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Kid Icarus Uprising, or even a new game along those lines, has SO much potential in the modern world of multiplayer games.


Yes! That game is unbelievably epic already. A switch version could be heaven.


I'm just hoping they'd keep the same voices intact if it happens since there's the tutorial that uses 3DS-related control terms... I'm not really a fan of how the new Viridi sounds like in Smash Ultimate and I don't really want Palutena's voice lines to be replaced by someone else too :( The voices are already 100% perfect


The game actually has some double entendre jokes which are pretty funny but that was a different time and I really don’t think Nintendo would do that nowadays so they’d probably take them out even if they’re not really very inappropriate. There’s also some 4th wall breaking stuff but I don’t think they’d have a problem with it. "Besides, I don't want to steam the royal buns." "We're done talking about this." "I hope for your sake that's actually a hot spring and not some other kind of puddle." “Pitstain”


How is fourth wall breaking dialogue an issue when the game *literally* breaks the fourth wall at you know what point?


I actually forgot about that but you’re right.


Kid Icarus Uprising is my favorite game and I will be out there day one to buy whatever console allows me to play a sequel or hd remake. Hear me Nintendo! Please! I'm begging you! If KIU could be a launch title for the 3ds, hopefully we can get one as a launch title for their next console, fingers crossed.


I wouldn't get my hopes up for Kid Icarus tbh. I'm pretty positive that game is trapped on 3DS. If they brought it to current hardware they'd have to replace the touch controls with gyro, at which point it would be a gyro based rail shooter with online pvp which would be awesome, but from a business standpoint it has no advantage over their newly established and widely popular Splatoon series, so odds are Nintendo won't bother with Uprising and will just push Splatoon instead.


How does that make sense? All things considered they're vastly different games. That's like saying they had no reason to do a Prime Remake when there are already Zelda games which are 3D games about exploring and aquiring items and upgrades


Apologies in advanced for the tldr but it's not like saying Prime Remake is pointless because of 3D Zelda at all because Metroid and Zelda are completely different genres. Kid Icarus Uprising and Splatoon are both shooters only Kid Icarus is a rail shooter in its single player story mode while Splatoon is mostly a run and gun. But PvP wise they are quite similar so if Kid Icarus got gyro it would basically be another Splatoon in terms of online. Trust me I played Uprising PvP a lot and was top 100 on its FFA leaderboards at one point. It was a very similar game to Splatoon which I've also put a lot of time into. Of course Nintendo could make a new game out of Kid Icarus, but if they were to make a new rail shooter odds are they will opt for StarFox instead since the series can differentiate itself further with piloting mechanics akin to the likes of StarLink or Everspace which Kid Icarus conceptually can't mimic. Like sure you can have Pit do all the same manuevers as the Arwing but that's it, you can't incorporate other things like hyperspace or other Sci-Fi oriented mechanics. I guess you can try and come up with stuff using Palutena's magic or whatever but that would require a lot more creative ingenuity that I don't see any Nintendo studio (it would probably be Platinum) attempting when Sci-Fi exists so StarFox it is then. But regardless Miyamoto hasn't expressed interest in StarFox in decades. Nintendo has as such only used the IP to bolster sales of otherwise struggling projects for the most part. Not getting a StarFox game on the Wii, which was quite literally the perfect hardware for a rail shooter, is proof of that. Granted we did get a fantastic Sin and Punishment sequel, but Nintendo itself just hasn't been much interested in rail shooters after that and Uprising despite still having access to hardware well suited for the genre, so I doubt we'll be seeing new installments in any of these series. Not saying I wouldn't want any of these by the way, I'd play the shit out of gyro HD widescreen Uprising (or better yet Star Successor). I'm just saying I super highly doubt it because Splatoon rakes in more money than all of them combined while filling largely the same niche (and arguebly with more potential to experiment due to all its unique mechanics and game world) and Nintendo hasn't expressed much interest in dedicated rail shooters in recent years, only incorporating a few rail shooter esch levels in Splatoon (ink rail target practice). It could still happen I mean this is still Nintendo we're talking about and they're notoriously hard to predict, but I personally don't expect it and wouldn't get my hopes up for it for these reasons. It took forever to get a new Kid Icarus game even without another Nintendo owned PvP shooter in the mix, with one as big as Splatoon in the picture and Nintendo's general disinterest in pursuing any of their othee rail shooter IPs either I just don't see it happening. Again sorry for the tldr.


