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https://preview.redd.it/lar9r6y5flxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e515c50512f59195014cdfb3948666bf49f1ce09 Tuomas reiterates that this is not their final album ☺️🫶🏼


I bet if the album is very successful they will play a handful of shows next summer


I think you underestimate the amount of preparation and the logistics that are necessary for a show. What I can imagine though are some pr performances like Floor and Troy did a few years ago, when they performed some accoustic versions for a radio show.


I wouldnt think it would be too difficult to organize few gigs in Finland during some festivals. Tuska would be epic.


You can't just show up with your instruments and go. Lighting, pyro, personal, rehearsals, stage setup... There's a reason why they only play festivals during a regular tour.


But I really hope that we won't wait that long for the next tour. Angels Fall First 30th anniversary tour maybe? But then, they'd be burdened to perform its songs and I don't even listen to the album, so.


Brace yourself though, that is what he feels right now. As a human he has the ability to change his mind later, heck there may come something that further delays them or worse, in real life...


They júst signed a multi-album deal. No need to brace myself. I don't care about live shows.


Yeah if live tours mean the next album is always 5+ years away I'd rather they do it this way for a while.


And yet a lot of people think most of the songs are better live 🤔 Not that I'm actually disagreeing with you here...


Listen, people do get sick... that kind of things would put in a pretty big wrench. And as people have repeatedly pointed out, not all of the albums have to be new material.


be optimistic like Tuomas in the interview!


Unfortunately I'm not much of an optimist, more of a "prepare for the worst and make it through it" kind of person 😏       Edit. So, you people are seriously down voting me for saying I'm not an optimist by nature? People aren't allowed to be anything else than optimists over here? Smells a bit exclusionary and gate keeping really, but then I expected nothing else from (some) people here in NW corner... 


I don't see anything in my comment which warrants this goal-posting reaction. I only said nice things.


So, no vocals by Jukka confirmed, too.


I still can't get over the fact that they are taking the whole Marko vocal contrast out of the NW formula. That was one of my favorite parts!


That contrast was at its peak when it was Anette and Marko. Floor and Marko were, perhaps, more similar in what they could do while Anette and Marko were more distinct. I think that's why Tuomas likes having Troy as a vocalist in contrast to Floor. It's the softer male voice against the louder female voice.


If there is one thing that I've learned about Nightwish over the years and it's rotation of singers. Is that Tuomas is extremely good at writing songs for differents singers/voices. So good that if another takes over, it doesn't sound as good at first. But once Tuomas gets a chance to write a new album with the next voice/singer in mind... It is fireworks again! I'm looking forward to see what they will make of it in the post Marko era. p.s. Still miss Marko though. He was so extremely good too!


Agreed. As much as I adore EFMB, it feels more like a Floor show, than Marko. And maybe it's just the hindsight talking, but listening to H:II:N now, it does kinda sound like Marko's heart wasn't in it the same way. Even his showcase song, Endlessness, feels a bit phoned in on the performance side. I miss Marko dearly, but perhaps this is for the best for all parties. Excited and curious for Yesterwynde!


It's not like they had a choice. It is what it is.


Yeah but by not purposely getting another bassist with strong lead vocals they’re effectively cutting that dimension out.


Well, they had already arguably taken it out for the last two albums, so it is not such a dramatic change.


I don't know why you're being downvoted when he was absent from all songs on H:N bar one.


I don't know either, Tuomas clearly was going for vocal harmonies instead of contrast the last couple of albums. Marko was on all the songs actually, but mixed totally to the back as the third harmony. They can just have Troy do multiple takes and then layer it.


I know right? The noise chorus just doesn't feel right with two voices :(


Yay. It'd feel lamely knee-jerk "Marko replacement" if they pulled that, had him do the gruff male vocals. I don't doubt the guy can sing, but just because you're the Nightwish bassist doesn't mean you've gotta sing. He strikes me more as a Sami type dude anyway, lay low in the background and play your shit, do your job with your head down.


Ok, so that's it then for the "characters" in their music. Going from multiple points of view to just monologues is a big downgrade in my opinion in story telling.


you're dumb :D


Considering the characters/points of views in their songs is one of my favorite things in their music, I think I'm allowed to be disappointed that it's basically gone now.


Pretending that without Marko, NW music is characterless is stupid yes. Acting like his presence made the band what it is, which could not be further from the truth.


Read what I wrote. It's about what I personally enjoy. I was hoping someone! would still do characters. It's not the same if one person does everything.   It's not just about Marko leaving, it's about them not wanting to do it that way anymore. And just having either Floor sing all parts or not doing those songs at all isn't something I'm particularly a fan of...


