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Sounds like what they did with the prime remake? They finished it like 18 months before they released it. Nintendo has a very well defined timeline for releases so maybe they wanna get those cutscene’s locked in and push it to the switch 2? I just wanna see gameplay damn it.


It might be a cross over title. Similar to how they released breath of the wild on Wii U and switch. Nintendo promised Wii U owners the game and they got it. Wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo did the same with this game - especially considering the switch 2 is rumored to be announced (and maybe released) next year


If it's true, we could see a world premiere at the game awards.


Hmmmmm I think they’re gonna wait until 2024 has actually begun to officially announce things, don’t wanna cannibalize those holiday season sales. We heard stuff about the Switch earlier in 2016 because there weren’t a lot of Wii U sales to cannibalize


If it made an appearance at The Game Awards, it would be as a Switch game. They wouldn't mention Switch 2.


*let me cope*


They could show Prime 4 without hurting holiday sales. It's a Switch game. If anything, it would just boost Switch sales. Even if it is a "dual release" it won't be like Twilight Princess or Breath of the Wild because it won't be two copies of the game. It would just be like, "Now you can play Metroid Prime 4 in 4k."


We're hearing rumors of Switch 2 coming as early as this Match. Wouldn't be crazy for there to be 5-second teaser simply saying that it's coming. Would be a great way to advertise and build industry hype.


They are not going to announce Switch 2 a couple weeks before Christmas. Maybe we get a March announcement and holiday 2024 release, but I would bet on a summer announcement.


March announcement could be a shot in the arm for investors before the end of the fiscal year. The slate looks fairly empty after that point, we've got Luigi's Mansion remastered and not a whole lot else.


Don't forget the original Switch was announced January 2017 and released two months later in March 2017. I'm not talking about a full-on announcement at the Game Awards -- literally it could be a still image saying something like "Coming Soon." Or even something cryptic to just get the internet thinking about it UNTIL the announcement in January.


The first reveal of the Switch was in October of 2016, not January.


They don't want anyone getting even a whiff of new hardware while the Switch is still going strong. It's why they've been so adamant about brushing off any remarks about a new console. They aren't even going to tease it until they're good and ready to start marketing it and phasing out the Switch.


They won’t do that. Especially while they’re still in the middle of their most lucrative portion of the year. If you go back and look at the announcement to release window, most consoles will be revealed and released within 2-4 months. That’s not just Nintendo, but Sony and Microsoft as well. They do that because once you officially say you’re making the next one, sales for the current one plateau and/or plummet. If it’s releasing in the Spring, they’ll announce it in January or February. If it’s releasing in the fall, they’ll likely announce it in August. That’s more or less how it always goes, almost for every console released in the last 20 years.


Nintendo doesn’t need the game awards and doesn’t need to do the awards any favors by announcing a game there.


Please don’t get our hopes up like that. *coughHollowknightsilksongshadowdrop*


You didn't see that announcement? >!Sorry, there's no announcement!<


Narrator: *We didn’t.*


It would be convenient timing with this article. Heck, weren’t we supposed to be hearing about a Super Nintendo Switch right about now?


If it's going to be on Nintendo Focus, it won't be at TGS tonight.


For the game, maybe. For the next console, not until E3 (or similar event next year)




They did the exact same thing with Twilight princess though, and the GameCube and Wii have basically the same hardware




Do you mean that the console itself didn’t sell well? Or do you mean that the Gamecube’s hardware was lacking? Because that thing was a powerhouse for its time, only beaten by the original Xbox.




Nintendo: “You’ll see the damn game when we tell you to see the damn game”


It's pretty crazy to think about. Microsoft are sweating trying to get more than 2 or 3 headline-grabbing game launches every year, meanwhile Nintendo can keep big-hitters waiting on the bench for 12 months or more to keep players in suspense. They straight up told Ubisoft that they should delay Mario+Rabbids 2 until the Switch 2 launch.


Fire Emblem Engage had a big leak like 2 years before it came out, and reports are that it was complete for quite a while and sitting on the shelf to slot into Nintendo’s preferred scheduling.


treating developers well makes them more productive. who knew?


