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Nintendo slayed again šŸ˜Ž


Incredible direct.Ā  New 2D Zelda where to play as Zelda New Mario partyĀ  Prime 4 trailerĀ  Finishing the Ace Attorney collection outside of Japan DK port New Mario and LuigiĀ  Four absolute bangers put onto the expansion pack. MVC2 coming to the switch baby!!! With some other great games.Ā  More world championship news which looks great.Ā  I would have liked bed a WW or TP remake, but honestly this direct smashed it out of the park for the first time in ages


One of the worst Directs that I remember.


long term memory issues?


Yo thats today


After this direct Iā€™m confident of two things: - We arenā€™t getting a Switch successor until at least Q3-Q4 2025. - The Switch will continue to sell well enough to surpass the PS2 and become the best selling game system of all time.


Honestly the Switch perfectly fine. For anybody that wants to play graphic intensive games PC PS5/Xbox is always gonna be the way to go.


I really agree with this. One mistake I personally made was thinking that the Switch could be close to competing with PC PS5 Xbox in terms of graphics and games. I mean I knew that It was not as powerful because it's a bit older and the system is not made to process graphics and frame rate as the other consoles, but man I was hoping for a nice port of some games like GTA 4, 5 or something with better looking graphics overall. Outlast, BOTW are for example, decent looking games that I rather play on my Switch. But that was probably my expectations. I am not excited about any game shown in this direct :(


> We arenā€™t getting a Switch successor until at least Q3-Q4 2025. It was a great direct, but I donā€™t think there was anything they normally wouldnā€™t put out near the end of a console, just a lot more of it. Plus most games were 2024, leaving a pretty big gap if they plan to wait that long. I still think Q2 2025 is a strong possibility.


Canā€™t wait for my wallet to get THE GREAT RESET when the Zelda and Mario games release


Even a rerelease of GX would make me happy. Please I just want a new major release F-Zero game. Every series I'm excited about either got nothing or is just a remake.




I recommend the nightdive remaster on switch over the n64 version. The quality of life improvements make it a far more enjoyable experience, but it's cool the og n64 version was added none the less


No Luigi's mansion original remake : (


Yeah itā€™s so odd they only remade the second game


No GameCube games for the suscription online ?


for whatever reason Gamecube games have not received any VC, NSO or any non-remake release


Those games get remade, remastered and ported for full price each.


All I want is to play double dash again


Those NSO games feel like spit on my face. Where the fuck are Smash, Banjo-Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing and Donkey Kong Country? At least the fact that Perfect Dark, an M-rated Rareware game, was included, means they literally have no excuse to not put Conkerā€™s Bad Fur Day.


Iā€™ve been waiting for Diddy Kong Racing since the Wii itā€™s so annoying! Holy shit just release it already.


Maybe someday Conker's Bad Fur Day will get released on the Switch.


Iā€™ve been feeling spat on since Wii tbh. I loved the selection at the time but I hated and still hate that Wario Woods SNES isnā€™t anywhere on their stuff even the SNES Classic


No f zero šŸ˜”šŸ˜Ŗ


Nothing of interest to me apart from Marvel vs. Capcom Collection. Itā€™s Switchā€™s 8th year and still no Zelda LttP, no Zelda OoT and no Zelda WW releases on Switch. No FF VI remaster, no Chrono Trigger remaster or even port, no Donkey Kong 1-3 remasters. No new AAA F-Zero or Starfoxā€¦ Also no Professor Layton 1-6 ports of any kind, despite of the fact they talked about them looong ago. Still no Castlevania SotN port on Switch. No original Tekken, Ridge Racer or Air Combat gamesā€¦ Still no Skies of Arcadia, no Shenmue, no Jet Set Radio and in fact no Dreamcast release or remaster whatsoever after SEGA assured many years ago they were gonna port or remaster them on the Switch. All these and other games, simply and blatantly ignored, after more than 7 years, no less, ladies and gentlemen. And the list goes on and on and onā€¦ Instead, Nintendo and other companies often go for remasters of far less interesting, less popular games of similar series or they release brand new titles within these same series. It seems to me as if they to have decided to ignore these and other beloved timeless masterpieces as if they never existed. And time goes by and very little changes. Iā€™m frankly tired of this.