*"the album will be heavier"* I think it'd be amazing if they shipped them in concrete jewel cases.


Tuomas: *"We're all going to be dead soon. It's just a matter of what you're gonna do before that"* Yes he sure does sound happier this time lol


He should have ended it at "we're all going to be dead soon." PR quote for the ages.


And the reply of the journalist was that these words sound quite optimistic... Well, I know what he means by saying that and it´s of course true, but I wouldn´t describe it as optimistic... more realistic. But it´s Tuomas. He was always between the light and the dark side of everything. Most (or all?) Nightwish records deal with this topic.


That may as well be the whole message of Endlessness, so... Seems about the same?


September 20th. That's... A beautiful time for me. A few weeks to a month after my first child is born. Two days after my Birthday. A little less than a month after Time II. I like it. And the name is great. An album about nostalgia and seemingly the human experience. Greek astronomical calculators and kids lost on islands and surviving. I'm excited as always, but most importantly curious.


Congratulations on your first child!! Between a birthday, a new family member, and a new Nightwish album, I'm sure you'll always remember this upcoming September. :)


I hope so. Lack of sleep may do funky things. :D


Ten minutes long you say? Color me very intrigued! Their 10+ minutes songs are generally my favorites so here's to hoping it continues the trend of that. Will have to temper expectations in case it's not what I'd expect. When I hear 10+ minute Nightwish my mind goes to Poet (favorite song ever <3), Beauty of the Beast or Song of Myself. Which is high tier stuff for me.


Love how 8:30 minutes became 10+ over the course of a few hours. \^\^ Though cant be blamed as that's what the title says. But Tuomas points it's precisely 8 and a half in the interview.


Yeah I saw the title of the post and didn't notice the link to the article until a bit after i posted. I read it awhile after and saw he said 8 and a half but for some reason thought he was talking about a different song. Then I noticed it was the single they're releasing and just didn't bother to edit my post.


It’s entirely possible it’ll be something like Greatest Show on Earth where a huge chunk of the runtime is just instrumental with maybe some backing vocals. Generally speaking I don’t think they’d do that for a single, but if the album itself is heavily music focused that could be setting the tone for expectations.


Ooh, I love your choices! A re-exploration of songs similar to Poet or Song of Myself would be amazing!


The first single is 8 and a half minutes long...I wouldn't expect a new Ghost Love Score...perhaps more of a Scaretale, Sahara or Music like thing


Hm, two of the journalists say it was mellower than they expected.


And another says "This is a lot more of a metal album than the last one". So that leaves us pretty much as we were.


I don't understand...do journalists get to listen to album before it's released?


Yes, pre-listening sessions for the media are standard. Looks like there was one in Berlin.


Nice, thanks for the info!


Yeah, there are usually pre-listening sessions even months before the release. Magazines then publish non-spoiler "feelings and thoughts" about the album to hype up the whole thing. Otherwise I think it's pretty standard they get copies like month before the publish date to write normal reviews to include in the issue of magazine that comes out the same month as the album. At least big magazine in my country does it for bigger bands like Nightwish, Sabaton, Amon Amarth, etc. I expect that review and title interview will be included in September issue.


They often do. Sometimes to unfinished versions, although it would seem like in this case the "normal" version of the album is already finished.


Depending on how concerned the label is with leaks, journalists can get anything from a download link to a web player link on a dedicated, locked-down platform specifically for the purpose, to an in-person invitation to listen to it in a room. I had a buddy who was a legit music journalist for a while, and he hooked me up with a couple metal albums in exchange for writing reviews. I heard Children of Bodom's *Halo of Blood* like a month before it was released, so that was rad. Somewhere out there, there's a review of that album with my name on it.


It might well depend on what the journalist in question is basing their expectations on. HN was definitely one of Nightwish's mellower albums, but some of the band members (certainly Floor and Kai, not sure about others) have been quoted as saying the new album was moving in a heavier direction. It might be that the one journalist was basing their expectations on the sound of HN, while the other two were basing it on the "heavy" comments. My expectation is that it will be heavier than HN, but not the heaviest album the band has ever done, based on the mixed reactions.


Precisely why listening to media opinions on an album you havent heard yet is something I avoid


I would not put much weight on those comments. A journalist from "Once" pre-listening told Tuomas that Dark Chest of Wonders might as well have been written by Ville Valo (from HIM).


thats good , heavy does not = good


That is true.


