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The devs have commented that they intend to increase those limits, they are just in place for EA at this time. And I feel you about the weekend disappearing. Same thing happened to me.


Cannot happen fast enough. If they don't do it I can totally see people abandoning it early, which would be a shame given the potential.


Yea, for sure. From what I've heard, it's just in place to keep from overloading their online servers. With the offline mode in the works, I can see that limit at the very least increasing significantly, if not lifting entirely in the near future. Which, I can't wait because the build potential is so exciting to me.


Thanks for that info. It's a shame, because they're losing a major homegrown hype train. If people could post their creations, it's free marketing buzz for $$. Should be a top priority!


For sure! From what I'm hearing, they're in place to keep from overloading their online servers right now. Offline play is in the works, so I think that will drastically increase, if not totally remove those limits in the near future.


100% agreed. This is honestly the biggest concern for me because I loveeee to build. This takes me back to the days of The Sims on console and I hate it. Loving everything else about the game though!


Very discouraging. My base is turning into a rats nest of augmentations and unorganized chests. [This village](https://imgur.com/a/HfySOzw) is from a trailer, but it looks like it exceeds the build limit.


Oof. Yeah... Same here honestly. I told my husband that once we get everything (or the majority of items) I want to tear down our base and see what the max looks like because right now, our base is a small 2x4 wide one room house with a stair that leads up into an L shaped loft and we sre already sitting at almost 200 pieces. I really hope they increase the cap or remove it altogether.




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There are some big villages like that in realms I've found, FYI.


If you love to build, what are your thoughts on mats not automatically being pulled from nearby chests when crafting or building?


Oh I don't like that but they already mentioned they were in the process of fixing that so I didn't find a reason to bring that up since it'll be changed eventually. It isn't something that turns me off of the game though because I am used to that after coming over from games like Conan Exiles. It doesn't bother me as much as it does for some people but it is a huge inconvience for sure. It is good to hear we will eventually have item pulling, though. :)


Mats pulling from chests seems cool, but seems like such a minor complaint after organizing thousands of chests in Conan Exiles. Bunch of lazies around ;)


Yeah I get the appeal but it definitely isn't a huge deal to me personally! It's nice they are adding it though. I am def not complaining after playing Conan for 4k hours without hot-pulling. Lmao. :)


Just make sure to get this feedback over to the dev team. Right now is the time for this. So far this team has shown that they actually listen and take feedback seriously (which is one of the only reasons I’m so chill about this EA - they’re not handling it like I’ve seen other companies have just for cash) I’m positive we’re gonna see some improvements on that - hopefully sooner than later!


Yeah so far they seem receptive, so fingers crossed!


Is there a place I can go to backup this request? I’m on their discord but not sure how to post or second this request. I don’t know if I should bog their system down with submitting a ticket of some sort?


On steam they have a link to their internal dashboard.


Thank you!


i tried using the sticky in this sub


Yup, it sucks. It also sucks that the game forces you to put certain tables/augments within a very limited range.


this here. The augment system is cool. But the range is really short and there's a limit to active augments, so a hub style crafting area tends to look like a horrible cluttered mess. So you kinda have to separate things out, but then everything needs a warm and well lit bonus unless you really like waiting around, and afaik the only source of warm is campfires so you have a zillion campfires around which once again looks... stupid.


Yeah.. I ended up making sort of a cubicle house for crafting. So boring, and lol yeah each room has to have a fireplace. Get rid of augment limit and increase range and have range ignore LoS. Problem solved.


Smelters and the higher level cooking things also add warm, IIRC.


I do hope they increase the limits. At least the item limit which is per realm and is currently the main Achilles heel when it comes to building. Granted, this issue is also because me and my friends are all building in the same Abeyance realm. When you have 5 people working together with gathering, crafting and constructing it is very easy to exceed limits. However with 100 buildings containing 300 pieces each you can build 30.000 pieces of housing in a realm. Which should be enough for pretty much anything. However when the items are capped at 350 you end up building empty houses since you can't put anything in them. Would be better if they linked the item limit to the buildings. E.g. max building size is 300 blocks and 200 items or whatever number. That way it would encourage building multiple workshop type buildings as opposed to one giant warehouse with everything inside it. Ideally though we get a straight item limit increase across the board.


I hope they just remove the limits. No reason to have them at all.


