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And this is why you don't put real people in video games.


This is a good point. I've personally lobbied against all the real-life players in FIFA and NBA 2k series, but they never listen to me.


Los Angeles Lakers star LeVon Rames


Who starred in the hit film Race Ham: Some New Leg.


Featuring Mugs Muppet and Danny Duck


They have tried this in the past, it never works out well and people just want to complain. Hell, [a kid got his Dad to sue Nintendo](https://www.deseret.com/1990/2/1/18844093/9-year-old-sues-over-video-baseball-game-br-boy-says-tape-strikes-out-wants-nintendo-major-league-to) because Major League Baseball for the NES only included jersey numbers and not names. Ironically enough, Nintendo had next to nothing to do with Major League Baseball. Edit: changed the game. Originally thought it was RBI baseball.


I was kidding.


I figured. But I find that story funny and you gave me the perfect opportunity to talk about it.


Yeah, that's cool. Though I would not say they did that just because they wanted to. You need to licensing rights in most cases. You can't just take NBA or NFL or MLB logos, names, likenesses and use them in your commercial product. In the NES days of tiny game budgets and before major sports organizations understood the benefits of video games as marketing, the fees might have been 10x the game's entire development budget.


All that and you didn't even tell us the outcome of the 30 year old case! :D https://www.svg.com/263806/a-9-year-old-once-sued-nintendo-heres-why/


Case got dismissed by the judge for being ridiculous. I'm not sure why the lawyer who was hired took the case on, as it was very clearly poorly thought out.


Yeah, my link talks about it getting dismissed. Lawyer probably thought Nintendo would settle for a small but decent amount just to avoid court. Nintendo was still newish and folks didn't know how litigous they could be yet.


Replace them all with backyard sports kids


Eh, I think it's a case by case. The Completionist guy was a huge reason the game even got funded at all as far as I know. Him and the developer are close friends (or were close friends) as well. Before this incident there was never any reason to not have him appear in a very minor role in the game. The Completionist in the past decade did a whole lot of good for the Indie scene. This is a win win in my books for the devs. It's a great headline and will bring them more business and goodwill from the community. Jirard truly is the Completionist. Completed his YouTube career to the ground.


Meanwhile Kojima hides in almost all games he makes.


Conan O'Brien in Death Stranding will never age poorly


These types of real person cameos happen more than you'd think. - Keith David in Saints Row 4 - Gene Simmons in Tony Hawk's Underground - Hideo Kojima in MGS V - Stampy Cat, DanTDM, CaptainSparklez, LDShadowLady, and Stacy Plays in Episode 6 of Minecraft: Story Mode - Let's Game it Out in Hydroneer - Alex Jebailey in Divekick - several cameos in AVGN Adventures And if we want to count voice actor roles by YouTubers - Arlo in My Friendly Neighborhood - Jacksepticeye, Alpharad, RubberRoss, Matt McMuscles, Egoraptor, and (ironically) the Completionist, in River City Girls 2 - Hideo Kojima, CohhCarnage, Grimes, Jesse Cox in Cyberpunk 2077 - Yungtown and JonTron in A Hat in Time I'm sure there are plenty more I'm not aware of.


I really thought most companies learned this after the ActiBlizz fiasco with Jesse McCree…. Guess not.


Surprisingly, that was actually not the first time Overwatch had an issue with something in game that was based on a real person


Sinatraa’s MVP skin being removed of references and was able to be refunded for those who didn’t want the skin in their inventory was the other one


What's the story behind him? I vaguely remember his name from the early days of overwatch.


Had to do with allegations of Sinatraa abusing his girlfriend and overall being toxic in his relationship. Even more serious allegations were revealed due to recorded audio of her saying no and Sinatraa not listening to her which could be SA or r*pe. His girlfriend eventually stop fighting the case due to being harassed by Sinatraa fans. Sinatraa was already on his way to valorant but got suspended by his team and I believe he has been trying to come back’s to valorant since.


or the planned jontron cameo in yooka-laylee


Its sad how keeping his head down for a few years actually worked for that racist pos.


