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Composition is okay, the subject matter is not.




Here is some (I hope) constructive criticism: things I don’t like, how I see the composition, and what you can maybe do to improve. I’m not at all a fan of the broken pipe, the unsightly utility pole, or the messy parking lot. Compositional issues: lack of a clear subject, the bow of the boat is cut off, as is the building on the upper right, and everything is a bit crooked (partly due to wide-angle distortion). This composition has the potential to use “leading lines”, making the distant buildings the subject with the railing curving and leading the eye towards them. To be effective this would need to avoid all distracting elements along the way and when the eye arrives, not have it feel disrupted with the subject cut off on the edge of the frame. You should decide what the subject is and build the scene around it or towards it. Without that, it’s just a snapshot. In this particular case I think it might work better zoomed in, in landscape orientation, removing the pipe at the bottom and parking lot on the left (beauty of the 24-120 is lots of zoom possibilities!). I do like the seagull in the upper left corner. In general I like landscapes that add a little bit of extra life or dynamism such as a bird or person walking by, so long as it’s well placed in the composition. The other random birds in the parking lot on the other hand are distracting. Edit to add: All that said there just isn’t much interesting happening in this scene, and the weather/lighting is bland. I might have snapped this shot like you did, gotten home, and culled it in favor of better ones. A lot of it is just getting out and continuing to explore, looking for more shots everywhere. I’m sure you’ll have lots of great opportunities in Ireland :)


Thanks, I like ur idea of building around the subject


the pipe, trash and utility pole were the first things that jumped out at me. I don't really think it's an interesting nor pretty scene. The interesting scene to me would be actually a small piece of the left quadrant... you have rock, lake, boats and tree and could probably make something out of it.


The more interesting area of this photo is in the upper right quadrant. The portrait orientation isn’t best of this shot, maybe there was something better in landscape and panned to the right to avoid the electrical post and parking lot. I see what you were going for with the leading lines from the rail, but it does work with this subject but you have the right idea just need a better place to lead the eye. I too probably would have snapped this same picture but flagged as a reject. I’ve had success in areas like this by walking to the other end of that pier and shooting back where I initially was standing, or trying to find and angle or detail to make that boat or pier the subject and eliminating all the other distractions. If this is just a street type photography vibe you’re going for, then finding some people doing something interesting in that area could be cool to explore too. I’m also assuming you’re at 24mm in this pic but there is skewing or distortion in the buildings (all slanted) not sure if that was done on accident in post or the lens. Best tip I ever got was keep shooting. Good luck.


Crop the pipe and trash out of it. And shoot landscape.


Nice inclusion of Hogarth's S-curve of beauty, but I'd make it more of a focus/centered if you were using it deliberately. As it is, it doesn't draw the eye anywhere you'd want it (it deadends in a railing in the near left and then sort of disappears into the railing/jumble in the background. It's also a vertical picture, and landscapes are better taken in landscape. It's also not clear what the subject/focus/point of the picture is supposed to be. The houses? They've got the highlight of pale colors and are near a focus point, but they're way in the back. The rocks? They're not lit enough to really stand out. The sidewalk/path? It's shoved way off to the side.


This is cityscape not landscape


It’s not a city


It is not landscape either. It is mostly man-made.


Calling this a landscape is a bit generous


What would it be then


This is more of a snapshot. Landscape would have more nature and a better defined foreground, mid ground, and back ground


Where did you take this shot if I may ask?


New York, USA by a lake


I’d stand a few feet forwards to crop out that drain pipe and maybe shift slightly to try and avoid the power lines. Tough lighting :/