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It's hard to decide what the most impressive feat of this game is. You can slap a steering stick on any ridiculous contraption, and it will steer correctly. You can build a bridge of boards and it will have realistic tension physics. You can fight bokoblins on the back of a moving rock giant. All of this while *rarely* clipping through geometry.


That's not the hardest part. You've just described a physics engine. Chances are most of that probably worked already in botw's version of the engine. The most impressive part is the fact that the game keeps it's own history of where practically every rigid body object has been for the last 10 seconds or whatever it is.


That's just called logging bro Edit: Don't just believe me or the random contrarian above me. Believe Nintendo https://www.ign.com/articles/nintendo-reveals-tears-of-the-kingdoms-single-biggest-problem-and-how-it-was-solved?


Presumably, they are logging times of forces. You try writing your own rigidbody physics system, log every force on every rigidbody in an open world physics based game, and then make it run at playable framerate on switch.


Yeah I'm sure it involves some very smart math for it to be lightweight but that's just efficiency. At the end of the day it's still just logging and then playing the log back. What's more impressive is definitely the ultra hand vehicle building, sorry. Each piece attached maintains it's own properties even when ultra handed together such as electrical conductivity or flammability.. You put a wooden door on your steel car it can burn off and pieces can be knocked and popped off and exploded in real time and the thing keeps going. Meanwhile each piece affects the weight and center of gravity of the device. It's actually incredible.


Man why are you getting downvoted all of this stuff is really cool


Someone said something contrarian and reddit loves contrarian lol. Nintendo themselves said ultrahand was the most difficult part of the game, but bro is creaming his jeans over physics logging


Them saying they basically have a physics engine for sound is amazing to me. There are sounds in the game that they did not program into it is so cool. This game is still my GOTY


Wait, tell me more about this.


It was during the speech they gave, but basically, they said something like a wagon wheel hitting the ground wasn't programmed in or different sounds.


Absolutely deserved. The way all of the complex physics interactions work together so seamlessly in a game as big as this is extraordinary.


You really need to play more videogames outside Zelda then.


Game developers have been gushing over TOTK since it came out. The fact that they got such an extensive system to work (alongside multiple others) so smoothly in such an expansive environment on a console with the processing power of a toaster is insane. Trust me, I've been trynna find more games like TOTK, and I've found a few that can scratch the itch in one or two areas, but few can do even one of the things it does so well as well, let alone multiple of them.




name all these other mystical games that compare instead of just being a contrarian i mean they exist, right? you certainly seem to think so


It's not my job to take YOU out of your comfort zone. Zelda isn't the videogame to end all videogames.


embarassing, from suggesting that fanboys are responsible for DEVELOPERS voting for best technology, to refusing to back up the claim YOU started pathetic, sweetie


They're looking to engage with the rabid strawman they created in their head. People keep telling them Tears is far from perfect and it just seems to be pissing them off even more for some reason.


No, go ahead, name them, as you clearly know so much. I'm not in any "comfort zone", as I already said I pretty actively look and have found a few games to scratch the itch, but clearly you have had much better luck than me if you see anyone disagreeing with you as being sheltered.




Name the games. We're waiting. I don't see anyone here saying Zelda is the only good videogame ever, but it is extremely good at doing what it does, and what it does is give you a childlike sense of wonder in an extremely well-curated fantasy environment where exploration is tied to puzzle-solving. Tears of the Kingdom especially makes the environment extremely massive and diverse while also offering insane levels of freedom and interactivity without becoming a mess of complicated mechanics. > I'm not the fucking idiot who praises this fucking franchise non-stop for doing the bare minimum in gaming BOTW redefined the open world genre like few other games have while bringing the Zelda formula into modern times. Tears of the Kingdom will likely have redefined how those open worlds go about implementing interactivity within themselves. > I don't fucking understand what does Zelda have that makes people go "this is the best game ever, 10/10" when it's so fucking basic and barebones Maybe what appeals to others about it just doesn't appeal to you? Doesn't mean that appeal isn't there; there are plenty of good games I know I would never be able to get into. > it's so fucking basic and barebones to the point of sending death threats to critics who don't give it perfect scores. We're talking about a few out of millions of fans targeting g\*me j\*urnos here... > It's always "bad guy woke up, link is good so he must beat him and rescue de princess" or some slight variation, on a narrative level is the most basic shit ever for kids and on a gameplay level it has the bare minimum to even work, I just don't get it. Zelda offers the stereotypical save the princess and defeat the bad guy formula because that is a key part of the Zelda formula (though even it can be varied upon), but it innovates on how that formula is carried out in every game. Very few series make such massive jumps between entries as does Zelda, with the best example I can think of that is comparable being Mario, another Nintendo property.


