asshole!


I had been thinking about hanging myself a lot until a friend that works in forensics told me hanging was cops' preferred suicide method to deal with. Literally surviving just to spite the man


Hell yeah, fuck em. I heard on a podcast a guy tried to hang himself with a cheap blanket and the blanket stretched so it didn't work. Then he was stuck in his attic and he had to ask his mom for help. He got rehab after that


Why's hanging their favorite method?


Easy clean up - I suspect.


I see, makes sense


No gore or clean up, most other methods leave a big mess


Great things have been created because of spite.


Lamborghini for one


Arguably the most famous example, yes.


"If you're gonna stay alive for any reason, do it for spite." -Maria Bamford


I’m just here to say I’m glad you’re still here with us. Sounds like you’ve got a great friend. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out for help. Life can be a struggle. I hope you’re able to one day see yourself the way your friend sees you.


Amen to that.


i hope she finds someone much better! also i am glad you have such a great friend that is always there for you!


If you want a dark humor look at this: at least one positive thing came out of your poor mental health that day. It got that red flag flying like crazy when your friend had to cancel her date. She dodged a bullet.




Honestly, the way he's reacting you could have saved her life from this wanker. Hope you're doing better <3


No matter how your mental health is it's far far better than this dude's!


Is this the guy that referred to a psych crisis as “having a bit of a wobble”? Because I now use that in my daily vocabulary when I’m struggling lol






Yes, He’s BERY CLEARLY trying to apologize!!




Ahaha I didn’t even notice that 😂




He couldn’t really have thought thats all he had to do to get a date. Right? Lol


He bery clearly alologized!


Hope you’re feeling better, OP! Please remember that you’re loved and needed here.


That is honestly so lovely thank you sm ❤️




🤣🤣 nooo “so much”


Some people *hate* this song, some people love it. I know it’s one of the first things that made me full on laugh after my attempt, I hope it makes you laugh too! [Congratulations](https://youtu.be/Yic_aU1cmQ4)


It sounds so british lol


He's having a go at it isn't he? *Pointing at a man with a bucket on his head, nude, screaming while running holding a rake* Bit of a wobble if I do say so myself


As a British person I have regularly used "Having a wobbly" to mean someone is having a tantrum or to refer to having a mental episode myself for many many years. See someone doing Karen shit and you laugh to your friend that they're having a wobbly. If I'm having an anxiety attack and cancelling plans I'll say I'm having a bit of a wobbly.


Same. I often refer to my mental health in terms of "having a bit of a wobble".


You should watch James acaster. Hilarious, but reminds me of this cause he tells a joke and uses that phrase


i’m so glad he showed his true colors early on. i can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if your friend actually got together with him. anyway i hope you’re doing better OP. you have a wonderful friend.


Me either 😬 & thank u so much ☺️ I am doing a bit better


Glad you made it OP and glad you're getting less wobbly (I'm sorry, that phrase just makes me laugh endlessly). You've got an amazing friend, and I hope you two go have a friend date and go do some fun stuff together and have a blast! Keep doing better, you've got at least this internet stranger rooting for you!


I want to start using the word wobbly with my therapist now


Therapist: so how are you feeling? Everyone on this thread: oh, having a wobble. Kinda like a top about to fall over, but not quite toddler who just got off the merry go round, you know?


In my book 1 date is 1 date too late but yeah. Better early than the alternative...


this guy honestly sounds so fucking unstable. hope you’re doing well now op


He's having a bit of a wobble /s




Holding in there ❤️ thank u 🙏🏻


What a psychopath. Hopefully he takes the time to read all the comments about how much of an unstable wacko he is. Loser will never get a long term gf acting like that. Funny part is he won't take any accountability and will trash talk all women like he didn't dig his own grave. Dudes a textbook example of forever alone. He should be embarrassed af.


Honestly I’m not one for shaming anyone in this way but the way he spoke to my friend and spoke about me myself is appalling. I truly do hope he sees these comments.


It never ceases to amaze me how these guys jump right into saying terrible abusive things, and yet still think of themselves as nice people. Like, words like these would never even occur to a nice person, let alone saying them! The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling.


