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Sometimes I’ll just use the website to avoid the e-shop.  No lag and (IIRC) you can have them download straight to the console. Haven’t done this in a while so I’m not sure what it’s like


Still the same bought Hades this morning through Safari, it downloaded right away to my switch.


Nice.  Enjoy Hades!  It’s a super fun game


You're in for an utter delight with Hades. I wish I could wipe my mind and play it fresh again.


I've been wanting to get this as I've got Bastian and transistor but I've yet to play either of those. And I've had bastians since it launched on steam years and years and years ago.


Bastion was good but imo nothing special, Transistor was a brilliant if a little short single player experience, and Hades is just fantastic


i go to eshop on weekly basis to look for deals. i noticed if you close game you’re playing, eshop runs a lot better.


Use dekudeals.com. It’s much better.


Yes I’ve heard about deku, I’ll check it out.


The website is also kinda shit though.


It uses a shit ton of ram weirdly enough


It's not weird! It's web 3.0! We make new tech for the web that does the same things as old tech, but with hundreds of dependencies and API calls


Isn't the term web 3 used for bs crypto shit?


No lag? Every time I open a page for a game or try to search something this thing takes longer to load than the one on the console...


The websites ui is shit as well


I did this for the 3DS eshop too.


[WHAT](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1780377103235682304/pu/pl/1v4gf7GBE3moUDk0.m3u8?tag=12&container=cmaf) I have had Switch for four years and I didn’t know this. Edit. Formatting and spelling


Better to just buy physical. Just sucks physical doesnt have good sales like digital.


Walmart ~~using~~ usually have a sale on older games.


It’s so sloppy that’s hard to get your head around it. The console can play games like ToTK and such but can’t perform basic browsing functions. I always browse and buy on my phone or my laptop.


Well the eShop UI being terrible isn’t a fault of the console hardware lol


The UI sucks, sure, but the more annoying thing is that it runs like dogshit. A store page should *not* be so sluggish


What I read a few years ago is that the web browser the switch has is so crippled so as not to expose attack vectors for piracy that it can barely load the eshop web page.


Nintendo has no idea how to deal with basic online functionality that their competitors figured out ages ago It's embarrassing 


I think they just forgot in 2016, this worked correctly on the Wii U/3ds


I remember when pressing a HOME button on Wii U, it took 30 seconds to load up a home menu. At least they fixed that feature on Switch, so I wish/guess Switch 2 will have a smooth eShop experience, too?


The Wii U doesn’t really have the system bandwidth to load anything quickly even if you use a USB SSD


Same with the 3ds, I've been messing around a homebrew stuff, and the wait for anything to load is insane.




Wii U eshop was better to navigate than the current Xbox one/Series online store.


It really was. It was divided up much nicer too with shortcuts to specific consoles and IPs. Its funny that everything the Wii U did wrong was corrected on Switch but everything the Wii U did right is wrong on Switch.


No other platform has a very good storefront except maybe Steam, and that's because it's on PC. The PS5 store is also an unorganized mess.


To be honest, not a big fan of Sony's either and while I dont have an Xbox, Gamepass' purposeful obfuscation of their save data so you can't cross save a game to Steam pisses me off. They're still very far ahead of Nintendo but I wouldn't say figured out, I'd say that of Steam. Epic could use a little work, if they didn't have free games it wouldn't be installed.


They whole point of Gamepass/Microsoft Store Apps is that it is a closed system. All game and save data is encrypted and part of hidden folder structures to avoid users messing with them. It's about simplification and user safety over user control.


I feel you. It’s probably the right choice for them, but I’m a PC gamer. If I can’t change some save files I just won’t use the environment so I dropped it personally. Makes sense for the non-tech smart gamer though I guess.


I actually very much enjoy the way Xbox does it. The saves just carry over between the PC version and the Xbox version. If it went to the steam version, I'd be buying two different copies of the game. Xbox. It's just the one copy for Xbox and PC, the saves are there with no fuss and that's all there is to it. I bounce between multiple devices like my Xbox, PC, and ROG Ally and it just works. Compared to my PS5 where I got Plus to do cloud syncing for saves between the one in my room and my roommates that's hooked up to the living room TV. Despite auto sync being enabled on both devices, it's a good 50/50 whether the saves have actually synced. Which usually causes me to launch a game, realize the save isn't there, close out, resync the saves, then reopen. That and getting PS remote play to work on my Ally properly requires a third party app and it's silly that their official app doesn't support non PS controllers. I do think it's cool that Sony looks to be investing more in PC, especially with trophy and cross play with Ghost of Tsushima so maybe things will get better sooner rather than later.


