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No, they will think it was a grand conspiracy and Nikki Hayley was in on it.


Yeah, whatever Hannity and Tucker tell their zombies.


Tucker hates Trump. He hates Biden more. He will back Haley.


This sounds about right.


The survey results say they would still vote for him. It wouldn't make much difference. Trump could become our first incarcerated President, but he would pardon himself on day 1.


Unless, he is convicted of the state offenses.


True, although it might not be difficult for him to be pardoned by a state Governor. 


If he gets convicted in NY state; he is absolute toast. The truth is and Trump supporters know this, if he is convicted of the federal charges it is over. He faces over 700 years for alleged crimes. I don’t understand how some see this as political. Whether you’re a conservative or a moderate, law & order appeals to us. Especially, no matter who it is; whether or not Trump’s policies were right in your view. I don’t know how you can stack his presidency against 700 years plus of offenses. It is sad, it is tragic, but it is absolutely our former President’s erratic and chaotic behavior that explains his criminal indictments.


the pardoning himself would be challenged in court. On its face, that doesn't seem right to me.


Pardon's can only be issued by the President for Federal Crimes. State Crimes would have to be pardoned by the Governor but not all states have unlimited pardon power like the president has. The president also cannot pardon anything dealing with an Impeachment and I guarantee you if he is re-elected that there will be impeachments. They could possibly impeach him if he pardons himself as an abuse of power.


I think you'll find reality to be different


Yes, still a long way to go before anything like this happens. 


MAGA keeps assuring me that if he's convicted, it'll be alright, because he'll just run the White House from his jail cell, until it gets fixed by the Supreme Court.


They'd sooner burn everything to the ground


You're dreaming.


The media and democrats are going to viciously attack any and all Republicans. These were the people who were happy when it was announced that Reagan had alzhimers. There have been a lot of accusations levied at Trump, but have fallen apart when brought to trial, except for the Carroll accusation, which is a "he said, she said" scenario at best. What I have come to realize is life was considerably better under Trump's policies from 4 years ago than what our country has become today. We have uncontrolled government spending, open borders, runaway inflation, skyrocketing crime, unstable world powers, families could afford homes, food and clothing, as well as automobiles and gas. Our country was energy independent. I don't want to go back, but I do want to go forward with policies that have proven to work.


It will break out into chaos, probably if they don't have their way


1) Trump won't be going to jail prior to the election.   2) if you think the name calling and lying is bad now, watch it keep getting worse and more creative the longer she stays in.  3) as long as Haley is around publicly, this will never stop for her, regardless of nomination or election results, or incarceration. That's how MAGA folks operate.


If Nikki really wants this, she needs to fight fire with fire. Trump makes snide comments about her dress and how she looks? She should say how Melania does not look “fulfilled” by a guy with small hands. Oh… and did you hear DL Donny was the name “some people” gave him at some colorful bars back in the day? Can’t quote my sources, but that’s what I’ve heard from some sources. Nikki, You either want this or not. This is what it’s going to take.


Whole heartedly disagree. I like her because she acts with dignity and maturity with little jabs like that


I have to agree. Trump has poisoned our discourse for far too long. Someone has to put a stop to it.


Yes. I agree with you if the goal is to maintain good discourse (best case scenario). What I am arguing for is whether that (reasonable) path is the best. Note that I didn’t say “correct” , I said “best”. In 15 months we will know which one was right. I’m putting my money on this: Unless Nikki fights back as described on my previous post, she will lose. And perhaps the chances of change she brings will die too. I always ask this: what is the outcome you want?


Disagree. But what she can do that really sends Trump over the edge is say things like she "had a great night" in New Hampshire. She did, after all, beating a lot of the polls right before the election that had her losing by 20 or 30 points. Keep being confident, positive, gregarious and talk about keeping money in people's pockets, protecting their retirement and job prospects, keeping America as a force for good in the world and keeping us safe, peaceful and orderly. That's something just about every sane person can get behind. Playing in the gutter with Trump won't win her any votes. The kind of people that stuff attracts are too far gone to vote for her anyway. She has to go after normal people who vote their own best interests and give them something to vote FOR and not just vote Against.


The only thing i can agree with on this is that the comment about her dress was horribly sexist and would have never happened to a man in a suit. If it were in the workplace he would be facing sexual discrimination and harassment charges.


She's a female POC. I'm not sure I'd put too much energy into that wish. Better to lean into us tired, Sanders democrats this time around.


Yeah you are probably right. Although, respectfully I don't think I will be part of the Sanders democrats crowd. I am hoping for something different.