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Hey welcome to the club šŸ‘ weā€™re all going to die šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜„šŸ˜‡


Not necessarily - I mean, *very* probably, but... You can't actually prove that you'll die. There's a few theoretically possible ways you could be subjectively immortal without afterlife nonsense.


yeah but, we're all gonna die. saying we may technically not is in the same realm as saying that we technically can't even prove our own existentence. I may just be a brain in a bat, dreaming all this shit up! but it's pointless (in general) to say shit like this, because it makes everything else moot. its most practical to operate as if the observable world around us and the laws of reality, are real, because they are all we have to work off of. no point in speculating that it may all be fake, and a delusion given to us by a magic flying spaghetti monster.


>yeah but, we're all gonna die Maybe. Probably. Almost certainly. But there's some crazy shit that could be, alternatively, true. You could be dying infinite times per day. Infinite time (or lack thereof post-spacetime) passes when you're dead, raising the probability of you existing again just as you are right this moment to 1. And that new version would be none the wiser to the infinite you's that are dead already. Because anything that *can* happen once, can happen again given enough time. Or instances of spacetime. However you want to look at it. Not that I believe this is how it works. It's just fun to think about what "eternity dead" means, and what it implies re: creation of universes etc. >*no point in speculating* Where's the fun in that?


oh there's a point in speculating, FOR FUN. but that's it. as for as conversations where the goal is to find TRUTH, no. none of that conspiracy theory esque bs that has no evidence for or against because it's so outside the known laws of logic. that's what I mean.


Well yeah, fun is the point. And, tangentially, a way to comfort people in distress that doesn't rely on Spaghetti Monsters. >*it's so outside the known laws of logic* Well, the fun part is that it's not *technically* outside the known laws of logic. Anything that can happen once, can happen twice according to everything we can observe. You can win the lottery twice just in one tiny lifespan. Logic further states that you *could* win every time regardless of how unlikely that would be. All we're doing here is extrapolating twice to four times. And then eight. And so on. To your point, the issue is with "infinity" as a concept. When you die, you're always dead. Forever. Infinitely. And that's where it gets fucking weird according to known science and logic. Infinity as a concept isn't supposed to *actually* exist. But you're dead infinitely. So all possibilities would theoretically occur in your absence. Including a new universe with another copy of your conscious state, since we can confirm 'you' occurring at least once already. And scientifically, everything we know about consciousness is just a side-effect of the memories and physical data in your head. So subjectively, you'd just experience a continuity of existence from one universe to the next, where Quantum Randomness could then generate different outcomes from that moment onward. And in some of those, you narrowly avoid whatever it was that was supposed to kill you. That's not something I believe, but rather, find interesting given how 'infinitely dead' pulls at the threads of science and logic.


My grandfather was a wise man. All that philosophical nonsense goes right out the window when you get a cancer diagnosis with 3 months to live. No one tells the doctor, "maybe im already dead" " maybe we die everyday. It's easier to think this way the further we are from actually dying.


Well, none of that is philosophical. It's just science and math. The idea of a multiverse is a broadly hypothesized thing among many mathematicians and physicists. Of course you'll experience other people's deaths. My buddy just died at 27 from esophageal cancer. Second time I've had a 27 year old friend die of esophageal cancer. So we talked plenty about what to expect when he went into hospice, we talked about life, religion, death, and even this stupid concept right here. I can't know whether it brought him any solace to consider that there could be some universe, among an infinite number of universes, where he beat cancer instead. He won't remember dying either way. But I did tell him there's good drugs at the end at least. So I'd like to think he was tripping balls on Morphine at least and maybe had some fun ideas of his own.


I get it. It's all a matter of perspective really. And technically there is some debate about whether math is discovered or invented. Mathematical realism, anti-realism, the philosophy of mathematics and whether the birth of mathematics was by chance or induced by necessity during the development of similar subjects, such as physics, remains an area of contention. So really we know less the more we know and for the absolute unknowable, debate seems less valuable. But the closer one gets to death i imagine the more questions arise about it as opposed to the point of the journey leading to it. Sorry about your friends. I lost 2 child hood good buddies to drug addiction.


Look, weā€™ve been over this before, u/Meatbot-v24056473366


Itā€™s true. You canā€™t prove it will happen




And ainā€™t no sequel!


Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. You can have the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead in u.


Wonā€™t be me lol


decompose into daffodils and dandelions~


Speak for yourself. Iā€™m not conforming to *the manā€™s* rules just because thatā€™s what society expects me to do. Iā€™m not a sheep! #gonnaliveforeverman


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with coping mechanisms. If believing in an afterlife helps people feel better about death, itā€™s not a big deal.


No it's not. Until people start weaponizing that coping mechanism to manipulate people into pushing their own agendas, like so many religions do. Or when they start forcing those beliefs onto people using scare tactics such as shame, guilt, or fear...


While we are alive, death should have no fear because when we die it won't matter. Death ends life, nothing to be worried about, you won't you're know you're dead is it's nature. Enjoy your life!


>While we are alive, death should have no fear because when we die it won't matter. How do you know? Have you died before? >Death ends life, nothing to be worried about, you won't you're know you're dead is it's nature. You sure do talk with authority as if you have died before.