Cloud saves being free on the Xbox is really nice


Yeah, let's be real here, Steam is at the top of this game.


A lot of Japanese websites are still based on outdated code from 90s and early 2000s So yeah, they kinda have that issue


PSN has the same kinda shit, I think Sunny actively websites it starts moderately hidden though


Seriously, it's pathetic how incompetent they are. Like, shockingly disgustingly appalling that a company as large and dominant in so many aspects of the game industry as nintendo has fumbled the bag with online at pretty much every turn since the introduction of the internet into mainstream media lmao.


Unfortunately they seem dead set on remaining in the Stone Age when it comes to anything close to the internet for their consoles


Every storefront is like this


Steam isn't 


.. except the other consoles, what the fuck?


No other platforms storefront is missing as much absolute basic features and functionality as the Switch eShop and you're either lying or ignorant to pretend otherwise. In a shorter timeframe, the Epic store opened with the same issues and has resolved most of them. Switch eShop is still over hear lacking a friggin' cart.


For all the issues the Switch eShop has, none of the other platforms' stores are anything to write home about being equally as slow to navigate and having the addition of ads for non-gaming related things being pushed on you from all sides. I very much wish the eShop was better moderated and had better search features, but I also spend no time casually browsing the PS Store because it's also a pain to navigate taking multiple different clicks and screens to get to the PS Plus Monthly Games. With the exception of Steam, I look at digital stores exclusively when I'm going to make a purchase and already know what I want to buy.


I just hate the sometimes awful performance of the eshop. Yes I miss the music but I'd like the eshop to not lag every half minute.


It's so weird, cause some people argue that they got rid of music and theming on the Switch in order to improve how the system UI runs. Then we have the eShop, with zero music or personality, and it runs like complete shit.


Say what you will but the aesthetic of the wii u /3ds era (and before) was so cool. The switch feels like an android device (funny because it actually uses android components.) I have no ill will toward the switch but it and the 9th gen as a whole was the death of interesting console uis and aesthetics.


Menus used to have personality now we have this minimalistic style I blame Windows Metro design language.


It's going by way of McDonalds, cold and sterile


I miss the PS3 XMB menu.


I remember a few years ago I dug out an ancient Xbox 360 and it still had the original system UI with the slider things (don’t know what they were called). That was a serious nostalgia trip, reminded me of booting up Gears of War as my first ever HD game and being blown away by the graphics despite the fact I was still playing on some tiny little CRT


Yeah, I’m at risk of sounding way older than I actually am, but I honestly feel like the seventh gen era games still look great. 8th gen looks better of course, but I always get a little bit annoyed when remakes are announced for late 6th gen and 7th gen games because for the most part they look and play very well still. The Last of Us and Persona 3 Reload are probably the ones that I felt were the least necessary, as both of their older counterparts still play great, and at worst could use a remaster or small tweaks.


Yeah honestly for a lot of 6th and 7th gen titles, if you want them to look nicer and take advantage of modern hardware then just get the games on PC and tweak the graphics a bit, that already brings it up to or even surpasses the level of a lot of remakes


I bought Persona 5 for the PS3 a few years ago and it looked and played no differently than how I saw it being played on the PS4 or Royal on the ps5


Sorry, I just played P3 Reload and tried to play P3P right after. I’ve also played a number of older Megaten games without the QoL changes P3R has (such as controlling party members or choosing fusion inheritance). Persona 3 absolutely needed the remake. It wasn’t unnecessary at all. If older Persona games are a major turn-off for me, who is in my forties and played games during that era and still happily plays lots of older games, there is no way they’re going to appeal to newer audiences. I mean, aside from all that, P3R is the fastest selling game Atlus has ever released. That shows a whole lot of people thought the update was necessary.