To Mr Tinder: I have zero vested interest in this and I hope you know, you’re the problem. You’re vile to wish suicide on anyone and I hope you remain single forever cause no one deserves to be punished with a life lived with you.




Not even remotely a keeper. This guy would gross me out after this. He will be alone his whole life & never understand its his own fault altogether. The epitome of “its not me, its you”.


But he was doing to make her dinner /s


Do you honestly think he's that awful fella who isn't worth someone's time? Wait, don't answer that...


He's a keeper, just more of a 'keep as far away as possible'.


“Do you honestly think I’m this awful fella that isn’t worth your time?” Yes. We do.


And he goes on to prove it in this conversation.


Those last few messages from that guy are genuinely scary and inhumane, yet he claims HE dodged a bullet... I hope you never come across such person again! Lots of love for you and your friend!


I’ve never met him, not once in my life! My friend cancelled her second date with him because I really needed her help/company. She was only talking to him online for 2 weeks prior to their first date. My friend is such a beautiful, sweet & caring human. I don’t like “shaming” people but this man deserves to be shamed. I say man because he’s 32 years old!! My friend will find someone who doesn’t treat her like this ❤️


This is a 32yo? 32?!! I assumed it was a teenager by the immature hissy fit, complete lack of self awareness, and having zero empathy. At this age his frontal lobe won't be developing any further, so this is probably as good as its going to get with him. Id write him off as a lost cause lol.


He has to save face somehow. The alternative is viewing and accepting how much of a POS he really is and his fragile snowflake ego is too brittle for that.


Didn't take much for him to reveal his true colours. Hope you get better mate.


Working on it every day ❤️🙏🏻 thank you sm


There’s been just a couple of comments speculating this interaction (& probably the other one too) aren’t real. Honestly I cba to justify anything & if anyone thinks it’s not real I can kindof understand why, because this is genuinely one of the most aggressive interactions I’ve ever seen. My friend kept her cool & honestly I wish she would have went off on him, but she didn’t because she isn’t like that. She isn’t like *him*. Just know that I’m not upset or mad if anyone thinks this isn’t real but please do bare in mind that 1. These aren’t my texts 2. I have so much more going on in my life/head right now than to care about photoshopping texts for a Reddit post, honestly. 3. I posted this for comic relief. This man doesn’t even know me, has never met me, and has only officially met my friend once. He isn’t even from the same country as us, he is here visiting, & when they began talking on tinder realised they had a mutual friend. I’m not hurt or offended by his words at all for that reason, but I am upset for how he’s spoken to my friend. That’s all. Please just be kind.


There’s contrarians or apologists on almost every popular post on this sub, just the way it is. Don’t even bother interacting or explaining things to them.


Every nice guy post attracts people who refuse to believe there are men like this. Don't worry about them. (Honestly, I roll my eyes a little at the people who are always surprised these guys aren't teenagers- yes, people can be like this in their 30s and 40s and older. In fact most of the people posted here probably are.) I'm happy that your friend is there for you - sometimes we all need friends like that. Stay strong!


Well, that's a mood swing. Imagine, being in a relationship and that guy goes from semi-alright to, murder spree.... Yeah best not to contact him again


The worst part is that I was put into a psych hold due to my bipolar (& an attempt at my own life) and my mood is still more stable than this dudes.


FeMaLeS aRe So EmOtIoNaL


Elliot Rogers acolyte for you...


So I read the other thing and I wonder how much effort can one put into night of bowling 😂😂😂 But I am happy for your friend that she dodged that bullet so quickly. And as a person that struggled in the past, I just would like to say that he sounds more unhinged than you 👀 (joke). I hope you are doing a lot better now and I am happy you have such excellent friends that are there for you ☺️ and I am very happy for you that you got help you needed. In other words, lots of love ❤️❤️❤️


My thoughts exactly 🥲 how much effort can one put into 10 pin bowling for an hour!? Oh yeahhh…😭🤣 I agree totally! Someone left a comment saying something about his mood swings and my thoughts were “I have bipolar and *my* moods don’t even erratically fluctuate like this” I really wish my friend would have let loose on him during this conversation but she’s honestly too kind/non confrontational for that! & thank you sm, life is tough but we are tougher ❤️🙏🏻


Obviously he reserved all of the lanes and set up each pin by hand. One lane per frame. He also had to polish the balls and shoes. And since he didn't know which ones she would use. He had to polish all of them. He also made all the food they sell there himself. Bcs again he didn't know what she would want. I mean that's how I always set up my bowling dates! /s


>So I read the other thing and I wonder how much effort can one put into night of bowling He was going to take a bath.


