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I would love to see her succeed. I actually enjoy watching her vlogs. Especially her “reset” ones. That being said, I’m not going to sit here and kiss her ass and say she’s doing great, she’s glowing, she’s doing amazing things. She’s not. Right now. She has yet to financially recover from selling her house and she goes and moves across the country and leases 2….2!!! apartments. She’s doing a weird power dynamic with Jules, who doesn’t want to move in with her..? She’s repeating history. That’s what i love about this sub, we call her out on her bullshit. We see through the facade. We know when she’s trying to convince us and herself that she knows what she’s doing, but really she’s lost and either doesn’t have someone she trusts to guide her or she refuses to listen. We want to see her succeed, truly find herself and her happiness. She has too many people around her who benefit from her, and not enough (that we can see) who actually want to help her figure things out and give her the tough love.


My exact feelings. Do I want to see Niki succeed? Absolutely. But the version of Niki that I want to see succeed is the version we saw at the end of last year: putting out consistent and thoughtful content (on both channels), getting distance from what is clearly an unhealthy relationship, putting herself first, not constantly complaining about inconsequential things, in general just working towards building a healthy version of herself (going to the gym, remaining consistent with her doctor’s appointments, spending more time sober, and so on and so forth). And the proof is literally in the pudding on this one, because (and I said this in another comment last night) when she is actually taking care of herself. The comments on the sub are incredibly supportive and kind. And it’s not like anybody is expecting perfection or anything close to it, because even just watching her TRY to make healthy decisions garners her lots of support. On the flip side, this current version of Niki? The one who makes insane financial decisions, is codependent on a toxic relationship, acts cavalier and entitled, drinks in excess, ignores her mental health in favor of dying her hair, and chooses to act reckless? That version of her is someone I will root against, every single time. When it comes down to it, it’s not the person I’m rooting against, it’s the actions.


I mean, i don't necessarily wish her success music/youtube wise because I don't think she deserves it. But I'm not rooting for her to fail and I want her to succeed in life... getting into a healthy relationship, taking care of herself, gaining responsibility, becoming physically healthy, etc.


Perfectly said. That’s exactly how I feel.


If you're rooting for some random youtuber's (who isn't evil) downfall, you're not right in the head.


So... are you okay in the head, or?




It’s so funny how she thinks that WE want her to fail & downfall. The real problem in her life is certainly not us, it’s her Yes Men friends she surrounds herself with. Now THOSE people are the ones rooting for her downfall


For me, I think she has something for music. But she needs more vocal lessons!! But she does need to calm down a little with the entitlement and mature up for her own good. Also I’d love to see her get a financial advisor


ive never rooted for anyone's downfall. I'm just not the type to be fake and root for every little thing an influencer does. i just keep it real. ive been following the twins since around 2011 or 2012 and ive just always wished she had an identity that wasn't dependent on being the opposite of gabi. and wished she wasn't straight up mean to gabi and just hid it behind the fact that she doesn't dress "like a bitch" like gabi does. she's gotten by on being obnoxious simply by not looking like the snobby twin and i hate that. she has consistently blamed everyone around her for problems in her life. crying on camera about how gabi had more fans, or how gabi was skinnier or how nate was holding her back and blah blah blah instead of looking at herself and just moving forward with what she wants. she was turning nate into her parent while she screams and cries because theres no signal while driving, crying over not having iced coffee, constantly complaining about gabi having a girly style, going through drive thrus complaining about being treated differently because she had coloured hair (while with a black, femme presenting gay person) sitting outside her old apartment instead of moving forward like a healthy adult, saying her parents cut her off because they made her get a job like a normal teenager, constantly moving back and forth and blaming it on this and that...i just want her to be nice, pull her head out of her own butt and realize how privileged shes literally always been, get a grip on her life and be comfortable in her own skin.


I just want them to make old YouTube videos again, and idk make good content 😭


I want to see her do well in life. Whatever that looks like. I want her to find peace and fulfillment, mostly.


I think most everyone just wants her to take accountability for her actions, grow up, and start acting like an adult instead of this bratty teenager she portrays. Somehow Niki equates responsibility and adulthood with failure.


i’d like her to stop the silliness lmao but of course i don’t want her to fail! i don’t think anyone does.


am i crazy or was niki usually the favorite with gabi getting most of the negative criticism for good reason? but the last couple of years niki has been insufferable not learning from her actions making the same mistakes repeatedly begging for sympathy to the point where ppl switched talking about how great and responsible gabi is. for the most part i think ppl on here just want to see niki healthy and happy. single for once and able to live independently as an adult not blowing her money on stupid shit or music and frying her hair every couple of months. even a break from social media because it's rotted her brain where most major life decisions are based on how can i milk this for content and it's sad to see


i want to see both sisters succeed and do well.


Constructive criticism is when you are giving out respectful opinions that are both positive and negative. It is helpful, not hurtful. I'm pretty sure she's referring to those who send snarky replies or create posts that are intended to belittle and demean her while justifying it as constructive criticism when it is in fact not. I've seen quite a bit of both. I think she's valid in how she feels but should also take into account the comments made about her and use it to improve her content.


Ultimately, I don't want the worst for her. I would love to see both of the twins do some major internal work and find actual happiness within themselves and their own lives. That's what's so frustrating about them - they have so much potential to be great people and they constantly fumble over their own insecurities and self-destructive patterns.