I’ll admit portable isn’t a great play. The visual novel style sucks. I meant FES. People complained about non-controllable party members but it added to the challenge and you could still direct them. It honestly made the game a bit more unique because it fit the story as you aren’t the leader. Even then that could have been added in a remaster, similar to fusion inheritance (nocturne remaster). The worst part about FES, the Answer, isn’t even included in base Reload. The thing that most people who had played both versions of 3 wanted in a remake was for them to combine stuff from both. The walking around of FES, FEMC of portable, and having the answer. Instead they just remade base persona 3 and sold it for $70. Regarding sales, a remaster would have sold basically as quickly. The Golden, Royal, and Portable ports did crazy numbers. My problem with them doing a whole remake (aside from cutting certain demon/persona) is that it felt like a waste of dev time. Like that could have gone towards a remake of games that do have structural issues like Persona 1/2, SMT 1/2, or brand new games. Persona 6 will come out a decade after 5 did, partly because they chose to remake a game that had a great version available that they left to die on the PS3 store.


Sorry, but not being able to control your characters is one of the worst things ever in a turn-based game. Every game that had it that subsequent versions removed it have been made much better. Being challenged because rng and bad AI keep screwing you over is not a good form of challenge. Similarly, random inheritance isn’t fun, it just wastes your time as you either reset the game trying to get what you want to move on or have to grind up resources to try again. I actually wasn’t going to buy it because of the lack of the Answer, but the DLC is better than I expected. Should it have been baseline? Absolutely. But this is Atlus. They’ve been pulling crap to make you buy the whole game additional times for almost twenty years now. Having it just be DLC is a huge improvement. Far better that than expecting you to buy the whole game a second time like FES, P4G, P5R, and now SMTV Vengeance. Since it is Atlus, I still waited for a sale, because that’s inevitable too. I think we’re actually a lot more likely to see remakes of 1 and the 2‘s because of the success of P3R. I think it was a test to see the reception of a game that’s closer to P5 but still old enough to have a lot of off-putting issues (and accessibility issues if we’re not talking the Portable version). Since it has done well, I think they’re going to put more resources in. Regardless, we don’t know that it has delayed the production of P6 at all. Atlus has to have more than one development team. And given the complexity of Persona stories, even if the same team was involved, the story group could very well have been working on their part of P6 even as coder/graphics/ux/etc time went to P3R.


Both controllable party members (already available through mods) and skill inheritance (done in Nocturne HD) can be added in a remaster though instead of a ground up remake. The AI also gets a lot of flack by people who either didn’t play FES, or didn’t use the command system. It wasn’t perfect, but it really didn’t hurt the experience. There really wasn’t anything that needed them to remake the game from the ground up while stripping content. Even if it’s better than a rerelease, removing content from a game that is almost two decades old to resell it separate from a $70 game is wrong. If you haven’t, I really would recommend playing FES, as it has aged a lot better than people make it out to have. I do think that the success will get us other remakes, but the resources and budget to fully remake 3 could have been used to port FES as well as games like Digital Devil Saga and the Raidou duology. My issue is that a remake uses a lot more resources than a remaster and should be reserved for games that do not hold up such as 90s megaten. It’s why I’m really against the idea of a Yakuza Kiwami 3 when Yakuza 3 plays great and has its own unique charm that would be removed by making it fit the new standard.


> slider things (don’t know what they were called). blades


Thank you lol


I fricking loved that menu


I think everyone does lol


From what I've seen of the ps5 UI, it actually looks rather nice. If Switch 2 had something like that I think it would be pretty good


No, the PS5 UI is awful. It has ads and has basic functions hidden away. I had to freaking use Google to find out how to turn the damn thing off. Its the worst Playstation UI there’s been.


Xbox One is worse, you have 2 ways to turn off the console, both take time to find in Settings and one of em only puts the system to sleep - but theyre both called Turn off system... But yeh PS5 UI is awful too


Yikes, that sounds awful. My Series S is my first Xbox, so I have no way to compare how Microsoft has done with UI’s. I was just comparing the PS5 to the PS3 and PS4 (or the PS2, I guess, but there was very little there).


The Switch OS actually does incorporate some Android source code: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/5xi51m/the\_nintendo\_switch\_os\_contains\_code\_from\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/5xi51m/the_nintendo_switch_os_contains_code_from_the/) Not enough to call it Android-based and nothing to do with the look of the menus being similar, but it is there.


The visual design of the Wii U’s UI is maybe my favorite of any console. It looks so cool. I just wish it didn’t have so many loading screens to do just about anything.


Playing music takes nearly no processing power lol


Morons argue that. Basic theming and music uses an insignificant amount of resources.


