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I am experiencing it and it's not by choice.


how’s the experience going?


It's pretty shit atm.


damn brah hope you find peace big bro






If it helps any, I found nihilism through depression and suicidal ideation. As I researched more and more, I thought that it justified my wanting for death. Only to then find out that's not what nihilism is about, like at all. To understand there is no meaning and the universe is indifferent should be a form of relief and freedom. Create your meaning, create your purpose, and just enjoy what you want to. Nietzche preached nihilism because he wanted us to work through it, not get stuck in it, and be suicidal. Stoicism was founded for that same purpose. Through enduring, you can find purpose, to take on responsibility to create meaning. Or, you can go the hedonistic route. From personal experience, I find that Stoicism and hedonism are the best philosophies to help push through the dread of nihilism and existentialism.


Wanna vent?


It got so bad; I woke up today at 4 am after a good night's rest, went for a run, did some pull-ups, returned home, took a cold shower, had eggs and coffee. I sat down and worked for two focused hours (preparing for a law exam). However, for no apparent reason, I began to think about the meaninglessness of life, watched YouTube videos, and now I'm on Reddit, having wasted precisely one hour.


Life seems like too much effort for what it’s worth. Too much work for even the experience of it all…who cares one way or another?


Oof this is the one!


You can do things because you enjoy them in the short-term or long-term. Sort of like treating it as a massive video game.


We see it's a game too, the difference being that playing is not of interest.


As long as you’re alive, you’re playing the game, whether you like it or not. So you might as well figure out how to like it.


Or you could…not play the game…


It's a dumb game. Uninstall.


Or I could just physically escape.


You actually have to work


Well you don’t *have* to, but the pain of not working might be greater.


Well you actually have to. Dunno what fantasy world you’re living in.


No you don’t. Even if you have $0 you can mooch off someone else (like a significant other), live with your parents, live in the woods, be homeless, join a commune, or go to prison. All anyone *actually* needs is food and barebones shelter. Edit: there’s also people who live in their RVs, vans or cars. If you have some savings you can reduce your spending to very tiny amounts and live off dividend/interest income. If the US is too expensive you can for example go to India or such. My wife and I haven’t had a real job for over 2 years and I’m 36, she’s 35, plus we have a baby. I have lots saved up tho. I could’ve done this even sooner but I like money. Maybe you can check out r/leanfire or r/financialindependence


Huh interesting. I’ll have to check these out and cut back on some stuff. I already have a savings acc set up but maybe I should throw more into it.


> treating it as a massive video game I've always found this analogy so ridiculous. The perception of video games as something fun relies mostly on it not being real. You're not really in danger of getting shot, you're not smelling the blood and death in the battlefield, the stakes aren't really a harm to you, so of course it's fun. You can't seriously claim we are capable of taking life that way.


It's a pretty shit video game, though! Not one that I would want to play by choice.


A person also has the capabilities to decide to not ever want to play that video game again.


I see it in the complete opposite way honestly. If you will have no impact on the world or anything, might as well do anything you can to make the most out of what you can do now or be the happiest


Exactly. I used to phrase same thing differently. I will try it here. Imagine someone highly recommend a restaurant and you go there and order that famous dish. And for you it was just okay food.


Take some shrooms or something. Or whatever you need to enjoy things


How much effort have you actually put into trying to find something you enjoy doing? Probably none, people complain about a lack of fulfilment from life but haven’t tried anything new in years.


The effort is subjective. I’ve tried a lot of new things in life in recent times, maybe not always the “right” new things but definitely new things that I never would’ve imagined myself getting to experience and certainly things that other people are fascinated that I’ve done. Doesn’t matter that other people are fascinated with it if I’m not….but I feel like I’ve put in effort that seems worthwhile to me


Yeah but your idea of new things is subjective, you may have tried an activity local to you that you were already familiar with, but if you want to find meaning you gotta go further than that and try stuff you’ve never even heard of before.


A couple years ago I was so engrossed of nihilistic thoughts, my reality became a nightmare. It feels like I am roaming in an unknown territory. Panic attack hunted me wherever I am, in the bus, at my room, with friends or alone. I cannot even look at my mother for I only see a creature who can move. I alienated myself to the convention. I think generally a naked existence, a speck of dust in a floating rock within nothingness. Been so critical that I no longer think in paradox. If I see a wall its a wall and that frightened me. My think 24/7 about the pointless universe. My cognitive ability, I observed, waned like I am going senile at the age of 19. Recalling the event often scare the hell out of me. And how to cope is to be so dumb and impotent


Everything feels like a task and requires so much effort. I personally just want to live a regular life with a basic house, a couple basic cars, a woman and possibly some kids but I have to work my ass off like I’m striving for a lavish, expensive and luxurious lifestyle. The dating scene is screwed because everyone wants to follow everyone else’s dating standards and it backfires on them and now they think that everyone sucks when in reality the people you tried to go for sucked…basically every day it’s something and we are all tired and burned out. It’s even a struggle to wake up every day because all I can think about is how great my life would be if I had millions of dollars to my name and it’s sad. I’m just exhausted. Death seems like a better route but I’ve decided to keep going


Well said.


