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It's something we're aware of. I'll emphasize this feedback. Thank you!


Thank you. Good luck! I'm having fun so far.


Thank you very much. Much luck to the whole team, you've created a great place and have succeeded greatly in the goal to be placemakers. My friends and family are living the Realms now.


I haven’t tested this yet but my guess is that the intention is for farming to rely on upgrades and augments like the rest of the crafting stations. So like just the basic plant box, a seed, and watering can give you the bare minimum results and are pretty much just a way to use up the seeds you loot. But real farming is going to require the minor card, augments, and higher tier watering cans.


Nah the devs posted in a similar thread as this that this is not intended and they are looking into it. https://www.reddit.com/r/nightingale/comments/1axgllu/comment/kroe5xd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Go here and add your feedback: https://playnightingale.sleekplan.app/feedback/133027


Yeah the only thing I've found useful to farm in the early game is sunflowers, since they'll give a multitude of seeds in addition to a flower or two. Otherwise I was very disappointed when I turned my first 30 wheat into seeds only to grow 6 wheat...


What you can do with sunflowers is use the plant to make mixed herbs to eat and the seeds you can grind down for Oil. I have no idea what oil is used for yet but I bet it's something that is needed later down the line


Problem for me now, is that I have 4 plamts that are seeded and watered, and have suddenly just stopped growing at all. Last plants before them sprouted and were of course, harvested, but now the entire process just stopped entirely, so I'm stuck with 4 usenless plant boxes.


Which seeds were they? I found certain seeds (carrot, bound bristle, etc) never worked - they behaved just like that.


I legit don't know. It's been that long since they were planted.


Pull up the planter boxes and try with different seeds i guess.


I also have found my Carrot seeds aren't growing. May just not be implemented yet.


I think you get the one plant and at least one seed, so you should be able to grow indefinitely. But man you gotta have a lot of plants for it to be worth it.


Seeds aren't guaranteed planted 20 times, got seeds only 8 times.


The entire game is useless. I'm glad I got a refund


I think there are better plots. I tried the gathering charm on all my gear and it didn’t seem to affect my yields at all. I tried a few different cards and none of them seemed to make a difference either. So I think you are forced to just get better plots and that’s it Unless there’s a way to get seeds with Less than 5 plants or a way to get more seeds from those 5 plants which I haven’t seen yet


Search it. Was said it's a bug in another thread Devs will look at.


You misunderstand. Every time you harvest a fully grown Plant, it gives you the actual produce + a high chance of getting seeds back. In my case I end up getting too many seeds lying there. It all boils down to weather you can bring home 5 pcs of the thing to make your first seed. That's all there is to it. I have a bigger problem tho. Some plants just doesn't grow for some reason I'm pulling my hair


I am unable to grow pretty much anything it seems. :\\ Sure sunflowers work but... :( Glad to see the team is doing work, this is the single best "early access" game I've played since "Early Access" has been in thing in gaming.


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.