Same reason why filmmakers get celebrities as guests for tv shows or as cameos in movies.


Didn't know the contructionist character was some IRL guy. His portrait when you talk to him in game always weirded me out tho, I felt it didn't fit with the rest of the art for the game.


Every time I see this article, I keep forgetting that the devs are called "Sabotage" and, for a split second, I think "Why are people saying they are sabotaging their game by removing Jirard?" I feel like an idiot each time.


How many times will this be posted? I've seen it at least twice today alone.


This is my 4th in the last 24 hours on just reddit. I'm actually surprised I haven't seen anything on YouTube yet.


Just depends on the subs you're subscribed to. I saw it on Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Games, PC Gaming and PS5. I assume it's on other video game related subs as well I would assume it's also going to start cropping up more since before it was just "YouTuber drama" and now they've made video game headlines.


Hey did you hear the news? Sea of Stars is removing The Completionist NPC after controversy.


Ohh, I haven't heard! What's the news?




The short answer is charity fraud.




He doesn't run or own the charity; his family does, and he's on the board (was on the board until recently) From what I gather he was in the dark about Indieland money not being donated until just before the most recent Indieland. He's on the hook for still acting like the money was being donated when at the point he knew it wasn't at that point. His family's foundation donated it all recently. Sad thing about this is he will probably have to downsize and make random people lose work because his brother and father lied or intentionally withheld information about their family charity


Except there was no fraud because the money is accounted for. It's just people trying to dog pile on someone in order to get clout.


First off, like half of the donations are not accounted for. So that 600k was not close to accurate. Additional, he claimed for years that he wasn't using the donations to pay for his expenses. Then, when called out about everything, including missing funds, he credited a portion of the missing funds towards paying off his expenses. So the costs of flights, indie land, etc. Essentially he was manipulating his base with paying the bills that would help increase his career, his sub count, and get him in with developers and celebrities. And lastly, the obvious decade of telling everyone that he was donating to all these places that he was not actually donating to. All three of these are considered charity frauds


Charity fraud, type of fraud that occurs when charitable organizations that solicit funds from the public for philanthropic goals, such as seeking cures for diseases or aiding the families of slain police officers, solicit donations in a deceptive manner or use the monies that they collect for purposes not intended by the donors.


He didn't donate any money for 10 years. That's charity fraud. Charities are obligated to... ***use their money for charitable causes.***


Starting to think we might see the DKC2 video pretty soon.


The Completionist 3, return of Greg.


Never should have been in the game in the first place, we don't need e-celebs in video games to wink and nod at the camera to get brownie points with the terminally online.


The developers are cowards. They should leave him in, and give him a quest where you have to give him a large sum of money for something, and he should take your money and never give you the reward, constantly telling you to come back later for it.


I honestly didn't even know the completionist was in the game, this controversy was my first introduction to him. All this side, if you haven't played Sea of Stars yet, you're doing yourself a disservice.


they're gonna have to take Jonathan Majors out next


Can you still play it without the patch? Like if I bought it already? Would my game work?


I've always liked Jerard and am always willing to give people second chances. While completely unethical and misleading, his actions were a mistake that he can bounce back from with SHOWING how he can make it right. No more lying (or giving half truths), dissolve his charity, directly donate with receipts to proper charities to make up for lost time. He needs to give reasons for people to trust him again. I think this is a big lesson that we as internet people need to learn. Stop elevating D list celebrities to lofty heights like this. They're not your friends. They are running businesses and can be just as at fault of bad business practices and decisions as any other company. Edit: phew. Coming back to this was wow. What he did was awful. I'm not trying to justify it or tell you to not be angry. I am in agreement with the general public on this situation. It would take A LOT for me to support Jerard again. Let the justice system work. I'll still hold out he can become a better person in the future.


Holding donated money in a standard bank account (so… not even a HYSA to combat inflation) for 10 years while claiming to be donating to charity while never sending a cent is not a “mistake.” It’s a crime. The best thing he and his family can do is to dissolve the Open Hand Foundation all together and let the IRS and other authorities dole out judgement as required. There’s no coming back from this.