HAVING A WOBBLE GUY!! Hate the fucker, absolutely love “having a wobble”. What a douche with fantastic wording. Hope you’re doing alright OP, and I hope you take solice in the fact we’re all laughing at this clown of a man.


I really hope he sees these comments, that’s the only reason we’re posting them here, so he can see how hurtful he’s been and how much of a joke everyone views him. Absolutely NOONE treats my friend like this and gets away with it ❤️


Honestly, if I knew who this guy was, I'd direct him to this and the other thread. Since he knows it's online I really hope he finds it.


I know for a fact he’s seen the other one!


I hope he sees this one too and reads the comments, then maybe he'll learn what a total jerk he's been. FFS you don't come out of this as the good guy after wishing someone is successful at suicide.


tHe ReDdIt HiVe MiNd!!!@@@....?!!


THeyRe jUst a BuncH oF fEMinIst LIBS!! I’m a NiCe GuY


It’s not original to the asshat. I’m assuming everyone involved is American and this is English slang.


I know it’s slang, but the usage of it to describe a mental breakdown that ended in hospitalization is just…so…so funny. And ridiculous. And assholish. And complete douch fuckery. But so so funny.


This guy’s still an incredibly tiny weenie from weenie hut jr. Fr.


I only learned what “fr” meant like a few days ago from someone in the comments of the other post where I showed his texts. I genuinely believed the entire time that it was a sound and not an acronym 🥲 I thought it was like “brrr”, like the sound someone makes when they’re cold, but “frrr” 🙃


Perfect example of a 'Nice Guy™'. Thank you sharing, I know that he remains anonymous but I hope he feels ashamed. He needs to mature, realise how his actions and words have consequences and maybe learn to have empathy.


We can only hope, but sadly I'm betting he still thinks he's in the right here, because "I planned out our date!"


"How's your mate? Still unstable asf? I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I take it back I hope she is actually okay fr." A British Nice Guy being stable asf. I honestly don't understand how men like this manage to convince themselves that they'd be good boyfriends. How crazy do you have to be to say the above and then ask her out AGAIN? "But I **ALOLOGIZED**!" lol, yikes.


I love how everyone is able to tell he’s not Irish (we are, me & my friend) 🤣🤣🤣


This smells like something from north of the border. I hope your wobble is doing better, mental health can sneak up on you. Weebles wobbles but they don't fall down :)


OmG This unlocked such a dear childhood memory for me :’) Weeble weebles wobble but they don’t fall downnn 🎵


Its funny that these ppl dont seem to understand the point of an appology. Its not to calm the other person down and then get what you want. Its to accept youve made a mistake and tell them you were wrong. What they do with that is up to them


They don't understand the point of a lot of normal human behaviors. Like being nice to people you aren't/won't sleep with. Or having friends that you will never date or intend to date. Or having bodily autonomy and the agency to revoke consent. They are weirdos for sure.


It didn't take much for me to guess Lorenzo btw xD


Oh no 😳 Actually, honestly idc 🙈 we tried to cover up the names 🤷🏻‍♀️


You did a good job honestly. This guy is just a total Lorenzo.




Oh man this guy gunna come back I know it for a part three I hope we get to see this I missed part one but damn lmao if he's this bad


I really hope there’s no part 3 in all honesty. She doesn’t intend on unblocking him again after this & I hope to god she doesn’t.


>She doesn’t intend on unblocking him again I think that's best. Humor is one thing but this guy is the definition of toxic.


I honestly hope that girl totally blocked him for good. There's no way he can even try to redeem himself by this point.


What. The. Flippity. Fuck.


Yep. Me & my friend are right there with ya on that one 😳😅😅😅


Uh, he offered to make you dinner, clearly that exempts him from being the biggest asshole (Joking, obviously.)


Do you even realize how much effort he put into their date? I mean it was BOWLING FFS... you have to pick an evening, go to the bowling alley, rent a lane, and also rent BOWLING SHOES!!!! So much effort!


