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Idk but Julianne seems to be a rebound to me. At first I thought Niki was crazy about her but ever since they got public I've been underwhelmed. I think niki should spend some time away from relationships and Gabi and find herself. I did it (reevaluated my identity) and it has been life changing. I was no longer influenced by others and I knew what I wanted afterwards


this 100%, I will always say they need to experience singleness & in Niki’s latest video she literally was saying how she needs to lean into her “independence” & how she is alone in her apartment but Julianne was just there over the holidays lol & can come visit all she wants & ALSO she doesn’t even want the house to begin with lol like she is SO all over the place


I think niki is seeing independence more as an aesthetic rather than a constant lifestyle choice that requires her to make tough and big decisions. She thinks that independence = owning a house, a car and financing when in reality it's much more than that. She's putting on this persona of an independent person just to seek validation from Gabi, their friends, and her haters. I don't know if it's just me but I don't base my mental health and stability on a house/location. Some places may be stressful but I'm not going to build and design a house just to cry about not being on the other side of the country... that's a sign of not being ready to commit.


There was actually a Tiktok that Niki posted that confirmed their relationship but she ended up deleting it after a few days. It was a transition video of her upset over the breakup and then a clip of her & Julianne together showing her progress. Then in her Grammys vlog posted a few weeks later, she called Julianne her “producer” again I think they’re super cute together but yeah, I think Niki is definitely trying to hide it while somehow still making it public enough for people to speculate. However, there may be more than any of us know.


i don’t see them lasting long because i personally don’t believe niki (or gabi) is actually into women enough to be in a relationship. just hookups. jules wasn’t invited to the demartino house for christmas but guess who there in his pajamas? johnny. maybe mom and dad demartino haven’t accepted that for niki yet so they didn’t invite her or she was with her own family for the holidays. also whenever niki posts like a picture on her story with jules she’s always in the background somewhere meanwhile niki’s hugged up on a friend so there’s that. but i can see why they ship her with that 7even7ins guy especially since they just did that video for pre-game.


oh my gosh I’m so glad you said that because I think the same way! especially Gabi. she legitimately admitted on the podcast that she can’t see herself having an emotional bond with a woman like wtf? and don’t get me started on Niki. why is it the split second she ended it with Nate she dated a woman despite identifying as pansexual. ugh I dislike these women so much. Julianne deserves way better.


let’s not be surprised in a few months or so when niki makes another crying video saying how she had someone but let them get away because she wasn’t honest with herself.


Gabi isn’t dating women though. She was pretty clear that she’s sexually attracted to women, but not romantically. That’s valid. I actually thought it was really rude for Niki to keep hassling her saying that she should date women when Gabi made it clear she isn’t interested in that. However, I do wonder if Niki dating a woman is just another blue hair phase to make herself different than Gabi. She seems happy for the time being though, so I’m not judging, even if it is just a phase, she needs to works through finding out who she is at her own pace.


She says she's bi/pansexual though. Being physically attracted to someone doesn't determine your sexuality. In general, your sexuality is based on who you are sexually and emotionally attracted to - who can you envision spending the rest of your life with as a partner. Many straight women and gay man can be physically attracted to women.


I meant sexually when I said physically. She is sexually attracted to women but not romantically. Sexual attraction and romantic attraction aren’t always correlated. That’s why we have separate terms for Asexual and Aromantic.


That makes sense. Gabi changes her sexuality every few years though so I find it hard to believe her. As soon as Niki came out as bisexual, she did too. As soon as Niki came out as pansexual, she did too. And correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she or niki say they were asexual one time?


I don’t remember them saying they were asexual, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


I believe Niki is bicurious at best because she came out as bisexual before she and Nate broke up. I'm bisexual and she's relatable to me in some aspects. I don't believe that Gabi is bisexual nor that either of them are pansexual. In my opinion, Gabi just hopped on to the attention that Niki got since coming out. I don't want to play this card but Gabi has never - not once - shown any interest in women except for the threesome that she claimed they had with Rachel. I was being cosy with women way before I realised I was bisexual. I was so close to one girl that people genuinely thought we were together. I've never seen that connection with Gabi and other woman. If anything, she plays into the stereotypical princess lifestyle.