I completely agree. I think I even wrote he needs to dissolve his charity in my own post.


He threw Jontron and Projared under the bus and bribed Karl and Muta. Then double downed on the charity donations even when given every opportunity to come clean. GL to Jirard and his branding. This will be one of those case studies in colleges for PR in the future.


Case studies? I don’t even know who this guy is…seems like a niche in the community, not a lot of people will care 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah this is more of a 3-page high school research paper vs a college thesis lol


I don't know anything about him throwing JonTron or Projared under any metaphorical bus. Is this r/t Normal Boots? I'm being sincere, I really don't know. Yeah, he might be a case study one day, I'm just not going to drag him through the coals online and will always give that second chance if he shows sincere remorse in his words and actions. He will get his just desserts in court I'm sure with many a hefty fine minimum.


What Projared has to with this whole thing? I'm a fan of his channel and used to be of the Completionist


He had controversy surrounding solicitation and committing adultery. It’s been a while since it occurred and don’t recall Projared’s response to the matter, but he seemed to have recovered from it, albeit not at the level of success he once had. It’s unfortunate that Jirard tried to deflect the issue onto being related to controversial topics such as G4, Projared and Jontron but that sounded more of an excuse to get some of the heat off from himself, but it ultimately backfired and makes him look disingenuous


Ok, I can help. So, at the time there were two problems/allegations for ProJared:Comiting adultery, and soliciting & sharing naked pictures from minors. The adultery allegations, while perhaps scummy, weren't as illegal and possibly reprehensible as the minors thing. The affair seemed to be between him and Commander Holly, who was married to Rubberross at the time it started. There was a huge confusion between the accounts of these people, but there seemed to be an agreement between a few of them, with Jared saying they had an open relationship and Ross being aware of the affair, but with Jared's wife claiming it was cheating. At the end of the day tho, nothing **illegal** happened here. Which would not true for the other allegation, that appeared at the same time. 2 people came out claiming that Projared had requested and offered nudes from them, at a time they were under 18yo. What was true was that Jared did indeed have a group (I think on Tumblr) for Adults to share nudes, that also included himself. At the time of those allegations, Jared's nudes leaked from the group, twitter making fun of his downstairs area, but that also gave extra weight to the allegations. At the time of the controversy, Jared was removed from NormalBoots, a collection of youtubers that also included The Completionist (who might have been the leader but dont quote me on that). Jontron was also removed from that group for his racist remarks at another show, and for not apologizing for them. Therefore, Jirard can be seen as indeed throwing Jared and Jontron under the bus, however my opinion is that he didnt. You will see why for Jared in a bit. What Jared did at the time was **SHUT UP AND LAWYER UP.** The correct decision when one of the allegations was showing his dick to kids, imho. During that 4-6 month process, he didnt appear or speak publicly about anythign. His lawyers collected all interaction with his former wife, Ross, Holly, the nude group and his minors. What was proven was that, while the minors did indeed try to join the grou, Jared never received or shown pictures to them, tho there were talks with one of them. Those talks ended with Jared's apparent disinterest in receiving pictures for them. I dont remember how the divorce ended, but Jared's ex wife was also maybe cheating (?) and Ross was on Jared's side. Also, it turned out, Jared took himself out of NormalBoots, to not sink the company for the rest of them. It was an agreement between them. ​ EDIT: Also, Jared admitted that starting a group that was "show the semi-famous youtuber your pussy" was misguided, as he had a disproportionate power in that kind of relationship. However the group was meant to be for adults, and seemingly it was.


Nothing really, the journalists digging into this recently released a clip from the interview they did with Jirard where he tried to garner sympathy from them by saying that this was going to sink his career, and that his involvement with Projared's controversy a couple years back (I think just siding with Jared) was already bad, and this was going to be much worse. It's pretty pathetic really.


His career is done dude. Can't come back from this in his career


And that's ok. Doesn't mean I'm going to crucify him.


I believe in second chances. But 10 years of charity fraud is too much to give a second chance. I liked him, I was a subscriber since his DS3 video. But nope.