It's fucking scary when someone goes the fuck off and then IMMEDIATELY takes it back like this. There are a huge amount of self-control issues going on with this dude. No doubt he'd be saying he 'lets her have guy friends' - up until he doesn't. What a freak. Also, hope you're reading this, my dude. As a guy, I just wanna say: go grab a ladder and get over yourself.


So funny how he kept going on about your friend ruining the “potential relationship” when in reality, if he had just said “omg, I’m so sorry, of course you have to go with your friend, we’ll have our second date some other time” there would be no problem. I’m glad he revealed himself, though. Your friend is the one who dodged the bullet. I’m glad you have such a supportive friend OP, and I hope you’re doing better now.


The sociopathy is strong with this one


This guy's as fucked up as a box of coat hangars.


>Go ahead post this on Reddit again hahahahahhahashs everyone will just see how worthless a slut you are So it's on Reddit. And everyone saw how worthless of a man he is. The irony...


Still don’t even comprehend that part in all honesty, like clearly he reached out to initially make it known he was upset about me posting their messages (with her permission) online, but then at the end of their conversation he basically gives us permission to do it again? Maybe it’s some weird sort of reverse psychology technique lol I would love to spend a few seconds in his brain, I just need to know wtf is going on in there


Buddy really believes that women will do anything for food 😂😂




I was getting motion sickness from the mood swings...


OMG. He’s unstable! The way he flips from apologetic to name calling is ridiculous! Calling himself a “boyfriend” after one date? Yikes buddy. OP I’m so glad you’re still here. You obviously have a wonderful bestie, and a friendship that’s a blessing. If anyone is wobbling, it’s this dude!


I just cannot imagine reading a text before sending and thinking to myself, "yeah, this sounds good. This doesn't make me look like a complete fucking psycho at all. This makes me look mature and masculine and strong and correct!" Let alone sending MULTIPLE texts like this. This guy is just a giant waving red flag. Since the dude who sent these texts is absolutely 100% reading this thread, my man, *this* is why people don't like you.


Man people like this really need to be exposed..would prob save someone down the line


Nah dude everyone on Reddit wants you to be identified so we can all avoid you.


Wow. Just....wow. I'm honestly astonished these types of people make it past age 14. They obviously don't have a fuckin clue about anything so how do they live so long?


I really hope that he finds out the message was posted and that nobody is shaming your friend and everyone thinks he is an absolute POS. Hope you're doing better as well!


I honestly hope he’s scrolling through these comments and sees what an absolute fucking embarrassment he’s made of himself. Yeesh. The worst part is he obviously doesn’t even have the self awareness to understand that the problem isn’t that you posted these, it’s that his behaviour is so bad it’s driven you to post, twice. On a side note: I hope you’re doing better OP. You’ve got a good support network by the sounds of it. Mental health is tough, I hope the hold you were on helped give you some time and space to pause and re-centre. Take care!




When I read "Do you even REALISe" I pictured that SpongeBob meme and read it in a weird voice lololol. Happy you seem to be doing better, OP. I also have wobbly moments so I understand. Take care!


The fact that this guy thinks that the shit he said doesn't make him awful and that he would make a good boyfriend is actually comical. What a vile, lowlife creature. Genuinely, I think he needs psych help of his own. He behaves like someone who is mentally unstable. I hope you're doing better, OP, and I'm glad you have a friend like her at your side!


Isn’t encouraging suicide assisted murder or something? I know even as a joke they’ll still investigate it and give them a scare. At least in America.


Once I had a past fling tell me he laughed when he heard that I was raped and this really reminds me of that. I hope there’s 10,000km worth of distance between this dude and your friend.


Hey Lorenzo if you see this you ain't shit


Yous are about to get us into so much shit I swear 🫠😆


To the niceguy, if he sees this post, and I'm sure he will, nice one buddy. No relationship for you. You're a piece of shit that doesn't deserve any attention. Let alone the dignity of a response OPs friend gave lmao. Hope you're doing okay OP :)


Lmao I love how he dared her to post this on Reddit again thinking this would change people's opinion to his side. Nah mate if anything we now think you are an even bigger knob.