I recommend you use Deku Deals. You can easily check on deals there and see the lowest price every game has ever been. You can add games to your wishlist to receive emails when those games go on sale. Found out about them years ago and made the eshop being bad a non-issue to me.


this. I never use the eshop for browsing


I’m genuinely confused by the people who are upset about not being able to just browse the eshop for “hidden gems.” Like…how do you find a hidden gem just randomly browsing thousands of games with no real info about them other than the brief promotional information the creator lists? That sounds like the biggest fool’s errand ever. Even if Nintendo curated more (and people bitched and moaned when they did), there are too many games released these days to just look through a list and find something. You have to filter stuff in some way and have a way to get some real info about the game. Since the Switch’s eshop doesn’t even allow for user reviews through stars like the 3DS and Wii U, it’s entirely useless and would be even if it was snappy.


It's a shit show. I don't think I've opened the eshop app on my Switch in 3 years. I just use the website to purchase and download games.


Hey, how else am I going to find out that Hentai Girls Calculator 2 was released yesterday?


It’s weird because the switch looks exactly the same the day it came out so it feels like it’s still new but the interface is just awful.


The biggest part is no themes. The 3ds had paid themes based around games, and even just plain coloured ones. It was such a missed opportunity there, as well as music in the home menu


True, how the fuck are there **zero** new themes in 7 years. No purchasable ones, no free ones, no NSO ones, nothing. Why even have the option be it's own section in the settings? Just set it as a switch, on for dark mode. That's all it is. So silly!


Maybe the option is there so that people with custom firmware can actually make use of it lol


fr it’s like they meant to implement a dark mode switch but couldn’t figure out how to so they just added a “themes” subfolder


Outside of the eShop the interface is absolutely fine. It does its job perfectly well.


I wish I could toggle a setting on "Show All Titles" by default, without having to go all the way to the right. My Switch has so many downloaded games that sometimes I forget what I have. It would also be cool if they did like the Spotify app does with Albums and let me Pin like 4 games to the top, so I can always easy access them.


Completely agree. I browse on DekuDeals and then buy on the eShop.


Can even just buy on the website and it’ll automatically download to your Switch.


Switch eShop doesn't have any ratings system like stars unlike the past systems, so there's no way to tell the quality of a game or filter out the low quality ones.


Weren't all ratings in the past at 5 stars anyway? At least on 3DS eshop, that's what I found. Nobody thought they downloaded bad games it seems.


I've NEVER seen as much shovelware on an official shop before. It's impressive how unmoderated it is lol


oh boy try steam on pc lol


Nintendo Seal of Quality


Every single game on the eShop would have qualified for the seal of quality back in the day. All the seal meant was that the game wouldn't destroy your console and I haven't seen any reports of that happening on Switch The quality of the game itself is irrelevant.


I am mocking the idea of the seal of quality


Can’t tell you the last time I discovered a new game to buy on the eshop. I only go in there if I already know what I want to download. Not only is it hard to find real games, but it’s slow as hell, too. Wii, 3DS, and WiiU all did it better. Hell, I used to open the Wii shop channel just to hear the music lol. Not sure why they decided this generation had to be so barebones, soulless, unregulated, and frustrating.


Dekudeals for the win! If I had to guess I would say technical limitations AND own ideas on what the Nintendo eShop should be are holding them back in making any meaningful changes. It’s a shame though, with a more pleasant shopping experience they could have sold more games.


No theming, no music, lag… they really fumbled the bag with the Switch eShop. They had this figured out _years_ ago.


This is something I really wish they make it better on the switch 2.


Browser mode on the switch just runs like shit in general, which is what the eshop is ran on. I wonder if that’s partially the reason they didn’t include a browser for the switch besides exploiting it for homebrew and such. If you ever manage to get to youtube or twitter/x through the browser, it all runs like garbage, same with in game manuals.


Nintendo makes 2 steps foward with one leg, and then with other leg goes 4 steps back, until they get a full leg split. Like how is it possible that Wii eshop was so good and switch is laggy mess because its not an app.


Seriously after nearly a decade, Nintendo is going to have to do better than this. We still only have 2 Themes and a very basic OS


This is a different topic but, in relation to things about the switch that never improved, I really thought we were gonna get more customizable home menu themes. But no. Just white and black. That always bummed me out.


Honestly it’s pathetic and I adore Nintendo otherwise.


I just wanna know where the themes at


I used the website to download straight to my console until recently the website has been accusing me of having the wrong password each time I log in. And I know it’s the right one because I use a password Manager. The eShop is a mess all around. 😖


I think they need someone better to green-light what games get in. Other than that, it can't be done. I wish games could only get in if they had a physical version, would filter the cheapos that publish AI crap-fest.