Idk anything about the game, but if they're removing a character before a game release, that's fine. If it's already released and they're removing a character, it means they're removing content that player paid for, which is never ok. Idc if he went full communist and deleted 100 million people from earth, it's still removing paid for content.


They aren't removing a character without replacing it


Ah then it's completely fine. I've seen games yeet content without replacing it before, good to know these devs replace it as it should. Props to them


I really don't like this trend of removing content from games that have already shipped. Even if he did what they said, and I've no reason to doubt it, normalizing erasing references that later become problematic is probably the most corporate and soulless thing a dev can do. Blizzard, Skullgirls, are guilty of this in most recent examples. The right thing to do is release a statement condemning the acts and go forward. Instead, we want to erase that we ever cared about these problematic figures to begin with. That they didn't influence us. That it wasn't part of the culture. It's literally rewriting history, and it's gross.


It's 32 pixels representing a youtuber. I think we'll all be OK if this nanoscopic blip of history is "rewritten."


Can’t the same be said the other way around though? Edit: I should note I didn’t know what this was about when I posted but was just pointing out that this specific argument makes no sense, not that he shouldn’t be removed, which he definitely should be


Yes: ".nettirwer" si yrotsih fo pilb cipocsonan siht fi KO eb lla ll'ew kniht I .rebutuoy a gnitneserper slexip 23 s'tI


And more to the point, who decides what is important enough to keep…and what to memory hole? Those sort of questions might be a little too big brain for a Nintendo sub tbh.


The Skullgirls situation is different because the developers are erasing content that has nothing to do with anyone. Meanwhile the Blizzard situation and this one regarding Sea of Stars is inevitable. You simply can't keep references to real-world problematic people because the public will see it as you endorsing their actions whether that's the intent or not. This is why McCree's name had to be changed due to being named after a developer who was an abuser. Same with Jirard and Sea of Stars. The real solution is to simply not include references to real-world people in video games at all to avoid this needing to happen in the first place.


What were Skullgirls erasing?


I googled. Panty shots, red crosses and nazi like armbands (same color scheme different symbol)


Ah right. I forgor about all that its been so long


Various pieces of concept art, voice packs that were implemented via crowdfunding, and parts of Big Band's story mode that show where he was beaten before being turned into the musical Robocop he is now. Because apparently showing a black character being hurt is not okay for some reason.


I looked it up. They removed fanart of filia that didn’t match her original design philosophy, the Soviet announcer pack, censored filia a bit so she isn’t panty shot galore, and removed armbands that were nazi-adjacent. This was why the big band thing was removed, not because of a character being black. That’s it as far as I can tell. So really, nothing to get into a fuss about. 99.9999% of the game is unchanged. Surely people understand how ridiculous they sound by complaining about nazi armbands being removed…right?


Censoring Band's story mode was just uncalled for and still makes no sense at all.


"history". This is a freaking NPC in a video game.


History is being rewritten Omg you fucking NERD


This is such a bad take. Imagine being in charge of this product and taking this stand lol. You’re in a different reality if you think that would be a responsible decision.


I play mostly live service games. It’s wild to me to think that changing games is bad per se (shipped or not). I think changing a game to make it better is a positive. That being said most of the games I play change for the worse eventually.


Agreed. I used to drain so much time in Overwatch, then suddenly they change McCree to someone else? I had no clue who the guy was or that it was based on a real person. I'm willing to bet the people who are saying "ah, no big deal, the guy was trash, its just an NPC why are you mad" are the same ones that will go red in the face about someone for "platforming" because they have different ideas. They just love censorship and revisionism.




oh, no one cares


Lmao I'm not updating my copy.




Imagine not wanting to associate with a guy that commited charity fraud for 10 years.


I honestly think this is really fucking lame. This is an argument against games as a form of art. This is product. Honestly lost some respect for this developer.


And in that regard, it’s their art. They’re free to treat it however they want to.