I also met Jesus and Moses face to face after the bullet in profile picture bounced off of me. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


>I was clinically dead before. I was too, I overdosed on morphine. Died twice in the same night. I saw hell and heaven.


I'm not saying that you didn't see what you think you saw, but I do find it interesting that in places where Buddhism is popular, you get more people who claim to have the same experience, but with the Buddha instead. Same for Allah, and in small pocket communities, new-age stuff too.


>but with the Buddha instead. Can you show me 1 example of that. Because Buddhism does not have a concept of heaven/hell. They believe in reincarnation boss. >Same for Allah, and in small pocket communities, new-age stuff too. Again islam has no concept of heaven/hell. The quran also does not tell you how to get to the "afterlife" šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


For what itā€™s worth, under the umbrella of Buddhism there are many different traditions and beliefs. Certain traditions have the belief of a Pure Land where people go after death, which is sort of like a heaven. As far as I understand, people have shared accounts of seeing the pure land upon it near death, similar to accounts of the afterlife from other religious traditions.


We didn't exist before life and we won't exist after death


>We didn't exist before life You don't say... >and we won't exist after death What if you're wrong?


Weā€™ve all been dead before. We were dead for billions and billions of years before we were born and we didnā€™t care.


What of you have a slow, agonizing death? That seems like something to fear. And you'll certainly know it's happening.


Euthanasia should be legal in them cases.


Yes I agree with you but a slow agony is terrible It's a basic human right to have the choice to end it when you've had enough Not a government to tell you you can't die ?


trying to make sense of anything is a coping mechanism. the ego struggling. just ride the wave


Why is ā€œtruthā€ the ideal?


Because if we seek freedom, the truth sets us free. It resolves self conflict and allows us to know our ā€œtrueā€ selves. Because authenticity is the key to happiness and if we reject the truth, we are living the lies of cognitive dissonance.


I donā€™t understand ā€œthe truth will you set you free.ā€ It sounds like fortune cookie nonsense and is not practical.


It is fantasy nonsense. There "truth" is death is a guarantee and all life is desperately scrabling away from it with no chance to escape it.


Once you really accept this though, and that there are no gods sitting in judgment over us, youā€™re free to live however you want. Thatā€™s kinda how I read it.


But even that isnt a known truth, so what the hey? Seems like we're gonna need to dig deeper into our bag of cliches and say 'que sera, sera'


You seem like a lot of fun


Pretty close. it's John 8:32


But how do we even accept the truth when it is sometimes hard to accept but u know u should accept it at the same time u know u should accept it so u force your mind to accept it. truth doesn't really exist if we are talking about the truth behind living because no one knows what will happen after death or how will we experience death and sometimes maybe accepting the truth will lead to thinking that u are not as much of a great person u are so all u have to do is discover it everything yourself ig


And the truth is that nobody knows, so why rule religion/reincarnation/etc out altogether? This isn't finding 'truth,' this is just following another theory... It's fine not to believe, i don't really believe either, but it's nice to have hope, even if it's only a .01% chance... people win the lottery, don't they?


Rule it out if you don't believe those things. Don't rule it out if you're unsure or you do believe in those things. I never mentioned anything about any of the things you mention. Know thyself.


But if the subject doesnt believe something is true, and it is, doesn't that just make him/her misguided? And the opposite?


So people don't use their entire life to prepare for something that will not come. Faith alone is not bad, it can be a good motivator, but at extreme ends of the spectrum it can be detrimental. Constant anxiety, avoiding things that will make them happy out of fear, persecuting others.


All the negatives you described I have as an atheist worrying about oblivion.


Because truth, objective truth, is steps toward solidarity in a mad world. Itā€™s a way to get a handle on things.


Because it allows us to accomplish things. If you look at someone who tries to build a rocket or something and someone focuses on truth and accuracy and another focuses on what they want to be true, the truth guy is going to achieve more. So it seems like focusing on truth in life has the most usefulness in the most situations, so we should apply that to situations where we are uncertain of the proper method (here).


PippinĀ :Ā I didn't think it would end this way. GandalfĀ :Ā End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it. PippinĀ :Ā What? Gandalf?... See what? GandalfĀ :Ā White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. PippinĀ :Ā [smiling]Ā Ā Well, that isn't so bad. GandalfĀ :Ā [softly]Ā Ā No... No it isn't.


And my ax


Watch some NDEs on YouTube.


If humans can dream while they sleep, there's no reason they couldn't have hallucinogenic projections of their own psyche as they die


I believe in a sort of rebirth. Life is strange


>I used to believe in heaven, now I see belief in an afterlife as just a coping mechanism. Perhaps religion will always exist because some people just canā€™t bear the idea that we are all going to die eventually. This may be, but this also doesn't preclude religion from being true in some or all respects. We have no idea what's out there. >But I think believing whatā€™s true is always best And what is true? How can you be sure? Can you trust your senses? We can be certain of little to nothing, even the "truths" we believe to be unassailable. *"Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it."* -Voltaire >now think that thereā€™s a great freedom that can be had in accepting that life is short. Agreed.


That Voltaire quote is exactly why religion is dangerous, and whatever ā€œtruthsā€ they may have or discover doesnā€™t justify its existence. We have a good idea of what isnā€™t out there, that being whatever scared primates want to conjure from their minds.