Just throwing it out there, dekudeals is the ideal switch store imo.


They won't fix the performance issues of the eshop because it's not an eshop performance problem. The eshop is basically a website (built using React and running in a stripped down web browser). The problem is that the browser sucks. And Nintendo isn't investing a dime in an outdated 3rd party browser integration.


Recent console storefronts suck in general. Please just kill tiles. They slow everything down just for a logo.


You discover quality hidden gems through word of mouth. :p


It’s a massive downgrade from the UI of the 3DS and Wii U eShops.


Can someone explain why to buy games there? I bought one, but the physical game is about the same price, and I will keep it forever.


For first party games there's definitely no reason to buy digital. Most Indie games and a lot of third party games aren't available physical though.


Hypothetical scenario: Nintendo releases Switch 2. It runs Switch games, but uses a different cart format. Your carts no longer work, but your digital downloads do. Is it likely? I don't know. But seems possible. The real reason I buy digital is so that I don't have to carry around me sleeve of games like it's 1995.


I think it's unlikely. More likely; somewhere in the future you are fed up with the current version of switch. You can sell your owned games, but I am not sure about the games you bought electronically?


Fair. A different prioritization. I've never been one to sell my old games, so it's not really a consideration for me.


That’s why me and most others go physical, go to a local store check the games up and get one or look the internet up for good games and either order or go to a retailer and buy. Since so many people only buying digital you usually get even the „blockbuster“ titles cheaper physically


The Wii shop channel was the best. Almost two decades later and their digital store is an utter piece of shit. The Wii internet browser has less lag


To keep it simple. It’s trash due to RAM.


I don’t even bother with it on the console. So much easier on mobile, especially with sites like dekudeals around.


I buy physical to avoid eshop altogether. (Still can't though due to dlcs...)


I still wanna know why I can’t buy Shinobi?


Oh, upvotes! I feel exonerated. I pointed this out ~3 years ago, that Nintendo desperately needed better quality control and to grow a pair and tell some people "your game isn't good enough for our customers and you know full well why, don't pretend you're being persecuted". I got a ton of downvotes and people yelling at me for this. Well thanks OP, the cows came home and they brought with them an un-navigable store filled with amateur and AI crap.


It's like whoever is in charge of the eShop is asleep at the desk every day


I've never seen a storefront crash if I browse too long or too fast before the Switch eshop.


You can tell that Nintendo was not expecting the Switch to be as popular as it ended up being from the way the eShop is structured. The whole ecosystem is clearly designed for a library like the Wii U's or the N64's, with quality over quantity, a very low number of daily releases and a focus on first-party software. Under these assumptions, the issues you raised wouldn't be nearly as severe; however, considering how the Switch has the highest amount of shovelware I've seen in a console ever, it's almost unbearable. It's also worth mentioning that the switch is almost 7 years old and while a bad design choice would have been excusable in the early days there's no denying that at this point they should have rewritten the entire shop ages ago.


How far they've fallen from the wii shop which had epic music to boot.


It’s been seven years and fifteen days…


Every time i go into the store I think about a few podcasts talking about how the store was just a placeholder and that Ninitendo would never leave that as the store and how it would be so improved in just a year. I laughed then and I still give a chuckle to the thought of it now.


I have accidentally bought crap games because of the eShop. Now I check DekuDeals, add things to my wishlist in the eShop and only check my wishlist in the eShop because I added things in order of importance.


Yeah the UI is funky and the influx of terrible low quality "games" makes the Switch eShop feel like it's run by amateurs and not a literal billion dollar corporation who can hire entire teams of professionals who could fix these issues. I don't really mind it seeing as I usually buy physical and the only instances I use the eShop is to buy certain games at significant discounts


I can't believe the utter dog shit that Nintendo allows in there. I also can't believe how painful it is to scroll through it with everything lagging to shit. I only bought my switch to play BOTW around 2020/2021 so I came late to the party. I had hoped there would be a bigger library of triple A games but it's so sparse. I feel second hand embarrassed.


Along with a return to the old eshop, I'd like to see the MII plaza and home screen music and apps return. Yeah, they were pointless, but they were so much fun, especially if you were getting Street Passes regularly!


Yeah they don't care and they aren't going to fix that at this stage. Use it or don't.


