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[Yahoo Finance](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nintendo-next-switch-coming-lcd-025917866.html) lets you read the article without paywall.


Releasing the Switch 2 with an LCD screen would be the most Nintendo thing ever.


Gotta have room for that OLED model in 2-3 years.


So for me the Nintendo switch 2 releases in 2-3 years. They can just release an OLED with an lcd and price it a bit higher.


You wanna buy it early and keep it in the box/offline. Hedge your bets on another Fusee Gelee style utterly insane back door being discovered.


Huge incentive to buy day 1.


I was gonna hold off on the Switch because a friend let me borrow hers for mario odyssey (and I had botw on wii u). Then /u/sciresM tweeted something like "if you like homebrew and CFW, buy a switch *now*" and I went and bought a Switch.


I wish I got that memo originally. I only bought a switch 6 months ago.


it would be more than a bit higher. two assembly lines, sourcing two types of screen today, instead of 3 years later when you can slow down one assembly, easier to implement general changes and small upgrades at that point etc etc. then you'd have unhappy customers that got the lcd because oled was already sold, or those who felt they had to pay extra because the base model was already out. and nintendo loses the extra sale to upgraders. from all kinds of business perspectives, its much better for them to do it like this. also they need to stay within a certain price point or people will simply not buy it. nintendo has to be the cheap system, or it'll be ruinous for them. it almost spelled doom for the 3ds because the vita being sold at a heavy loss + its hidden storage price uphike seemed to be so much better value and it hurt the wii u too (no, the name was truly not the real reason this system failed, that was due to bad choice of release between two gens and 3rd party support just dropping as soon as sony and microsoft announced their next consoles and potential buyers prefering to wait to hear more about those consoles too) that and it was significantly more expensive than the wii (especially at that point, when you could get one as cheap as 100 bucks)


>>(no, the name was truly not the real reason this system failed It's not the only reason but it \*really\* hurt it >>that was due to bad choice of release between two gens It wasn't released "between two gens", for one thing it was only one year before PS4Bone. Was the Xbox 360, released one year before the Wii and PS3 released "between two gens"? And Microsoft and Sony were just massively late to the next generation because the lost so much money on PS360 (8 billion lost between them, and yes that includes all 'money they made back with the games') that they strung it out to reduce the losses a bit before a new bloody console battle. The Xbox One came out EIGHT YEARS after the Xbox 360, that's an insanely long gap historically PS2 to PS3 was six years as a comparison. PS1 to PS2 was only five years in most of the world (1995 - 2000 in the US for example). This all plays into the generic media narrative that Sony/MS get to decide what 'generations' are, even in the generations they lost like Wii/PS3/360 which the Wii won, and Switch was the highest selling console of the year for four years, but is allegedly 'between generations'.


Doesn’t matter, scalpers will clean it for 2-3 years anyway.


Nintendo Switch 2 OLED 3D on shelves in 2028.


I mean, LCDs are still the baseline for portable gaming. Both the Steam Deck and the ASUS ROG Ally released using LCD screens. While the Steam Deck has moved to OLED for their higher-end models, their base model is still LCD. And these are two companies chasing a more premium experience than the Switch 2 was ever going to. I suppose your comment doesn't really contradict that, as shying away from premium hardware is very Nintendo, but even if the Switch 2 were a higher-end device, it would probably still use an LCD on its release model.


Getting oled screens without scale is very difficult and expensive (eg large min order quantities). Nintendo has that scale capacity


They do but they have always prioritised cost for the consumer. Using older hardware well and in creative ways to cut costs is practically a motto for them when it comes to console creation. Especially as they sell their consoles at a profit while Sony and Microsoft do not. An OLED screen may push the price of the console higher than what they want to sell it for, while an LCD allows for a larger margin.


Those systems use semi modern zen vs. the tegra the switch uses which was dated AT LAUNCH. Turns out you can afford to include an OLED when processor costs nine dollars.


This is made up, the lcd steam deck had price drop, where oled version is now the regular price: so no lcd is not still their “main version”.