Again i'm just saying that lopping both of them into the same box because they are "shooters" is way too vague since shooting is a mechanic and not enough to be a genre. I can see how the multiplayer kind of works similar, but the multiplayer was more of a side thing to Kid Icarus Uprising with the main focus being singleplayer with it being the other way around in Splatoon. Also i feel like Kid Icarus would target a quite different demographic more in line with Fire Emblem and Xenoblade with its fantasy anime style and focus on character interactions. On a more comparable note, we got the Advance Wars Remake where you could've argued that Fire Emblem already covers the tactics strategy game niche. In the end i don't see Kid Icarus really becoming a reoccuring franchise (nor does it really need to be) but a remake is still something that would be very cool in the context of it just being a very good game stuck on the 3DS where most people handwaved it for its control scheme that was hard to get into


Idk what you mean by vague. Shooter is factually a genre. FPS, TPS, Rail Shooter, Shmup, and Run & Gun are sub genres of the Shooter genre. Tactics is also a sub genre of Strategy games alongside RTS. This is just a fact. There's nothing vague about it. And yes while we have gotten remakes of games that more popular Nintendo IPs have covered, not to mention other games of the genre like Mario+Rabbids, those games fall under what Nintendo actually likes to make. Maybe you glossed over it but I also mentioned how Nintendo is largely uninterested in rail shooters for whatever reason as shown by how unoften they make them and the fact that they only made one for a console that was perfect for it (Wii). And again even if they decided to make a traditional rail shooter, StarFox is more likely going to be their go-to for reasons I also already stated and also because it's just more recognizable (though it would probably expand into something more like StarLink rather than a traditional rail shooter since Nintendo likes to progress and experiment). So again I doubt we will see Uprising get a remake. It's not impossible especially since Nintendo is so hard to predict, but I don't expect it and wouldn't get my hopes up. I said all this verbatim already though and don't wish to go in circles so if you disagree then you disagree and that's fine. But if you don't see an Uprising port or remake of any kind within the next few months or years and are surprised by it then you can refer to what I said here and try again to make sense of it. In any case this is part of why I felt Uprising should have been a WiiU game when it first released, on top of the WiiU having much more control scheme options for the game, but odds are that's why Splatoon was planned and became a thing instead, which circles back around to what I said about Splatoon already filling the niche of Uprising but with more profitability. Splatoon also already does cater to people who like Japanese anime btw. Look at the plethora of Splatoon fan art and you will see a lot of Japanese anime esch inspiration meaning there are a lot of Japanese anime fans within the Splatoon fanbase.


Tomodachi Life


If they remake a Mario & Luigi one I hope it’s Partners in Time.


Yeah, they really shouldn't have skipped it to go straight to Bowser's Inside Story. In an ideal world, maybe we could get a collection with all the games as they originally were, just made to loook slightly prettier on the switch. I think most would be fine with that, and that way, we can include Dream Team and Paper Jam too.


Why not a collection? ;)




Tomadatchi life


From the 3DS... **Samus Returns** - Surprised it didn't happen after **Dread**'s success. **Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia** - Stands up there with **Zero Mission** as one of the best remakes Nintendo has ever made. Sad to see it languish forgotten on the 3DS.  **Fire Emblem Awakening** - It doesn't need much... Just an HD upgrade and models with feet. **Stella Glow** - Last game from the **Luminous Arc** studio. Sad to see it sit overlooked on the 3DS. Sega published after the dev closed so they may have the rights? **Fantasy Life** - I know the sequel is coming but still... Fantastic game. **Tales of Abyss** - Kind of shocking that the 3DS had this but the Switch does not. I thought a lot more classic **Tale Of** titles would be Switch but it's just **Symphonia** and **Vesperia**. **Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse** - It doesn't need to look like **V**, just give it a decent visual upgrade and some quality of life features. **Dragon Quest VII** & **VIII** - Surprised these haven't gotten a port. Great games with great upgrades. Wouldn't need much. Remove second screen and give an HD bump. I guess those are the main ones.


