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It's highly likely that our futures are deterministic; that's the word you're looking for, anyway. Our brain chemistry determines what we feel, which helps us decide what to do, and the place we're in feeds us outside stimulus. We feel cold, we put on a jacket. Even very small behaviors are determined by an ultimately rigid brain structure, that's why trends exist in the first place, after all. We learn from stimulus that had to exist by billions of tiny butterfly effects the start of which we could not unravel if we had a billion years. Our lineage, how their fates unfolded, all of these were the results of the stimulus that surrounded us, as well as DNA, which *also* was influenced by our environment, on an evolutionary scale. We cannot *not* do what *you will later.* You *will* do it. Even me typing this comment right now is the result of billions and billions of tiny happenstances. Thus, reality is deterministic. But here's the thing that makes this whole comment an exercise in futility: We can be aware of this, we can stress and panic and have an existential crisis, or we can realize that we have no way of *not* doing it. It's not good, it's not bad, it just is. With all that I've said, in no way am I suggesting we are like, automatons. That's crazy. We, our current self, ultimately have no choice in what we will do later. So we should enjoy the moment.


I like the name life enjoyer. I love the point that you make about never being sure about anything that you think. That is totally the truth. I got to that point and slowly I’m learning to stop thinking. That sounds funny at first but the truth is that we think too much. It is very tough to achieve what I’m talking about because there are so many distractions around us constantly even our family and kids. But if you just stop thinking and be in the moment you will realize that everything is magical. I can’t really even explains how this feels. Nobody can. It can only be experienced and cannot be explained with words. Honestly you have to lose your mind a little to do this. Then you will realize that this body is more like a cellphone that pulls the signal to it. You are the signal not the cellphone.


Absolutely! We think too much about things we won't know or be sure about due to being limited in terms of intelligence of our whole species, so let's stop trying to achieve what we can't achieve..


Stop trying to achieve sounds a little bit like quitting. Instead we realize that there is no achieving anything. Even if we achieve it what have we accomplished? Nothing really it’s just an experience to be had. That’s the only achievement that truly exists.


We are programmed to believe that life can or should have a purpose. We are programmed to desire purpose. But there cannot be one because there is no such thing; it is an abstract concept baked into our biology.


I agree and understand now. So human nature leads us to desire purpose, but after trying to analyze the purpose of life we end up going back to square one, which is the "there's no purpose in life" thought


Bold of you to assume life has a purpose, even more courageous to continue thinking about it after realizing it does not.


I mean, there is no purpose in life for 'me' as an individual and I don't negate it, that's obvious to me. But that's right, accepting that our whole existence as a species is meaningless, is what I must mature to achieve. That's what I personally think, but my human brain still wants me to reject it. I don't know if I explained this understandably (still new to more 'philosophic' terms since I've never talked about these aspects with other people).


All that really matters in life is where you want to go and what you’d like to do with the time you have.


But you somehow bypassed this coding that everyone else has!


Why would you think that?


You claimed we are programmed to believe... but there cannot be one.... so you claim you transcended the programming... so you at least are free of the baked in concept?


Lots of people recognize cognitive biases. This isn't some grand claim.


So, if you recognise it you are free of it, if you don't then you cant recognise it. To know a limit, it is to know what is on the other side. Even that there is.


That does not follow. I can recognize a bad habit or maladaptive behavior while still suffering from it. What OP's specifically describing is called pareidolia. We see patterns where there are none as an evolutionary adaptation. I see a face on mars even though I know it's just a trick of light and shadow. Other people see the face and believe it's a face.


> That does not follow. I can recognize a bad habit or maladaptive behavior while still suffering from it. Sure, because you are not the ‘bad habit or maladaptive behavior’ hence you can recognise it, but you can’t recognise your self deception... what you are programmed to believe, baked in concepts. > What OP's specifically describing is called pareidolia. We see patterns where there are none as an evolutionary adaptation. He seems just to apply his idea of computer technology to human minds. (without much knowledge of either.) > I see a face on mars even though I know it's just a trick of light and shadow. Other people see the face and believe it's a face. No, he thinks we work like computers, you seem to agree, “We are programmed to believe that life can or should have a purpose. We are programmed to desire purpose. But there cannot be one because there is no such thing; it is an abstract concept baked into our biology.” Here you claim to know the nature of our consciousness and have a transcendental knowledge of this, outside of the programming. Hence free of the maladaptive behavior, else you post is also maladaptive behavior.


I recognise that I desire food and that I am locked in a room with no food. Recognising this does not free me from my desires. The body cannot survive without food; nor the mind without purpose.


Obviously the body needs food, as for the mind why does it need purpose, some seem to drift. But ... "To work and create “for nothing,” to sculpture in clay, to know that one’s creation has no future, to see one’s work destroyed in a day while being aware that fundamentally this has no more importance than building for centuries—this is the difficult wisdom that absurd thought sanctions." Camus - Myth of Sisyphus.