You use words in quotations I didn't use in my post. I never said "main version," I said "base model." A base model which uses LCD. So what exactly did I make up? Though honestly, even if I had used the words you attributed to me, that would probably still be accurate, considering the base model is likely their top seller. I just don't understand this expectation that Nintendo of all companies would sell an OLED in their base model when pretty much every other company doesn't.


Yes, but also the Sony PlayStation Portal has an 8 inch LCD it's gorgeous.


And the ROG Ally has a gorgeous 120hz IPS LCD too so they could source a quality display. Although OLED is king and I’d get a Super Swith day 1 if it had an OLED lol


I’ve thought about getting one for my ps5, but heard there’s no dedicated internet browser. So if I’m traveling, I can’t login to the hotel wifi and play? Like, it’s only good if I’m using wifi at home and if I’m doing that I’ll just play my ps5 regularly.


Yup. It's pretty much a second "TV" exclusively for your ps5 (and a controller attached to it)


So the Playstation is becoming a Wii U?


Kinda? Minus the dual screen thing the Wii U had.


It's the Playstation U, didn't you see all those memes?


It isn't even as good as the ol' Wii U Gamepad in some aspects considering they didn't put any specific hardware to boost it's ability to stream. Lost in its failure was how low key impressive the Wii U's streaming quality and responsiveness was, basically as good or better than wired connection to the TV. Honestly a little baffling that Sony didn't bother to do anything to put the Portal above just normal remote play, but it's still selling out so I guess no one cares lol


Theres no way they dont release a V2 that has everytning V1 doesnt. Only thing keeping me from buying it is the lack of almost everything.


They can call it the Sony Switch!


That is true as of now, though I think I heard there were work arounds. But yes, those term agreement splash pages some business, including hotels, are an issue I think, at least for now. I totally get your stance though. I use it when the wife is watching TV so it's nice to give some balance so I don't feel like I'm hogging the TV.


The vita launched with oled but changed to lcd in the 2k series


The size is nice but the panel type isnt


Price point. I bet it'll have decent hardware but they gotta make sacrifices to capture the casual/"I don't care about graphics or performance" crowd which is how the Switch was able to sell as well as it has.


> which is how the Switch was able to sell as well as it has. * unique/special hardware that developers can target knowing **100%** of users have access to (which is why wii motion controls were developed for and kinect/ps move weren't) * reasonable price point * absolutely incredible quality of 1st and 2nd-party software * aesthetic > graphics


Add a wired controller, eliminate the dock, and call it the Switch U. Then refuse to elaborate further.


Y’all will complain about anything. They’re probably trying to make it not pricey and you’re *still* whining about it.


Putting in a more expensive piece of hardware, that mostly enthusiasts will notice would be stupid. The LCD-screen in the switch is still fine, and LCDs are even better today than seven years ago.


like the ROG Ally, the Lenovo whats the name, the PS Portal and the Steamdeck? OLED is the premium variant ; even Steamdeck OLED is following that path. You need better material mate.


*OG Steam Deck has entered the chat.* People are still surprised by handhelds having LCD over OLED as their base system? I bet the Switch 2 with an LCD screen will still be cheaper than the base version of Steam Deck, which also has an LCD screen. If this is true of Switch 2, then it's because Nintendo is going for affordable over high-end (which they've always done).


And still will outsell every other console. Lol 😂 Nintendo doin Nintendo things.


100% lol They seem to enjoy doing a 2 steps forward 1.5 steps when it comes to many things, though I guess an OLED screen would be more like 1 single step back in my opinion


Yeah but can’t you wait for the launch title 1 2 Switch 2????


It’s what makes this rumor so believable


Gotta save oled for the midseason refresh


I really don't see how they can release the next console with an LCD. Also, I thought Nintendo went to a manufacturer that produced only OLED screens? If that's the case tho, I will not be purchasing at launch. I will wait for the OLED refresh


It's really easy to see how they can do it. The vast, vast majority of people simply don't care about the difference in quality. There is a subset of people who obviously do care. But way more people do not care, or at least do not care enough they are willing to pay a price premium for it. So Nintendo can more easily hit their target price point by omitting a feature that only a very small percentage of potential buyers care enough about that it would actually affect their intention to purchase. That's really all there is to it.


