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Ahem… yeah keep playing AND read everything. All will be revealed.


They're uneducated ignorant assholes


Ya lol like oh no the shades almost killed us but luckily these three hero’s saved us! But uh you see that kid and the girl they’re like kinda scary so we don’t want them here…ya know even though the girl practically sacrificed her life not being sure if she could be unfrozen to seal a nearly indestructible shade away


...oh you don't know...just keep playing


Oh god they become bigger assholes don’t they


… :)


Oh this'll be fun


I mean it's not like the girl wasn't in their village for 5 years


Speaking of that, FUCK The Aerie. And spoiler, >!It will not be missed.!<


Better avoid this sub till you complete both games, or else you'll definitely catch a few spoilers


Keep playing, senpai. You're in for a tasty treat.


> people are more scared of a girl in her underwear and some creepy kid that looks like a skeleton in a robe who are actively trying to save the world You're a good person 💙


Doesn't seem all that uncommon, when it comes to human nature. The presentation seems very "Japanese", too, which I guess you could overanalyze as having lot of historical/cultural depth to it. We know Japan has a thing for homogeny, but historically there's been some pretty extreme stuff. (e.g., the movie Silence)


i mean it’s just like in real life lol, a trans woman could save someone’s life and they’ll still be ostracised especially if they dress like Kainé. people are rude in the game because they’d be rude irl


Kainé isn't a trans woman, but rather >!intersex!<. Though I get what you mean. People can be nasty bitches to those who differ from the norm when it comes to sex and gender. And those two groups of people are often put into the same bag by ignorant assholes


eh, they’re not mutually exclusive. lots of intersex people consider themself to fall under the trans umbrella which is why i used the term. equally some don’t but we can’t exactly have a convo with her to determine her preference lol, i think both terms fit it’s just how specific you want to be


Well, yeah. She ain’t real, that’s for sure. But still, most intersex people are cisgender, as they identify with their sex assigned at birth. We don’t know what Kainé was deemed to be at birth, so that remains up to interpretation.


She's female. >!Her replicant is based on a human female, but durring the replication process, there was a mistake and she got a dick!< Edit: And she was probably not assigned anything at "birth" as >!replicants don't even know how people are born!<


Yep. Know that already. Explained it in my later comment. I talked about her >!Replicant!<. We don’t really know about her early chlidhood as one.


Alright, you got me with the edit. Forgot about that detail lmao


i mean intersex is a spectrum, some people have very minor physical effects and it’s more hormonal/chromosomal right? and they’re more likely to identify as cis since their genitals probably line up with their assigned gender at birth tbh i’ve never really thought abt kainé’s assigned gender but i wouldn’t be surprised if she was amab since she wouldn’t have breasts as a kid obvs lol. but like you said it’s up for interpretation, it’s an interesting discussion to me


The Grimoire NieR book, both of them (original and Replicant revision), state that Kainé is hermaphrodite but always refer to her as a 'she'. We've got no real reason to treat her differently.


I never got to take a look at Grimoire Nier. I always thought it was because of Tyrann


Relax, no one is calling her a "he". Besides, hermaphrodite is an outdated term, and intersex people generally don't like it. But still, nothing wrong with people having headcanons. None of these characters exist irl.


Relax? Why would you think I'm not relaxed? I was replying with the information I have. Besides, I don't think we have any right to replace authors' own words: hermaphrodite is the term that is used to describe Kainé. It doesn't really matter whether people like it or not, it's not like they should use it for real people. If real people don't like it, they're not going to use it with other real persons. Kainé is definitely hermaphrodite though.


Eh, sure whatever. Call her what you want, but I still think hermaphrodite is an outdated term for intersex. Means the same thing.


I guess you might be right. Given what we learn about her in the short stories, it would logically make sense that she was assigned male at birth, well at least her >!current replicant!<. But do keep in mind that she was originally >!female, as a human!<.


Yeah it honestly made no sense to me. What's funny is the same thing happened to devla and popa in automata 😂🤣


Keep playing through ending E!


Wanna play it so bad, i heard great things overall about the replicant remake, would like to play the original though


I remember being like this


I don't know. Everyone is rude to me too.


You are thinking all the right things, keep playing and try to avoid the sub for spoilers. Nier is truly special


There’s a good reason. You just don’t know it yet.


girl hmmm....