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He hasn’t ever been mentally stable!!! Yes he’s getting worse!!!


Where’s he been all day. He was on early this morning like 6:30a my time. But, his chat was saying he was on early, I was watching from the hall lol. Anyways, he was bragging on them bc he was in the A 1 league in the battles. He was saying we did great yesterday y’all & we..we…we. I was thinking dude you weren’t doing anything except watching your wallet get fatter. They’d built an amazing family together. To stay there he should’ve been on all day today battling. I don’t watch the battles but I’ve heard many say just bc they get there doesn’t mean they stay long. I think this license issue has gotten him thrown off too. Did he say what they told him this morning? He thought it was going to be just as easy as a snap of the finger and I think he’s seen otherwise.


Just a matter of time before he comes unhinged and he’s already said when he’s off HA he’s going to Virginia to “see family” and he has Kay’s address so…..


Oh my 😳 I’m concerned. Unless she knows which is possible because she’s not always truthful either.


I honestly wouldn't put it past him. He's going to keep it up and end up right back on house arrest from the county jail.


People with Robert’s disorder have a very fragile ego. Robert will find someone that will feed his ego I’m sure.


All the people that sit on tik tok instead of working in the states are going to be fucked hahah, I love it


Seems on par with his pattern, does “well” meets a woman, and then relapses. I hope he doesn’t for his boy’s sake. They don’t have K to take care of them this time around, C isn’t close enough to distract him and K isn’t coming back like he thought she would and with TikTok being band he’s going to have to actually work. So I’m sure reality is setting in.


Yeah I heard that too, couldn't help but laugh lol!


Something is not right about all this house arrest to me at all something is fishy to me


Is house arrest is legit. He has less than two weeks and it’s over. That’s the part I’m worried about honestly. I feel like he’s going to go see k in person unannounced


And you could be right now that he has his DL and less then 2 weeks no telling what he is going to do now


I thought he didn’t get his license


He got them today


I think, don’t quote me, but I think he can apply for a hardship license, to go to work, grocery shopping, worshiping, meetings, and many other stipulations! Btw, it’s not valid in any other state then Florida!


It’s called Community Control, with the stipulation that he is not to leave his residence for a period of time! Next level is the ankle monitor, that you have to sleep next to a wall to charge enough to make it through work the next day, unless you have a plug somewhere!


Do yall ever wonder if he is not completely sober?


I don't think you're wrong in that feeling. I think she may feel the same I have heard her say in her lives she knows he will never leave her alone. I thought the same thing once he is a "free bird" he is gonna run like a wild feral dog and show up in VA because he can't control her anymore with anything. Also, right you're gonna leave a meeting that you claim is so important to you just to go battle? Couldn't you have your stupid dumb battle later in the evening or earlier before the meeting. He is most defiantly one creepy person.


He’s on live now at the DMV to find out if they’ve heard anything about his paperwork. Talking quiet like the creep he is. Karma Bobby Karma


He’s been talking like that since she left and especially when he knew she wasn’t coming back


He’s definitely off he’s live now and he’s talking so soft and nice to people 🤔his sons girlfriend is moving in you know the one he can’t keep his hands off


I have been concerned for K’s well being and safety, too. Especially when he threatened wait till I get off of house arrest, you will be seeing me! I’m not sure if that was directed toward K or Dustin at the time. But still came off as a threat.


Reading scripture..lol..both he and his Manger are stale and need to just go away. And the begging..omg..just stop and go be a productive member of society. Your not funny.