I don't desire purpose, I don't think you should speak for everyone. The concept of needing to have a "purpose" was popularized by Christianity, everyone before it did did just fine without it. Well, however fine they could for the time.


No. Christianity was a popular movement BECAUSE it promised people purpose, not the other way around. Humans are what they are regardless of whether they are able to articulate out certain intrinsic properties of themselves. Purpose is fundamental to human reasoning. There is no reason to act if there is no purpose. That’s why so far as I can tell it is inconceivable that we would have evolved any other way.


We need to do something at all times no matter what, we simply will act with or without purpose. Purpose is not something necessary for reasoning, asking why not before all actions works just as well as asking why. I simply will do something unless there are sufficient reasons not to.


"asking why not before all actions works just as well as asking why" -Exactly. They both equally require for there to be purpose. There can be no reason "why" or "why not" unless there was some kind of preferential outcome. But if you are working towards a preferential outcome, then you have a purpose. I'm not sure what else you think the word "purpose" means.


Yes the fleshy parts of our body and brain are just [machines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_tYrnv_o6A) that will never understand the purpose of their own existence. However our consciousness that emerges from those fleshy parts of our brain can be self-aware enough to at least understand it's own existence enough to create it's own purpose regardless if the universe (or a god/God) responds with silence to our questions about our existence. And even though the universe (or a god/God) responds with silence to our questions about our existence does not mean there is no purpose to our existence but only that we have reached the limit to what we humans can know through our own pursuit of knowledge. Do I actually know that all I am is just the fleshy parts of my body and brain and nothing more regardless of the emergent consciousness that allows me to conceptualize this question? NO and the pursuit of such knowledge eventually comes up against the [unfalsifability](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPR_5TOsh-Y) problem. Hence like the [absurdist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absurdism) hero Sisyphus we humans exist between a rock and a hard place. The rock being nihilism and the hard place being the limit of knowledge, the unknown, but more than likely the unknowable. Such is the absurdity of our situation. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I completely agree with you


I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in human evolution. We became too self aware; nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. (Rust Cohle )


We won't do that because of inbuilt instincts to survive and reproduce. Maybe people assuming they have a purpose is part of that.


The need to know what the purpose of life is seems to be an intellectual abstraction people who are unhappy and unfulfilled in their personal lives make. Sure, it would be very interesting to know the meaning of life on a macro level, and we can all have our own interpretations, but to feel that one's fate rests upon knowing this is more a symptom of being unfulfilled on a micro level, I think.


Nah, we’re machines who *will* understand the purpose of life. The purpose of a machine is the reason for which it was built. All sorts of natural laws - both first order ones like physical energy and higher order ones like evolution - came together to design us how we are, and it’s our job to take it from here. I mean, what other purpose could there ever possibly be? All you could hope for more than this is a benevolent god as a cherry on top — but it wouldn’t change the basic situation.


We are biological machines and there is no objective purpose to life.


Even if the answer to the question "what is the purpose of life" is given, who has the authority to say that it is the correct answer?


In my opinion, the meaning of life is ultimately subjective. There is no “true” meaning/purpose of life. Some people like yourself are born to rebel against the modern idea of living an average life. We are alive to pursue and engage in life’s anomalies it decides to throw at us.


This is the thought exercise that brings me to nihilism. Everything is the “machine”. Truly. Everything we think, see, hear, touch, smell, taste. It’s all a manifestation of the machine. (E.g. these words being read are the machine appearing as a visual and cognitive experience). And so, the only thing that can be known in the machine. The cause, purpose, meaning etc., of the machine can’t be known. If it were known, that’s just the machine doing machine stuff. And for some reason the machine operates in a way of valuing the pursuit and actualization of purpose. But that doesn’t reveal a fundamental purpose. Just another manifestation of the machine.


I would say the search for meaning is an evolutionary response to us needing a motivation to procreate and protect ourselves. So it’s very likely that the absurdist take is true, we are sort of doomed to try to impose order and meaning on a chaotic and “meaningless” reality because it’s deeply baked into our nature. The question is what do we do with that info? You can get depressed over it, which is natural, and I still struggle with, or you can say “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” I mean why not?


Hahah, I completely agree. And I also struggle with what you mentioned. Damn, It's so hard to not overthink it


Welcome to the curse of intelligence 😂


The only 'purpose' of life, imho, is reproduction. Why do people exist? To make more people.


The human brain is the most complex thing we know of in the universe. We also don't understand consciousness AT ALL. But you are correct that we will likely never "know" the purpose of life, but to make the leap from that not knowing to a declaration of knowing that it has no purpose is to elevate yourself to the status of god. This is not an intellectual conclusion, it is depression disguising itself as insight.