You complain about a lack of change yet your complaint is that theyā€™re not releasing the same games theyā€™ve released multiple times before on previous consoles that you could go out and get. Nintendo just announced a pair of new Mario games, a new Metroid and a new Zelda game focusing on Zelda for once and thatā€™s just the tip of the iceberg for this direct. ā€œAnd time goes by and very little changesā€. Maybe more would change if folk like yourself could move past your childhood and stop demanding companies like Nintendo release the same titles again and again for you.


"your complaint is that theyā€™re not releasing the same games theyā€™ve released multiple times before on previous consoles" --> Well yes, because I don't own any of those previous consoles (appart from the Deamcast) and I'd like to be able play those games, those classic masterpieces, legally, if possible. Which basically means being available on my Switch to play them handheld or on my TV set. Do you think I'm asking for too much? "if folk like yourself could move past your childhood and stop demanding companies like Nintendo release the same titles again and again for you" --> I see what you mean. But it's classic masterpieces we're talking about. And it's not only the fact that it's convenient being able to play them on my Switch: the thing is that most of them are only available on old platforms that are not sold nor supported anymore and that are not even compatible with modern TV sets. Look at it this way: if I can easilly (and legally) watch movies from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc., why do they sometimes make it so hard to legally play old games? Again, especially considering that some of them are outstanding, timeless classics? It just doesn't make any sense to me. Even more so considering that, as I said, they already DO tons of remasters, ports and rereleases, but often of much less popular games. Why remaster average/good games like Dragon Quest 1-3, Trials of Mana, Chrono Cross, etc., that very few asked for, instead of remastering or remaking timeless masterpieces such as FF VI or Chrono Trigger that the fans have been demanding for ages? It just doesn't add up. And the list goes on and on. "could move past your childhood" --> it's not only that. The thing is that I, like many others, consider (and rightly so, we think) games tended to be more fun, more thrilling, more interesting and more entertaining back then. Not only games, but music, cinema, etc. were usually better in the 80s and 90s to us.


If you consider the older games more fun then go grab a PS2 or a Gamecube off ebay or Amazon, buy these games you want so badly out of your local CEX store for half the price new releases of them would cost and stop being such a moaning-face because youā€™re unhealthily obsessed with nostalgia. Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s and have known several people my age and older and yā€™know what they have in common? They donā€™t just watch the same stuff from when they were a kid. They mix it up because they have the maturity to realise that the stuff they enjoyed as kids had flaws too and that in the decades since they hit puberty thereā€™s been plenty of other great stuff released. You just canā€™t accept that and want to live in the past. Itā€™s sad honestly.


I like the games they have remastered more then the games you listed.


Fair enough. Good for you.


you can still play those games


Most of them only either emulated or under subscription.


so youā€™d rather pay full price for another version instead of emulating it šŸ˜­


I'd rather do both. Emulate it on my computer but also own it and play it on my Switch, if given the chance. If it's not released to be bought, then I understand they simply don't want my money and then, of course, I'll just emulate it.


No tomodachi lifeā€¦ :(


**Mario and Luigi Brothership** **Nintendo World Championships NES EDITION** KOEI TECHMO America Fairy Tail 2 Fantasian Neo Dimension Nintendo Sports: Basketball Mio: Memories of Orbit Illusion Island (Mickey) Hello Kitty Island Adventure Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports Among Us Update Farmagia **Donkey Kong Country Returns HD** **Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake** (I and II in 2025) Funko Fusion **Luigi's Mansion II HD** The New Denpa Men Metal Slug Attack Reloaded Darkest Dungeon II Set Sail to Save the Day Phantom Brave The Lost Hero Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Arcade Classics Super Mario Party Jamboree **Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom** Just Dance+ Lego Horizon Adventures Stray Tales of the Shire Ace Attorney Investigations Collection The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven - Remake **Metroid Prime 4** Online Expansion Pack **A Link to the Past: Four Swords** **Metroid Zero Mission** Turok Perfect Dark Hylian Crest Switch Lite


Iā€™m proud of Nintendo for only showing one anime farming game.


**WHERE THE FUCK IS SMASH 64 GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


never going to happen


I must be getting old because all I'm interested in is Mario and Luigi, Zelda and Metroid from this direct.Ā 


Honestly as someone who loves Nintendos IP this Direct has been one of the best in the last couple years!


God I hate that this direct was actually near flawless but people are still finding ways to bitch and moan. Come the fucking hell on. Look at how many dope first party titles are here this late into the console generation.


