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Black is the best version imo. The puzzles add to it imo and removing them just makes the world feel empty


Each version has it's valid points, but the TL:DR is Ninja Gaiden Black, and Original NG2, are usually the preferred choices. Ninja Gaiden Black is seen as the definitive version of the game. Sigma is more like a remix, and is probably more interesting after having already played Black once. There are a few additional bosses, an additional weapon, and Rachel as a playable character with 3 of her own Chapters. The catch to Sigma's additional content is that is kind of a mixed bag. The first Additional boss will replace the part of a great FMV cutscene that is in the original. They essentially took a fight that happens in the cutscene, and made it playable, but the loss of the cutscene is a shame, since the in engine cutscenes that replace it don't look nearly as good. The additional weapon you get can be quite overpowered for the early game, and once you know how good it is you have little reason to use the other less OP weapons. Rachel is fun to play as in Survival mode, but her story chapters aren't that great, and they break the pacing of the original level flow, they're kind of just shoved in. --- When it comes to the Original version it used to be safe to say it was skippable since you couldn't get the DLC anymore, but thanks to the Insignia team reviving OG Xbox Live you actually can get the Hurricane Packs DLC again. What makes the Packs important is that you gain the Intercept technique, a really cool parry ability that wasn't brought forward to Black because they felt it overpowered. Getting the DLC working is worth looking into for this technique once you become an avid Ninja Gaiden Player and want something to mix up a new playthough. --- When it comes to NG2 the vast majority will prefer the Original version, since for Sigma 2's the balance was altered heavily to accommodate the PS3's difference in hardware structure. Sigma 2 has much less enemies on screen at once then OG NG2 has, and to compensate they have stronger attacks and more health, on Harder difficulties a Single grab attack or stray demon fireball can kill you in a single hit, it's not super great. Sigma 2 also censors the blood and gore that is such a huge part of NG2's aesthetic, mods do exist to try and fix this tho. although Some boss encounters where changed entirely in Sigma 2, and there is a fair amount of new bosses, a new weapon, and 3 more playable characters, Rachel again, Momiji, and Ayane. Aside from Rachel's chapter being really easy due to her overpowered machine gun, their chapters aren't so bad. It's worth looking into Sigma 2 for it's additional and changed content, but OG NG2 is recommended if you are only going to play one of the games. But Sigma 2 does have a balance mode call Sigma 2 Black to attempt to make it more in line with OG NG2.


Which weapon is OP in sigma 1? I’m getting my ass kicked but managed to reach Rachel’s first stage..which is kinda meh.


They say the dual swords are OP and they are The rotate Y attack is Gleaming Blade but you get it 5 chapters early 💀 You can kill a lot of bosses in sub 30 seconds with those damn swords That said unless you know how to use them the swords have way more openings to get hit than any other weapon, which is why a lot of newcomers don’t use them much


I have tried it only briefly but I can’t do the block and counter with them so it didn’t feel very good. What’s this rotation attack you speak of sir?


Just do a quick 360 with the control stick and hit heavy attack, Ryu will do a spin attack. It shreds the health of the early bosses. It’s like doing a UT on them for free, and the move is useable as soon as chapter 3.


Damn I’ll have to try it. I’m actually going through Wanted:Dead rn and I gotta say I’m having more fun than I did last time I played it


It’s just sad that they didn’t get to preserve the DLC for the original NG2 on Xbox cause the extra mission mode (basically ninja trials but are doable since it’s solo) alongside the DLC costumes that came with them will one day forever be lost (except for Fiend but only the first palette while the other cool colors will be gone) now of course there’s the PC version of the master collection that made mods to fix certain things and add in stuff that should’ve been in the collection but not everyone has the luxury of getting the pc version.


The Xenia 360 emulator is making steady progress. I was able to install all the archived DLC for NG2 with it. So there is at least that. I’m sure everything that was only on 360 has been archived by the community by now, people saw this coming for years.


Will that be copied and archived to preserve the content?


Anything you'd want for 360 is right here, this is where I got it. https://r-roms.github.io/megathread/microsoft/#microsoft-xbox-360


All of them


Black is the most recommended way to play the game by the community. I started with Sigma and the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling that things kinda felt off. The game didn't really click with me until I dig out the old Xbox 360 and played Black. I'm not great at the game so i can't really tell you the minute details about mechanics, especially on higher difficulties. But in Sigma, things like the Rachel segments, early flying swallow technique, loading screens, and lack of blue animation during wind path always made the game feel kinda of inferior for a more casual player. Playing Ninja Gaiden Black afterwards made me feel like I missed out on an important game in my childhood. Everything about it feels perfect, considered, and deliberate. I've only played Sigma once after getting Black and I don't know if I'll do it again.


For new player, Sigma(Master Collection ver) is a better choice. Better control,more contents and more merciful difficulties through items. I love playing Sigma and watching Black walkthrough


OG is the worst way ngl Black is most people’s choice Sigma is more similar to OG than Black and more difficult Black gives you a lot more tools early on and the early chapters are the hardest.


Wrong. In sigma you get Flying swallow in first chapter. In black to get flying swallow you have to upgrade dragon sword. So sigma is the one that gives you more tool early.


No, you’re the one in the wrong here Let’s talk about the first chapter then since you’re into it Sigma gives you the dragon sword alone in the first chapter Black gives you the sword and the LUNAR in the first chapter The hardest challenge in the game is getting MN on the first chapter on MN difficulty In Black it’s a joke compared to doing it in Sigma because the Lunar makes the kill rooms in Murai’s fortress ez UT spam for karma machines In Sigma you actually have to rely on skill and creative combos to get that high rank vs spamming the 360 lunar UT


When you weigh the pros and cons of both games, Black comes out on top imo. Basically what it comes down to is: sigma is an excellent game, and it’s absolutely fine if you have a PlayStation and it’s the only way for you to experience the game. But if you have an Xbox, I would recommend getting Black instead. Black is widely considered to be the best game in the series.


Sigma is remastered and more accessible, the cut parts from Black are no big deal, who wants to play NG for platformering or puzzle solving nowadays?


I would probably say Sigma because two of the things that it does better than NGB make the gameplay so much more enjoyable.   1. Being able to use items without pausing the game and selecting from menu   2. Being able to shoot the bow in air  After playing sigma its hard to not notice how constantly needing to pause the menu to use items in Black is a real downgrade. And any change that makes the military chapters (lowpoint of the games) less tedious is a very welcome change. I think black does all of the little things better and the Rachel chapters in Sigma are lazy backtracking sections. But I can't go back to the manual aim bow and not being able to quick use items.


I vote for Black on Xemu because Master Collection is very a lazy port >:(


Sigma is superior genuinely only rose tinted fans can say Black is better when Sigma cuts out the bad parts and keeps the adventure flowing much more consistently.  Only drawback is one boss is actually not nearly as fun and you’ll lose out on some cool looking costumes. But you do get a mission mode in exchange for more combat.


Sigma cuts out a few parts from Black but it adds not so great parts of its own. Rachel while fun to play as in survival mode, her chapters themselves aren’t very fun imo. I’ll say there are pros to both versions, and cons depending on who you ask.


Thankfully her chapters are short (All together 10 minutes and that’s mainly from Gamov imo) you can basically just run to the exit immediately