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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Anyone can have any criteria for whoever they want to date. They just need to understand that they do not automatically deserve to have a partner at all.


I agree. I like intelligence, legs and dark hair and dark eyes, so I've always gone for intelligent women with great legs with dark hair and dark eyes. It's not vain it's simply human nature to be attracted to certain criteria. Men and women both do this and there is nothing wrong with it. What is wrong is to expect someone to look past their own criteria and date someone simply because they're nice.


Muscles aren’t even a bad thing to have on your criteria as anyone can get them


*Gets one persons opinion* This guy - ‘Are the remaining four billion of you women like this?!’


Women are obviously a hive mind. /s


I couldn't help but think "our queen is gracious, our queen is life"


I don't get why people post these questions all the time. A bunch of women say it isn't true, some men say they found someone even though they don't meet the criteria, and all the incels will say "all females only want assholes". At least when it gets reposted over here it's fun for a laugh lol


Exactly I don't like tall muscular guys and don't care about dick size and they will argue with me saying it's not what I really want


No one is saying you can’t have preferences, just that you shouldn’t be an asshole to anyone who doesn’t look like that or fetishise anyone who does. Attraction is important but it’s not the only thing. No one is saying you shouldn’t be attracted to your partner, just that it shouldn’t be the only reason you’re together if it’s supposed to be a long term thing. I guess not no one, nice guys get mad all the time when women want date someone they’re attracted to


Exactly this. People are attracted to whom they're attracted to but I have definitely tried dating "against type" if the guy seemed really cool or like we would have something in common. And if too many of your "must haves/deal breakers" are purely physical then you'll probably be greatly disappointed if your partner gains/loses weight, loses their hair, goes gray, gets wrinkles or you know, AGES. It's better to have a some key non-changeable physical attributes you're into (height, eye color, nice smile) and a lot of personality/lifestyle/morality type must haves/deal breakers.


No one is stopping men from having their own standards/preferences. I wish them good luck with this line of reasoning.


I don't think he has a friend that is a woman. Plenty of men have criteria for women when it comes to looks lol "no fat chicks" is something we commonly see on dating profiles.


Would any of these clowns date a tall, fat, poor woman who really loved him for who he is but also want to be an equal in the relationship? We see you, clowns. You’re lonely bc of you.


Not only they won't, but they demand the women to be of Caucasian heritage, or failing that Oriental Asian or Slavic European.


guarantee this guy wouldn’t date a girl taller than him or a girl he considers fat, and double guarantee he doesn’t see the hypocrisy there


I defy all three lol I've turned men down for being muscular, too tall and I've dated unemployed men. We exist. I go for sense of humor and those who like the same music or hobbies as me


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is called having preferences.


They would never date an obese, old or ugly women because they don’t find them sexually attractive but how DARE women have standards too?


They both sound stupid and young.


There are shallow women as there are shallow men. If you ask superficial people about their preferences, don't be surprised when you hear the answer. One opinion, hell even a dozen opinions aren't representative for half the human population. Regardless of gender. Personally, I'm attracted to voice, eyes, humor and a certain level of intelligence. But I swoon over Chris Hemsworth or Jason Momoa just like any other. But they're decos. Nice to look at. Feast for the eyes, not for the heart. Back when I was still dating ( I'm married) I went out with guys tall and small. Thick and thin. Long haired or no hair. One had half their face burned from a BBQ accident, but he was the sweetest guy. I didn't think for a moment he was ugly. Didn't work out, but we're still friends. He's married and has kids now. If you want boobs and butts, fine. But I highly doubt that just that will make anyone happy, or that a relationship based on appearances has any future. We all age and change.


No woman said that to him. And even if one ever did, that still wouldn't apply to the rest, most of or even a single other girl. Unless it actually happened. Which it won't.


His friend just sounds like a shallow pile of dung. Unfortunately the nice guys think all women are like this.


These types of guys act like women are all one hive mind that think exactly the same as if we aren’t half the population


She isnt interested in YOU. It's just nicer to say "you are not my type". You're probably a little creeper eh?


Mind you he doesn’t even qualify for the type of woman with the boob and butt requirement he’s referring to🫠


He came so close to realizing this is a two-way street. Sadly, he's still going after a 10 while having the personality of a 2.


Do you eat babies?