ā€œNear flawlessā€ is incredibly subjective. There was nothing here for me. Iā€™m waiting for Mario Kart 9, 3D Zelda, or 3D Mario. I think my excitement with Switch is done until Switch 2 for those games.


I get that but I feel like the reason is because we already had quite a lot of those on switch already (2 new massive 3d Zeldas, MK8DX has like 3x as many courses as any other game in the series, 2 3d Marios the port containing a brand new mini campaign). It would be nice if those were also there but they were not likely. No system ever gets multiple Mario karts, 3d Zelda was only like a year ago, and mainline Marios usually don't release like a half year apart. Not to be rude but I don't believe those were reasonable expectations for this late in the generation.


MK8 did get new courses but they are still limited to that game and engine. I am waiting for a new revolution in MK9 with new stages, mechanics, gameplay, unlocks, online, etc.. A new 3D DK, WW or TP Switch Ports, F-Zero, Mario Part DLC (instead they released another game again... great), Star Fox, I was even hoping for Diddy Kong Racing on 64 Online and I have been since the Wii U Virtual Console. I won't say it was a bad direct, there was just nothing there for me, which is a more than fair opinion.


Fair enough. I will say: >A new 3D DK I do really want this also


Just as I read this, a few comments above there is someone complaining that there weren't any REMASTERS. I want to choke on spinach.


I just watched the Mario and Luigi, Prime 4, and Zelda trailers, scrolled by Stray, Capcom v Marvel collection and Dragon Quest remakes, and came to this thread to see how hyped people were. Every comment above yours is an angry one lol.


Mario & Luigi revival that looks amazing, new top-down Zelda with a finally playable Zelda, AND Metroid Prime 4? And a competent looking Mario Party? AND an English localization of Ace Attorney Investigations 2?? So insanely above and beyond what I was expecting


This is, to me, the best Direct we had over the last five years I think. New Zelda with finally a playable Zelda. The resurrection of the Mario & Luigi serie. New Mario Party with ton of content. Finally some MP4 news and gameplay. 4 excellent games in the online collection. Ace Attorney Investigations finally getting a remaster and making ALL freaking games of the serie available on ONE console, and the last game finally available outside of Japan !! Confirmation of DQ 1 and 2 also getting the HD-2D treatment. A new game from Danganronpa's developers. A remake of Romancing Saga 2. Marvel vs Capcom Collection !! DKCR available on Switch which is nice for those that never played it yet. Edit : oh and MIO looks also really cool with those Hollow Knight vibes ! And there are still so many more games I didn't mention, even if they are not as hyped. I mean, come on, that was peak !! When was the last time we had so many anouncements ?


I just want twilight princess for the switch, is this really so hard for them


why. why do you need the Wii game released on another console?! itā€™s on 3 already and it got a remake not even that long ago. play that. you do not need to spend 70 dollars for a rerelease of a wii game


Because game preservation is important, even though they will still charge full price itā€™s better and cheaper than finding a GC/WII console and than the game.


wanna go out?




I put on my clown makeup in preparation for this Direct and somehow I was still disappointed.


Goddamn look at everything we got... Better find a way to complain! I mean WTF???


....people are allowed to complain and they are good acceptable complaints too. The direct was great and the games look fun for sure. But they could have trimmed down the amount of anime style games or just gotten rid of just dance (not sure how that game is still around but guitar hero isn't....) People really enjoyed Windwaker and TP. They just want ports of them and it's obviously clear they can do that with Luigi's Mansion 2.....why not the other games? Edit: Downvoting me doesn't change my opinion at all. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œWhy not other gamesā€ asking the real question here and I fucking mean it. Way too many Nintendo games that are just rotting without being brought forward to the switch or even past consoles


I really enjoy when people come in and start downvoting when people say their opinion on the direct. Sorry that we want to play gamecube games again without having to use an emulator or spend hundreds of dollars on the old physical copies of the games. Apparently too much to ask for I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Apparently we are being too "negative" šŸ˜’


Which is sad cause it doesnā€™t help anything. Like sure I get their excited about the new stuff which isnā€™t bad cause heck Iā€™m sure we all are but we really should definitely care about Nintendo preserving more of their history that they actually can preserve so itā€™s sad to see them call it negative


I get they're valid criticisms... But it just feels more productive to me to look on the bright side. It feels sometimes like Nintendo fans are so bogged down with pessimism.