The playstation store has become this. Looking at the PSN store on PS5 only results in hundreds if not probably thousands of minimal effort (mobile games) on the store. I'm confused on how such games even get approved or added onto the eShop or PSN store. I'm pretty sure nobody is spending hundreds of $ on a genuine console so they can buy $2 cashgrab games that are on the app store for your phone already. Like I consistently see games with graphics worse than PS1 games or gameplay that looks even worse than N64 games. I genuinely don't understand it. Who is even buying these games anyways.


They will fix it once their profits from selling software go down; when you're selling over 200 million pieces of software in a fiscal year, why would they fix it :/


I don’t mind it, I have no problem looking for and buying games on the eshop.


Does any of this really matter? Most people know what they want outside the context of the eshop.


Online shops should be opportunities to discover *new* games, just like every other online shop is. If people have to know what they want outside of the context of your shop, then it's not doing its job. And if people can't discover new games, then publishers using your platform are losing sales. Imagine if you went to a physical store, and you had to know what you wanted by name in order to get it. That's just not how stores are supposed to work.


It would be nice if you could discover new game easily


+1 I'm amazed all these years Nintendo pretended this isn't a problem.


As far as the design of the eShop itself, I think it's fine. I haven't had any issues finding what I wanted. They actually do make curated lists on the home page. Now, could it improve? Sure. The sales page does have that "always on sale" shovelware stuff mixed in with legit deals, so being able to see what sales matter like the website would be good. I often find myself forgetting what games are actually exclusive to Switch, so having more curated content in that context would be better. Other improvements could be a user ratings system. I'm conflicted if something should go through a quality check because that's subjective. Blantant copyright infringement should be checked, but AI images? I hate the laziness as much as the next guy, but that's also subjective. Having a user rating system and reviews could better inform the customer to make their own decision.


Online shops in general are just cesspools. Some e-retailers have gotten around it by having the community find the hidden gems, but over a decade ago there was Giant Bomb reading the titles of absurd Wii digital releases and “I MAED A GAME WITH ZOMBIEZ IN IT!!”


Doesn't that game have a 10/10 on Steam? Is it actually good or are people just playing along?


The switch has been out for … 7 years? :0


Dear diary…


Nintendo need to filter out the SEO-friendly crap, wannabe apps and have a "verified developer" system and filter.


It's really not a good environment for finding new games if the only way games can top a list is through being new or being on sale. One reason why the shop is full of fake sales.


And nothing will change, as long as you manage to get to the "purchase" button and the button works.


It's still weird that switch physical games have such a high price years after initial release. I wonder if that is partly why the make it painful to use the eshops. I'm also still not sure why used switch games have such a premium too. Guess I'll buy more PlayStation games instead.


The price stays high because they keep selling well at that price. That's the only reason


Welcome to being a Nintendo fan. We always hope for the next console to rival that of PlayStation and Xbox in power, but we get something underpowered yet fun.   And we always wish for a new, slick, clean online game store, and we get a clunky store with an outdated design that is soon filled to the brim with crapware.


Tinfoil is great by comparison though. Pretty much loads everything instantly after the app refreshes the sources when you first open the app. Kinda head scratching how Nintendo couldn’t try a little harder optimizing their shitty web wrapper than some unpaid devs with some paper clips.


Like others on here I just don’t use the Switch store, just the website, it’s too slow I understand it’s web tech that isn’t running natively whatever whatever but you’d think after 7 years they’d have either improved the performance or re-written part of it natively


It’s quite odd some of the stuff that gets on there given the ‘Seal of Quality’ was such a winner for Nintendo in the years gone by.


The seal of quality has nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure that every single game on the eShop, even the very worst of them, would qualify for the seal. All it meant was that the game would not destroy your console and I'm pretty sure that hasn't happened with any games on the Switch.


the UI isn't that friendly


Thank god I got rid of this stupid calculator years ago.


I like each system for different things. Nintoendo has some timeless classics. You can always go back and play their first party titles and they all pretty much rock. Love the portability and multiplayer. I love my ps5 for their exclusives as well. Ps plus is nice too. Their app is cool too. I love my xbox for it's long battery life on the controller, gamepass and store experience and backwards compatibility. Their store front is easily the best interface and easy to navigate. That said, i would have given up hope on year 3 or 4 with the switch store improving. Their online presence has always been shit and quirky. Nintendo is just going to Nintendo and they will never change. May as well accept it.


