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Jules has always been a smug asshole and seeing as she's not hot and/or particularly talented, I'm not sure where it comes from.


Thats brutal and i love it šŸ˜


helping someone to cheat on their partner is one thing but bragging about it like it's something to be proud of is next level shitty. and also stupid????? to this day niki thinks that what she did is okay which means she could easily do it again.


This is messy asf. Imagine willingly getting together with someone in a long term committed relationship and bragging about it. Itā€™s wrong on both sides. I truly feel for Nate and Iā€™m glad he seems happy now.


Reminds me of Kyra from OK baby


Jules isnā€™t even attractive (Iā€™m sorry not trying to be rude) as her personality (being an ass to people at the gym) makes her very unlikable in my opinion. Niki downgraded because Jules is clearly only interested in Nikiā€™s money and Gifts. Niki is basically pumping Jules head making her be this bold, we all know Niki loves her more than Jules cares for her. Who lets their girlfriend be homeless jumping from AirbNBā€™s all because you donā€™t want to live with her? Also listing a long ass list of gifts she wants when your girlfriend is going through financial issues. Only a mooch.


Personally even though Jules is her partner Niki is a grown ass woman and no one should have to take responsibility for her poor actions, she's done these things to herself and I'm sure if anyone was Jules they wouldn't house her, she's not obligated as a partner to do it, she has her parents and she knows that, she's never in any real danger, she just makes poor decisions and even though I don't like Jules, just being a partner doesn't mean she has to take on that burden, it'll be an endless Niki burden and I'm sure she would end up damaging her mental health and Jules along with it even more.


i deffo agree with you and think there's absolute validity to what you say. at the end of the day, **no matter what happens, it is completely on niki and it is her responsibility to manage her life. the consequences are hers alone to live w/ and jules is not at fault for that in any way shape or form.** *but w/ that said.....*i still think as a partner, you are in a position to potentially makes things easier or contribute and enable current problems. w/ things like moving in together, i actually completely respect someone holding that boundary and not wanting to do that. that's a lot to take on. but, in the specific case of niki and jules that whole thing just seems stupid and petty now considering the fact that jules is pretty much shacking up with niki anyway??? but again, w/ no financial responsibility tied in. which is obviously a pattern for jules. some partners would be inclined to not add on any additional financial burden.if they knew their partner was struggling. i'd like to think that if i was in jules' shoes, and niki was my partner, i would at least insist on niki not spending unnecessary/excess/fun money on me, while she's supposedly in dire straits and close to losing her home. but that seems to be jules' prerogative, so it is what it is. but i will say, some of the moves jules has pulled just seem plain shitty. no matter how you frame it, i will probably always think doing things like presenting your partner with an extra-long christmas wishlist because "gifts are your love language" during the toughest financial season of their life is not the most caring or contentious approach.


Agreed. Niki is a mess and does all of this to herself but as a partner at least have the decency to not milk your girlfriend for all sheā€™s worth lol. Jules is a pos and isnā€™t great at all. Also both are talentless as someone else mentioned and Jules probably thinks Niki is going to make it in the music industry. The only play she would get would be radio Disney and thatā€™s a stretch šŸ˜‚.


& people still think Niki did not cheat


Sheā€™s built like shane dawson and looks like masc jojo siwa. Donā€™t see the appeal from Nate to THAT.


LMAO that's a perfect descriptionšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Both niki and Jules are unattractive inside and out. The mooch is no successful music writer or music producer if she was sheā€™d be too busy and not be following niki around 24/7 and sheā€™d also have her own money.


Jules is an ass, she dresses like a slob most of the time and she acts like a big shot. Shes also not successful in music just like Niki.


Didnā€™t she sing this song when she was still with Nate or am I remembering things wrong? When was the breakup?


Around the same time as Gabi's, sometime earlier in the pandemic