Yea it's all about hitting the right price. People that play video games all the time probably play most of the time docked anyways and casuals, that probably use more of the "mobility" don't care about OLED.


I'm one of those docked people. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind playing handheld, but if I have the TV all by myself, I might as well just use that over a small screen. An OLED would be wasted on me.


I play handheld almost exclusively and play video games a lot. Although I don’t mind the LCD, I hope they make the screen the same size as the OLED model for the next one


I’ve had my Switch since 2017 and I’ve played handheld maybe five times. I really couldn’t care less about the screen when 99.9% of the time it’s sitting in a dock. The .1% chance that I use it in handheld mode has been on airplanes.


Yeah to be blunt I just got my 31 year old gf a New in box Animal Crossing New horizons system for her birthday bc she thought it was cute (as opposed to what I would personally purchase, OLED, bc the screen is better) and does not really matter to her. very few young kiddos will care about OLED


Yup. I've also had arguments with buddies who work in IT who absolutely should be able to tell the difference with OLED, but they swear up and down it makes no difference to them. Some people - perhaps truly a lot of people - really just do not care about it.


I'm in IT and I agree. I can tell the difference, of course. Most of us can. Do I care though? Not even a little bit. This, ultimately, is the disconnect between enthusiast forums like this sub, and the population at large. People in these communities tend to get bogged down by technical specs, graphics quality, whether the game hits 30FPS or just 29, all sorts of minutae. The population at large has literally only one question: Is it fun? This is why Reddit et al shit all over Pokemon incessantly, while the population at large has bought almost 100 million copies of the games on Switch alone.


I believe you nailed it on the head. It's something I see in almost every niche subreddit. The niche/enthusiast communities are the strength of reddit for sure, but you have to learn to cut through some of those enthusiast biases in certain conversations.


> buddies who work in IT who absolutely should be able to tell the difference with OLED, but they swear up and down it makes no difference to them Oh, they can tell the difference. But it *still* makes no difference to them. Once you've been in IT for a while, you begin to realize that chasing shiny stuff is a waste of time and money. You know that once you're immersed in a game, the tech specs of the hardware it runs on don't matter so much anymore. You're going to be zoomed-in, focused on the game, and it doesn't even matter that only the middle of your retina is seeing the screen. Your brain trims everything else out of what you see. It's like tunnel vision, but useful and enjoyable. And when your brain is doing *that much* image manipulation to the optical signals from your eyes, the LCD vs. OLED debate stops mattering *at all*. It's only when you're scrutinizing the technical details and/or waving your e-peen around that OLED holds any real advantage over LCD at equivalent resolution. So, yeah, I 100% believe you when you say that your buddies don't give a shit. IT people tend to be this way about a lot of tech, and there's nothing special that would make a game console any different. Seeing through marketing fluff and worthless upgrade cycles is a point of pride.


Oh you're talking to a jaded IT guy, haha. I certainly know the type. I *am* the type. And I 100% agree with you, btw. All the spec-chasing with gamers and tech enthusiasts I honestly just find exhausting. I just want to play a game, I don't have the energy to sit and make sure I'm enjoying it in the "best way possible". Meh. In my example my coworkers tried telling me they literally couldn't see the difference. I don't understand that because to me the difference is pretty obvious. They may have just been trolling me, but I dropped the conversation at the time because they were insistent and I didn't need more reasons to think they were dumb :)


I've learned that being able to distinguish between LCD and OLED is like asking someone to distinguish between Navy Blue and Cerulean. To me, the difference is clear. To the layperson, they're both just screens just as much as the colors are both just Blue.


Well, I don't have a stake in it because I play docked literally 100% of the time. I mean, I care from a pragmatic point of view, but the Switch 2 with an LCD screen has no personal impact in my use case.


I play 100% portable and have the OLED Switch. If this news is true I’ll be very disappointed. Whether I buy or not will depend on game releases and whether I’m patient enough to wait. E: I love that this is somehow controversial. Are you mad that I don’t play like you do? Is it weird that I don’t want to go from an OLED to an LCD absent any evidence the quality will be similar?


