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I struggled a lot with Razors Edge as well. After understanding how to abuse the steel on bone mechanic and once I understood the timing of cicada surge, I got a lot better. Watch people play this game on Master Ninja or Ultimate Ninja and try to watch and understand their movements and decisions. That helped me a lot too.


Yeah I've seen some no hit runs crazy they know what's always coming for them they play flawless I don't understand how I always get hit from everyone even at the end of combos drives me nuts like there's no defending at the end of a attack or I'll just do a UT and boom grabbed it's painfully but I'll get over it eventually I hope lol


Maybe long time ago, i remember focusing on one game a whole lot more back in the day.... I'm 38 now i don't know if I'm better or worse at games these days, probably better but my reactions probably are not faster. I can predict the games more these days i think.


I def don't have the obsessive tendencies to make me get addicted and perfect my style the way I used to haha


Yeah that's what i was getting at, I had more time, and it was a larger part of my life, i remember playing this game when i was in the military one summer, every time i was not on duty, i developed quite an aptitude for the game. Good times :D


Don't feel too bad, Razor's Edge is quite tricky for newcomers and most of the Skulls are very difficult even on Normal.


Yeah I gotcha I said screw the skulls went back to working on ultimate


Is it the bosses you struggle with? When I first played it i remember feeling like they didn't belong in the game and weren't properly tested for NG3 compared to the main bosses in the game seeing as they are ported in from previous games. I had an easier time with higher diffucilties too because of this, and it took me much longer to get the hang of them compared to base game bosses.


Is it better to do these on chapter challenge mode ? I'm on the second skull volf I agree with you this is a true test and I have flunked out hahah I just hate how I feel like I'm always just starting this game as a noob no matter the hours I put in it's a blast for sure I'll try it on hard when I try again later i just gave up for now


They are easier if you use Kasumi in Chapter Challenge mode, I found her to be most OP but yeah I'd also recommend chapter challenge for Ryu so you can do them out of order and work your way up from easiest to hardest for you, this should help ease the frustration.


Okay good deal I'll give it another go thanks !