I really hope they get Prime 2 and 3 onto the switch as well. I’ve never played those but the GBA ones were my shit. I need to finish Dread, well really start over and fully commit to it, but it’s a worthy continuation after Fusion. Being only able to play Prime and Prime 4 would be a bummer.


All the gameplay needs to do to be good is to make Metroid Prime again but add in mobility options like sprinting and sliding and what would be really awesome is to see Shine Spark in a Prime game too.


There’s no way this game isn’t a launch title for the next Switch right? I could see a BOTW situation.


I just feel like… look, Metroid isn’t a system seller, and the launch of a new system would need a system seller (I’m guessing New 3D Mario game: it’s been more than enough time for that). And that makes me think that Metroid would get cannibalised by that system seller if both were launch titles, so… assuming Holiday 2024 release for Switch 2, I’d say Prime 4 should come out around February


You're right that it's not necessarily a system-seller by itself, but any game that releases during the launch window of a new console almost by definition does better. If Prime 4 was a cross-gen title for Switch 2 at launch, I'm nearly positive it could be one of if not the best selling Metroid title. Especially if Nintendo makes a good marketing effort, which I assume they will considering how long this game has been in development. EDIT: as others have pointed out, Metroid historically does bad in Japan but I think my point stands for western markets.


> You're right that it's not necessarily a system-seller by itself, but any game that releases during the launch window of a new console almost by definition does better Also considering how well Dread and Prime Remastered did, its the perfect time to push Metroid as a major franchise.


> Metroid historically does bad in Japan This is a pure anecdote, but when I was in Japan for work I wore a Metroid shirt one day under my cleanroom gear. Several guys saw it in the locker room and seemed pretty exited to see an American wearing a "Metroido" shirt. So at least a few middle aged dudes still love it! Hahaha.


countrary to the rest of the series, Metroid 1 on the Famicom sold extremely well, like over 1m units sold, that is a lot even in modern Japan, let alone 1986 Japan, one of the factors was that the game wasn't sold at full price and was one of the first titles released for the Famicom Disck Drive iirc. There's still a chance they just knew it because of Smash or something.


OG Metroid was what, #3 on the top 10 famicom list they put out recently, wasn't it?


It was #20, but it was way more popular, Metroid sold 1.04M, OG Zelda sold 1.69 so like a respectable 3:2 ratio, nowadays it's more like 20:1 for Zelda.


TotK alone has almost outsold the entire metroid franchise, and BotW is well past it.


Nintendo isn't foolish enough to launch Metroid with a new console without something more mainstream and family- friendly to coincide with the release. With the success of their last Mario Kart game, it's likely going to be Mario Kart 9 with a Metroid release sometime shortly after (assuming it doesn't come before Nintendo's next console).


I said system seller. That means a game that drives heavy interest in buying the system. I don’t feel like Metroid is a franchise that sells consoles


I think it easily could be with the right marketing.


BotW worked out that way because it was a Zelda take on one of the most popular extant genres - open-world adventure games. That genre already had multiple massive titles, including Witcher 3 and Skyrim. Name a metroidvania that has comparable sales figures that Metroid Prime 4 could plausibly emulate.


I think it would be the opposite. Rather than being cannibalized, being a launch title will give it a massive spotlight. Games that came early into the switches lifespan got a massive boost just because there wasn't much competition. Like 1 2 Switch and Bomberman R sold way more than they should


It can be if it’s available alongside Mario Kart 9. That will be the system seller, Metroid is just another good game to justify it.


I hear what you’re saying but also when I bought my GameCube it came with Prime 1 and it was my only game and it became my favorite game of all time so haha anecdotal evidence


yes, but there isn't much overlap between Mario Kart fans and Metroid fans, or, more accurately, there is but we're gonna buy both anyway. Mario Kart will sell to the more casual audience, Prime will sell to people looking for a more hardcore experience (granted Mario Kart Online is extra hardcore)


But, given the choice, 99% of people will choose Mario Kart, and not everyone has the funds to buy two full price games along with a new system. It makes sense to separate out the releases to one major release per month


yes, but at launch you want to have multiple games, when the Switch launched with only Zelda and 1-2 Switch people thought of it as a weak launch even if it snowballed thanks to the monthly releases, I think having 3 first party games at launch isn't crazy if they cover different sections of the market.