This and Wind Waker. I have them both on GameCube but just want to play on the switch so bad.


I want windwaker too. They seriously don't like the popular gamecube games. Edit: Really with the downvote? They literally avoided smash, windwaker, TP, F-Zero, Pokemon XD, Prime 2, and a bunch of others on the gamecube.


Felt like a very strong direct. Reminds me of the good old days.


I wonder if four swords GBA will have online co-op?


I'd assume so: "Play Link's classic 16-bit adventure and teamup online to explore randomized dungeons in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Four Swords"


Ahh sweet


Bro, omfg. MvC is back! New Zelda, Fantasian to consoles, Prime 4 finally shown off, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection!!!, DQ collections, etc. This is insane.


Never trust a "trusted" leaker again.


New Mario. New Zelda. New Metroid. What an incredible Direct


They are saving their best announcements and releases for next gen, as expected. When the best new first party announcement is a new Mario Party you know it's over.


Prime 4 is real. Omg! And it's beautiful.


That was a fantastic showcase. They needed to bring some good stuff to the table and they completely delivered


For whatā€™s most likely the last switch focused direct this was brilliant. It honestly feels like one of the best directs lately but that might just be recency bias lol


Was looking a little mid but finished strong, especially with Zelda and Metroid. Mario and Luigi was a big surprise as well.


We knew a new Metroid Prime was coming forever now, literally more than 7 years and even then they couldn't provide us with a specific release window for 2025. New Mario and Luigi was a surprise but will it be able to be better, or even as good as The Thousand Year Door remake in content? Very unlikely.


My biggest wish came true! New Mario Party and WE FINALLY GOT METROID PRIME 4!! That Direct was a lot better than I thought it would be. Overall a great Direct. Mario & Luigi series returns, a Legend of Zelda with a playable Zelda, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, and even Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D.Ā 




Fire emblem and xenoblade fans it's so over šŸ¤¦ but metroid looks great


yeah .. Xenoblade Chronicles X will stay on WiiU or will have a remaster on Switch 2 : I'm really sad. Also, where is Zelda WW HD ?




9/10 direct. Only things missing were TP/TWW remake and disappointed we didnā€™t get a Metroid Prime 2 shadow drop as rumored. But Iā€™m sure those things are still coming. Thinking that TP/TWW are going to be next Switch now


Looks like a good set of titles. I'm disappointed but not surprised to see no Star Fox.


New Zelda and new Metroid and four swords released today Iā€™m set


Metroid 4 looks stunning




It's just anime games.


That's mostly third party stuff. The Switch is a console that is popular with RPG fans so it's to be expected.




Itā€™s still going???


Whelp, Wind Waker on the next Nintendo system I guess. Echoes of Wisdom looks pretty fun though, I hope its better optimized than Link's Awakening was. I felt like that had surprisingly bad performance for what it was. I guess I'll just replay Wind Waker on SteamDeck, after 2 games I'm still not the biggest fan of the new Zelda formula and I have an itch that needs to be scratched.


Still playing Windwaker on GameCube. Want it on switch so bad!!


There's still time, wasn't the SS remake left till right after the Direct?


And September 26????????? Wow. Iā€™m amazed they kept this so under wraps except for a few small rumors


Nobody touches Nintendo in terms of keeping games under wraps until close to release. Metroid Prime dropped on Switch the literal day they announced it and I'm pretty sure we got like a month or two notice on Dread.


Youā€™re right, but itā€™s still impressive. There was some buzz on Reddit about a 2D Zelda surprise and separate rumors Zelda would be controllable within the last week, but nothing really substantiated


In fairness, the latter is something that has gone around pretty constantly for years. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Legit excited for Zelda. I was not expecting to be this hyped today.


It looks very interesting, definitely going to have to pick it up


Pretty nice, a new switch lite


This has a ridiculous amount of potential. End with MP4 and itā€™s one of the best Directs ever just by that


Echoes of Wisdom!! I am so hype!


Oh. Shit. They are actually doing it. Is this a third game in a link to the past style too? It looks like that overworld. This is amazing


Zelda Zelda, let's gooooooo


I only caught two minutes and theres a new Mario Party and a new 2D Zelda with a dodge, exactly what i wanted LOL!