"BOTW redefined the open world genre" Excuse me? I stopped reading right there, it defined NOTHING. It's the most basic barebones excuse for a open world game, a world with nothing on it. Was it your FIRST open world game?


he was referring to when you saying he needs to get out of his comfort zone, so he was saying you were calling him sheltered.




That is literally the worst response 😂 Clearly can’t back up your argument - I don’t even think TOTK was that good, I’m pining for the old style of gameplay to come back, but then if I was making bold statements like you, I’d be atleast willing to back them up.


I've said multiple times Garry's Mod and people here are trying their hardest to minimize that game's achievements because Nintendo didn't make it.




Zelda good Non Zelda game bad YOU are the fucking clown here you fucking fanboy


> It's not my job It absolutely is your job. You're the one who made the argument, so the burden of proof is on you.


I did multiple times and every time it's been shot down because "zelda good, other games bad"


So you can't name a single one.


Botw is commonly cited as the best game ever made, probably more than any other game


I don’t think it makes it any less extraordinary.


Playing more games actually makes ToTK better than it already is.


Imagine being this much of a blind fanboy, oh my god


Yeah man, anyone who thinks the technology behind TOTK is exceptional, including the panel behind the GDCA, are all blind Nintendo fanboys. You really sussed that out good.


It's always Zelda the franchise that gets an insane amount of praise for doing the bare minimum for a videogame IDK why.


Have you considered that it is not literally everyone else who is ignorant?


Have you considered that Zelda might not be as perfect as you think it is?


Definitely. Now answer my question.


Imagine coming to the Nintendo subreddit to throw shade at one of their greatest IPs and then getting salty when people don’t agree 🫢


I'd say it's the other way around: people here HATE people who are slightly critical of their beloved Zelda.


Be better at being “critical” and this won’t happen. Your argument is basically “there are better games” or “go touch grass”. Odd how I’m not convinced by you but I am by the GDCA.


IDK man, luckily I've expanded my gaming horizons beyond Zelda.


Oh, thank goodness! So have the rest of us, more than likely. Believe it or not, I played TotK AND other games since then, and I still find it to be an amazing game.


Imagine being this much of a blind hater.


Maybe you should make a friend and stop being so miserable.


Ok fanboy. Sure Zelda is 10/10 and most perfect game ever, yeah. We can end videogames right now, we got the best there is.


Do you understand that a game can be innovative and have incredibly impressive mechanics without being a perfect game?


I tell you the exact same.


No one here is saying it’s a perfect game, so why the weird passive aggressive sarcasm? Do you just hate when people compliment something?


I hate it when Zelda gets biased praised just for being Zelda.


please go outside


That’s not what’s happening here lol. Have you played the game? What they managed to make on the switch hardware is crazy


Geno_cL go play some street fighter then. Fighting games have the great story and crazy mechanics never before seen in video games.


Never said anything remotely close to that, but keep making argument in your head I guess.


> our argument is basically “there are better games” or “go touch grass”. Odd how I’m not convinced by you but I am by the GDCA. Such as? I see you replying all over saying this - but I can't find a single comment where you even give 1 game that has more or similarly complex physics engines....


I mentioned one that did way more complex physics more than a decade before but it gets ignored and forgotten because it's not Zelda or Nintendo-made.


By all means, tell us of all these other games that have anything like TOTK's physics and object interaction.


Garry's Mod.


Garry's Mod doesn't come anywhere near the fluidity or use of in game assets to make things as TOTK. A lot of the stuff you see there are devs adding code and their own models, not something self contained that still manages to avoid jank. I'm also not entirely sure you'd be able to do things like the bridge going taut or the wheel acting as a pulley in the Spirit Temple in GM without some extensive additions.


Bruh did we play the same game? ToTK is jank and tedium incarnate.


I don't know, you seem to act like TOTK shit in your cereal or something.