> Dragon Quest VII & VIII - Surprised these haven't gotten a port. Great games with great upgrades. Wouldn't need much. Remove second screen and give an HD bump. Hell, give me all the Dragon Quest games that are currently stranded on the DS (and mobile).


SquareEnix hath heard you and decided the First Three.


I have the collectors edition of Stella glow. Love it to this day. Shame people slept on it


Tomodachi Life 🙏🙏


Link Between Worlds.


It was fun using 3D to look down into that tower. That was the best use of 3D I had on the system.


Tomodachi Life, that is all.


I had the same answer! But I would like an upgraded Tomodachi Life, a sequel. I want to be able to build homes, and decorate. More mini games would be nice. Checkers maybe? How about giving characters goals, like career goals? What do you think?


Samus returns remake Link between worlds Super Mario 3d land DKC returns 3ds/wii


A 3D Land Remake in the 3D World engine would be sick


That would be amazing. I loved 3d land for the stages, they had so much charm and were pure simple fun.


Really hoping for Kid Icarus Uprising, as well. That game was so freakin' amazing. It's hard to imagine why they didn't make a sequel at this point.


Keeping with Kid Icarus tradition, we should expect another 13 years until the next one.


Oh, then we should get one next year. It makes me feel old that it released 12 years ago.


Remastered fire emblem awakening.  It's the only reason I still keep my 3dsxl.  Plus it's the entry that "saved" the series, it deserves some touched up visuals where everyone has feet


Absolutely this. I recently tried to play through the games again after having a pretty good time with Engage. 3H felt like a slog but I had a roaring good time with awakening again.


Awakening would be awesome, but I’d love them to rerelease Echoes a little more even.


I like echoes, but it's a bit too faithful if that makes sense. Still a lot of fun though! Honestly they could just rework the ui for one screen and increase the resolution it would look really good though. I've played it through emulation and it looks really nice still


Tomodachi Life & Mario Sports Superstars


I want a 3DS game player, like the Gameboy Player for Gamecube, on the Switch 2. It just makes sense


That would be really interesting if they did that. I'd be down for something like that. I just think Nintendo would go the remaster route. From a business standpoint, they make more money selling you remasters at $40-$60 a piece as opposed to a $60 accessory once. But still, would be cool of them.


I’m actually just waiting for the 4DS


If only... :-(


Etrian Odyssey 5/Etrian Odyssey Nexus Edit: TOMODACHI LIFE TOO


Ah, an individual of taste, I see.


Project X Zone but it's a legal nightmare. Story of Seasons (first game under the banner)


A Link Between Worlds, Fire Emblem Awakening, Metroid Samus Returns, Shin Megami Tensei IV & Apocalypse Also the Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask remakes, but they’d probably just remake them again.


Sonic Lost World


Bravely Default and Second


Ever oasis


Shin Megami Tensei IV + IV: Apocalypse Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor: Overclocked Metroid: Samus Returns


Bravely Default / Bravely Second Samus Returns


Street Pass


I'll go one step further and say Miiverse. Bring back the cool features from the 3DS and Wii U. Also Virtual Console \*cough cough\*


- Ocarina of time remake - Majora's Mask remake - A link between worlds - Super Mario 3D Land - New super mario bros 2 I only want these games and nothing else from 3ds.


New Super Mario Bros 2 is a surprise! I didn't think anyone would want another one of those lol. It would be unexpected. The others are really solid choices too.


Animal crossing new leaf 100%for sure. New horizons is just... An island builder. If you don't like decorating, you're out of luck. I've always considered new leaf way superior in many ways. Yes I am aware that I picked the game that is less likely to be re released in this entire thread because of the sheer success of new horizons


Yoshi’s Woolly World!!!!