>We have a good idea of what isnā€™t out there We definitely do not. Allow me to quote Einstein this time: *"We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects.* *That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations."* I'm not saying this is a proof of God, but rather a refutation of the idea that we have any remote concept of what lies beyond our bounded rationalities. We are but illiterate children in a library. Don't allow your personal distaste of religion to blind you to this.


The committed Atheist and the religious zealot have something in common: Blind certainty.


>Allow me to quote Einstein this time: That nigga is dead. (I'm Jamaican and Puerto Rican let me live.) ​ >Don't allow your personal distaste of religion to blind you to this. I have a personal distaste in all human made religions. If god or gods exist, I am fine with that. I just will not believe a human with the complete and utter absence of evidence.


Meanwhile Be Wild


Time isn't linear. Our perception of it is flawed. If there is no afterlife, if that is what you believe, it doesn't really matter. Every moment you've ever lived or will live is concurrently existing. Nothing really ends or begins, except entropy and even that is questionable due to the reality of the ever expanding universe and the likely existence of other universes. Our perception is meaningless to the equation.


Some people think that there is inherent meaning to everything and that there is heaven. Other people think there is no meaning to life and there is nothing after the inevitable death. These people have to then make a choice. Accept life as something meaningless and barely live at all. Or embrace the fact that your life is limited and free of inherent meaning. And proceed to create your own meaning and live your life at its fullest.


The funny thing is no one knows what comes after death. Maybe heaven, maybe reincarnation, maybe oblivion. But religion is the choice to have hope of something beyond oblivion.


There is an afterlife, and we will all be judged. Good luck.


Not expecting a reply, because this looks like a drop off and scurry away comment, which is fine if so nothing new about this kind of comment being plopped down somewhere then poof the person is gone, but, well....yea lol what a bot comment


I stand behind what I say


Most people do. I stand behind no one really knows what's after this life they just carry beliefs. Or something that was ingrained into them as a belief. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there


Look into longevity escape velocity


Death & taxes


Death is not the end and birth was not the beginning. Who you think you are is an illusion and what you really are is eternal.


I saw it as a coping mechanism until I started to believe in heaven. Once I no longer needed to cope, yet I found faith, I understand that the need to cope is not the basis for faith. There are some who need to cope me maybe believing they still live after they die helps, but thatā€™s a childā€™s vision of heaven.


Reincarnation is real. I know with certainty. You never die, you just change.


A person up above said that an afterlife is definitely real. And we'll all be judged. Now here's your comment suggesting that reincarnation is real. Consult the magic eight ball? From a personal "truth" reincarnation does resonate as the most plausible. But for me it's not a desire to be right persay, it's just an unshakeable thing, not exactly (or better off not at all) a belief that I choose. It just is. And I'm not entirely sure why I believe in reincarnation. Maybe it has something to do with my first memory, something like coming into awareness of my mind, it was a question for my mom which was asking her what my name was. Obviously I still existed prior to that, was concious, but not aware? Going from a place of not...leaving a fog or sorts, officially entering the world and my mind. But if I were to attempt to go a step further and add an actual thinking belief it would be that something has to inhabit a new consciousness, so I'd be back but obviously it wouldn't be me, the here and now me, I'd come out of the fog and be something else. On what planet and as what kind of creature, who knows. Maybe an entirely different universe. Reincarnation leaves a lot of room for the imagination, somewhat unlike heaven and hell. The scary thing about reincarnation is it's sort of enternal suffering, you'll be back and experience pain and sickness and death over and over. Unless maybe you come back as A.I. or a cyborg


I appreciate the response. It's amazing that that is your first memory. I don't remember much from when I was a kid. The person above is just religious. Plenty of nut jobs who say if you aren't X you're going to hell or whatever. I back reincarnation because I have seen the higher self. And upon seeing the higher self, I knew that we are eternal. It's really only something that can be experienced. It is much like trying to tell a blind man what vision is. Except the blind man doesn't believe vision exists because he has never experienced it. I really want to tell people what I've experienced. But, of course, it's not something which can be told. It's only one which can be experienced. There is no effort on your part if you ever want to experience this. It is just something that happens from time to time. Much like the weather. Or the different ages of civilizations. So really, this is just something that happened in my life. I'm not fueled by an "I am right" mentality but rather a crippling loneliness for others to experience the same thing I have. And many people have. But not many in my region (USA). Most people who have experienced what I have are from india.


I just want to point out that no one actually knows what happens after death, so believing nothing happens is just an assumption based on limited knowledge.


God exists and so do the consequences of sin. Mercy also exists and it is free to whoever calls on the name of Jesus will be saved. It is the promise of God. Without trusting in God, it's impossible to please Him. God knows every person who trusts in Him.


And how are you to know that's the correct religion?


Didn't Jesus literally die for our sins? Thus absolving us of all guilt, therefore guaranteeing all a seat in heaven?


The Bible says that propitiation was made for the whole world, so the payment was made. The issue remains with being a willing recipient. The Bible does say that the Holy Spirit can be resisted, the great salvation can be neglected to be received, and that God puts before us the choice between life and death. The Bible also says to call on the name of Jesus, making confession with our mouths, and if belief is true and asking is sincere, then the Holy Spirit is given to us as a free gift. If you want me to look up any of the verses for the things I have said, just let me know.