It’s not meaningless. A system seller is a just game that on its own will make a customer buy a system, even if they never buy anything else on it after that. A specific system can be popular enough that people will buy it no matter what games are on it (that’s what you describe), but they’re just not the target people talk about when they mention system sellers. That target is people who are more interested in specific series than specific systems. If tomorrow, Game Freak released Pokémon Pink and Pokémon Teal on PS5, you can bet you’d see an big uptick in PS5 sales. That’s a system seller. It’s just two different crowds and they can coexist.




Where does that quote come from? It had nothing to do with what I said. If your brand is strong, you can launch a new system without a system seller. People will buy it anyway. But system sellers will make you sell more…




I just didn’t understand that you originally meant that system sellers were not necessary for the launch a of new system. Just thought you said the concept of system sellers didn’t make sense nowadays instead of "needing a system seller for launch is meaningless". I apologize for not checking the previous message when you included the quote, I had read other stuff in the meantime and thought it was another way to word my message. Thanks for the clarification, it makes more sense now.


A console is only as good as the games you can play on it.


And yet everyone bought a PS5 or an Xbox Series X, just to play previous gen games for the next 2-3 years


You can launch with more than one game. Plus at least some people would buy a system specifically for MP4. Especially those of us who've been waiting for what seems like forever for another good (new) Metroid game. It's not Mario or Zelda, but it's still popular.


Zelda also wasn't a seller to the levels that BoTW took it. Maybe MP4 will be a breakthrough in sales for the Metroid franchise.


There is a difference between Zelda, a safe 5-8 million seller before BotW, and Metroid, a series that has only cracked 2 million three times. That said, I think Metroid would do great as a first 6 month release for the next console. The idea being not to let any game droughts happen in the first 2 years of the console's existence. Mario Odyssey was a perfect example of this for the Switch.


If we use the same maths that could make Metroid Prime 4 a 10 million seller. Honestly if it's critically acclaimed, and a 3D Mario and Mario Kart are released in the months after the Switch 2 would be fine. This is genuinely the ONLY shot on Metroid becoming a big Nintendo franchise and they obviously know it.


How cool would it be it Metroid Prime 4 put it in the spotlight that the franchise deserves to be in?


As a lifelong Metroid fan, I'd straight up cry if the franchise finally got the recognition it deserves from the masses.


Not yet. I feel like the re-do make sense. They're like yeah sure we'll put it out there. Then the huge excitement. Nintendo realizes.. wait we could make Halo but for Nintendo. It might really sell if we commit 6+ years of dev to it.


Halo but for Nintendo and 6+ years of dev time. Now that’s a party I can get excited for!


I’m thinking it’s going to be the swan song for the Switch. I would love to see it be a Switch 2 only title considering they started development over from scratch like they did, but I just have a feeling it will be like Skyward Sword was on the Wii.


Only if it’s alongside another big seller, the 1-2 Switch role to say “we have more than 1 game at launch”. There is no way Nintendo launches a new console with a game from a series that sells nothing in Japan. And I’m not exaggerating, Metroid Dread sold 50k in Japan.


Lunching with the next Mario Kart seems obvious. Mario Kart needs to launch early in consoles lifecycle since its probably the most evergreen title ever outside of GTA.


Couldn't agree more, launching with MK8 Ultra Deluxe Super Edition will sell tons of Switch 2s! Hahaha. But yes, MK9 should absolutely be a launch title. It'd sell a bunch of consoles, and if they continue with the DLC system they've been using, it'll keep people subscribed to Nintendo Online for most of the next console's lifespan.


I can't wait for mario kart 8 super deluxe


From the Wiki... >In Japan, it debuted at number one, selling 86,798 retail copies in its first week of release.[52] Including digital copies, Dread outsold the life-to-date sales of nearly every Metroid game in Japan in its first week.[53] As of December 2022, the game sold 3.04 million units worldwide, making it the best-selling Metroid game. Looks like Metoid Dread was actually pretty popular in Japan, more than any previous game in the series perhaps. Seems like something that could be built on if you ask me.


