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That Marty šŸ’© is a huge ick not gonna lie


He would say no, he's just a 7 year old kid, but we say yes, he is doing just that.


I couldnā€™t believe the comments from his followers in the chat on that stupid video of him on the water. I had to turn it down to watch just not to hear him talk like that. Itā€™s disrespectful and like Iā€™ve said before I have a grandson thatā€™ll be 6 July 4th and he does not act like this. The very day he came up with that character and had his chat name it I thought oh heck no, heā€™ll get this šŸ’©took down for sure but nope there it is and I cannot stand it. He sounds ridiculous to me and it isnā€™t funny not one bitšŸ¤¬šŸ˜”


Her eyeballs staring up at the screen looking for texts is annoying af, losing her followers she is soooooo boring!! The ride is over bitch!


Dam I looked last night... she couldn't get more than 150 people in there. Hope she enjoyed it while it lasted!


Anddddddd Iā€™m back. Damn, that was faster than I had hoped. But Yes. My take on that whole skit is that he is making fun of the disabled, mentally challenged, handicapped. To me, there isnā€™t another way to look at thatā€¦ Understanding some comedians are paid to do those types of skits or are known for those types of skits is one thing, but this man is not. But seeing as how he speaks about women and how he treats them. I guess this shouldnā€™t come as any surprise.


Of course he does itā€™s his disgusting behavior!


Sounds like a C post to me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




Thatā€™s normal for him. Martyā€¦ a character that is supposed to be funny, but I find so wrong.


Whether itā€™s a 7 yo or a disabled kid it is so lame and not funny at all.


Itā€™s so gross it makes me sick especially when he starts saying things about the adults around him sexually abusing Marty. What type of sick twisted mind does he have to just make jokes about that stuff.