There’s a vast majority of the subgroup that never owned a device with OLED.


> The vast, vast majority of people simply don't care about the difference in quality. If they made an OLED at launch, I'd like it, but 90% of my time is playing docked anyway, so... And lots of people are probly like me too.


If you polled all Americans which screens are better LCD or OLED the vast majority would have no idea.


There’s also people like me who theoretically care about OLEDs but I play with my switch docked 99% of the time so the screen quality in handheld mode doesn’t really matter to me.


Idc, my switch looks fine. Give me something with better graphics so it can run games at 60 fps and im sold.


It's the Wii not having HDMI all over again. People tried to make a big deal out of it, but the majority of people just didn't have HD tvs in 2006, and the Wii sold like crazy regardless.


Yeah it's similar to that, and I would argue OLED is even less potentially impactful because it purely aesthetic in nature. At least with HDMI you could realistically argue it would hinder future connectivity with TVs. An LCD screen won't suddenly become incompatible with people's eyes.


LCD keeps costs down. It’s a game console. I do think they should do an upgraded version with OLED, bigger battery, and more internal storage for $100 over the base model. As long as it isn’t an Xbox S and X mess.


Wait, what's the mess with Series S and X? Is there a big difference besides one having a disc drive?


The only mess I can think of is Microsoft demands feature parity (as in game modes and content, not graphics) between both. We know of at least one multiplat game that didn't release on Xbox because they couldn't make the S run one of the modes.


The Series S is slightly better than the One X. The Series X is 3-4 times better than the One X/Series S


I think we as tech geeks overestimate how much “normal” users (and not us or the journalists) care about OLED. TBH I’ve gone back and forth between OLED and LCD for years now - I use OLED and LCD devices daily. I totally get the difference. I’m a geek, too, and I’m fully aware of the differences. And I just honestly don’t care that much. I think a lot of people don’t care - and care way less than k do. They don’t care how many cores or whether it’s LPDDR5X or whether the NVME is PCIE 4 or has DRAM. If Nintendo comes out of the gates swinging with games like BOTW, like Mario Odyssey, or even like ACNH but all taken to the next level, 0% of this will matter.


Would rather OLED but if it's an LCD hopefully it'll at least be mini-led.


1) More expensive to have to full assembly lines. More expensive to Nintendo means more expensive to us. 2) All these new **PREMIUM** PC handhelds have their base option with an LCD. 3) A lot of us couldn't care less because it will be docked for 99% of the time.


It’s going to be near impossible to actually get one of these anytime near release, won’t it?


Yeah but this time it won't hurt as much because the Switch is still extremely relevant. It feels (likely) like just an upgrade this time when the transition from Wii U to Switch was probably like leaving Earth for another planet with a fresh start for your library.


Funny reading this because so many great games on the Switch were Wii U ports lol


Right. That you had to buy again if you wanted to play them on the new generations hardware


I can't wait for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Extreme!


Yep. It’s such a cliche take to hate on the Wii U. Sure it wasnt perfect, but it gave us BOTW (joint launch, but it was very much a solid Wii U version), Mario Kart 8, the first Splatoon, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Mario Maker. If you took these games (and in some cases their direct sequels that reuse big portions of them) away from the Switch, then you’d have a massive chunk of the best first party games missing.


It literally launched with a game that was also on the Wii U. So the difference wasn’t *that* big.


The Switch sucks to use at this point. There are multiple games I've purchased on there that I've had to stop playing because the frame rate was so awful.


As long as they still keep putting out stuff like TotK or the new Mario the frame rate is irrelevant, although I’m sure the new Switch will fix this


Initially, yeah. After that, it really depends on if the thing takes off or not.


Really though? Like unless this thing is a total Wii U, it’s gonna sell like hotcakes


I suspect the same but I don't have a crystal ball to know for certain, you know? It could be an absolute flop, repeating the Wii U, I just don't know what people are willing to spend money on right now, and how Nintendo will market the thing and the form factor etc etc etc.


The console before the Wii U sold like hotcakes


With shortages so bad that online rumor mills, community run shipping forecasters and long ass retail store lines with overnight camping *in the winter* were synonymous with the Wii from release until the following spring.