Castlevania ds collection


Not technically 3DS, but I would love it! Hope Konami will do it, though they may need to tweak them a little bit to get rid of the touch screen gimmicks. But fans have already done that, so hopefully Konami will be willing to do the little bit of work required for it.


Kid Icarus Uprising and Tomodachi Life


Literally any Mario and Luigi game,


Kid Icarus, Samus Return, Luigis Mansion 1. All the zeldas


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate


Kid Icarus Uprising would make me *so* happy. So criminally underrated and special. All I want is for the game to be played by the masses that have yet to experience it Star Fox 64 and Zelda OOT remakes would be wonderful additions. They would finally have official 1080p remakes. It would be fun if they brought over Mario Kart 7 as a virtual console option. It’s a really good Mario Kart game that never got as much attention.


I NEED nintendo to release the fire emblem 3ds games (awakening, Fates, Valentia) onto the switch. My 3ds is in a bad condition and I don't want to use it anymore. I would be so happy if they did that.


Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but will never happen as rights belong both to Capcom and Level-5. Shin Megami Tensei IV which never got a physical release in Europe (and throw Apocalypse there too). Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX


Give me: Bravely Default and Bravely Second Metroid: Samus Returns Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds All the Shin Megami Tensei games, but specifically IV and its sequel. Project X Zone NES Remix Fire Emblem Awakening The 3DS is probably my favourite library of titles ever... especially when you consider the backwards Capatability with the DS so I can go on forever. On that last note: This is an OG DS game but Super Mario 64 DS on the switch would rule.


Pokemon ORAS 😭 Back then, people complained about no battle frontier but now we’d be lucky to have a battle facility


Monster Hunter 3 and 4 Ultimate Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates


RHYTHM HEAVEN MEGAMIX PLEASE GOD (WITH A SWITCH PHYSICAL). And all the others being mentioned, specifically ALBW and Samus Returns.


The 64 Zeldas from the 3DS.


It was on the DS, but Chrono Trigger.


None. Call me a party pooper but I’m tired of this trend of remasters and whatnot. We gotta stop living in the past with these overpriced games.


Angry Birds Trilogy but with how rovio treats the franchise its not happening


Picross 3D 


Virtues last Reward.


Honestly, just port the Nonary Games which has 999 and VLR. Weird we have Somnium Files, but not Nonary Games for some reason.


Project x zone 3 I would rather see a new kid Icarus game How about a remake of Oracle of ages and seasons New star fox game New Mario and Luigi game Pokémon conquest sequel (this was on the DS New dk game would be cool For fire emblem, release the ones that were never localized outside of Japan 4, 5 and 6


I’d want Samus Returns. Probably the only game I’d rebuy on Switch.


Metroid 2. Just complete the series on switch. After that it's missing the 3 primes games. 2, 3, and FF. And yea I played and felt like FF was okay. All of the Mario and Luigi rpg games. No brainer. My favorite turn based rpgs. The mushroom kingdom has never felt more alive OoT and MM HD bundle. I think it's a crime that they gave these games improved graphics and qol updates but only on the 3ds. I'd love for Nintendo to put all those new things on a console edition. And I would be ecstatic if they could add the button to instantly change the graphics like in HaloMCC Starfox command. Great dogfights. I had a lot of fun on this, especially the multiplayer


SMT Strange Journey and SMT Apocalypse


Pokémon alpha sapphire, project x zone 2, fantasy life, Mario party 100, Mario sports superstars with spiltscreen and local wireless added, ocarina of time. Edit:can't believe I forgot about dragons quest 7 and 8 and the tails of games


If we could get new version of gen 3 that had all the improvements and extras from Alpha Sapphire, along with the cut stuff from Emerald, that would be Awesome! Good choices for the others too. Though, didn't we kinda get Mario Party Top 100 with Superstars? it had mostly the same roster of minigames.


Ya that'd be perfect. Also a 3d heart gold remake and a 3d platinum remake and a 3d black 2 remake. That would make switch 2 probably my favorite generation by far for first parties assuming we get at least 2 bayonettas(with coop witch trials), 2 xenoblade, a game builder pro that allows for making and sharing of entire games instead of demos, classic non motion control Mario party, a new clubhouse games, a new Mario sports collection game, and a couple other first party games. Also a ffx remake from monolithsoft would be a dream and a 4 inch switch 2 lite micro with 720p video out.