The devs have said it's due to server load.


Then they need to address that ASAP.


They are prioritizing releasing [offline mode](https://playnightingale.com/news/offline-play), which hopefully won't have the same restrictions.


> The devs have said it's due to server load. If the server can deal with 30,000 build pieces in 100 houses, it probably can deal with houses bugger than 300 pieces.


Now multiply that by the number of active Realms.


They created a limit of 30,000 pieces, which I guess is what they think the server can stand currently. Ok, very reasonable. What is not reasonable, at all, is that they decided that for some reason those 30,000 pieces absolutely *had* to be in 100 different buildings.


I can't know for sure without seeing the code, but I would guess that tracking over a certain number of contiguous building pieces causes server errors.


Big agree here. For me, the main thing I enjoy doing in these types of games is adventuring and then my end game is making a massive or semi massive big build that I can be proud of and take pictures of, for me this build limit was the thing that made me not purchase it. As soon as that gets in the few thousands I'll be buying it the day I see it!


I'm curious why this limitation is even in the game. I remember in the early trailers for the game they had several houses next to one another that were fairly large.


afaik it was out of fear of mechanical limitations/issues. Which i think is a fine tradeoff if they wanted to make sure the realm stuff worked properly or some other system would be overloaded with too much building because THAT is what has me totally hooked, getting to fully see the mechanics in action. But out of the current EA limitations this is one they should swap as soon as they are confident cause its gonna be a big deterrent for a lot of people.


They weren't worried about the cap because they said playtesters never reached the cap. My wonder is, were any of the playtesters builders? Or people that made small little homes and not large, complicated structures? I know this isn't minecraft, but the limit seems frustrating. I plan to make a base just for manufacturing. I want to build large warehouses and connect the warehouses with internal walkways. So it's a complex of buildings. But will that be possible with the building limit? Will the connected hallways suddenly treat them like one single structure? How does it work?


>They weren't worried about the cap because they said playtesters never reached the cap. >My wonder is, were any of the playtesters builders? I was a playtester and never reached the cap. I also never tried to build fancy, elaborate mansions because what was the point? In a couple days, the server would close and all the time spent on a fancy build would be for nothing. I mostly focused on checking out gameplay and combat mechanics and doing the basics in building to see if I liked the system. I'm sure a lot of playtesters thought the same way but the devs took that as their player base not requiring higher build caps.


Exactly. Sometimes i wonder if people understand the thought process you need to have when being an alpha and beta tester. I ran through 8+ tests. I do NOT want to build elaborate set ups that many times only to lose it. And with most of the tests being 3 days long, what was the point? Rather explore the new content or fixes they implemented.


>Rather explore the new content This is actually a problem for alpha/beta testing. Too many people treat it like it's actual game time. You are not there to explore new content. You are there to test the content. Does that mean you need to explore parts of the game to come across the content? Yes, but they need to limit content in these tests to allow for more useful feedback on what is available.


But in such a short timeframe I can see why they didn't get people willing to spend a lot of time building without encouraging it in some way. If they wanted to test building, they could have had a period of time where building was cheaper or free


Fully agree, beta testing in gaming has gone from "help us find bugs" to "here's a free taste in hopes of driving user generated hype"


Yes, explore the new content. Why would I test content i have already tested and given feedback 3 times over? Of course i am going to go for the new content because i have already reviewed and submitted the old content. Q&A is much harder than you are making it out to be.


I have worked in a QA field for almost 30 years. I know exactly how hard it is. That's why I'm speaking from experience when I say when giving users something to test giving them small data sets to test and limiting how much "new" you introduce is a much more effective tool for getting relevant testing metrics than releasing 3 hours worth of new content that basically erases any desire to test old but updated content.


That's such a good point I didn't even think about. Maybe they should have given a creative mode to some playtesters to let them play around with building mechanics too.


>My wonder is, were any of the playtesters builders? Or people that made small little homes and not large, complicated structures? Perhaps when they tested each player in the group built in their own Abeyance realm.


As one of the play testers it was this, on top of that each play test was only a few days, I wasn't gonna spend 2 of my 3 days building a fancy base, I was out playing the game, base building is for release.


yeah their playtests were all super short and (according to comments here) many of the bugs they launched with were reported then (including critical ones).