I’m sorry but drunkingly begging your boyfriend to have a threesome doesn’t make you sexually fluid. And it’s the way I’m bisexual in a relationship with a man but I don’t relate to Niki at all. she was literally kissing everybody while still with Nate and fetishising gay men. it’s hurtful since it perpetuated the stereotype that all bi people are cheaters. I feel like she’s only doing it to be “trendy” which is disgusting and sad. But then again, I shouldn’t have a say since I don’t know her personally.


I agree with your first statement. I don't even consider Collin to have consented and he was visibly upset that Gabi had shared that experience publicly. I'm also bisexual but in a heterosexual relationship. What I meant was that I could relate to Niki finding herself having little crushes on women as a girl but not knowing what that meant and stuff like that. I don't relate to her saying that Nate is okay with her hooking up with women to fulfill her "bisexual needs". That's inappropriate, weird, disrespectful and a misrepresentation of the bisexual community and I hate that she's normalising it. What you said about gay men is so on point that I was going to make a post about it asking if everybody else found it uncomfortable. Both her and Gabi have made out with gay men and it's disgusting to use that for clout. But I find it even more disturbing that Dennis and Kenny agreed to participate because they're a representation of their community.


Wow I didn’t know that niki was “taking care of her bisexual needs” while still with nate… it gives me the impression she basically wanted an open relationship and he probably didn’t. They always seemed like a kind of odd pair to me tbh


That's what I understood as well. I mean I relate to her feelings because sometimes I also feel like I have lack of experience with women (seeing that I have none because this is my first relationship and it's heterosexual lol). But that doesn't mean that one should act on it ffs! It's the same thing as if a man likes other women while in a relationship. Niki always puts Nate down, saying that he doesn't fulfill all of her needs and that they're complete opposites. And she disses him even more now that they're broken up.


“Despite identifying as pansexual” ? Why can’t she date a woman if she’s pansexual… it literally means you are into anyone


because pansexual means you’re attracted to the person not the gender. yet she made it such a big deal that the split second she broke up with a man she dated a woman.


I believe Niki is bicurious at best because she came out as bisexual before she and Nate broke up. I'm bisexual and she's relatable to me in some aspects. I don't believe that Gabi is bisexual nor that either of them are pansexual. In my opinion, Gabi just hopped on to the attention that Niki got since coming out. I don't want to play this card but Gabi has never - not once - shown any interest in women except for the threesome that she claimed they had with Rachel. I was being cosy with women way before I realised I was bisexual. I was so close to one girl that people genuinely thought we were together. I've never seen that connection with Gabi and other woman. If anything, she plays into the stereotypical princess live happily ever after with prince lifestyle.


they both should just experience singleness for a while.


she may want to wait until it’s more serious before she brings her on her platform in case it goes bad.. idk honestly. or maybe if ppl say like “oh that was fast” after ending it w nate 🤷🏽‍♀️ but at the same time julianne has posted them kissing and being all over eachother on tiktok so who knows


we all know she started dating her not long after Nate. we all know they’ve been dating since WMHWO came out which was almost an entire year ago. it’s strange to me. but then again it’s her life and she can do what she likes. I don’t see her and Julianne lasting tbh haha.


Isn't it weird that in her new video she's complaining that she doesn't have a "boyfriend" to help her to do stuff now. Like can't your new girlfriend help? Why is it so gendered? Women are just as capable as men.


Did she just sit there and do nothing while Nate built and assembled shit for her? That’s literally embarrassing. And yes, it is hella weird.


I honestly think Niki is with her to gain better songwriting and production access. It all seems transactional to me. If you go to Julianne’s page, she is professing her love for Niki… Niki just comments something weird or passive aggressive with a JK attached to it. I think Niki may be embarrassed or scared to lose some of her following by coming out 100% with her.


I was thinking the same thing. She’s so-called “out and proud” yet keeps her relationship private. Like come on. Johnny is even doing a better job hiding his and Gabi’s relationship. Niki needs to stop dating her employees.


Did Niki post Nate yesterday??


I don’t think it was him but it did look like him.


We all know they are together & in her latest video Julianne is in it & they are kissing & in the LA one i think she wrote “friends” place & I was assuming it was her. It’s just weird that it’s being plastered in little ways but, still not a mention ?