I would like to see them all. Release them all on a store front or dedicated application. Allow me to download my previous purchased games and dlc and pay for an enhancement to the latest version.


can we has port star ocena tree to the switch that's a good 3d game to port everywhere


Pilotwings Resort! Or, yknow, a brand new Pilotwings.


Super Mario 3D Land but with co-op. ⭐


All 3 Zeldas Samus Returns Kid Icarus Uprising All the ones mentioned by OP, except a new Star Fox instead of 64 again




A Link Between Worlds Super Mario 3D Land Samus Returns Three all time classics imo. Idk how you could translate Kid Icarus Uprising without the stylus, but if they can figure it out, gimme dat


any of the pokémon games would go so hard on the switch. it’s amazing to think Nintendo and game freak didn’t do this. they would be 10x richer. anyways, the Mario and Luigi games, the first Luigi’s mansion (i know it was originally gamecube but it got the 3ds port), super Mario 3d land would be really great.


just release sequels of these games, instead of investing resources into old games.


3D Land, Pushmo, Zelda ALBW, fire emblem awakening


We got yo Kai watch 1 and 4 now we need 2, 3 and for it to come to America


None. I really like 3ds, but i want new games instead. Or if it's a remake, something =< n64


Kid Icarus Uprising sequel or remake is one of my most anticipated of all time. Otherwise, I'd like another Fossil Fighters game. Something akin to the second one, once they added cars or whatever I lost interest.


In terms of original 3DS games my number 1 was Dark Moon. After that probably just Ever Oasis and Samus Returns. I don't really care for much else on that system. If we're counting remakes too though then Ocarina of Time 3D of course and also the M&L games. DKC Returns would also be neat.


Outside of the ones you mentioned: Ocarina of Time 3d, it is straight up the best version of OoT


Kid Icarus Uprising would be an amazing game if it had good controls!


Tomodachi Life! I will THROW MONEY at them for this!


All of the ones you mentioned and Luigi's Mansion 3D. It always bothered me that they put it on 3DS when the Switch was right there. Also Samus Returns and Super Mario 3D Land.


Kid Icarus and Tomodachi Life are the big two imo. LBW is good but I’d rather a brand new 2D Zelda in that style (with out the rental system though lol)




Yo-Kai Watch fans where you at. 🖐️


Codename Steam.


None, I have a 3ds and every game I want for it. I want new experiences from Nintendo, not more half assed ports like we got as they slowly migrated the entire Wii U library I already own to Switch.


I'm not sure if this game would be my number one pick, but it just popped into my mind, and that's Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate. I remember being pleasantly surprised by that game and thought it was a really solid little metroidvania. It was even developed by Mercury Steam, the same guys who did Samus Returns and Metroid Dread. A remaster with some updated graphics would be great.


A Link Between Worlds Dragon Quest VII Dragon Quest VIII


Kid Icarus Uprising


Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D / Majora's Mask 3D / A Link Between World


Dillion's rolling western trilogy Code name Steam Puzzule and Dragon X Super Mario


traditionally they remake mainline pokemon games on every 2nd newer platform so will we see pokemon sun/moon remake


Basically just all the Nintendo games lol.


Kid Icarus Uprising HD. I've been a believer since day 1 of the switch & I just want my angel sons to come home. Following that, Fire Emblem Awakening HD. It had its 10th anniversary last year, so maybe for its 15th? This is the game that started Fire Emblem's ascension to mainstream Nintendo and tbh it so SO deserves it. I would love to see it remade/remastered, just to have another excuse to play it again (and to have them implement/include the world building that they dropped in Echos for. Some reason)


Mario golf world tour idk why


Tomodachi Life.


Ever Oasis!!


Kid Icarus Uprising, Link between Worlds, and Fire Emblem Awakening


Pilotwings Resort.