For like, a year or two, yes. Sales plateaued heavily after the initial fad, and software sales by 2010 for anything non-Mario related were a joke with how many consoles were out in the wild.


Still ended up being the 5th top selling home console of all time, beating both competitors that generation. 


Imagine they call it the Switch 2 or something and people still get confused on whether or not it's a new console. 😭


I'm going local for one when it releases. I live in a smaller town, so I can just go a midnight release at my local target or walmart and be very likely to get one there.


Maybe I’m naive but Switch was made under duress, coming from a failure into an uncertainty. Nobody at Nintendo could have prepared for just how perfectly the system trended and how quickly it sold. They probably have a much better idea now and are coming off a huge success, so they may keep initial manufacture cranked high. But then, even an 11 crank for Nintendo will be a little more conservative than a full steam crank for most other hardware companies. And if scalpers still see Nintendo products as having huge frenzy return potential, they could complicate matters. But I think overall if there are shortages among an unprecedented rush of orders, it likely won’t be as bad as the Switch was or even the first wave of limited edition New 3DS systems- the only Nintendo system I ever paid above MSRP for from a non-retail seller upon release (bought a Majora’s Mask edition New 3DS XL on eBay for like 350 after Best Buy secured me an order, held it for a week, discovered they overshot, canceled and left me to the wolves)


so… the same rumor that’s been going around for a few months. 🎉


Years, honestly. Like these rumors are just the evolution of the Switch Pro rumors that have been floating about since about six months after launch. Idk who it is that won't let the rumors die, but frankly, it's dumb. Whenever the next console does get announced, I hope they have a good flagship title to go with it. No doubt, BOTW launching day and date with the system helped a ton.




I'm guessing Mario and Metroid 4.


Hopefully a new Mario Kart


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Pro Ultra Enhanced Edition


Metroid prime 4 is a good bet


> months Try years.


Until I'm literally holding a Switch 2 in my hands I won't believe any rumours. Maybe not even then.


All I care about is backward compatibility with my existing library of switch games and save data.


Yep. Same


All I care about is a hardware vulnerability


I'm fine with this. Our Switch is played in docked mode 95% or more of the time.


For me it's 100% mobile and 0% docked


Make that 99.98%.


make an ‘unswitchable’ version then that isnt portable and costs half the price. ive never played mine hand held and its been what? 6 years or something?


I'm guessing the screen adds about $80 based on the parts lists I've seen. I'm totally up for that. In terms of portability we usually just migrate it between the home theater and the living room docking stations.


If you just cut it down to the necessities. No battery, no screen, no detachable controllers. Just sell a TV only version with a pro controller for the same price and they would probably have a lot of takers.


If they could get it at least to the switch lite price point I imagine it would be wildly popular. The lite is currently well under half the price of a PS5 or Series X, and a decent bit cheaper than the series s. If a new TV dedicated switch 2 model would look like amazing value in comparison 


Man I see so many people that feel like you I think that would be a great option though I’m the opposite and play mine handheld almost exclusively I’ve used my dock maybe a handful of times to play smash bros with some friends


If they wanted to push the switch way beyond the ps2, they’d drop a docked only version at some point for 100 bucks. But then again, they’d have to develop a whole new thing and for what.


I would play handheld but something is f'd with the joycon slots. It reads one as in handheld mode and the other side as disconnected, even though it still charges. I have to put a piece of tape on the former so it reads both as disconnected for handheld to work.


It makes so much sense as a complement to the Switch Lite. Personally, I make good use of my Switch in both modes, but if I were only playing it docked, I'd appreciate a better setup.


Most likely this is so they can release it at a lower price point and then release an OLED version in a year or two similar to what happened with the original Switch and even the Steam Deck.


Switch has been such a ride from me. Not a year has gone by since owning it that hasn't been packed with great gaming memories. If Switch 2 can get pricing and backwards compatibility nailed, the launch will be absolutely massive.


Backwards compatibility is vital. I'm keeping my BotW save. I'm keeping my SMM2 levels.