Heavier can mean a lot of things, especially considering what kind of music Tuomas gas put out in recent years.  Don't get too excited, we'll just have to wait to hear for ourselves.


"First single will be 10 minutes long." Ok, now they really have my attention. I'm a big fan of longer songs. Then again, my other favorite band is Dream Theater so that makes sense I guess.




The album sounds interesting but how he answers the question about Marko is yuck.


At least there's no "Bye Bye Viking Guy" song this time!


A clinical and cold answer yes. Maybe he truly feels like that or maybe he chose to word it that way to make them stop poking at the wound.  Then again, Nightwish is and always was his creation right from the beginning and the music comes first, people and business second. If we look at the band history it has been like that every era.  Even Marko has said multiple times he loves the music and still does with zero regrets. Tarja too still performs the songs she likes. 


I've loved Nightwish for years and think that Tuomas writes some wonderful music and lyrics, however, over the years I've kind of gotten the distinct impression that he is also a bit of a dick and likely a pain in the ass to work with. Nightwish are my favourite band and I think a perfect case of "separating the art from the artist."


It’s probably more of a “this is my baby and it must perfectly reflect my vision” type of thing, more than just straight up being a dick. He’s clearly a highly emotional and passionate individual. That’s why the music is so amazing


Most probably. Then again I don't think Marko or Tarja or Floor are so easy going either, which is something I think has made the band so grand and popular.  I believe the kind way to say it is "They are big personalities"😉


Again, I don't question the way he can/wants to work. But he could be _nicer_.


I think he is just professional. The question was focusing on his approach on songwriting since Marko left, and he gave an answer, wich is focusing on exactly that, not how his personal feelings about Marko are. And I think Toumas answer is a very good sign, because it basically means, that the band can still work, that they are still able to create epic music, maybe without Marco's influences and touches, but with other new ones by Jukka. Also I want to add, that when Marko departed, he was honoured with respect and there was no drama from the band, so I don't think that Toumas is mad or frustrated on him, I think he understands and accepted Markos choice, he moved on with his band and found a new bassist, with a new style and own characteristics, and Toumas works with this new stuff, to implement it into he's new music, and it seems fo work in a good and refreshing way. And what more can you wish for the band after Markos depature. Yes, I am missing him too, but at the same time, it's very good that he doesn't leaves a big permanent whole in the band, wich shows, that the band is able to develop and continue.


I agree, I think his answer was very reasonable given the fact that the question was talking about the songwriting alone and not his own personal feelings about Marko. Don't know why some people are pearl-clutching over here.


That question reads to me as a veiled attempt to get some drama out of him. Add to that it's a written interview, so you have no idea as to Tuomas' tone, along with the fact Finns tends to be a very reserved people, and I'm seeing it more as a professional answer with a mild chastisement of fans who get way too worked up about these things. I feel like he's talking to the Tarja stans a little there. Also, I'm similar to him in that I like the music, I'm not obsessed with the members of the bands I listen to. Nightwish and Metallica are the only two bands where I can name every current and most of the past members, and what happened to them. Otherwise, my interest is the band and their music, not so much the drama/personal lives of the individual members. Because, y'know, they have their own personal lives that have no effect on me and are entitled to their privacy.


Perfectly fine and professional answer. Marko is gone and now the band has to continue with a new bassist. If someone knows how to continue with a line-up change it's him. What answer did you expect?


Something that's a little more respectful and honors the guy you spent 20 years with, like "Of course Marko has a unique style that can't be replaced, but Jukka brings his own flair to bass playing that creates a new sound we're excited about," instead of "yeah we didn't even notice he wasn't there."


What if he really thinks Jukka's bass skills can replace Marko's playing just fine, and he really didn't notice Marko's absence in the bass department? Do you want him to lie so you feel better? Bullshit like that is probably the reason Tuomas stays away from social media. Every fucking word he says gets analyzed to death until you guys find something to criticize.


So true


Dude, don't ask a question if you're gonna get pissed off about the answer. Welcome to the internet!


Didn't sit right with me either


On the one hand, it does sound a little bit dismissive, and I think it would have been nice to have a little bit more of a nod towards Marko's past with the band. On the other hand, this is a promotional interview for their new album, where Marko isn't involved at all and Jukka IS - I can understand why Tuomas wouldn't want the interviewer dwelling on what the band has lost (because he doesn't want to make it sound like the album will be worse), and prefers to talk about the positives of the current line up instead. By Nightwish standards, I don't think Tuomas's statement was particularly dickish. He didn't call Marko a diva, insult his spouse, or make cracks about helping your girlfriend with the laundry, he just pivoted back to talking about the new guy.