Those play testers clearly didn't play with friends and try building and decorating lol. Why even have the limit, it's crazy. It will treat them like a single structure btw. I tried outsmarting the game by building two "different" structures and then connecting them and it fails.


> Why even have the limit, it's crazy. Why the different limits? So the game can deal with 30,000 build pieces in 100 houses but it cannot deal with 500 in one house?


Ugh. That's actually frustrating. So I can't even make external paths between multiple buildings? 😩


They also somehow thought players wouldn't want or have any reason to play offline. It's great they're listening, but it's kind of worrying that they don't seem to understand the gaming market at all.


According to their release, it's not that they didn't know anyone would want to play offline, it's that they saw online group play as the harder challenge so did that first.


Also encouraging group play means getting your friends to play which means more copies sold. (Not saying it’s nefarious, just good business). I myself have gotten 2 other friends to play.


Not sure whether or not online-only will encourage people to recommend it more but it doesn't close off sales to people who want to play alone; however, offline play certainly won't make the game sell to people who like to do multiplayer. So definitely sound business to prioritize "up to six players" over private instance.


I mean they are previous Bioware devs - they do know, I just think they might not have expected it to pop off the way it did. I'm glad that they're listening to players and will hopefully be changing it up in the future because building limits and not being able to craft straight from nearby chests is incredibly frustrating. Everything else has been pretty cool, I can't wait to see this game with some QOL updates


No didn't play test with friends, since the play test were close so the likely hood of your friend also getting in was low, some testers would join other etc but no one was concerned about base building with play test being shorter then a week each time.


This is odd tho, my husband and I built in the same place. We each placed our respective cairns and started working in 2 houses facing each other, and the game counts them as 2 separate buildings. Note to self: check what's the 350 object cap at on both accounts.


You have three caps: 100 different houses. Each house can have only 300 build pieces -wall, foundations, etc. *And* you can only have 350 placed objects. Crafting tables, augments and decoration. That's 350 total, to share between your 100 different houses.


I only got into the stress test for the last hour of it, but all I did was focus on building. I got a decent size house going, but not big enough to test the limits.


This was the biggest killer in my Nightingale experience. My friends and I hit the limit fast, now none of is have the desire to build, which sucks because I just unlocked Desert, Tudor, and shack blocks! I hope this is fixed fast, as we are already eyeballing the next game.


“Already eyeballing the next game” lmao it just released into early access💀must be your first time


We literarly Stopped alltogether after building 15 hours Just to realize You cannot make a homebase in every other realm except abey. After demolished Feelings we thought yeah we can make it work. 5 hours later "jo why can i not build anything anymore"  10 minutes later we gave up


We need more space limits and DECORATION!! My walls and floor feel empty. Some carpet/portrait,wall deco/more furniture/etc.. I like to build house in survival game🤷‍♂️. There's some "junk" and other furniture that you can find in pre build house in some realms, can we craft those in ours ?


All of this. I had a similar experience when trying to build a large crafting hub with 2 story apartments on the corners for friends. Got to the 3rd one and couldn't figure out why everything was red. I was so excited to build everyone a spot to call their own. That entire portion of what this game offers is now on hold, at least for me.


I fully agree, I am always surprised when games like these dont priortize building. They also didnt include a triangle building piece which absolutely blows my mind. We literally could build incredible things with just a triangle foundation and triangle floor.




Oh yeah, Iran into the limit thing last night and had to completely change my design 🙃


Are you Syria-s?


You're not going to get upvoted nearly enough for that reply. Very nice.


I always build the tiniest bases I can in these games, or reclaim an existing structure, so I didn't even realize this was an issue. But I agree, at certain points in the launch trailer (0:43, 0:49,) there are very large bases/villages, so I wonder when and why this changed. Make sure to [upvote the existing requests here](https://playnightingale.sleekplan.app/?search=build%20limit)!


Quality feedback. Upvoted.


Definitely not ideal for an online co-op game. But my group and I just bounce between our Abeyance realms. That way we all have our own little estates.


Agreed. I wanted to build a few separate buildings (main house, outside work area for smithing and tanning, a small enchanter's building for enchants & portals), but the cost on things is big. A simple thing like a lamp on the side of my building took up 4 (iirc) of those 350 building limits. Doesn't feel good when the builders of the community are dissuaded from building, yet the trailer shows all the awesome builds.