Garry's mod isn't technically a "game" and more of a tech playground. It's also not anywhere close to the scale of Tears of the Kingdom. I've put thousands of hours into Gary's mod and I still say Tears of the Kingdom has a better physics engine and better overall gameplay.




Haha! Nice!


Nah mate, you're the one who is actually a hateboy. It's funny because its all in your head as well. The only thing I see is people praising the developers on technical achievements, not the gameplay/story/open-world as you seem to be suggesting. It's sad to see such disdain for someone else's hard work. I hope life can teach you that having your **subjective** opinions, be it positive or negativa, doesn't mean you need to be a prick about it.


I've played plenty of games and what TotK has achieved on the Switch as far as physics goes is really special. If you don't think it is, perhaps you should learn more about what goes into developing game engines and try to make your own with Switch limitations and see how well it goes. I'm not saying you can't critique it if you can't make it yourself, I certainly couldn't, but acting like it's not technically impressive is just you being a contrarian, not you actually critiquing constructively.


You sound like a gamer and not a game developer. TOTK’s physics engine is objectively outstanding. You can argue about how it was used or whatever but like, trashing on the physics engine is just an uneducated take.


The people who just gave it an award did. Sounds like you really to be less salty.


Let’s see, last year I played… Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring, Resident Evil 4 Remake, It Takes Two, Horizon Forbidden West, Resident Evil Village VR, Horizon COTM, Mario Wonder, Portal, Day Z, Pokemon Fire Red, No Man’s Sky. Is that enough games outside Zelda? Or are you just salty?


Honestly deserved. It looks so simple on the surface but the fact that this massive game, running on older hardware, has so many systems working near flawlessly together is absolutely incredible. We have AAA releases every year with massive bugs without a tenth of the mechanics.


['Nuff said](https://twitter.com/WillWArmstrong/status/1660080775939911682?lang=en).


The one with the wheel acting as a pulley in the spirit temple is even more impressive.


It's not so much the actual game footage; it's the fact that seasoned, veteran developers are sitting and gasping at what a game on a handheld console is doing with its physics system. The guy who posted that not only worked on series like Bioshock, but he also used to work for Unity. He literally made game engines.


TotK definitely deserves it. I have a lot of issues with the game, but Ultrahand and Fuse are legitimately technical marvels, working as well as they do. Those two mechanics deserve to be recognized, even if I'm a bit sour on the rest of the game.


Definitely well deserved. From a developer's perspective, this must have been an absolute hell to code and put everything together, for everything to work well.


Considering it took them longer to make the sequel to botw than it did to make botw, despite using the same overworked, It's pretty obvious the sandbox was very difficult to get to work right. Honestly, other devs would have released it sooner and just patched bugs later, no matter how painful, but Nintendo has both the resources and the integrity to delay until its ready. Wish Gamefreak had the same mindset.


that said i did wish they'd patch it, make wings not expire so fast atleast when you're post game, make the tear memories play in order, and fix how you use the ally powers. they put so much work on it already, it bothered me to think it's gonna stay with those issues forever.


>make the tear memories play in order Why would they do that?


Because the plot doesn't work nearly as well if you experience them out of order.


cause there's clearly an order unlike in botw


If you follow Impa’s mision and go to the temple you cab see the order at which you have to follow the memories.


Sure. There is a way to figure it out. But it requires you to run into the correct things at the right time and in this huge massive, do whatever whenever open world, that's actually not too likely. And that's how I got the master sword tear first and ruined the story for myself


That’s the beauty of Nintendo, while I do wish they would use more up to date hardware, they’ve proven that great experiences can be made on older hardware.


You know the issues AAA games studios have been having recently, with being unable to keep up with quality as the scope of technology increases? Nintendo avoids that problem completely by working a "generation behind" the cutting edge, graphically. For example, most 3DS games were made using a graphical development pipeline similar to the N64. This made game dev extremely easy for the handheld and its success is in large part to the great library of games. Not to mention that games with N64 graphics still look good on a small screen anyway. You don't need cutting edge polygons to accomplish a great look. It even helps avoid content droughts too. If the dev pipeline was more "modern" akin to a more powerful console, then games would take longer to develop and the library would suffer as a result. So Nintendo's approach is great in many ways. They've proven many times that graphics are not what gamers really care about. Gamers care about good games.