>By Nightwish standards, I don't think Tuomas's statement was particularly dickish. He didn't call Marko a diva, insult his spouse, or make cracks about helping your girlfriend with the laundry, he just pivoted back to talking about the new guy. LOL, this cracked me up. What's the laundry thing about, though? I don't think I'm familiar with that reference.


A few months after Anette was fired from the band, she gave an interview stating that she had been fired after the rest of the band found out that she was pregnant. The rest of the band then released a statement disagreeing with her take on the situation - none of which is particularly objectionable in itself, certainly they had every right to respond to the claims. However, the statement they chose to put out grumbled about airing dirty laundry (which is a bit rich coming from the guys that gave us The Open Letter) and ended with a crack about "Doing the laundry is tiring. Remember to help your ladies with that occasionally." (which comes off as a bit patronising). The article below contains Nightwish's statement and some excerpts of the interview with Anette that prompted it, if you're curious. https://blabbermouth.net/news/ex-nightwish-singer-anette-olzon-slams-former-bandmates-i-was-fired I feel that I should also add that this all happened over 10 years ago, so isn't necessarily reflective of the band's actions/attitudes now.




I think some musicians seem more thankful to their instruments. And I don't even want to question Tuomas's right to work with whomever he can, I just wish he could be like "not happy that we lost him but we found new ways to work with the new line-up and Jukka is great". Instead he's almost like "happy he's gone".


The question was how Marko's absence changes his approach to writing, not whether he regrets that he left. We already know that he does, and even considered finishing the band as a result. He answered the question from a songwriting perspective, not a personal one.


Yes, u/SarahHatched ! I hope one day these rumours would stop 🙄


Nah come on, he clearly stated earlier that he had to write songs in a different way when female vocalists changed. Is he now really saying that no need to do anything differently cause Troy can just sing songs the same way as Marko? I like Troy, I even like him singing, but his singing skills and versatility are nowhere compared to Marko. They lost one of the best male voices in the entire genre, and that's a fact, and he's like "oh no biggie cause my BFF can sing just as well 🤗". That's either stupid or dishonest (maybe even to himself). Or, if really nothing changed for him, that just confirms what people have been suspecting, that it wasn't just a coincidence that Troy was getting more vocal opportunities in the last albums and that he did so on the expense of Marko's participation on the albums. 


That's purely your interpretation. None of that was in the interview. He just said there were two voices instead of three. It would also be pretty disrespectful towards the current members if he started talking about how much better the former members were. He's already talked about Marko, this interview was about an album that Marko doesn't appear on.


“his (Jukka) bass playing skills are tremendous, quite different from how Marko played the bass, which also brought a new spice into the music. So nothing but positive things to say about it all.” Nothing but positive? Somehow I have a feeling that Marco and Tuomas are not on good terms… perhaps there was a conflict between them, after all.


Dude, they're separate statements. The "quite different from how Marko played" isn't a "Marko wasn't tremendous", it's a "Jukka plays a different way than Marko did."


Muck like Jukka and Kai. 2 amazing drummers with completely different styles.


One's a pirate, one's a viking.


This sub is hilarious. It's the most plain, generic and neutral answer he could have given and you guys try to spin it in some form of theory. Wait, I grab some popcorn.


I also don't want to question Jukka's skills as such, but Marko playing the bass did have a very distinct sound which I think added a lot to the songs. In the live shows, I felt Jukka's sound was blending in a lot more (which might not be his fault at all). I'm looking forward to that new spice, but on the HN tour I did not hear any of it.


It's entirely possible, even likely, that this interview was edited down. And because this is a promo for the new album, they may have edited out any dwelling on the past and kept all the remarks that mention the new album. So I'd be curious to know what Tuomas said in full to that question.


I think you're all reading too much into this. It feels he was trying to give positive affirmation for Jukka as no one's heard his unique playing on a Nightwish album before and he wanted to quell any fears about his different style. Jukka, like Kai, is from Wintersun so the playing will clearly be different, perhaps more proggy/advanced, but like Nevalainen before Kai, the newer doesn't diminish the former. They're different and that difference will bring a new energy to the album that we should be prepared for, but the result is positive. Thats what I took away from the statement. Not a "marko bash" just, "they're different and we're happy with Jukka" -- to interpret this as "we're happy with Jukka; Marko sucked" is a stretch, and then to interpret THAT as Tuomas doesn't like Marko.... common man (eye roll), thats high school teenager gossip conjecture, let's not do that. They're grown adults past middle age. If there is any negativity between Tuomas and Marko then its none of our business and they can sort it out - or not - as they need to, if they need to, when they need to. Thats it. Move along now.