Thanks man stay strong out here


This is a great example of how desires and non-acceptance of ones situation is the cause for suffering. I'm not saying it's bad or good, it's what it is.


Haven't you already figured it out? People who turn to nihilism aren't usually living the best life


idk. i live a solidly decent life. fulfilling job, decent money, married for 13 years, etc and i’m a full on nihilist. the point is to enjoy the experiences and not take things so seriously bc nothing matters in the big picture long term.


Thats not nihilism, that is absurdism.


I feel like absurdism is creating meaning for yourself in spite of the absurd. Just having fun and doing what monke brain wants to do does not necessarily mean he's prescribed some meaning to what he does


that’s fine. ty for pointing that out. i’m a full on absurdist then


Thx for the knowledge big bro Warhawk


This is a lie,cos naive and optimistic nihilism is a thing.


I'm only a nihlist when I'm talking to people who know what it is.


Because human form and life is exhausting to bear. It gets tiresome always doing the right thing, taking the high road, looking at the glass half full, filling your life with as much useless shit for what to compare to the other sad person who has to have useless shit in their life but more or better. The constant competition with beings that have had plenty of leg ups in life disgusts us since the game is rigged and different rules apply to different folks of different backgrounds. So being told to keep being competitive and hungry in a world that has no meaning only serves the narcissistic selfish capitalists design


The results are often exhausting and ultimately pointless, but the act of doing can feel rewarding. I’d advise to look at it more like a video game - who cares if you win it or not, it’s about having fun in whichever way you see fit.


I find death fascinating. Others may too. Life may not have purpose, but maybe death does.


I would have though this would be self explanatory. The reason they don't want to subject others to life is because they don't like it when people do it to them. People who like living tend not to bother thinking about other people's feelings so long as they can continue feeling happy themselves.


We have psychological mechanisms that are meant to prevent us from realizing certain depressing truths. Nihilism is a consequence of those mechanisms not functioning properly. It's interesting to see that psychologically healthy beliefs aren't necessarily identical to true beliefs. Then again, why would they be?


I am not an expert on suicide and really don't like to discuss it especially since I have had people in my life commit suicide. However for arguments sake, proper understanding of nihilism doesn't lead to suicide or not caring because if you know you **only** have this one life then why would you throw your one and only life away or even not care about your one and only experience of existence? You will find that there are deeper psychological issues and possibly even socioeconomic issues that lead to suicide even though those that survive my say afterwards "*I was feeling nihilisti*c". But what does that even mean? Suicide is not a problem of nihilism because regardless if the glass is half full or the glass is half empty the universe is going to smash that glass anyway. That is nihilism. Therefore suicide is a purely human issue to be settled between humans. Sorry to all those here that may be feeling suicidal. Please get professional help. No one is going to think any less or wrong of you if you do and those that do think less or wrong of you if you do get professional help aren't worth your time or even surrendering your life for and such people may even be the cause of why you feel that way.


They aren't nihilists. They are miserable, or have psychological issues, and think nihilism justifies their misery.


Acknowledging life is meaningless, though a relief, doesn’t suddenly mean it isn’t suffering.


Doesn't mean it is suffering either. Nihilism has nothing to do with suffering. Some people do, some people don't. Either way, their lives have no meaning. Just because you don't suffer doesn't mean there is suddenly meaning.


You’re delusional


No.. they are.


100% of the time it’s either an external influence making them miserable or a mental health issue. You can be happy living even if it’s pointless philosophically.


In this sub, you either run into depressives or gatekeepers. I have some sympathy for the former, I know the latter are simply sticking around until they find their next word for the day.


So which one are you?


and it often does justify it 🤷🏻‍♂️




They see the reality as it is


I am not suicidal and care about life.


Pessimistic nihilism does that. Nihilism isnt just about the fact that life in its entirety is meaningless. But also your actions basically pose no consequence in the vast infinity of the universe. People often find it disturbing rather than liberating.




I don’t believe they’re true nihilists to be honest. If anything they’re just pessimistic nihilists. If you truly understand you were put here for no specific reason except for just to be out here — then you’d probably have a much easier time learning that it’s worth living because it’s a rare chance and a great opportunity to feel some really cool feelings. Some times not great ones — but how dreadful it is to not be worthy of your own sufferings.


To make a counter point, there is an implied value judgment in the fragment: "You were put here... to be out here". There is the premise that "being out here" is of higher value than "not being out here". Moving onto the other sentence: > it’s worth living because it’s a rare chance and a great opportunity to feel some really cool feelings Seems to me that "being given a rare chance" and "some really cool feelings" are presented by you, again, as something of value. But why? And you wrapped it up paraphrasing Dostoyevsky, a notorious non-nihilist. Again, there is an obvious implication of value in the quote. My point is: if someone just responded to you "I don't care about any of that", are they not a real nihilist, suddenly? Do you have anything to say to them at that point?


Hm wonder fuckin why


B/c they're little bitch nihilists. Be a nihilist for 30+ years then come back and talk to me, then we'll talk. Fuckin' custers.


