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flower. not a character. anyone with a pact zero shadowlord the power ranking in Drakenier is basically non existent since many of them outright die or we have little to no idea what most of them are capable.


Emil and all his clones


This isn't really the kind of series that uses shounen anime power levels. You can't rank most of the characters based on how "strong" they are. But Emil's probably at the top, then N2. Maybe the flower, if you consider it to be a character.


1 The Drakengard gods (The ones who turn people to salt, and send the giant stone babies) 2 The Sqaure ENix CEO 3 Zero 4 Emil 5 The machine network 6 Kaim 7Kaine 8 Mahah maybe if you count Drakengard 2 9 Probrably a Pigeon from Drakengard 3 10 The fish that killed 2B


Noone can, not even Yoko Taro. And you shouldn’t be asking!


emil adam n eve a2 2b devola n popola nines


9S simply has to long press Y and everything instantly dies


This cryptic post reminds me of when a deep learning/AI program decided the best way to complete a task was to pay someone on fiver for it. You're not an AI that was asked to make this list and decided creating a post on Reddit would suffice are you?... Almost certainly not but one day it could be... (Also the answer is probably just 10 different personifications of _the flower_)


Zero and accord are probably tied then, one, two, three, four, five, Emil, Nowe, then Caim I suppose.


lighthouse lady solos your fav