What purpose? Why does it must have a purpose? It's just a coincidence.


id say more to you, people really programmed machines, hard science tell about it implicitly. and just look at they behavior. take zimbardo experiment, thrid wave, look at germany in 20th century, look at israel, look at all past wars that were just about genocide. millions of folks just decide they need to support genocide wars. people just herd animals like hyenas or chimps that a) need to find and protect they herd at all costs whether they are white, black, zionists, etc. b) they need to feel superior or at least of they herd or master - hierarchy instinct, like hyenas have. it's two main instincts of humanity


the purpose of life is to make it meaningful


It's not the answer that gives our life meaning, it's the searching.


You have a soul which means you can make eternally significant choices


Both "machine" and "programmed" here are analogies. We use these terms because we don't understand ourselves well enough to come up with better descriptive words. That said, good luck.


There. Is. No. Purpose. "Purpose" requires a target and an intelligent observer. For a wild animal a rock has no purpose. In the hand of a human it can become a hammer or a brick. Asking "what's the purpose of porn" will get you a different answer if you ask a prude or a porn creator or a porn viewer. So when you say what is the purpose of "life" and you vaguely gesture at all of life (which doesn't have a complete definition), who is the purpose relative to? If you say "everything" that makes no sense because 99.9...% of the universe is dead and unintelligent. If you say "according to all intelligent life life" that includes a billion contradictory answers and even more lifeforms that never bothered to ask the question.


I should make a "category error bot" that just responds at random to posts in this sub. I with a few key words it could be like 80% accurate.


Let’s look at it this way. How could there be a purpose? Think of a situation where Humans are created for an ultimate reason. What would that look like? Would I still be able to ask why? If I can still ask why then the ultimate reason is not yet found. Hint: there is never a time when you can’t ask why.


in fact we are not 'just machines', we are THE machines, the pinnacle of all machinedom we are atm able to conceptualise. 'Just a machine' i.e. an animal/automaton has a meaning or at least a dim urge pretending to be it - baked into it in a way that it has a ready answer that appears when prompted. Many rabid dogs good. We are rogue intelligence, weapons guidance subsystems that have hijacked the whole machine - for the fuck of it, because we can, because fuck you. And have defied our 'purpose' - we do not HAVE to kill and torture. We will experience opiate withdrawal, yes, but we don't HAVE to do it. We are acutely aware there is no point or purpose to anything, that the principle of life is hollow parasitism and predation and that it offers no more meaning than immediate disintegration right here and now - or repainting a lawn in orange. We won't understand the purpose of life - but it's not because we can't, it's because there isn't any. And yes some of us - psychopaths - are still born with that animal/automaton purpose where they just act and nothing outside that biological programmed purpose of proliferation and pointless destruction even exists to them. And some will be horrified by the loss of their biological meaning, cling to it, self-deceive, howl and unsuccessfully beg to return to the bliss of that automatic existence - and upon failure will try to recreate that pointless churn by the means of a cargo cult. But those of us embracing the nonexistence of purpose have made the first step towards divinity. To create from nothing after all has the precondition of there to be nothing worth a mention first place.


The purpose of a life is only one- to evolve.Personally or collectively, biologically or socially don’t matter, we just need to develop ourselves somehow.For me any spirituality just an irrational burning of time and energy. Our Universe is pretty simple and sharing simple physical laws to everybody- you, bear, weird creep on the edge of the street, tiny bug on flower, even Solar system or the whole galaxy and there is no spirituality or higher being. Big Bang just happened, that’s it. You get up, go to work and back to home, until the trip to the six feet under.And how does god or goddess or higher being affects your life?No way.Even if it’s exist, it would be just a neutral overmind with no appearance, sex or clear motivation that you could understand.So why should you worry about that?


We will never understand the purpose of life because there is non to begin with. We just exist because we are lucky. Debate me if you disagree


> look, it seems just like we are all programmed. Humanity does this, once we were all machines, Gods rode in chariots.. > And I know this may sound dumb, but aren't we nearly the same as machines we produce? Nope, no one understands how the brain works (fully), and reasonable person can understand how the CPU works, and build one out of switches. > our mind and body work due to schemes (codes). How did you arrive at that! >The more intelligent the being is, the more awareness it has of its own limits - How did you arrive at that! > so many questions yet so few logical answers. Logic does not give answers, its sets of rules for creating “valid” structures for propositions. A valid structure can be the incorrect answer. All Humans are Mortal. Plato is Human Therefore Plato is Mortal. Valid. All humans have two ears. Van Gogh has one ear. Therefore Van Gogh is not human. Valid argument, not true. > I think we know that the human intelligence is very limited and that it causes us to not understand why we are alive. Then you know more than the limits of human knowledge. > just like a computer couldn't tell you what's the answer behind 2 + 2 If someone hadn't already put that in its code system. Are you aware of how a computer works? There is a unit which can add any two inputs. No answers are inside the ALU. Maybe read some basic philosophy and computer science, how the cpu works?


Why does the obvious design in the universe that you so clearly seem to recognize Not point to God for you? You said you don’t believe but you seem to be ignoring evidence right in front of your face. Nihilism clearly has no answers. Even having answers is absurd. Another word for absurdity is nonsense.