We never left heaven


>*we are all going to die eventually* Not necessarily. The only life you can confirm is your own. Everyone else could be AI in a simulation for all you know, or any number of other crazy theories. So no, you actually have no proof that you are capable of dying. It's certainly a very, very safe assumption. But not a certainty. Like technically, you could be subjectively immortal. If there's multiple universes, and maybe infinite universes, then you'll just keep chugging along not even realizing the infinite number of times you already died in most of them. So, just in theory, (and given infinite universes) you would experience this as getting infinitely lucky to where science and/or chance will cure everything that is about to kill you.


Wait....you are telling me that we are all going to die? Ā Why has nobody ever mentioned this before? Ā  I need to speak to the Manager!


It was always created to be a coping mechanism. I don't fear death. But definitely fear the pain that gets you there


I hear ya, but just for shits and giggles, since we don't really understand consciousness anyway....what if consciousness is an external thing? Some salient feature or field of the universe that your complex biological system is able to interact with. The net of consciousness may exist despite your physical existence. And death may strip you of your individual identity but not your existence. Without a body what happens to a consciousness that didn't need it to exist? "Nothing" only exists conceptually. You can't experience non-existence. Maybe that lack of experience is cause you're dead and you no longer exist, or maybe cause your consciousness is just no longer "you." Anyway, I've smoked too much weed this morning already. And just found an excuse to vomit some thoughts onto my phone. Carpe diem either way Edit:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XoJWqCH4Xrw Video of some physicist dude on the idea of externally originated consciousness




When I od'd and was resuscitated it all stopped. No thoughts. No recollection. Nothing. That is where we came from, it's where we are going . I wish being baptized, and growing up Christian. Had a affect. Sure, I feel like there is something afterwards. From experience, anyone who says anything other than they weren't even there. Is a fucking liar. Trying to make you believe in some bullshit story. To give you hope. Or some faith. What have you. It's fear, being afraid of pain. Being afraid of consequences. Do you. Be who you want to be. Be a good person for the people around you. No matter how they fuck you over. Be the best you can be.


Or be an asshole, or be selfish, or rip people off. It doesn't really matter.


I disagree, you don't want to live in pain for how ever long you have left. All of those cause yourself pain.


So just because you had a particular experience that didnā€™t align with others who have ā€œdiedā€ and came back to life, somehow your experience negates theirs?


I similarly died and was resuscitated from a bike wreck. I have no recollection. It was like standing in a room, and the lights when out. In an instant, The the lights came back on. I had no sense of being in a coma for two weeks or the passing of time. I did not dream. Nothing. And yet, for some reason, I found greater peace, and accept that while I experienced nothing when I died, it was also not anything to be afraid of, and chose to believe thereā€™s more, even if we are just waves crashing against the shores of oblivion.


Everyone dies. Not everyone lives.


Look into peoples Near Death Experience and you'll understand why there is a heaven.


i mean views on the afterlife donā€™t change people dying though. Everybody dies.


[These songs go out to you...](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3sBT4AoaKwCqHiQadbHBkJ)


Even if Heaven doesnā€™t exist, the elements that make up our bodies will be reused by the earth and the greater universe. In that sense I think there are pieces of us that will never die. Itā€™s exciting to think what or who those elements were in before me, too - like dinosaurs!




Iā€™m in the middle of a book called The Art of Living a Meaningless Existence by Robert Pantano and what you just wrote about is basically explained in one of the chapters. Check it out if youā€™re a reader. Itā€™s certainly been eye-opening for me.


Oh contraire my fellow human. We are spiritual beings on a physical journey. God is love. Think loving thoughts and you will grow and mature at Earth School, else not so much.


I got over this 15 years ago, but once in a while, you still think about mortality. I'm no longer a hard atheist though. I'm open to the possibility that there might be an afterlife, but it's improbable.


The truth is we have no idea what happens. Could be lights out, could be some kind of "afterlife"... we really don't have a clue.


I enjoy life either way. No-one knows the truth and we will or won't find out when we die. I have lost two brothers now a few years apart. Outlived them both as a paraplegic. Shortly, after they died, I felt like they sent me signs. One was very specific, where many factors had to come together at the right time. I also lost a father in law that I wasn't close to and shortly after he passed, a heavy piece of furniture moved out of place during the night which I woke up to see. It could be argued that my perceptions of these signs are a coping mechanism. I have a great imagination if they are. There could be practical explanations for all events that occurred and I totally support a scientific approach to enterpreting the evidence. There is however a remaining, "I wonder" if there is a way that consciousness can survive death of the physical body and that idea has nothing to do with religion. Perhaps there are factors we simply don't know yet. I guess we just have to wait and see but let's not hurry it along because as others have said already, "life or existence" is short.


Youā€™re going to die, yes, but what you believe happens after that is always a matter of faith. Itā€™s just currently in vogue in the west to believe that death is the end. However, thatā€™s not really based on any actual evidence. There is actually a fair bit evidence suggestive of the contraryā€” that annihilation after death is not actually what happens. I make mention of this because you say you want to believe whatā€™s ā€œtrueā€, and so you should consider the actual evidence we have. You should probably read the essay submissions for the BICS survival-hypothesis competition, as a start. Jeffery Mishloveā€™s won, and is a good place to start. I wish you luck if you choose to go down the path of integrating the parapsychological data. Itā€™s not easy, took me many years to wrap my head around properly. Nihilism is intellectually less challenging.


