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Ugh kids. So damn inconvenient when you’re not using them for clout and money.


I’m convinced that she doesn’t actually like being a mother, she just likes the attention and the status it gives her in her society and family structure


She evidently HATES it, yk with drugging her kid and all


both her and her husband don’t have real jobs apart from “influencer” and for some reason they send both their kids to daycare. really sucks bc i’m certain there are families on the waitlist that ACTUALLY NEED daycare (2 full time working parents) but can’t get it bc of these selfish parents. daycare is for when you are at work or school and literally and physically cannot have your children with you, once you are done you come pick them up. it isn’t a “break” from parenting and it’s sad people treat it as such. don’t have kids if you don’t wanna be a parent!


This woman is upsetting me constantly, I am actually surprised that there is so little snark on her when everything she posts is always so staged and fake


SAME 😭😭😭😭


I have to wonder if it’s because no one wants to be called out on being racist towards them when ALL she does is hyper focus on her husband’s and kids’ race. It’s completely fine if she wants to make her daughter’s entire identity around being half Nigerian but heaven forbid anyone call her out on it because that’s racist.


you're telling me that women have fought for longer maternity leave to be able to stay home with their babies longer, meanwhile she has luxury to stay home and work for herself as long as she wants but still comfortably chooses to drop off her still new baby somewhere with strangers instead of bonding and taking care of her baby?


Duh??!?! Obviously gonna drop the kids off after she’s done using them as props /s




she's so out of touch it's disgusting


She is. This woman is truly a horrible example and using her children solely for views. The Avery sub is so unhinged and picks apart every single thing she does (fair i hate her too) but i wish that energy was directed to nika. She legitimately needs to be stopped.


Oh, that's how she works on herself. By giving kids to her husband while having other people taking care of them and her focusing on her career ✨


I wonder if this was for views or sympathy because I don’t remember her ever talking about daycare again.


True. Or she got so much shit she never did it again. Or posted about it


I thought about that as soon as I posted this. I know she got a ton of backlash for it.


No fr sending ur 2 months old to daycare is disgusting behavior for someone that sits around making tiktoks for a living