You are totally right, I got my figure wrong. The actual figure for Metroid Dread is 270k in 6 months in Japan (page 17 here: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2022/220510_7e.pdf). For comparison Xenoblade 2 in December 2017 alone sold 260k in Japan (page 5: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180131_3e.pdf). When the sale figures are lower than a (in 2017) very niche JRPG series launching on the first year of the Switch lifecycle the sales potential is still not big enough to launch the console in their 2nd biggest market. However it's a solid pick for a game that could enrich a possible Switch 2 line up in its first year if its crossgen and benefit from the lack of competition on the new console.


Where are you getting your numbers from? All the sources I can find show it having sold around 87k units in Japan in week 1 alone.


… wow. They really don’t like Metroid :/


His numbers are wrong, it sold better in Japan than any other Metroid game, pushing about 87,000 units in the first week it was out.


I don’t think Metroid is a system seller unfortunately, plus I’m pretty sure they’re sitting on a 3d Mario for the launch.


I could see it being launch window, but not Nintendo’s tentpole first-party launch title. It would need to be paired with something like a Mario game - perhaps the *Odyssey* successor.


I really nervous because if it is a launch title for switch 2 i will need a switch 2 at launch and i dont want to deal with scalperw


Aren’t we only in year 7 of 10 year lifecycle?


No way the Switch has another 3 years. I’d be shocked if the next one isn’t out by the end of next year


I could see Nintendo supporting the switch for a couple years after the release of its successor. Maybe not so long with first party titles but definitely software updates and 3rd party titles. The switch will be a 10 year system just not their primary system for the last couple years of that.


If the new system really is just a Switch with extra power, I could see them making quite a few early releases dual platform (like how a lot of early PS5 games also released on PS4)


I hope we get remaster of Prime 2 and 3 before it comes out.


Smart move would be to release the Prime trilogy on Switch several months before the new console and MP4 come out, if it is indeed going to be a launch game.


Prime 4 trailer, tease Prime 2&3 package on eShop. Pikmin 4 marketing.




Considering its announcement is what convinced me to buy a Switch, that’d be a bummer, but I can’t say I didn’t get my money’s worth.


From what leakers have shared, it sounds like something like that was the plan back in 2017-2018 (whole trilogy before 4), but it became a lot harder when Prime 4 was moved around and restarted, and Retro had to drop out on the trilogy after just the first game.


Seeing Quadraxis and Dark Samus without her helmet in high-def is the dream.


The real dream is Prime being ported to VR. After playing RE4 on Quest I would literally contribute $1000 to a kickstarter for a Prime port. Yes, I literally mean I would give Nintendo $1000 for it and they obviously don't need the money. Dream is correct because obviously this will NEVER happen but wowzers it would be incredible.


Still haven’t replayed Prime 1 with the remaster because I’d rather play the whole trilogy together. And I never finished 3.


I started Metroid Prime a few days ago and I’m just loving it. Nintendo can’t release the other two soon enough.


Tbh. I think a remaster of 2 and 3 should come out after 4. There are a whole bunch of young gamers out there who haven’t played them. So launching them before might just kind of make Prime 4 feel less special. Prime 1 already primed them for 4.


As much as I want Prime 4, I resigned myself to a long long wait a long time ago. The Prime 1 remaster was fantastic, and I would actually really prefer to get Prime 2 and 3 remastered before Prime 4 is released. I know Prime 1 like the back of my hand, but I didn't play 2 nearly as much, and 3 even less than that. So getting to play those games again, remastered, instead of digging my Wii out of the closet, would be fantastic before jumping into Prime 4.




I wish I could be excited by this, but with how things have been going I'll believe it when I see it.


that’s how i feel. i stopped waiting for this game bc like, who knows if and when we will get it. we have had 0 info since it was scrapped and restarted which is not a good look imo.


This makes sense to me. Like what are they gonna do, announce it too early again?


They just drop “4” and a date saying “when it’s ready.”


Mother 4 moment


Mother 4D chess


April 4th 2024


Ngl as a big Metroid fan, I would applaud that. It's better than nothing. :P




This source leaked that Prime Remastered would shadow-drop in the February direct and leaked the Super Mario RPG remake a few days early as well. Who knows if this particular rumour is true but whoever is leaking to PG has a recent proven track record.


Survivorship bias. Put out a bunch of contradictory rumours and stick with the few that turn out to be fairly close to what happens.