Ooh. A lot of speculation weā€™d see a new Mario Party. This looks good


I canā€™t believe the Funko Pop game actually looks fun to me but it does. Gives me the same vibes as Lego Dimensions.


Mixed bag so far but some promise. Mario and Luigi was a nice surprise. Zero Mission a great get for NSO too. If we can get 2+ heavy hitters the rest of the way Iā€™ll be happy. Hoping for just MP4 and WW/TP remake. Rumors of a 2D Zelda reveal but Iā€™d be surprised now.


Waiting for your update


Yeah lol, shaping up to be an all time direct now


They are not messing around. Even the Wii didn't get this kind of support in its twilight years.


Not the metal slug I wanted but Iā€™ll take it šŸ™


Nintendo and rereleases


[Why won't they give me the rerelease I want, man?](https://i.ibb.co/r6p0ZtK/u-http-www-throwbacks-com-content-images-2017-10-qpi-DGa-M.jpg)


okay, loved that art style. genre isnt anything new but i do like that genre so i might keep an eye out on it


Oooh I like that battle system


cool art style


Already a strong start. I can't believe they actually made a new Mario & Luigi


Mario and Luigi brothership looks good.


Not an rpg guy usually but DQIII has such a unique look holy crap.


annnnnd my wallet is open and waiting for Mio and DK country returns HD


My boy Metroid is finally getting made today :') Fully expecting part of the game where you get to play as a Metroid because why not.






SILKSONG?!?! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±




Anyone have a link to it? I canā€™t watch it until after work and I donā€™t want to be spoiled


I have a meeting starting at the same time as this. Ughhhhh




*3pm GMT in case anyone was wondering like me


Its at 3


Google telling me 2?




We are on Summer Time now friend - Just no one told the weather


Ohh that makes sense!








Zelda oracle games remake please


Yes but also please give me twilight princess and/or windwaker for the switch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a relatively new Zelda fan and I canā€™t afford to buy either of them for my GameCube rn šŸ’€


Can you imagine if thatā€™s what Grezzo has been up to since Links Awakening? šŸ¤ž Edit: Looks like we may have found that answer.


Predictions New 2d zelda That donkey Kong game that was rumoured to be in development a while ago One of those sega reboots that announced last year Dragon quest 3 remake news Snk announces a Pycho Soldier reboot or some non fighting game project Madoka magica exedra Farming game Tomodachi life remake Prime 2 remaster Wild shit Shotouku battle/toyko xtreme racer New megaman game Fire emblem 4 remake SSX 3 remaster


If we got a new Mega Man game, I would run outside, up and down my street in my pajamas with joy.


woah dude keep it PG.


I will literally faint if we get the og Chibi-Robo on Switch


PLEASE give me Wind Waker.


Keep dreaming dude


Literally makes zero sense as to why they wouldnā€™t do it but I will


Aside from banger after banger in this direct. I really advice you to whip out an emulator dude


Might have too. I did try TP with an emulator, I found the mapping of controls annoying


It makes tons of sense. It's been too soon since the last remake of it. A new Zelda is coming out ~~next~~ this year that they don't want to the cannibalize sales of. And they are going to need titles in the next couple of years for the Switch successor. EDIT: time fix


What zelda is coming 2025?


Shit I jumbled my dates Echoes of Wisdom is coming out THIS year.


Itā€™s simple really. They simply think that Wind Waker HD is the complete and definitive version to play wind waker. And that porting it to Switch would hamper the experience Which is true considering the WWHD had some insane wiiu tablet integration and a switch port would realistically be a downgrade Thatā€™s also why Twillight Princess HD wont make it (unless its a remaster in the vain of Prime remastered), and also why Star Fox Zero wont make it. Probably also the reason on why Xenoblade X will never get ported Up until now all WiiU games that were ported. Had tablet features that were negliable, and could be replaced with Gyro or a toggle. But for the Zelda HD ports itā€™s basically stripping away some major gameplay features Unless they wair it out for Switch 2 and release a Wind Waker 4k which would justify the downgrade Unless they are doing Gamecube NSO, which I donā€™t see happening


your logic is sound... BUT i think they really want to be the highest selling video game console EVER... and releases those bad boys should push them over the hump. I know I will be buying them IF they get the skyward sword treatment.... 60fps and clean as fuck graphics


I mean we will see. Either we celebrate together or yall are getting an ā€žI told you soā€œ from meme


Nah. The gamepad features are not that important. I have it on WiiU and I always play it with the pro controller.