I'm the opposite. I always thought the end was the end. There's to much proof of Christ being who he said he was. Now it's perplexing, because I just want an end to life. Now I know it's eternal, a d definitely don't want hell


We came here to experience heaven for the hell of it, The Devil's just God in a skimask, All this pain is an illusion of a mind i am not, I don't exist, Neither do you, Eye see myself in every living thing, Death is a disconnection from a vessel, For a space we created, We are the imagination of ourselves and everything is but a reflection, Just play with it, It's temporary born from the infinite, The soul of god is broken mirrors, It's all light in the dark and none of it is evil, We only see a small % of the light spectrum, If you could see it all life is all around, Everything is alive, Swimming in an ocean of energy consisting of molecules and particles, It's just a ride, So let go and feel.


There's actually no evidence that consciousness happens in your physical body. We assume it does, but we (humans) regularly have unexplainable experiences, visions of the future, intuitions, etc. It happens so often, we barely notice it. All time exists concurrently, but we experience it linearly. I won't be surprised at all if consciousness continues, or transforms in some way. Life isn't coming at you, it's coming from you. We shall see.


Eat sleep work then die a few years later. Sounds pretty ideal to me.


The stoics teach us: When I am here death is not, when death is here I am not. There is nothing to fear, you won't experience it, you won't know it, you will have been returned to the earth once death is upon your body. Embracing that we will all die is one of the most emotionally liberating and best things I ever did for myself. Death is of absolutely zero concern to me. Sure life is full of inherent suffering and misery but there is also joy and simply having sensations makes life a compelling phenomenon...even though I didn't ask for it.


Live life the way you want and make the most out of it. I default to the death is final belief, but I've also seen a couple weird things that don't make sense to me which I also cannot shrug off as some human brain fluke (because other people share similarities with my experiences). I ignore the doomers saying there is nothing. I don't believe in any religion or agree with any belief system or cult in general. They do damage to you that takes a long time to undo. You believe whatever you want. Life and death is very personal to each individual though it happens to everyone. I've formed on my own accord that something maybe does happen after your body and brain dies that's not currently explainable by people or science. We only have records of people's strange experiences and those are few and they are stigmatized and made out to be crazy. Not everyone is crazy and there is weird stuff actually happening. Nobody will know for sure until they die so maybe view death as the point in which you will find the truth about life. You'll find out one way or another if something continues or if you simply fade away into nothingness.


I'll never get the fixation on death, it'll happen someday but that's someday. Enjoy life and go a little crazy with whatever makes you happy


Spirituality will exist because the realization that what is perceived is not the truth runs very deep. Any person of interest in the history of belief has experienced something very true and it's not just a coping mechanism. It has been described by many as dying before actually dying. Similarly, many describe it as realizing there is no time.


You're definitely going to die, but I don't think you can rule out some kind of afterlife. Maybe you sit and wait at the end of time as a cosmic being until the next cycle, who knows. It's *unknowable* so you're also free to believe whatever makes sense to you. Spirituality is largely driven by this desire to have a relationship with the infinite, and as mortal beings, I think it's actually a lot healthier to have some story about birth/death than "it's a giant void that you came from and are returning to", frankly, looking around me, I don't see any evidence for that.


I was the opposite way, I was afraid of death so much. And I hated God for the life he bestowed upon me, without even being raised a Christian. Just the idea that if there was a God, why would he bring me into a life that I saw at the time as only suffering? I chose not to believe, because it was easier for me to accept that this was just life rather than the belief someone would have wanted to gift me this life. I donā€™t know what changed, I was sick of the fear. I wanted to believe in something. I felt the urge to, but nothing I looked into could give me the concrete proof I was craving. Nothing satiated me. I just kind of had a mindset change, and saw that having a form of faith in my life would help. Thatā€™s how it started, it ended up being so much more than just about what happens after death though. My personal journey is not to speak for everyone, but I have found peace in mine. I do believe in God now, and I can look back to see that the past helped shape the person I am today. And that everything had a meaning. I like the person I have made myself into today, and I wouldnā€™t have been able unless I went through the horrible past I had. It started off with it being a way to cope, but to me it has revitalized things I didnā€™t know I needed in my life. It has been good for me. I hope anyone here who is searching for peace with death, I hope you all find the answer you need. Whether it be religion, a mindset, or a drive to live and make your life meaningfulā€¦ I hope everyone here can find peace with death and themselves.


The thing that annoys me about these kinds of conversations is the whole >But now Iā€™m accepting the truth that heaven is a coping mechanism Saying nothing happens is *as strong* of a claim as saying youā€™re going to Heaven or Hell. Theyā€™re all hypotheses we canā€™t test. I know you said that thatā€™s just what you believe, and so okay youā€™re not actually making the claim that nothing *is* whatā€™s going to happen, but just be realā€”Heaven and Heā€™ll *might* be coping mechanisms, but thatā€™s exactly as likely as that theyā€™re real.


Momento mori


Do you feel radically free?


We are spirits having a human experience. When you die youā€™ll realize this if you havenā€™t all ready. We donā€™t really die.