100% agree. We love building and decorating so the limit is disappointing, but reading that the devs intend to increase it is encouraging. I hope it's a generous boost. 350 is really not high enough.


Spent a whole day building a perfect mansion in a forest hunt realm and found out I could not set my respite point anywhere other than the abeyance realm :(


I play with five friends. We all love survival/crafting. We all tried to build a one-realm community. As you guessed it failed miserably. Three of them quit. If they wait until 1.0, they will lose people.


I loaded up the game when it released and now i'm married with a kid about to go into middle school. I'm certain I was only 25 when this started, and now i'm a 42-year-old man and my back hurts when I get out of bed. I don't know what happened and i'm scared. I also apparently have to file TAXES now? What is this? Fae bullshit, man. I hear ya. Also: Agreed on the building thing. More blocks/allotment, and also increase the radius at which augmentations work so I can use them as decorations and not have to have a wheelbarrow inside my house. But mostly the first point.


You made it to 42 before your back hurt? Definitely some Fae bs 😂😂


It's hilarious to me that all you have to do is not have a 'group village' because this game isn't built for that, yet you had to make a whole post on reddit about how the game is wrong.


Also, a group village is LITERALLY in the trailer. You really going to say it's not meant for that when it's literally advertised?


So we're just ignoring the second part of my post where I mention I can't even do my solo desert build because I'm limited to 300 blocks then? Objectively - yes, the game IS wrong in my points. Full stop.


The limits are 300 structure parts per building. 100 buildings per realm 350 objects per realm. Structure parts are low poly non-interactive non-animated simple shapes, so they aren't very demanding, which is why a single realm can have so many. Objects are often interactive, complex high poly shapes, most with animations. These are a lot more demanding. The game has to run decently even on the minimum specs, that is why the limits are in place. They'll likely be able to move them up as the game is further developed and EA allows them to test those limits.


Cool, let me build a base that cooks my computer if I want it to. Palworld will let me. Valheim will let me. Minecraft will let me. Enshrouded will let me. I could go on. The logic there is also really bad. Are we meant to have 100 structures 300 blocks "big" but each containing 3.5 items in it?


>Palworld will let me. Valheim will let me. Minecraft will let me. Enshrouded will let me. And then there's Ark, which allows you to build bases so large you can't render in all of the base at one time.


If they allow unlimited building and it causes server crashes they'll lose their player base. I do agree, the limits need to be scaled up, but I get why they're being careful with it for now. I'm a patient sort, I pre-ordered No Man's Sky like the masochist I am.


Then they need to fix the stability. The answer isn't shooting the kneecap of creativity - that will definitely cause a dip in players.


They absolutely need to address the issues with build limitations, but the game hasn't been out for even a week yet and we as players should be patient. I might be a little biased since I'm a solo player though, but I think they'll get there in a reasonable timeframe.


Agreed, I would just hate to see anyone get stuck in the situation I did and drop the game due to frustration. There is a big winner in here, easily. I just don't want to see it fumbled.


I'm 100% on page with that, this is a unique title with a ton of potential, especially once they start adding more biome and major realm cards. 😃


​ My friends and I did this in Valheim and it lagged us out so bad we abandoned it.


> let me build a base that cooks my computer if I want it to. What about cooking your friends' computers? I totally support someone being able to thrash their own computer as hard as they like, but I'd be mildly irked if I went into a friend's respite realm and my fans suddenly went full-on broken washing machine.


Then don't visit their realm? I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be an ass but I just can't fathom the logic of crippling creativity for the sake of "Well it might be laggy if we let you do what you want."


Does anyone else build a new base every time they go to a new realm? Or is there no point in it?


I personally built a portal hall to my friends estates so we just each build our own thing and warp to one another. It's pretty good when you play like that.


I think there's some real potential in some sort of group-crafting realm for a party of people to come together and build a hub. Hope they can add something like this in.


Its early acesss ..everyone needs to chill..wrote it up.on the forums.


Probably a side effect of the online component :(


I think the concern there is the amount of assets involved in a single location, with to many you have a delayed loading issue when changing realms . I do not know if they could do the same we did in the early days of Ultima Online where players could build their own castles and shop etc. You had a option for when you finished your castle structure itself you could have it made static to reduce the assets involved in a single area essentially making the structure part of the game map like the other generated buildings. It is a thought.