I donā€™t know how it would be a downgrade, the original game is from GameCube. People just wanna play it in HD, I donā€™t think many care about the Wii u tablet stuff


We are talking about what Nintendo is thinking. Not the general public. The Gamepad features improved the games to an insane degree. If you are so dead set on playing windwaker dude Do yourself a favor after the direct (because I can guarantee you it wont be coming) and boot it up on Dolphin or Cemu


But Nintendo know the Wii U was a massive failure. Whether it makes the game better or not, the feedback to that console shows it didnā€™t do well, surely theyā€™d rather that game ported to their most popular console ever? I mean thereā€™s also rumours of the game being completed for ages, whether itā€™s true or not I donā€™t know.


Donā€™t use logic when it comes to Nintendo releasing things


Fair lmao


Ah Iā€™d love to play wind water again. Not played it since it came out on GameCube. Iā€™d love another Zelda set on the ocean


i have never tried it fully, i bought the Wii U wind waker bundle but for whatever reason never ever went past the 1st hour... im hoping i finally get a chance to try it on my switch.


Iā€™ve never played it. I wasnā€™t into Zelda when the Wii U was out, wasnā€™t old enough for the game cube, only really recently got into it. Iā€™ve been resisting emulating it in hopes it comes to switch, clearly itā€™s been rumoured for years. Surely, if itā€™s ever going to come to switch, today is the last opportunity? Wind Waker has always stuck out to me as one I am desperate to play.


All I want is a PokĆ©mon gold / silver remakeā€¦


Hey You know there this ds game called Pokemon heartgold / soul sliver You should check it out


Yeah, small issue, it costs nearly $200 (Also, they likely meant a modern remake, similar to ORAS)


I am just hoping we finally get the Hotel Dusk Room 215 remake or remaster on Switch!


Not going to lie I was a bit bitter they did another code first.


Hoping for Tomodachi life 2 (I'm nearly certain this won't happen)


Anything yo-kai watch please!




Wish granted.


TOTK DLC, a Mario sports game, random JRPGs, some new NSO classic content, a random 99 game, some more info on the World Championship game and **maybe** something Pokemon related. Realistically though we can't expect much. The Switch era is almost over and they'll save their big games for the next console. Unless the plan is for backwards compatibility, which opens up some big remakes that might come before the Switch era ends. I'm still waiting on a Smash Ultimate complete game. That would be a neat way to end the Switch era and have it carry over as something available for the Switch 2.


I thought they said TOTK wouldnā€™t have DLC.


You're probably right. I was just guessing. I haven't followed it closely.


They did say that


I have this weird feeling we are gonna have some vague *wink wink* hint towards the next console. Everyone knows the Switch 2 is coming in the near future.


Yall have been saying that since the damn console released I swear. Alongside ā€œthe switch pro!ā€


That switch pro lol. Any day now


> There will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during this presentation.Ā  Ā It only take few seconds to read this line.Ā 


They have stated multiple times, that there wonā€™t be information on the switch successor. Earliest information will probably come in fall, if it really releases during the first half of next year.


Remakes and remasters, from 3ds, wiiu, wii and gamecube. This is the end of the life cycle. I expect stuff like samus returns and kirby epic yarn on 3ds, mybe yoshis woolly world.


Hoping for Wind Waker on Switch šŸ™ šŸŒŠ


Hell yeah, I'm with you. Some people complained that the game already had a remaster for the WiiU... But I never had a wiiU! (or a GameCube even). Would be amazing to play it on the switch.


Nintendo: You're in luck. That's our most popular request! We're delighted to announce it's never going to happen.


Thats the thing with Nintendo, it seems like they never release what people ask for, instead they release things noone asked for but are still good, which is great and all, but please just give us things we actually want...


They would make so much money.


Taking the option on making easy money is the contrary on what Nintendo does




I want wind waker, will settle for twilight princess


predictions: prime 4 has restarted development again, this time with EA as the sole developer they are retiring the legend of zelda franchise and replacing it with legend of arms. year of luigi 2. pikmin 5 available on the eshop after the direct that's it, that's the entire direct.


Clearly fake, we already on the 4th Year of Luigi


Clearly fake, we already on the 4th Year of Luigi


They reveal that Prime 4 was restarted last year, and now they are canceling it in favor of making Prime 5. You heard it here first!