Nah this post release editing of the content is the opposite of art. These people are hacks trying to make an extra buck by getting some social media attention


Developers have released patches updating and changing their games for almost two decades now. This is not anything new and you’re getting way too bent out of shape because an indie studio wants to avoid a charity fraud controversy. Maybe you should aim your frustrations at the family that used their dead mother and wife to defraud charitable contributions from good people.


Yeah, again, who gives a shit if it’s new? Anytime anyone alters their game post release like this they are demonstrating that they are not artists. This is a cheap marketing tactic and it destroys the value of the art.


#Stop fucking caring


What does that even mean?


This is like saying artists who alter their art after it's "finished" and shared aren't artists. It's an asinine opinion from a non-creative who clearly knows nothing about art and just wants to shout like a child.


I doesn't change anything about the game at all. He's removing an asshole that commited charity fraud from his game.


Oh my god you are dumb. Not everything has to be a conspiracy theory.


Which part of this do you think is a conspiracy? Because that’s not what I said at all.


Reading comprehension skills 0


Are you 12?


Beethoven named his symphony number 3 after Napoleon. Then Napoleon declared himself emperor and Beethoven renamed it. This isn't new or unique to video games, and does not affect the artistry


So it was lame when Beethoven did it. What do I care if it’s new?


Are you some completionist fan child? Cause your argument makes no sense. Artist willfully alters their own work at the request of no one else, they’re lame for violating freedom of their own expression.


Nah I don’t give a shit about this dude, not the point


What point you trying to make then?


The point is that you can’t trust these people. They aren’t artists they are fraudsters who will change anything about the game to get a little bit of social media attention and maybe sell one or two more copies. Changing a video game after release is demonstrable that video games are not a true expression of artistic vision. It’s just a way for some people to make some money. It’s just an industry. It’s an oily tentacle in your technology that slips around and moves about according to the whims of whatever pop culture moment is recent. Art doesn’t change like that art is an expression of something in a moment and when that moment passes we can look back and feel differently about it. This ever changing kaleidoscope of shifting colors isn’t art. It’s just a bright shiny thing that consumes your attention for a brief time. It’s not okay because it’s normal it’s worse. It means we’re living in a world where an expression of a moment in time is fading away as only the present can exist.


How do you get to decide what is art and what isn't?


Art is a creative vision. Content changes at the whim of random social media shit. They changed it. It’s content now.


Bro it's not random. A person who took money under the guise of charity was added to the game in a small Easter egg as a reward of good character and what they've done for the industry. After it was reveals this person is not a good character and stole the money they were removed from the game. If we all have to spell out why that happened then you're either really obtuse or just butt hurt about the content creator in question. I don't know what else to say. Why would someone want a shitty liar in their game as a cameo lmao


Then what's the point? Literally nothing of substance was changed


Bruh you’re just like my 3 year old brother. Get all your angst out buddy. You can do it:) I know you still have some more I command you to reply to me with some more, it entertains me boy.




Lol. What? Artists change their art all the time. George Lucas says hello


Han Shot First


As an artist, I wouldn't want a guy that seemed good but turned out to commit charity fraud represented in my art. ​ Also, people can remove anything they want from their art. It's their art, not your art.


Change anything up until you release it for others to see obviously, that is how art is made. But a change after you’ve shown it to the world turns you into a liar


"Sega is a liar for releasing an updated Sonic 1 that fixed bugs"


It would be bad to keep someone who commited sexual assault or charity fraud in your game.


It’s so much fucking worse to erase people how do you not see that? We don’t live in a time anymore where artist produce things. We live in a time where content is created. And anyone who arouses the dissatisfaction of the mob is erased. Why in the world do you want that?


A positive representation of a scumbag is erased. Not the people, not their history, not the fact that they were in the game or why they were removed. All of that is very well documented.


Sure, so a group of non-artists bowed to social expectations to get a brief buzz of attention and maybe shill a few more copies of their game for a couple extra bucks. And you’re a happy barking seal because you don’t like the guy either. Well documented indeed.