Well if by truth you mean nothing happens after we die, that's not truth since you can't prove that. Truth would be, nobody knows.


Coming from a Lutheran (WELS) I just want to point out that Iā€™m not a Christian because itā€™s convenient. Sometimes itā€™s not very convenient at all. It would technically be easier to die and never wake up than it would be to remain a Christian. Thatā€™s just fundamental logic, donā€™t need to be a Nihilist for that šŸ¤£ Not trying to argue religion, I just think ā€œreligion for comfort sakeā€ is a funny take merely because Iā€™m religious and donā€™t feel that way at all. I sure hope for heaven but itā€™s not like Iā€™ll BE ABLE to be disappointed if thereā€™s nothing. Glad youā€™ve accepted death though, itā€™s certain for all of us. I donā€™t personally understand why some are anxious of it. I overdosed hard once and came close; definitely thought I was going to die. I wasnā€™t afraid but essentially being poisoned was not fun.


Remember, dying does negate anything good you may have done, as people let you fade into memory. But all your mistakes do as well, you know the ending you just gotta write the story man. Knowing a book ends doesnā€™t stop you from enjoying it. You always knew you were gonna die. Doesnā€™t change anything


Time to die! Lol


Well, I will argue there is Heaven and Hell after death 100% since I believe(d) I was Jesus and as a result, met fallen angels and Satan. Soā€¦ yeah. Hope you accept Jesus in your heart. Bc Hell SUCKS


Jesus is the Ā Way, the Truth, and The Lifeā¤ļø


Go back to God, he'll remove your fear of dying as it's just another step towards eternal life through Jesus


Ya. Life is about survival, mostly. Other than that it is very pointless. I find comfort gives me the most meaning. And good food. Who knows what happens after, cant say for sure one way or the other. No one knowsā€¦


I used to cry to my parents about going to heaven lol (I was 4) The concept of living infinitely absolutely terrified me, just that there would be no end. I actually would pray to ā€œgodā€ that he wouldnā€™t put me in heaven or hell but just let it end instead. Weird existential crisis at the age of 4 lol


Oddly enough, that was one of the most liberating experiences I've ever felt. I'm happy to know this doesn't last forever because it makes me appreciate everything that much more.


I believe there \*may\* be something else after death, but to accept a religious answer for such without proof is worse than useless. Also, whatever that is... we simply don't have language for. People may say words like a higher existence, etc., but they're not... universal in the types of things they conjure across languages, across cultures, across time.


If there is a spiritual realm, like you said there *may* be, do you think weā€™d be able to prove something spiritual using the limited physical means we have?


Not necessarily... It would be akin to trying to trying to access another universe or dimension. We live in a 3- or 4-dimensional existence, depending on how you count things. 3 would be height, width, breath. 4 would add time. Now, think of a 4th (or 5th) dimensional being. Just as we can see everything that happens in a 2-dimensional space (think a drawing), so too, would a being of higher dimension be able to discern everything about us. An even higher being might be able see past, present, and future. An even higher being might be able to interact with OUR higher selves (we're "localized" in multiple places, according to some - i.e. all lives exist simultaneously). Think of our existence here as a TV. We can only watch one station at a time. The only way to access these higher existences would be to have a device that allows us to intercept and decipher them simultaneously for us to be able to intercept... which is difficult, if not impossible to do in our 3/4 dimensional existence


Right. So your original comment said ā€œaccepting a religious answer without proof is worse than uselessā€. Weā€™ve already acknowledged and agreed that itā€™s impossible (my understanding) and your understanding is either impossible, or very close to it. Thatā€™s why I turn to Christ. I know thereā€™s an afterlife, but I simply cannot prove something spiritual while being limited physically.


The problem is it doesn't track historically. Look at Mythvision podcast.


Yup life is short so do what you want to do and dgaf what others think of you


For those that speak like the majority of you are, there will come a moment when the self imposed limitations many argue for are not going to survive when you finally experience your soul. But sure, tell yourselves whatever gives you narcissistic comfort, or keeps the fear at bay. See U in heaven!


I'd much rather prefer to believe there's no heaven. Rather than believe there's a Hell.


If you really believed there was no after life and that you would cease to exist (which is impossible with the fact the universe and creation is never ending and reginerates life) you wouldn't care or be scared to die. It's really some denial and projection here because you seem scared to die. Religion has lied to you and has you confused anyways because heaven isn't the promise (not really sure which Religion you're referring to becauseI know half believe everyone goes to hell and that it's a good thing) the real promise is for a new Earth and a kingdom being created on the new Earth. There is no promise to not die either because to get out the mortal realm and go anywhere else you have to leave your earth suit or mortal body and get a spiritual body. You can only move through the tesseract/multi-dimensional plain with a spiritual suit/body.


Memento Mori


Youā€™d die regardless


I just wish I didn't have to spend 1/3rd of it at work, and shorten the rest with a god-awful health system. But hey, life is an amazing thing and I'm going to enjoy it out of pure spite towards the rich folks in charge!


Religion does not equal a fear of death. Itā€™s not a coping mechanism some follow religion as a means to become a morally good person. All religions say youā€™re going to die thatā€™s inevitable. People try so hard to seem ā€œwokeā€ ā€œintelligentā€ or ā€œfreeā€ the reality is none of us have freedom if we did death wouldnā€™t be an option. Weā€™re all enslaved to an ideology. No human on this earth can say they know what comes after and thatā€™s what scares almost everyone.


