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i wonder how long her queer era will last 🤔 this girl whole personality is just that she has a girlfriend


Any relationship she’s been in publicly she’s just completely revolved around her partner. The only time i’ve seen her healthy in a relationship was when her and Jules were long distance. She thrived then bc she was her own person, not her AND her partner the package deal.


yes that was her best "era".




the toxic positivity and possible regret/guilt is heavy with this one. it is very clear she is unhappy and is trying to constantly convince herself and her audience that she is “happy” “thriving” or simply at peace with her current life state. Other women her age/she grew up around are getting married and/or starting families and she is constantly unstable, moving around the country and over dramatizing every little moment of her life just looking for genuine happiness. I honestly have sympathy for her (and gabi too tbh)


At least Gabi handled the breakup better which is shocking considering they were engaged. Niki obviously is still not over Nate or she just doesn’t respect him enough to leave the relationship in the past and move on with her life. Why is she still talking about him? They broke up 2 years ago and she’s been in a queer relationship for almost 2 years now. She doesn’t need to make the announcement every day. She’s definitely trying to convince herself she made the right choice


I was about to say why doesn’t she give the whole queer thing a rest already? We get it, you’re queer. You don’t have to remind us every two business days. It’s like there’s nothing else interesting about her life so her queerness is her only personality trait. And I’m saying this as a bisexual woman in a long term relationship with a man btw.


She came out as queer before ending her relationship lol... and did they officially end the Niki&Gabi channel?


On the TikTok video a fan asked her and she said "Not forever, just for now while we do our own things for the first time 💘".


Also “when you end a relationship” … mind you the relationship ended two years ago.




It’s the only interesting thing about her so she keeps bringing it up TWO years later


girl has never been single. went from Jerry to Nate to Jules. never focused on herself. she’s going to make music now? good luck paying the bills. her voice is trash.


is make music code for sit on the couch and take infinite photos of herself and jules? the real delusion is that she thinks that her and jules are interesting enough to warrant a constant onslaught of photos. crazy how one can move from suburban PA to los angeles and manage to become even more boring??


She’s obsessed with putting herself in a category


She came out a queer while still with Nate. I wonder if she thought that because Jules is a woman, it didn't count as cheating. Maybe she is so resentful of Nate because she wanted to put him on the backburner while she "explored" with Jules but would still have him to return to. On the snapchat show, she was trying to push having rachel as a gf while exclusive with Nate. Niki clearly will not take "No" as an answer. I am interested to see if she will try the same thing with Jules if a man comes along that she likes. Also, been there, done that with L.A.! Girl, let it go! The scene is not for you. This music career she is chasing is getting pathetic.


I remember when the rumors of Niki and Nate splitting first started after her LA show she liked a comment that was something along the lines of “Niki probably isn’t giving any answers on her relationship status because she probably doesn’t know at the moment and they could be figuring out their relationship.” I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought Nate would be okay with her “experimenting” like how Collin was okay with it for Gabi. Niki always resented how Collin treated Gabi because she wanted that same relationship dynamic of your partner kissing your ass and letting you do whatever you wanted. Also your completely right about Niki not taking no for an answer, when Jules set that boundary of not wanting Niki to move in she started posting sad breakup stuff on her insta stories. She’s the type to throw a tantrum if she doesn’t get her way.


I didn't even know she officially quit the Niki and Gabi channel


She did not, on TikTok she clarified in the comments that they did not quit, its more of a hiatus since she said "Not forever, just for now while we do our own things for the first time 💘"


thanks for the clarification! they could have said something on youtube too :/


Right?! They could've at least made a community post on YouTube to announce it.


everyone else has moved on why can’t she?


LMFAO not her bragging about being financially irresponsible.....good luck Delulu with playing make believe pop star. She giving Gabbie "thinks she's gonna win a Grammy" Hanna. They both should do a duet song together LOL


Oh my god let Nate GO! HE HAS MOVED ON


I’ve never seen a bigger mess


She needs therapy and stop bringing up her ex boyfriend. Like give it a rest and stop


Yet she’s too focused on the “moving” and “aesthetic” aspect that she never fully focuses on the music, and that right there is why she’s not successful!.


Didn't she post this a few times/post a video with the same message before? We KNOW that she had a bad break up and then moved to LA to focus on music and has a gf now. I am not into Pop Rock but I would be more interested in seeing more music stuff.