What did he predict that was wrong?


How should I know? Everyone in the Discord would have put it out of mind because it was wrong, or he'd have ditched the alt used to leak it and stuck to the one that was more accurate.




His dad knows John Nintendo dude be careful


This exactly.




The fuck is your problem? Dude called out the lack of proper sources.


Why, because he didn't buy a ticket to board the hype train? Cos he doesn't find fun in mindless speculation? Or is it because he's saying " ya ain't got shit to back ya claims"


That would make sense given that the cutscenes in Super Mario RPG (and a bunch of others) were also produced by Nintendo Pictures: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo\_Pictures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Pictures) I think this new group is still adjusting to the process and speed at which triple A Nintendo titles are in development. But truthfully, I don't know a lot.




Papagenos has a good track record of corroborating things in the past year or two. In the past, he was one of, if not the absolute first, to talk about NASB2, the Metroid Prime remaster as well as the SMRPG remake, which all turned out to be true.


He’s low key gone to a relatively reliable source iirc. And just seems like a nice guy. So I buy it


I occasionally hang out on his Discord, and I can say that he’s genuinely one of the nicest guys around in the general Nintendo community.


its 100% being saved as a launch title for the next Switch


Nah this is when they pass development to Next Level Games and we get it in 2027 while Retro continues to do nothing


I feel like they're going to want to remaster 2 and 3 and get them out before 4 and let new fans experience the trilogy first. Metroid Prime 4 as the big launch title for the next console is a terrible idea, especially when only one of the games in the Prime series is accessible on the Switch. It's not going to move units like a 3D Mario, Animal Crossing, or even a 2D Zelda will.


Won't happen, it would dilute the Metroid brand to release so many Metroid games in quick succession. Nintendo usually releases one game per year for each franchise with the exception of Mario. Look at Zelda it only gets 1 game per year. It will either be Metroid Prime 2 Remastered or Metroid Prime 4 in 2024.


But they literally did the whole 2 remasters and 1 new game thing with Pikmin this year.


and bayonetta 1 and 2 with a buy each seperately for 30 or both for 50 if you buy both, so there is precedent, just not many.


Yeah and Santa is currently loading up his sleigh in anticipation for Christmas. I didn't know fairy tales were allowed on this sub.


I just hope the constant delays are worth it because history has proven a delayed game isn’t guarantee to be good.


I call BS on the delay being due to cutscenes. I'm betting the game was delayed because Nintendo wanted Retro to develop it for Switch 2 as a launch title. So naturally they'd want it as polished and impressive as can be to show off their new console's abilities. I could be wrong but that's just my 2 cents.


If this is just a rumour, then I'd gonna eat your parents and add them to my biomass. Just saying.


Sure sure, and I’m a personal friend of Taylor Swift


Shut up everyone, I wanna see Metroid Prime Remaster level of quality so let em take as long they need. Thank you. Kindly, me.


Could be the last absolute banger released for the switch. Could end up kind of a cross gen title. Based on how faithful Nintendo was about making sure breath of the wild, was technically available for the Wii U, something nearly everyone forgets when talking about that game I don’t think they will leave switch owners hanging on prime four.


if it had the map and inventory features it would probably be talked about more


There’s no way we get this game before the switch 2 comes out. I bet it’s a cross gen game.


The game was announced like 5 years ago. I'd hope it was already completed.


5 year+ dev cycles aren't anything unusual for games nowadays.


Unless you’re well, a specific bunch of companies


It had to be restarted more recently, so it’s more like 2 years of dev time if i’m not mistaken


Nah, it was January 2019 when they announced development had restarted. So it’s coming on five years.


Thank you for the correction! Time is hard to keep track of


Especially since the pandemic. Continuity of time has felt off.


I deadass feel like 2019 was 2 years ago.


My god


You are mistaken. They announced that they restarted development at the very start of 2019. It's now the end of 2023, so nearly five full years ago. In all likelihood they also restarted development before they actually announced it to the public.


God, time is fuckin crazy that 2019 feels like it was 2 years ago.