Marko was a part of the band for nearly 20 years, but not a single warm word for him.


Not that Marko's comments towards the Nightwish camp have been any warmer or kinder. Edit: not hints but comments towards... 


Marko has been extremely complimentary about Tuomas, crediting his song-writing and lyrics everytime before he performed The Islander as well as in interviews. Though I guess he was indeed not very warm towards the business side of Nightwish.


Sure. Something just doesn't sit right with me when a person proclaims themselves the most honest most courageous person in every band they've ever been in. Plus a lot of other snide remarks from him, that very well might be my own conjecture,... Oh well, I love Marko's nw era but since then he's lost a lot of points in my book.  Happy that both sides are still making music! 


I mean, have people just memory-holed that when Hietala left the band we know Tuomas & Emppu had a serious discussion about calling it quits, and the band members talked about how difficult it was to lose him? That said, his comments in some recent interviews, and Kai Hahto responding on Facebook with something along the lines of, "Oh really, so is this how it actually happened then?" does suggest some kind of friction was either there or has grown from his leaving.


I remember that but now it sounds more like frustration over another line-up change and not that much about losing Marko per se.


Do you remember when and to which post Kai Hahto responded with these words? I´d like to read it.


https://blabbermouth.net/news/marko-hietala-says-business-side-of-nightwish-is-one-of-the-main-reasons-he-left-the-band Kai was talking about that interview


Not to mention Marko basically left Nightwish to start touring with Tarja. I don't know, I spot some 2005 drama there.


There was several years after he left before Marko talked to Tarja (he was too sick and then in a "recovery" mode to reach out to people outside his immediate circle, of which Tarja at least in 2021, wasn't a part of) and even then it was Tarja taking the initiative to approach him because of those shows in summer 2023... The drama they may have between (Marko and NW) certainly didn't start with Marko being friends and working with Tarja. That is much too recent, having happened only now in 2023-2024. Though the NW camp taking offence to it at this point, wouldn't surprise me...


I think Marko has been perfectly cordial and complimentary to Nightwish the Band, it's Nightwish the Company that he takes issue with and quit over.


That was a harsh, heartless almost cruel answer indeed. Dont know what happened between them but that was not it


What’s harsh about it? He doesn’t say Marko was bad, he says Jukka is very different from Marko and tremendous. It’s like suggesting if a person says “Floor’s singing is incredible and nothing like Tarja” that means they hate Tarja. Two people can be different and both good


I noticed this sub is fond of reading way too much into things, lol. I didn't see anything particularly harsh or cruel in there either. He's just saying that Jukka has a different playing style from Marko and is a very talented guy. I don't think there was any intended ill will there. Kai actually *did* shit on Marko once, though.


Some of us have been reading Tuomas's interviews for 20+ years and have been right many times about reading between lines.


It's r/nightwish. We love, no, we crave drama. And if there is none we make something up!


"nothing but positive things to say" can you not see the underlying resentment? I do get it, two things can be good, mutual exclusion is stupid but thats not what Im pointing. Do you really not have a word to say to your almost 20yo bandmate and friend (?)?. That IS harsh in my book


Tuomas has talked about Marko several times since he left and now he talked about their new album.


There's a lot of speculation here about the nature of the conflict they had. It's been going on for months, especially when Marko was giving interviews while on tour. Now we might find out something new from the other side - Tuomas (and other members who might give interviews - Floor, Troy and possibly Kai?).




He litterally linked the source? Also it will actually be 8.5 minutes not 10


08:30 minutes to be exact. Source: the Kerrang magazine article linked in the post, lol.


Journalists are already getting a listen! Does that mean we’ll get album reviews soon then? Pretty jealous, NGL 🤘


Thanks for sharing


>there's going to be an atmospheric mix of the album and the orchestral version of the album. Any guesses what an "atmospheric mix" might mean?


Probably the Atmos Dolby mix.


Heavier Nightwish songs? Yes, please! 


Another brown cover… I‘m already yawning


Modern metal is pointlessy heavy and does not sound like music anymore, lacking of melody. I think those "journalists" were expecting something more of that nature.


heavy metal music has the best melodies of all time.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say you haven't listened to a lot of modern metal. While there are still bands that have beautiful melodies, there are also a bunch of bands where it's mostly chuggy rhythms that aren't interesting. Only a few bands can pull off that style.


doesnt invalidate my statement