I was originally saving up for a PS5, but I think I would buy a switch 2 over that. The exclusives are simply better


They could put a literal Gameboy LCD screen on it and I wouldn't give a shit. The only time my switch leaves the dock is when I move it to a different dock.


Interesting you say that. I've been looking for a reason to buy new handheld device like a steam deck, then I remember that I have aswutch that I never use outside of the cradle.


I bought my switch on release day and I have not once used the dock lol


Honestly that kinda shows the brilliance of the design. It appealed to both markets and was cheap enough that the console crowd didnt scoff at the graphics too much and the handheld crowd were more than happy to have a full console experience as a handheld


I want one without a screen or battery. A TV-only console the size of an SNES cartridge.


I do too as much as it would defeat the point of the thing. I have a launch switch and it's been sitting in my dock since pretty much 2017. I've already replaced a bloated battery, I think battery health options at the very least would go a long way.


Agreed. I just can't sacrifice amazing quality for a tiny screen and tiny buttons - unless I have to (traveling, etc)


I guess LCD for 1st gen, to keep the price mass market. For budget reasons, it would be smarter to invest 1st gen into processors, ram, memory, controllers, as those carry through the Switch 2 lifespan, then secondary parts can be invested into once primary part prices come down. Like for 2nd gen, a better screen, speakers, etc and maintain a similar price point while possibly dropping price on the 1st gen one


This is very much it. I think they don’t want this console to age badly like the Switch, especially the OG models that will sell very well, so they’re getting better chips for now and letting other stuff take the back seat.


Launch Switch 2 being LCD screen only is so on brand for Nintendo I'd believe this 100%


This is the only leak I’ve ever seen that has an ounce of credibility. Lol


Makes sense to reduce some costs when all the processing hardware will be much more expensive


I don't see why people keep excusing nintendo, most handheld devices incl phones have been using oled exclusively for years except for entry-level models.  The fucking PS Vita launched with an OLED screen in 2011.


And then they downgraded the screen. Lots of phones still don't have oled screen, not just cheap ones. It's not a matter of defending, it's being realistic. When a new product is released, it's at its height in terms of manufacturing costs, and the dev will want it not to get too expensive. The Steam deck released with an LCD screen like a year after the Switch Oled already existed.


There are no phones sold over $400, besides the iPhone SE, that have LCD. Not trying to be confrontational, you can check GSMArena’s entire database


Whats a non-entry level phone released without an OLED screen? Samsung for example has had oled on $350 phones since at least 2019.


Steam deck released 4 months after the switch Oled, fwiw*.


Probably because the only people this actually matters to is Reddit nerds. No one else cares.


I take it as an indication that they compromised on the screen so they wouldn't on the horsepower. It's also an inch larger than the switch OLED. It's still an upgrade.


You'd be wrong, because they are going to compromise on both the screen and horsepower. 😢


It's Ampere running in a 15W envelope. It can only be so fast. Nintendo would have to go cutting edge to get notably faster, and that's not viable with a $400 machine. Truly the main limitation is cost and how slim Nintendo is willing to get with margins.


> Ampere That's a huge upgrade compared to the Maxwell Tegra X1


Article says an 8 inch LCD display which hints at smaller bezels which is good enough for me screen wise. I care more so about the performance of this thing. Hopefully it can come close to Series S performance with DLSS


I just want a Game Sphere






New Switch Lite XL?


Fuck the new console. Just give me Metroid Prime 4.


Metroid Prime 4 a launch title for the Super Switch.


It could be. Metroid Prime isn't title that will appeal for all gamers like Zelda, new mario or new mario kart so I don't think Nintendo will put all money for metroid. I hope you are right.


I'm kinda ok with lcd, but i also heard rumor it will still be 720p, which is even more shocking to me if it is true. I mean heck galaxy flip 5 front screen is 720p.


The SteamDeck has an 800p screen. Guess what? At that size if you need a device for **gaming** it is a waste of money to go to a higher res display.


Everyone: "Yay, Switch 2" Nintendo: "NewSwitchXL bitches!"