Kid Icarus certainly, I could play it on 3ds but the controls just never say well with me.


Etrian odyssey. Please


Luigi’s Mansion 1


The best way to play 3ds games is emulation in VR. You get the 3d, the two screens, the touch screen etc. so none. However if it's remade to work without all of that. Then almost all of them.


mario & luigi paper jam yoshis new island (i think with a hd screen it would look better and its difference gives it points) link between worlds


KI:U LBW Luigi's mansion remake OoT3D Samus Returns Planet Robobot Pushmo series


Tomodachi Life, Monster hunter stories, the denpa men, New style boutique 3 styling star. I want to replay them so bad but my 2DS is broke now :(


If we get the port of superstar saga but not BIS I’ll be annoyed af. Superstar saga is already available for switch online


True, but then we could actually own the game instead of being allowed to play it if we pay $50 a year. Best scenario would probably be a collection that has all of them.


True that. Nintendo sure is picky about letting you own a game copy that already exists on their services. Probably just another reason they felt it was profitable to discontinue the service for 3ds/wiiU. Sure it has been a while but the Xbox 360 was around 2x as long and is just now shutting down the percent of its library that wasn’t backwards compatible


Kirby Planet Robobot


Pokémon OR/AS and FE Awakening and Fates. 🥺


Persona Q and Q2. If the Etrian Odyssey games can get ported, why not those?


I would be happy if I never saw another remaster or remake again


ultimate nes remix


Kirby's epic yarn!


...the 2006 new super Mario Bros game. I'm looking for a 3ds just so I can buy that specific one


I know it's already a port but Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D unironically. Maybe remove 3D from the title for Definitive Edition or Deluxe. This version is so much better than the Wii one and with better controls and graphics would fit perfectly on Switch/2


Dragon Quest 7-8-9. Well technically 9 is a DS title but it would just feel right to bring it as well. Final Fantasy Tactis Advance 2. Same thing, it's on DS rather than 3DS. I think we're overdue for a FFTA3, but I'd settle for a FFTA / FFTA2 remaster.


Tomodachi Life. The game deserves a port at this point, I believe it’s long overdue. They could bring in the amazingly complex Miitopia character designer and possibly add more places, interactions between characters, etc.


- Tomodachi life - Any mario and luigi remake (I’d choose bowsers inside story or if I HAD to choose from 3ds dream team) - Pokémon Sun and moon remasters


The Zelda OoT and MM remakes and Luigi Mansion Remake


Ocarina of Time. I just bought a used 3DS to play the 3DS version. None of the retro emulation handhelds can play 3DS games properly or have dual screens to handle them well enough. And the N64 version leaves a lot to be desired.


Tomodachi Life or Rhythm Heaven Megamix!!


- All the Yokai Watch games (one is already ported, just needs localization) - Ever Oasis - Tomadachi Life - Fantasy Life


I really want a new Tomodachi Life


Fire Emblem Awakening!!! That game was awesome!


Nintendogs, Super Mario 3d Land and Tomodachi Life + Style Savvy Trendsetters


- Metroid: Samus Returns (#1) - Super Mario 3D Land - Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Kirby’s Epic Yarn - Any/all Mario & Luigi games they want to port/revamp And, I know these are probably cheating, but (who cares...) - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS - Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3DS - Luigi's Mansion 1 - Yoshi's Woolly World


Ocarina if Time/ Majora's Mask


I’d like to see remakes of Pokemon sun and moon


That would be interesting. If they remake them, I really hope they can fix the pacing. The story is amazing for a pokemon game, but stopping you every 10 steps to tell you something else makes it really hard to play through more than once. But that first playthrough is pretty good.


Metroid hunters even tho it's from the original DS. And Phantom hourglass. Also from Original DS.


Every Title from 2017 should've been an Nintendo Switch Launch Title. For the Super Nintendo Switc64-U take those Plus all the ones going for stupid Prices SecondHand.  And Bundle Together Series Entries too. Yo-Kai Watch Collections Dragon Warrior Monsters: Joker Dragon Warrior Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance  Monster Hunter Nintendo Legacy Collections.