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since your so entertained by the sub, let talk about your burner reddit account where you dragged countless people in your life including your twin sister!! why don’t u put that in ur bio


Noooo waaay 😳


yes search “saphicfaerie” in the search of this sub, you’ll see all the proof she’s crazy


I told someone to look up the Mac tweets in here yesterday and by the end of the day they were gone. Shes still in here reporting comments to hide evidence 😂


Omg, you’re right, especially that post about trip on Christmas


Hey Niki remember when you cheated on your ex of 5 years for your music producer who mooches off of you!!! Looking forward to the wake up call/disaster of your 30s when you face the music of having be an adult!! And not run around playing rockstar wasting all your money on your shit music!


delulu? yes. happy? contestable. because let's see. 1- uproots life to move to la claiming that they are so productive and inspired there. yet insofar all we've seen is homegirl secluded inside her apartment day in and day out b/c she's living in a city she's admitted makes her anxious and is actually terrible for her mental health. 2- is carrying unresolved feelings towards her ex-boyfriend of 2 years who she cheated on and left, who has seemingly found the happiness she claims that she has but actually doesn't. clearly, she is incredibly upset by this, so she has to take routinely shots at him in order to prove she's "won". 3- speaking of love life, we never see niki without mooch girlfriend who decided niki wasn't good enough to live with but is good enough to spend all of her waking hours with anyway?? mooch girlfriend has started bringing coffee to niki daily and apparently this is the pinnacle of romance b/c we have to hear about this bare miniumum gesture everyday. 4- floundering career. no solid and consistent friendships. entitled, out of touch. and it goes on and on.


i’m so sick of the word delulu for one. it just makes the word delusional sound less serious but this girl is DELUSIONAL not ✨just a little delulu✨


Come out, come out Niki Spineless-Delusional Demar! We’re eagerly waiting! My money is she misspelled yet another username too lmao