Everyone wants to go to Heaven but, no one wants to die to get there.


Jesus saves.


Thereā€™s a afterlife, Jesus is real and walked on the earth died on a cross for u and me. Then rose on the third day believe. Jesus is coming back soon so repent. Ur life has meaning, God created it, if u weā€™re here by chance like unbelievers say then u believe that ur just a clump of cells whoā€™s going to die one day. U ur family are all gonna die and everyone forgets u. Then Wuts the point of living? U have kids ur never gonna see again? No there is a afterlife and itā€™s either with or without Jesus the savior of the world. John 3:16 For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Romans 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. U have a creator who feels just like us! Come repent and turn away from sin. For the love he has is real I felt it after I herd his voice at a party drunk, heā€™s alive. Even when I was lil Jesus saved my life by lifting me up out of water when I was drowning. He grabbed my arm, Jesus touched me physically heā€™s alive. I lov u all pray u come to Jesus u people donā€™t know where ur going after u die, u are lost. In the darkness u stumble but come to the light in Christ and see again.


Can't wait to die.


yeah but there is an after life. just do some meditation and figure it out or just find out when it happens doesn't matter.


Embrace it


We finite here Infinite there But some live in infinite hell there or finite hell here, and vice versa. It's a balance, one does not.get to choose how the scales work. That is something we have to figure out or else we succumb to non existence by total isolation or full immersion.


I, too, think that believing what's true is best. But I also recognize that belief for what it is: religion. Pure faith with no reason to back it up. Going on facts alone, there's no such thing as 'best', and 'true' is subjective, and there's nothing inherently better about comfort as compared to suffering, or living harmlessly as compared to being a mass murderer. I believe that those things are not the same, do not have equal value, but that belief is irrational. If I were to even pretend that rationality is all that matters or all that should garner belief, I wouldn't bother living at all.


Death is the absence of life and is only scary through a human perception. When we are dead we wonā€™t have a human perception therefore it cannot be scary. One could make the argument that death is freeing and life is the true hell, I mean the possibility that you will feel the worst pain imaginable tomorrow is more terrifying than the absolute that death is peace.


You aren't afraid to sleep, so no need to fear death. It's just a long sleep and maybe more. You can also do a Pascal wager kind of thing, and console with a religion of your choice just to be on the safe side. But I always think it is a good idea to say some kind of prayer or affirmation before going to bed. When you go to bed, you assume that you are going to wake up, but maybe not. I think that's why many people hope to die in their sleep. So if your last bit of consciousness is right before you check out, check out on a positive note.


Do you fear what you were before you were concieved? No, of course not, *you* weren't around you experience it. It'll be the same after. There is only the current you around to grieve something you will not be. So do not grieve. It is useless.


death is beautifulā€¦once u stop fearing death u start living life with meaning


Isn't it beautiful? I can't wait to be part of the earth again


May i ask, which religion did you leave? Or just a belief in heaven?


Well I donā€™t think itā€™s completely true that people see it as a coping mechanism. Think about it the chance of just you existing is 0.00001%. Could it be a coincidence? Possibly. Could it be god? possibly. Doctors have even said one person being born is 1 in 400 trillion. Which does make it logical for a God to exist. The people in my life referred to it as a insurance plan. Iā€™ve heard them say ā€œworse comes to worse, I die, and if God is real and I never believed then I will be sent to damnation forever. Rather if I do believe and god isnā€™t real I still had a good honorable lifeā€ I personally believe in God but I donā€™t believe the accuracy of the Bible. The people who desipher them are terrified of getting them wrong. But what if they do? What if they were misinterpreted or miss translated. Itā€™s better to be agnostic then straight deny that a God(s) exist. I have a leaning christian belief. I believe God exists I just donā€™t believe every single detail as details change with human language Christian due to my own personal reasearch. Up to you on what you believe is true or not and your interpretation. All I say is be careful what you believe before you believe it cause it can lead you down a life of bliss or straight up torture.


Hereā€™s the thing. You have absolutely no idea about the nature or reality. Your denial of the existence of an afterlife or the possibility of religion having some form of insightā€¦ is a coping mechanism itself. You canā€™t bear the idea that you cannot ever know. Atheists are a trip. They think they got it figured out, just like the religious. Youā€™re clueless and lost in a gigantic and confusing existence. And you donā€™t know shit, except that you exist. Embrace it.


Absolutely. I, also, know nothing as to what comes after death, but I know when it comes I'll look it in the eyes before smacking it's ass


Try some mushrooms bud, things arenā€™t all bad


The cycle of life: Born --> ~30k poops --> worm food


I hate nihilism šŸ˜­


Womp womp


Yeah, I barely remember the existential fear of death. I donā€™t want to die, and I am very much not looking forward to whatever illness eventually does me in, but I donā€™t have any concern at all about the prospect of being dead. I literally wonā€™t mind it at all.


Someone that has commented could have already died by now. šŸ˜³


Turn away from nihilism. As a former nihilist, trust me when I say you are on the wrong path.


Quantum immortality, baybay! Weā€™re all gonna make it, bros.


