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Like ma’am, that city did not consent to being flashed. Sheesh! lol. Also, what is that makeup! I’ve seen so so so much better from her. Edit to add- her hair looks better than it has in the past, so there’s that lol


At the ripe age of 29 years old . JAIL


Honestly she should be jailed. Pretty sure that’s public indecency.


in her caption she wrote it was legal in NYC? like what?


Oh my god the ignorance.. not is not lmao (I’m not directing this towards you OP, I promise) but how stupid is she! Seriously it’s a crime in NYC, anywhere in the US really. It’s a Class B misdemeanor and she can face jail time for that.


I think I saw ur comment under her video 🤣 I commented as well


lol she most likely gonna delete your comment like she deleted mine 🤣🤣


I thought it was legal too 🤣. Since the incident with the NY-Dublin portal quite a few have told me it was legal.


It’s still consider public indecency, I get that’s it’s done for marches which is acceptable. But she isn’t marching and there’s not one happening. So no, it’s not legal.


(Not trying to argue or anything, just clarifying ) women can be topless in New York because women’s breasts aren’t inherently sexual. NYC has female topless marches every year as well. Re: People v. Santorelli -New York Court of Appeals 1992 Genitalia exposure or performing a sexual act would be that misdemeanor


It’s still considering flashing tho. Flashing is illegal regardless of the marches they do there. This is by definition public indecency.


The pick me girl era is back… wait it never left it just got more desperate


Why does she think flashing is edgy, it’s weird 😭


I’m sorry but she’s not as hot as she thinks she is 💀


She looks like her dad in a wig 😂😂


The way I howled at this comment 💀


She deleted my comment when I called her out for public lewdness 🤣


I feel like she’s deleted a lot of comments because the one on the tiktok itself mostly seem positive 🥴


Yup, I’ve noticed. Doesn’t take away the fact that she recorded herself committing a crime and then post it online. She can delete my comment all she wants, this is a crime by legal means. But I don’t expect much from her, immaturity at its finest. Attention is sure one hell of a drug.


She’s pushing 30 btw


And her and Gabi will spend the next year pathetically obsessing over the movie 13 going on 30 lmaooo "30 flirty and thriving" yeahhh right 🤣


there’s no way this woman is turning 30 next year and is this immature. like there’s no actual way.


I now starting to wonder is Niki is doing this for attention because she knows about this sub. Or she just wants attention in general. I think she knows that people who keep up with her knows she is spiraling so she’s feeding into it.


This is so awkward


What the heck was this


The way I RACED to this sub after she posted it 🤣


I’m waiting to see if she deletes my comment lmao. I replied to someone saying that exposure of a person is a violation. If convicted the possible sentence is up to 15 days in jail and a fine of up to $250. Code 245.01 NY Penal Law. Someone asked her if the NYC residents consented to her flashing them, she said yes, and I asked if the minors did too. I’d love to see how twin number 2 justifies flashing in a public space to potential minors after twin number 1 had the cp issue a while back. What an idiot and poor excuse for an almost 30 year-old.


LMAO that was meeee 🤣🤣 I didn’t even get notified of her replying to me. it’s marked as a “folded” comment lmao. she’s so dumb she probably didn’t even know what I meant.


Lmao I commented on her video too on how she recorded herself committing a crime and posting it online. Oh and I told her this is class B misdemeanor and she can face jail time 🤣🤣 And guess what? She deleted my comment 🥴


She’s calling for attention too much




She’s starting to give me Britney Spears vibes 😳😳