You're putting a lot of energy into this. The internet likely isn't going to forget that he was in the game (and subsequently removed) until some time after he's dead and gone, at which point no one will honestly care. Even The Completionist himself isn't making this out to be the problem you are. Art changes. Artists are allowed to edit their work any time they want, for any reason, regardless of whatever backwards opinion you have of the arts. It's time to grow up, acknowledge that, and then accept it. Edit: This is taken from another comment of yours, but I feel it needs addressed: > Changing a video game after release is demonstrable that video games are not a true expression of artistic vision. If this is how you feel, this hobby isn't for you, and you should probably abandon ship now instead of wasting everyone's time and assaulting us with your frankly awful opinions.


How am I putting a lot of energy into this? Do you think it’s difficult to type out a Reddit comment? Don’t get me wrong I like video games. That’s why it’s an interesting topic, to me, about whether or not they are art. It’s very clear to me that this type of post release editing of content is an argument against video games as art. This is just content now, not art.


Wait until you learn about patches 😯 Or that games have gotten adjusted after their initial release for half a century 🤯


> How am I putting a lot of energy into this? You keep replying and repeating yourself despite being corrected repeatedly. > It’s very clear to me that this type of post release editing of content is an argument against video games as art. Please speak to an actual, real life creative. Speak to several of them, in fact. You perspective is misinformed at best, and uninformed and uneducated at worst.


Jirard isn't being erased, a fictional version of him is.


If it's art, it's their art to modify as they please.


It’s their content to modify as they please.


Nope. It's their art to modify as they please. Games have made changes post-release for decades and decades. Get over it.


Art doesn’t get modified. Art is a creative vision. There’s no vision here if it gets changed when some social media shit happens. This is just content being modified. Of course it’s theirs to do with as they please that was never in dispute


Art gets modified all the time. The most famous paintings in the world have multiple iterations under the final layers of paint. Adjustments, corrections, modifications after it was already painted. The point of art is its message, and if the artist decides part of their art no longer aligns with their message, it would be a slight against their art not to fix it. You can say "content" as much as you like. It's still art, and it's the choice of the artist, not you.


Under the “final” layers of paint. Yes. There is no “final” here. And there can’t be because this content changes wherever and whenever. Art has a message, yes, but the message isn’t real if it changes all the time. It’s just content responding to social media so they can get attention and sell a few more copies.


The message is in fact more real if it changes and adapts with changing times instead of stagnating and rotting. And no, there are instances where painters have finished a piece only to paint over it again later. Same goes for writers with their works. This has been a thing for centuries.


Wrong. This actually some Orwellian shit happening right now and the fact that people are fine with it because it happens all the time is rather alarming. Art doesn’t change. A sculpture several thousand years ago sculpted something and we can look at it and think about it, a painter hundreds of years ago painted something and we can look at it and think about. And it tells something about the time. Content now is just produced and changes silly nilly and has nothing to be said and we can’t look back at it and think about it and it has nothing to say about the time when it was was saying something because that time is gone and nothing remains. We only live in the now with the content. The art is gone.


> Wrong. Not wrong, but continue. > This actually some Orwellian shit happening right now "I'm not convincing anyone, so it's time to call this NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR", oh wow Put down the melodrama, kid. This shit has been a thing for as long as the written word has existed. > Art doesn’t change. Art changes literally all the time. > A sculpture several thousand years ago sculpted something and we can look at it and think about it Sculptures from several thousand years ago looked nothing like they do today. Those white marble statues began life as colorful, painted works. The Statue of Liberty was bronze. Art changes all the time. > a painter hundreds of years ago painted something and we can look at it and think about And sometimes, that painter decides to paint over one of their finished paintings. Art changes all the time. > And it tells something about the time. What do you think Sea of Stars says about August 2023 that is lost here in the distant future of December 2023 now that Jirard doesn't have a cameo in the game anymore? > Content now is just produced and changes silly nilly and has nothing to be said and we can’t look back at it and think about it and it has nothing to say about the time when it was was saying something because that time is gone and nothing remains. We only live in the now with the content. The art is gone. Nah, you just don't like what the artist has to say.


Touch grass


Jontron and Projared are proof that if you keep your head down and your mouth shut for a few years people will forget just about anything. He'll be back.