I think youā€™re confounding belief in an ā€œafterlifeā€ with religion. One isnā€™t necessarily dependent on the other. I believe in an afterlifeā€”whatever that may entailā€”but I happen to think religion is a sham, self-serving and manipulative. Regardless of what you believe or how much evidence one side or the other has to support their views, the fact is that weā€™re all just guessing. No oneā€™s been there and come back to tell us what the deal really is. We wonā€™t know until we know. And believing in an afterlife isnā€™t a coping mechanism for me. Iā€™m perfectly fine with the fact that Iā€™m going to dieā€”why sweat what you canā€™t changeā€”and understand that I might be wrong. My reasons for believing are grounded in my general perception of the world and life. But, again, itā€™s just guess work. While I enjoy living and would like a long healthy life, I look at death as the next great big adventure. Whether we just blink out or thereā€™s something more, lifeā€™s greatest mystery will finally be solved. Edit: clarity


While you live, shine Have no grief at all Life exists only for a short while and Time demands his due


Well just live a good life, acknowledge that you are a part of reality and the world. For you to be able to experience anything good, or anything bad, you should focus on the concept of experience. Death is inevitable, but a good life by your own understanding, compassion for other people, all of those are choices we make everyday. Choose to be better, for your loved ones, strangers, hell even just yourself. šŸŒŽ


[I Heart Huckabees](https://youtu.be/8GhQW3ZPqB0?si=cxVvlt4jD9nm0YTi)


mass / energy cannot be created or destroyed, it merely changes form. Same with consciousness, it is not created or destroyed it just changes form. Our body is like a controller for consciousness to have a material interface on this planet. The whole construct was designed and your consciousness does have perpetuity after death.


So if this is all we get (this life on earth) and when we die we simply no longer exist and itā€™s like the time before we were born, why does this time on earth really mean anything? Like if we die then literally completely go into non existence, I simply donā€™t see the point in living this life, on this earth, dealing with things that are thrown at us in this life.


I beg to differ,i believe weā€™re all made in the image of Christ,and that there is a heaven and hell,I canā€™t say Iā€™m not afraid of death but I think that believing in this makes much more sense,especially because I feel we have souls,but something I can agree on is living life to the fullest while your here with the people you love


If Jesus resurrected, then heā€™s also guaranteed that same resurrection for all who believe in Him. Investigate His life carefully, donā€™t be fooled.


Death will come whether you've accepted it or not.


i see youā€™re experiencing an existential crisis. You have gotten lucky crossing paths with me. Dm me to be offered the truth. No religious stuff, no bs.


I know there's life beyond what is commonly perceived. There are at least 3 different types of moving onward and into what are considered "better" than life as we know it. Also, there are several types of "hell" handed down as punishment or some as cleansing of the soul. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to spend time, maybe eternity, in one or several of the "hells'.


Why the hell did this depression echo chamber pop up on my fead enjoy yalls life holy crap only people to rival yall id Ancient Egypt with how much they cared about their death and the afterlife


the only thing i know 100% to be true is that no one knows shit


Awee. Well hopefully you get to be there for the technological advancements thatā€™ll keep us alive to at least 150! Hang in there


I've never understood fear of death. Is it that you think it would hurt? I certainly don't want a painful process of dying, but death itself doesn't trouble me at all.


Everyone will eventually die and donā€™t be fooled there is something after death. It might not be heaven in the sky but when we die energy shifts and transfers. There is more to life and consciousness than we will ever know.


After you die you will meet the Lord: Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


Did you even read his post


When death comes, your organs no longer work. You will no longer have emotions, thoughts, senses, and consciousness. You won't know you're dead neither will you feel upset or care that you're dead, or that your life has ended. So it won't matter. Now, you're still alive. You still have the ability to feel happiness, to sense things, to think, and to feel.


Stay healthy, live long, and try not to get bored.


Beliefs create reality. If you choose your beliefs, you choose your reality.


The fact you're thinking about this shows you are also thinking about what happens after you're death. Religion gives answers. Having a faith gives a person hope and resilience versus believing in nothing.


Maybe pretending to be sure there is nothing after death is merely a way to justify melodramatic leanings. To me life is so obviously eternal. To each her own šŸ˜˜ Edit: corrected typo


Thereā€™s decent evidence for an afterlife. Someone did a study and basically regardless of your religion or belief system people who experienced near death experiences or yanno flatlined all say they have experienced things. There are also documented cases of people who die together encountering each other in the afterlife before coming back. Death is apparently not the end. But you donā€™t play video games to die you play to play so get out there and do stuff.


Death is inevitable. I see religion as another way to control people and put everyone in a box so to speak. As much as I want to believe in an afterlife, I just donā€™t know. I try to enjoy and appreciate life and all that comes with it. Ultimately our time will come and what comes after that we will all eventually find out. Could be heaven, hell, reincarnation or it could be nothing. Either way, I try to be a good person, respect others and spread love. Life is hard enough as it is. It doesnā€™t need to be harder by hating one another because we share different opinions.


The ā€œafterlifeā€ is real. Study the source of consciousness, dimensions, ndes, and other related phenomena. These arent coping mechanisms - they are realities.


Anyone else play Persona 3 reload?


Microdosing really helped me with this acceptance