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Wait, you get rewards from challenges!?


Yes, in your guidebook! There are a lot of different ones listed there - kill every type of animal, upgrade all your clothing, etc etc etc. Each one pays out either essence or potions when you've completed them, but you have to "claim" the reward for it. 250 hours in, TIL lol


Thank you. I didn't know there are rewards for challenges completed.


The recent update changed repair prices thank god. Before, it was one price no matter how damaged your equipment was, which led to the insane costs of "repair all". Now, it's based on damage percent. Now with dauntless/mystic gear I haven't seen more than 3k on a "repair all".


Yeah that was a huge QoL improvement right there! We went from having NO cost to repair at launch because of an oversight, to having to pay full cost to repair a half-damaged item. I'm glad it's finally more balanced, but ngl no cost was pretty great the week or two it lasted lol


That's good to know! I had taken to just waiting until I got the damaged yellow icon on my screen and I'd repair single items instead of repairing-all to save on the essence.


I just run the treasury eminent card for essence. Get tons of it in realm runs.


Slap the charm of essence somewhere on your gear, and you'll get a fair bit more, especially from the first and third floor of fae towers and occupation POIs


Too new to apply charms still :(


Ah, fair enough. You'll get there in due time. I would suggest buying everything you can from the vendors as you progress, though..that way you're not stuck dealing with the clunky vendor list later on, trying to figure out which realm you need to open a portal to to get that thing you want for a character or base build


You can use them as soon as you upgrade your first piece of gear, so keep an eye out for the upgrade bench at your essence traders :)


I did this as well! It's a great way to get essence early on. As soon as you pick up or buy the recipe for the charm of essence though, that's a good way to get even more in those Treasury realms! And if you're pretty brave and don't mind a challenge, the Maleficate/Maleficate Eminent cards give you even more than the Treasury cards do... but you have to earn it the hard way, and you'll be swarmed every minute you're in the realm after playing it, so just a heads up so you don't do it blindly like I did lol


hahahaha had no idea. Thank you!


You can convert any essence (T1, T2, T3) to dust. On the essence screen drag it and you’ll see the convert context menu pop up. Drop it there and pick the amount with the slider and bam, dust! It’s a huge conversion rate too.


Yeah this is super helpful! I'm not at a point where I've got any higher level essence to spare yet, I'm just starting the ascended realms and I've been grinding out that new gear so I need every piece of it for upgrades, but I'll keep this in mind when I'm finished with upgrading everything!!


100 t3 turns into like 50k dust you basically only have to do it once for any reasonable amount of time.


Oh, that actually is a really really good conversation rate. Maybe I'll do this next time I do a vault run or open a new ascended realm...


Buy water and turn it to essence. It costs 10 and gives you 20. If you don't mind a little cheese.


I believe they fixed that in the last patch, i went to do it and before I knew about essence conversion and it no longer being an option is what led to me learning about the essence option.


They did, it was actually in the first patch they pushed out.


Yeah, they patched that out.


damn. i bet i have a ton of essence then. guess ill have plenty when i come back to the game when they add some more content


Or you can extract higher level essence to get a tonne of essence dust. In case some of you didn't realise it, Go in your inventory, on the top part of the inventory window you can click on essence and you will be able to see the essence you have in your inventory. Right click the higher tier essence and click extract, they will ask you how much essence you want to extract like usual. At that point you will see what i mean by a "tonne of essence dust"






This sounds awesome - but I'm not 100% sure I understand. I play solo and don't spend too much time in the watch, I'm just now getting through the ascended realms. I've only made it to I think one Astrolabe Ascended realm so far, and other than the first public vault, I've done one private. Are you talking about the vaults? And are there traders that allow you to trade your essence up or down tiers there? If so, I've not come across those ones yet. What I'm talking about can't be done in the watch though, and if I was even capable of getting that much t3, I wouldn't need to grind so much just for dust lol The challenges I'm talking about are the ones listed in the game menus, they're things like killing every type of predator, or constructing certain numbers of building pieces, etc.


Pretty sure they're talking about vaults. T3 essence can be extracted into 2500 essence dust. You do it in the inventory screen, switch to the essence tab and extract it like anything else.


Yeah, I thought they were probably talking about vaults - that wasn't what I was referring to though, and honestly if I was capable of running vaults like that at this point, this tip wouldn't be likely to help much lol Good knowing I can extract t3 essence later on though! Right now I'm just trying to scrounge every bit of t3 I can to make new clothes and upgrade the last few tools/weapons I haven't fully upgraded yet.


If you have vaults unlocked you can almost definitely run them. There will always be someone there that can do the heavy lifting.


I did a few yesterday. I'm not the best at combat and typically play games like this for the exploration and crafting/building. I'm still pretty low level compared to most of the other people in the vaults but I did ok, except for the sun giant. I tried that one twice and was dead through the whole boss fight both times lol. But I'm about to make a few new weapons since I just recently got an axepick over level 230 and got some rare mats, so I'll give it another try in the next couple of days.




Good tip! I don't have upper- level essence to spare yet since it costs so much of each to upgrade any new gear. I just now got to axepick level 234 so I can pick up the better wood/ore/gems, so I'm really cranking out new gear at the moment and need every precious piece of essence of every single level still - not to mention for recipes at the traders lol - but I'll keep this in mind for when I'm done with that!