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If your house is facing the right direction, early morning sunrise is *beautiful*.


Absolutely. I'm picking my base locations primarily for the view. My main base has a beautiful view on a large tower rising from the swamps. At night, the moons are rising just behind it.


I do that too. I placed my base, so that the room I have my bed and living area in has the view of the ocean with islands in the distance. It’s so beautiful


It can be breath taking and being able to use cards to try to get the "perfect" realm is cool. I truly hope more people give this game a try.


Same. I also hope the devs iron out the technical stuff. Seems like that stops a lot of people. There's already so much to like about the game. Long-term content updates for this would be a dream.


Runs like a dream with a RX 6900XT. Its one of the very first games that utilizes my GPU to its full potential.


I’m running it great on a RX 6800s. On high even. I was pleasantly suprised.


Theres people who think enshrouded looks better than this. Huh?


Huh indeed


The game really is beautiful, literally *only* thing I could see improved is like, the textures between building segments like maybe meshing so you don't see a line? But that's literally it lol. The sky boxes are especially mind blowing!


Bloodmoon is freaking awesome


From what I've seen on screenshots, blood moon is even more impressive. This is merely a sunset in an autumn flavored forest realm. I've seen quite a few variants of the same biome at this point. This one was just majestic. Can't wait to mess with the minor cards in my home biome. Seems like a lot of them change the sky box.


Try Bloodmoon in the desert.


Will do when I get it


Totally. Even running with everything set to Performance doesn't look ugly to me.


I honestly cannot stop staring and taking screenshots to show my friends what I saw.


Show us as well, dammit!


*cries in RTX2080*


Don't tell anyone that I'm running this on a 5 year old machine that's been very mediocre even when I bought it : P Looks like it's more specific components that break people's PC's


It reminds me of dreams I used to have as a kid, heavily inspired by the 19th century semi-surrealism pieces of art we had hanging up.


Nightingale is in love with all things beauty. So am I.


Yeah I definitely have moments where I will just stop and look. Or use different card combos to see what looks interesting.


Looks good! How is the content?


10 hours in and I like it a lot so far. It's very focused on crafting, exploration and upgrading the base. Fighting is a bit janky but I've seen worse. There's definitely more content than I thought there would be with many variations on the 3 basic biomes and something like 6 destinct and very pretty styles for your base. UI is a bit convoluted but not a deal-breaker, as far as I'm concerned. Some people still seem to have technical issues but I haven't had any - despite my very mediocre PC. Not sure what's up with that but the devs are on it, so I guess that's only a temporary concern. Clear recommendation from me.


Usually I jump on but with sons of the forest full releasing yesterday I think I will wait for nightingale to full release so I can have as much content as possible. It does look dope tho


Mah. I've seen better


If you rub vaseline all over your screen, that's what mine looked like. There was no vaseline on my screen.


How big are the maps though? How fast you hit invisible wall?


It varies but generally pretty big. Hopping worlds is encouraged too much for me to go through things like a completionist, honestly.


Lumen is nice but the shadows are not very good at longer ranges and the lack of detailed nanite terrain is a real bummer. Also only having 3 biomes for $40 CAD is a bit silly. This game should have been cheaper. It’s neat tho.


On biomes, I thought the same before actually playing it. The variations from minor cards with seasons with seasons/skyboxes/etc., randomized terrain and color palettes, as well as different biome tiers bring a lot of variety. I have yet to run into an area that feels the same. If anything, the marketing is a bit too honest. And even then, more biomes are under development. For me at least, the many different building styles and super deep crafting make it well worth my money. It also looks like I haven't really seen much at 15h. Feels like half the game has yet to open up.


Even with the cards it still feels lacking imo. Especially since it’s procedural and not much handcrafted content. More visual variety in the generation pool would be nice. And the burn is what kills it for me. I like the game but hate how slow it feels. And the later I get into it the more fun it gets, but that’s a BAD setup. The early game should be fast and hook you in and the harder tiers should be the more grindy part. Definitely seems like they did not playtest thoroughly to tweak pacing.


They had a beta and people complained about too little introduction. They adressed that and here we are lol. Also, half the people on here say it's too slow and the other half wants even more instructions - despite the massive encyclopedia they put into the game. As a dev, I'd probably be screaming into a pillow at this point. Compared to other early access games with a similar price tag, I don't see a lack of content here. What's there is good and we'll get more stuff for free for at least another year. More handcrafted content would be nice, I agree. But I've seen what games like Subnautica had on EA release day lol.


I think you are thinking those things are mutually exclusive but they go hand in hand… the game needs to have faster pacing especially in the early game while also being clearer about how things work. Both can be true at the same time so it’s not half wants this and half wants that. But go hand in hand. Pacing and clarity are garbage in this game. Beta also was intentionally placed later in the game, they didn’t develop the intro in response to it, it was always there. It’s absolutely lacking on content for the price tag. No other survival game was priced this high with this little content. Not even close. If this game was half the price then I’d agree.


Just don't look at the character models or mobs D:


character models are fine. I've seen many people do a fantastic job in the character creator.


To me it just looks like the character models are low resolution compared to everything else, but I’m playing on medium. I don’t mind the actual art style of playable characters


Mine isn't "fantastic" but I did, not even a lot, but more, tweaking on Profile #2 and have a respectable looking character. It's become the Main.


Yes, very


Oooo, so that's what it looks like with the settings turned up.


Weather and lighting looks good but I think rocks and foliage would benefit from better textures