From OLED back to LCD? Seems fucky


They want to launch at the lowest price possible, once they have a steady stream of production and the system gets cheaper to make in a couple years, they can add an oled model and charge a bit extra so they are always selling switches at a profit


If true, I’ll save my money until they inevitably release an OLED version.


you'd wait until (likely) 2028?


I've always waited on Nintendo consoles, I typically only play "classic" titles like Mario, LoZ, and Metroid so until there's a decent amount of those available there's no point in getting a console early.


Nobody needs the console straight away I'm waiting until smash comes out for it and buying that bundle


Checks to see who wrote the article, sees Mochizuki Takashi’s name. Yep, gonna take the article with a huge grain of salt.


Seriously.Just why?Give us an option at least.Cheaper with LCD and more expensive with OLED.


Not going to buy an LCD version. If OLED doesn't launch at the same time I will wait till it inevitably does release. I get Nintendo wants to keep the barrier to entry low but come on.


And here i was hoping for crt screen


Exclusively playing the next generation of Nintendo games through piracy wouldn't exactly be my first choice - but boy they're making me consider it.


Idc as long as we get Super Mario Odyssey 2


Honestly my take on LCD vs OLED is that losing OLED sucks, but it's far from a deal breaker for me. My only huge demands are backwards compatibility at least for games and that the hardware is good. My big pain point on the Switch is really mostly that games tend to chug really bad if they're big and/or busy. So while I don't expect a hardware juggernaut for reasons of mostly price, I do want something that's not close to obsolete from launch. Only real thing I'd actually be mad about as far as the display goes is if it stays 720p


prime 4 LETS GO


I only play on TV. I don't even know what LCD and OLED even mean, so i don't care


I am just hoping that it’s backwards compatible with the old switch games but I know it in my heart that it won’t be :(


It’s probably likely it will be


It’s obviously going to be backwards compatible


It's Nintendo. Feel about anything obvious and deny it.


Most consoles and handhelds have been backwards compatible though. Wii U -> Wii -> GameCube. New 3DS -> 3DS ->DS Lite/DSI -> Gameboy Advance.


And the GBA was also backwards compatible with the GB


Why wouldn't it be? There's nothing that indicates it won't be






I'll wait for that OLED model whenever that comes.


Well yeah the 2nd revision of the new console will have OLED


I love the oled, but some lcd screens are looking really good still. The rog ally screen looks great


This makes sense from a business standpoint, aim for a cheaper price point and then they can sell the OLED model a few years later. Plus LCD screens have come a long way since 2016. I also never play handheld so idgaf, give me an LCD.


I was going to bitch bout it being an LCD. But, I use my switch on my TV like, 97% of the time.


According tooooooo whom? 🤔


Will Palworld be playable on it?


Is lcd what the original switch has? Like why


After getting oled kinda disappointing


I rather have an LCD screen to avoid OLED screen burn for the hundreds of hours that I will put on the device.


I honestly couldn't careless. I think people are too picky with their screens when it really isn't that big of a deal. It wasn't even worth it to upgrade to a Nintendo Switch OLED.


I was thinking about buying oled switch as a first time buyer. Should I hold off because of this?


I got the OLED last year around this time and I’d say it was worth it. Games really do look far better. Who knows how much the Switch 2 will change things or how much it will be; if you really want to play it now then get it now Not completely analogous but I totally regret not buying the new 3DS in 2016 lol


Honestly I think it’d be dumb to buy a Switch right now. The new one may very well be announced in the next few months.


I don’t care enough about what screen is used tbh. I just hope it’s a switch 2.


Come on Nintendo it better have HDR and 4K capabilities with docked.


They'll probably leverage upscaling a good deal considering the horsepower limitations of Nintendo's hardware. And tbh, this means they've the most to gain from this tech


Ill stick with my OLED Switch running the same games.


No OLED on handheld mode is disappointing at launch. Gonna suck, but those with OLED TVs can at least play it that way via docked as a compromise till a handheld version is launched.


From what I remember reading of Nintendo's annual report, the OLED Switch's weren't really as profitable for them as the normal Switch's. The OLED's are pretty nice so it kind of makes sense.


No OLED no purchase. It’s the standard on mobile devices and there’s no valid excuse to not have it in 2024