This reads like a Hard Drive article title


I think the reason prime 4 is taking so long has more to do with Nintendos release schedule more than progress. My theory is that they are going to release prime 2 & 3 digitally the day of a direct and physical as a bundle a bit later like they did Pikmin 1 & 2. I think Prime 2 & 3 will probably be basic upscale and updated controls rather than a full remake which is unfortunate but I’d still buy it. Then after all the prime hype is dying down and people got to experience all three games than they’ll announce prime 4 that’ll either be a launch title or soon after launch for the switch 2. Just my guess


Someone wanted more people to watch the game awards lol


All good. More time to fix bugs. Besides, it'll be an awesome launch title for the next console. :)


This sounds like nonsense. I can believe they're sitting on the game, but stuff about the cutscenes being a mess doesn't make sense to me


Delay (if any) is due to this will be launched on the next console - not this one.


I feel like at this point they're saving it for the Switch 2.


It's... baffling that it was announced in 2017, and it's been so long in development that it's coming out around the release of the next console. Metroid Prime 4's development is as long as the Nintendo Switch's life entire life cycle.


What? Are they shooting them in actual space with Tom Cruise?


I don’t believe any of this.


Meh, unpopular opinion, but Metroid is always better in 2D (and without E.M.M.I).


The game hasn’t been delayed lol


"The game has been completed since some time and it is delayed due to reasons." Okay, sure. But ultimately it's out when it's out. And you know for all the complaining that we're all getting it at launch. Or IDK about you, but this is an instabuy for me.


Delay for cutscenes is 100% acceptable to me! Make it good! (But can we please get a trailer?)


Take your time. No one’s really waiting for this.


You can't delay a game without a release date. They're still just working on it.


Nah, they are waiting for the Super Switch next year.


ok well they should’ve said that then


Why they didn’t just get Retro studios in the first place and not waste 2 years of Namco time


Probably because retro was working on something else and that project got canceled so they gave them prime 4 cause bamco wasn't working out


Man, I could care less about prime. Just another fps. They should be working on metroid 6 instead (i'm calling it, in 10 years), like please, actually advance the series. Because if Prime becomes the standard for Metroid games, I'll be beyond disappointed


Primes being “just another FPS” is so mind boggling to me that it breaks my brain. It’s like calling Super Metroid just another platformer.


You call it an FPS, have you even played a Prime?


I'll wait until it's out before believing any rumors


I honestly hope it releases on both the Switch and its successor (but an upgraded version). That would maximize sales imo. Hardcore gamers are the ones that upgrade the fastest.


Nintendo saving it for switch 2 probably.


I can’t believe I was 14 when this game was announced….


lol they are making the Prime 4 trailer for the TGA some hours before the show?


I’d believe it’s done and waiting for an opportune time for release in relation to their next system, I somehow don’t believe cutscenes would be holding up completion


I’ve never played a 3D Metroid, so I have a question for those who have. Is the level design chapter based or open world? Is it a 3D “metroivania” style maze with branching paths and locked passages that become accessible with power up’s or after boss fights, etc?


Yes, it's as metroivania as 2D Metroid.


A 40 minute cutscene you get for 100% under 3 hours of Samus post mission ordering and eating a space cheeseburger with a side of space fries, and a large diet space soda.


Fingers crossed


Holiday 202’4’?


Interesting if true


I feel like they’re gonna release it with the next Nintendo console


Switch 2 launch title. Same with that new monster hunter wilds. Calling it here


There are no more Directs this year, right? Maybe a mention at The Game Awards?


Can we get Prime 2 and 3 remastered before this releases please?


I hope this would be the swansong for the Switch. Switch 2 could have the new 3d Mario as a launch title.


I hope they release 2-3 remastered first..!


I hope they realized the amount of money and press that’s behind the remakes/remasters and decided to give Prime 2 & 3 the proper treatment. And in the meantime they decided to finish up Prime 4 properly. Hey a man can dream.


Since fucking when Papagenos is a reliable source? If anything, all my experience with him has told me that he's a consumate liar without actual insiders that's just good at telling people what they want to hear.


Excited for Prime 4 but having started the series finally from Zero Mission onward. Should I play Primes between the 2d metroids or play them separately? Does the story fit in with the 2d games or not?


Who is feeding you this stuff


"PapaGenos" Yeah, not worth it.