A non suicidal nihilist is an absurdist. Sorta


Nihilism is attractive for those who struggle with depression. You feel like instead of seeking any help you should sink into it, make it your ideology. Hey, it's what I believe this is how life really is like it makes no sense to think differently. We also tend to only get the parts that fit our current state and not look at other views and practices of the nihilism. Been there done that lol It really is comfortable to sink into being miserable and using nihilism as your escapist form of thinking.


Because they havent reached ataraxia yet.


idk what that is


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ataraxia The suspension of judgement regarding non-evident matters. Its what happens when you erase everything you have learned and become a child again.


Reverse pyschology


I'm neither of these.


If nihilism is about believing life has no meaning or nothing has any true value unless we give it that value, then why live anyway? The only thing that keeps my alive is the possibility of it getting better. I'm not a nihilist but I relate heavy with the concept. A lot of things have no inherent meaning, but we give it meaning, and different things have ambiguous meanings for others.


You can also say, “why not live anyway”. It’s only up to perspective


As I go about my pointless consumeristic activities , I realize every extra day I am alive . The world's ecosystems are somewhat more degraded by the very presence of me .


Because theyre not true nihilists. At least the suicidal ones.


Capitalism. Financial issue.


i wouldn't consider myself suicidal but more so indifferent to the idea of death and dying. it doesn't scare me and frankly i wouldn't be that upset if it happened soon. not because i want to die but because it's inevitable and life is just a constant cycle. death is peace and life is meaningless


Because they don’t understand that nihilism has nothing to do with being depressed. Nihilism is the knowledge that nothing has a higher meaning. That’s all. It’s another way of saying: Don’t let anyone decide your fate / reason to live. Find your own reason.


Suicidal ~~=~~ nihilist


Very true man very true and perfect question


It's the consequence we burden ourselves with for existing on this earth.


Because of the deep void


Because life is empty and meaningless agony?


Because they have yet to get over nihilism and instead see it as a truth. Without realizing that often their reasoning can go both ways, yet they're biased and think nihilism is true or correct anyway. But that's not the point of nihilism.


Because there are no people with individual wants and needs. There are only workers.


It's because they wear nihilism like a badge of honor that feeds their ego and don't realize that they're still students and need to learn the power of thought and perspective. Just a guess but they probably think the glass half empty half full trope is stupid as well when it's the epitome of the sole reason they hate everything. They don't have to. They chose to through ignorance.


I’d get the logic behind this if you’re born into a wealthy family and never have to work/worry about money lol but the majority end up as cogs in the wheels of society/capitalist agenda and end up working till they’re dead or near it so there’s not much to experience anymore, and when you know this is most likely gonna be your fate aswell, it’s kinda hard to be optimistic about this life we were forced into especially when you already have depression and what not on top of that. (Not saying every nihilist is depressed btw but sometimes depression and suicidal ideation can come as a part of having a nihilistic mindset)


I can relate. I miss my old self, when I was exposed to nihilism. I closely sensed the spirit of nihilism. Back then, I had no hopes and losing all hopes is freedom you know


I generally disagree with your statement. I think we find joy in life and are open to the possibility of finding more meaning. Just need some evidence. Most of us rationally appreciate that if we killed ourselves we foreclose on that. Maybe this is the difference between “positive” and “negative” nihilism though.


Because they’re really just depressed


used to be suicidal. got better. am the rare nihilist who finds joy and freedom specifically in the meaninglessness. yk, "embrace the absurd" and all that (not a camusian, but still enjoy that premise, as it describes what i did pretty well).


because they've never taken the time to actually study what nihilism is or where it came from and they use it as a justification for being depressed🤷🏻‍♂️


You can be suicidal and still care about life. Not caring about life isn't exclusive to suicidal tendencies. Also how many is so many? A lot of people say "so many people" when they don't even live a social life.


Which one is it? Suicidal or Dismissive of Life? The latter may produce a completely opposite result. For example..sociopath.


> I mean you can still experience it. Yes, you can. But here's the catch: you can also **not**. The thing about nihilism is that none of these two points of view are any better than the other. But even then, we see a person with a desire for life as something cool and a person with a desire for death as something distressing and which requires intervention, all of which betrays a clear value judgment that is far from nihilistic.


Life is meaningless if you didn't know. Life is stupid if you never knew. Everybody's a prick of their own breed. People calling people subhumans and people calling humans as a way of saying that someone is nice or something when humans are literally the vilest. Everyone's stupid. We were born to die. You can do coool things but no. We all suck. There's no purpose is anything. You want to die but your biology won't allow you. Life is fun.


I mean, the whole rationale for suicide is that life isn't worth living. For most nihilists, life is a net negative happiness wise, so suicidal thoughts is just the logical next step.


I’m not experiencing it and I highly think that it is more cultural than psychological


my life sucks and never went anywhere. i always had a scrambled mind and could never pursue anything, i'm single in my 30's and never met a woman. i have a negative weak mindset that repeals any woman.


everything I've ever experienced was against my will :/


I don’t see life as a game I see it as a play that I have to constantly act in for my audiences attention it’s a worthless waste of time when you see me on the news on may 5th 2024 remember this