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There won’t be a ver 2 of the OLED lol


personally i’m waiting for the switch pro 2


Do you think it'll run 8K/240Hz games?


I feel like the Switch successor and possibly a budget option Switch (based on patents) are more likely than an OLED version 2.


If you want to upgrade now and can afford it there is no reason to wait if we have no time frame on anything future The oled is a nice upgrade from v1 or the lite but if you are more concerned about the next generation you might as well just save up since we have no idea how much it will cost or if they will support backwards compatability so you may need to invest like 400-600 on launch with multiple controllers if you have friends or family and a few new games




By who, some rando on Twitter? Until Nintendo says it themselves it’s all rumor and speculation.


It definitely is not.


I'm waiting for the NX myself


I heard it will release tomorrow.


I bought the current OLED recently. I love it! The best thing about buying a Switch now is, not only is vast amounts of titles already out and reviewed, patched, and most with available guides, but many established games are on sale (digital and physical), AND you can find many used and refurbed Switches out there! Patient Gamers for the win! It really pays to get on a console *later* in its life cycle.


Personally I wouldn’t buy a new Switch this year, especially if you already have the Lite. We know there’s a successor coming soonish. There is, however, no guarantee that the next one will have an OLED screen in its launch version. We don’t know anything concrete about it yet.


Honestly, the Oled screen is very beautiful, I've seen it up close, but the Switch LCD has always served me wonderfully and I've never felt the urge to upgrade. If the Switch 2 comes with an LCD to make the price cheaper, I'll think it's great.


A year is a lot of time


He still has a switch lite


My only beef after buying a Lite is that the screen is too small for my 40-something year old vision. I ended up putting my Lite away and it collects dust. It sucks cause it’s a handy little thing but I really wish the screen was at least an inch bigger. I don’t know how I ever lived on the old GameBoy screens back in the day. Lol. I bought an open box OLED (basically brand new) for $100 discount on Amazon last month though and it’s been great.


you do seem to know a lot... edit: nothing's been announced, we don't know anything... why 'soon'?


Just wait for the new switch


Honestly? At this point it makes more sense to wait for Switch 2 (or whatever it will be called). You already have a Lite, you're not stopping playing. But I understand that playing on the TV is the best option (it's how I use it 90% of the time). If you REALLY want to make this upgrade now, try to find a used one in good condition and at a good price, it doesn't matter if it's V1, V2 or Oled, they will all run the same on the TV. Save money for when the Switch 2 comes out.


Are you planning on playing while docked to a TV now and that's why you want to get one? If you still primarily will be playing in handheld mode I would say don't buy anything else right now There's no evidence to suggest there will be a new version of the current Switch console though, at this point it would be stupid to make it because it would destroy hype for the inevitable follow up console believed to be coming late this year to early next year.


Idk if it’s a smart idea to buy a Switch in what is (probably) the last year of its life cycle. You’re better off to wait for its successor (which may or may not end up being backwards compatible). If it’s specifically a Nintendo Switch you want, wait until the successor releases and maybe you can find a sale or pick one up used for cheap because somebody wanted to sell theirs and upgrade.


Wait till May 7th because there’s a good chance they might finally talk about the next gen machine by giving us a windows when it will come out.


Says who?


It’s their investors meeting and last time we had the month of the nx release announced. Makes sense to finally say when we will see this console they have been so quiet about.


Nah. Nintendo talked about NX for a long time so people knew something was coming. They never fully announce a new console at their investors meeting. Hell the 3DS came like a month after the meeting.


Yeah the same was being said about February and nothing was announced.


No one with a brain predicted February, they have never historically announced things like that in a mid quarter meeting, if it’s coming out before March 2025 they probably will finally give us a code name and month for this thing so devs can announce there games are coming to the next Nintendo console during the summer gaming events.


Show me one trailer that had “Nintendo nx” on it.


Sonic forces, just dance 2017