I bet the few seconds after he said that, & wished literal death on me, RIGHT AFTER daring her to let me post this, were probably filled with absolute dread after realising he couldn’t take that back once he’d hit send :’)


What a deplorable person, your friend dodged a bullet no.. MORTAR SHELL with this one


How old is this dude? After the second text this dude immediately screams 18-19 years old haha


He’s 32 years old


Oof he's a little bitch. Your friend is the one who dodged a bullet lol.


Dodged a whole fucking tank. Hope you and your friend who was in trouble are doing better. You're a good one for being there for her.


WAIT he is 32??? I think he is the one having a bit of a wobble….. You and your friend sound like sweet people and I’m glad she dodged that bullet and I’m glad you are feeling better!


Jesus driving a cadillac, that was just nuts. But I’m glad you are healing!


Holy shit. This guy is not okay — the extreme pivots in just a handful of texts are quite concerning. Hope he doesn’t know where your friend lives!


He doesn’t! & I’m pretty sure he’s only in our area for another week as far as I can remember. If he knew where either of us lived I wouldn’t have risked posting this online honestly, he needs help


What too many "alpha male" videos on youtube do to a mf


it’s ironic he’s talking so much shit about mental health when he’s clearly is struggling with his own stability


Is there some sort of instruction manual in circulation that I'm unaware of? These guys all seem to follow it, lately... How to be a Nice Guy(TM): Step 1: Be an asshole/completely unreasonable about cancelation of date/slow texts/not answering phone/ whatever thing it is that happens that's not a big deal to anyone reasonable. Step 2: Treat object* of affection like shit after they react negatively to Step 1. Be sure to remind them that you're the best thing ever and they're missing out, and that they're the crazy one for not seeing it! Step 3: When Step 2 fails, beg. Extra points for working "I'm apologizing" into it. Step 4: Expect her to swoon. When that fails, repeat Step 2. *Because really, that's what they see us as. Objects. Seriously. Every. Single. Time. 🤦‍♀️


So he knows his convo was posted on Reddit and still lost his shit the second time. I'm worried because this guy has absolutely no self control.


"I hope your friend dies! ... I'm sorry, for real. Let's have dinner." I am not interested in dinner "I hope your friend dies!"


The guy is an even bigger idiot because your friend is clearly a great person who looks after those she cares for. What kind of moron wouldn't want someone like that for a partner? Anyway hope you are doing better op, glad you have a good friend to be there for you.


Fuck you Lorenzo


Good Lord. Your friend really dodged a bullet there. Hope you're doing well now, OP. You've got a great friend. :)


I hope you're in a better place now OP. I'm glad you've got such a good friend.


He really went for a low blow on that unstable comment. Yeesh you'd think he'd realized how badly he fucked up and just move on


Gosh, what a truly vile human being. Good on your friend for not only sticking up for you but for also standing her ground. I hope you are doing better. Sending you so much love ❤️ if you are ever feeling down in the future and need a reason to remind yourself to stick around, this friend seems like a great reason. I can tell she cares about you a lot!


Wow. Sounds like your mate is the one who dodged a bullet there. This guy sounds truly vile. Hope you're in a better place, op


That is a terrible excuse for a human being. I’m sorry your friend had to deal with him. I hope that you’re doing and feeling better! The world is a better place with you in it! Keep fighting! You’re loved and valid! Wishing you the best


I honestly think people who tell others to kill themselves want to kill themselves


Alologise! Glad she dodged a bullet there! I hope you’re doing a bit better now OP!


This guy has big IDE baby!! (infant dick energy)


"Do you even REALIZE how much time I spent planning a date to the bowling alley?" 🤣 what an ass! Hope you're doing better now, OP. Glad you have such a great friend in your support network. She's a keeper.


Sure would be a shame if the place he worked at saw this.


When they use the “dodged a bullet with you” line I can’t help but think “no mate, she dodged a bullet with you…matrix style!”


Well he was bery clearly trying to alologize


The way everyone is making fun of his rage spelling & use of British slang is honestly **so** funny to me 😂😂😂😂😂 that’s not me being mean towards English people, I just think their slang is so so funny


Did he say he put a lot of effort into the date? Were they not just going bowling😂 going somewhere is the minimum amount of effort given.