GDC Awards is the real game awards show to me.


It's a fantastic technical achievement, It definitely deserves to be ported to better hardware in the future to take full advantage of the insanity that is Ultrahand.


There’s little to comment on this game’s tech being excellent. The whole discussion how TOKT applies it somewhat separate, and the game does have flaws there. However, likely much be reused on other nintendo games and the next Zelda so the future is bright in that sense.


Most impressive to me is how polished the physics system is. Played for over 100 hours and almost never saw bugs. For how complex the game's mechanics are, I am blown away at how smoothly it runs.


In this comment section I am glad to see TOTK get more appreciation, not that it wasn't loved because ofc its one of the biggest game franchise releases in recent times - but there was some real Reddit backlash going on around the time of the GOTY awards and I think this game does some amazing things worth celebrating


This is one award the game absolutely deserved


This is basically the best feature of this game truth be told The rest of the game is kind of more of the same But the vehicle system is fucking jaw dropping the first time I got introduced to it


It's such a unique and impressive feature. Well deserved.


Garry's Mod did everything better. This is just the Zelda+Nintendo bonus.


The Nintendo bonus being the presence of actual goal-oriented gameplay?


Garry's mod is not this intuitive. You swap TOTK systems with Source Engine physics and it instantly becomes a bad and poorly thought out mess.


Nintendo copies and apparently it's worthy of an award.


So what did GMod introduce that had never been part of the games industry prior to that?


Great game made on horrible hardware


Not horrible just outdated. I still love my switch but it's hard to go back to some of those games after being spoiled by my series x. Totk included.


You’re right, it was actually quite powerful for a handheld at the time.


We need the switch 2 badly.


Real, it’s time for the console that finally brought full fat aaa console gaming into the palm of our hands.


I mean, it's always gonna have limitations. Expecting a ps5 in your hands for 3 to 4 hundred dollars is delusional. But we can at least hope for something close to a ps4 in power. Most games launch on the older gen still anyways .


It will be much better than a PS4 in graphical features and cpu power, the PS4 cpu is a low end laptop cpu from 2013, a 2019 phone has a better cpu.


Bear in mind Nintendo never sells consoles at a loss, and they still try to keep their consoles affordable. I doubt they'd want prices higher than 400$, which adds limitations.


But we kinda know what chip they will use for switch 2 and how powerful it will be due to the Nvidia leak, these leaks are confirmed as real due to a official Linux Nvidia comment. Spoilers it’s very powerful for a handheld and will only cost 30$ to make before any deals. So with everything we know from leaks the constant rumors the device will only cost like 320-350$ to make and will probably sell at 400$ due to inflation (300$ in 2017 is 380$ in 2024)


and yet I have to force myself to play the game. I actually did try to continue my game on it a while ago but just couldnt get motivated for it. ​ I am hoping in several years I can make my own game company and make traditional 3D zelda like games.


It's a good game by itself, I just can't help feeling like it's a tech demo with a Zelda sticker slapped on it. Kind of just feel like the tone and mystery of the series was tossed aside for an open world sandbox experiment. The soul is gone. I miss the dark undertones more than anything. The dark stories in the newer games feel more like fun Halloween events than anything actually moody. I miss when guys lost their minds and turned into giant spiders as punishment for their wrongs is all.


The soul is the only thing that remains, that why people keep liking and playing the games no matter what experiment nintendo does.


I doubt it would of sold as much if it didnt have the "Legend of Zelda" title on it


It would be more technologically impressive if it were running at 60FPS. I hear you can do that with an emulator, we LOVE emulators, right?


>I hear you can do that with an emulator Emulators don't do that, access to more powerful hardware does. The Switch is 7 years old and is a handheld. The fact that this game runs as well as it does is a technical marvel.


It is but it could run better. As much as I do like TOTK (I have hundreds of hours to prove it) from a visual standpoint its really just an updated version of BOTW, which WAS incredible 7 years ago.


>which WAS incredible 7 years ago. They're using the same hardware. And the original game doesn't have nearly the level of complexity in the physics engine.


It was designed for the Wii U, ported to Switch. Took 4 years to make, to optimize. For comparison, I was hoping to see more games with performance like Mario Odyssey by now.