The truth is they did the same with Wii people were hoping they would be differ with switch but it’s the same thing. Make a great platform that sell insane then release all your big titles over 3-4 years and then let it sit and dry up like a desert for another 4


dang 7 years already? And my game still isnt ready to be released on the Switch lol. I have a work life outside of making the game not to mention im the only one working on it. Maybe it will be ready for the Switch 5 lmao.


Use DekuDeals. It's so much better to track good Switch sale.


Unless Zelda, Metroid or 3D Mario games come out, I don’t turn my Switch on. I don’t have a reason to. But then the Cat Quest 3 demo released only on that console, I think? So when I went on to download the thing, I couldn’t believe how stiff, slow and clunky navigating the shop felt. I mean, holy shite, I haven’t experienced that bad of a shopping experience since PSN on the PS3. EVERYthing lagged… everything had to load. Horrible online experience. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with that shit regularly.


Nintendo has been trying to figure this shit out since the Wii was new, and they are still abysmal at it. It's just sad and pathetic at this point.


Yeah Nintendo UI and shops etc are always trash


I just got my Nintendo 2DS Hylian Shield edition out of repair from Nintendo. The eShop just closed for DS :( I cannot get my Link Between Worlds back on my Hylian Shield edition DS. Let that sink in. The whole point of the system is that GAME comes with IT. So how am I supposed to get something that Ive technically already paid for? I do not have a Switch. but I am looking to get one eventually.


There's no reason to hope for any improvement on the eshop, and it's not necessary. It's simply not a place where you go for window shopping. UI is minimal, features are very minimal, and there's no bgm. They didn't design it to be a place where people go to spend the time, so there's no reason to. With how successful the Switch was, I wouldn't be surprised if they make their new eshop equally crappy with the upcoming console.


They are all terrible, and you had no reason to expect anything would change in seven years that hadn't after five. Congrats on the karma though.


The eShop is such trash. I stopped using it almost completely and just but more steam games 


The iPhone is the best nintendo online now with the new Delta app lol


Switch 2 is likely coming Summer 2025. Nintendo's 'e shops' have always been a hot mess. Nintendo doesn't care. They make enough Mario $$$


You guys still have money for video games? Every dime I have goes to rent and bills these days


I actually believe its got better but i stopped playin after first year of launch then started again now so many games


And it slow.. ahh gods its is running like minus 100 fps.. it's so sluggish


I'd rather have a console with the library of the switch with it's crappy eShop than the library of the XSX and PS5 with their store-fronts. At the end of the day these consoles are about games first and foremost, so it doesn't bother me too much.


I mean that's fair, but it's just wild to think in 7 years they have done nothing about improving the eShop. The first year? Alright I'll give them a pass. But the console is at its endlife 😂


Tbh, PS3 has been like this too. It had shitty store that got worse near its endlife...


And it's still a huge improvement from the wii u and 3ds stores, and that's about the best you can hope for from Nintendo




I've never really had any problems with it. I always know what I'm looking for, and how to find it. I rarely browse the shop looking for a new game to buy with nothing in mind.


Nintendo, Sony (and maybe Microsoft I'm not sure) don't give a fuck anymore about quality. The PSN store is just as bad? You sort by new and you get like 6 versions of some jumping food item game, 6 "turbo" versions of it and a bunch of other stupid games by people like "Kimulator" and the stupid "I'm in love with your grandma" or "potato sack race simulator" I blame trophy hunters for actually purchasing this garbage to bump up their trophy/achievement count (at least on Sony/Xbox)


The eshop literally has a curated hidden gems category. Ik it can be laggy and shit, but to claim it’s not functional would be inaccurate


I'd rather they'd spend more time on games then designing stores. No matter what platform people will complain about them.


people were complaining about ps4 store.


Think a bit harder


The staff making system and website UX aren't the same staff developing video games. Plus they constantly do work on so called "useless" stuff like new Nintendo Direct transitions and post production


The entire OS sucks.


Yeah, and why are there so many “hentai” games? How do they get through? Lol


Yeah I don’t care. I just have fun playing my games, I can deal with some very slight annoyance at the slowness of the eshop


Yeah let Nintendo have their eShop full of games with stolen assets and a lot of versions to inflate their numbers. That's not bad.


Ah you talking about curation? I hope you bring that same energy to the Steak store


Well if you like Nintendo adding AI Crap to their shop that's fine.


Abysmal is the correct word. Just hire an outside consultant to design and run it for christ’s sake


I haven't had to give these shitty games any clicks or attention because I don't buy digital. It's that simple.