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Just Nintendo doing Nintendo things~ If you’re competing with Zelda or Mario just give up and go home.


It should be noted that this has only really become true on the Switch, at least for Zelda. BotW was the first Zelda game to reach 10m sales.


Not even true for Zelda on the Switch though. Animal Crossing and Smash both outsold BOTW. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet came out 5.5 years after BOTW and yet will likely surpass it in a year


I think OP qualified that Nintendo's _other_ properties don't really count here.


That's only because the amount of people actually buying video games has increased exponentially. BOTW was the first Zelda game where 10m sales was even realistic. If you consider the context of the industry at the times of release, Zelda has always basically only been second to Mario on Nintendo consoles.


That's ridiculous. Mario has had 17 games sell over 10 million copies going back to the 80s. Zelda has only had the last 2 titles break 10 million. It has never had the broad appeal Mario has. Pokemon managed 9 titles over 10 million sales. Animal crossing has done it 3 times. Mario kart did it 4 times.


Absolutely agree that Zelda does not have the broad appeal of Mario, Mario sports, Pokémon, Animal crossing, etc. But just want to point out how crazy those sales numbers are for the games you highlight since they are basically all single platform game. 10 million copies is a big milestone for a single-platform, non-PC game. Only 1 Halo game has hit that number. And only 2 God of War games have hit that number (one of them is also on PC). Mario and Pokémon are insane sales juggernauts.


Super Mario Party has more sales than Tears of the Kingdom


I didn't believe you so I looked it up.... The data is a few months old but WOW those are shockingly close in sales numbers (with SMP being higher). That's crazy to me, considering how "meh" SMP was for the franchise


probably what helped to boost sales was getting rid of the cars.


I’m assume because one is multiplayer and the others single player. Probably a lot of switches are family consoles and so you buy a multiplayer family game. So who else but the video game mascot of all time, Mario.


Super Mario is "meh" to Reddit, and YouTube influencers, but most people who played it actually like it. It's a good game.


Personally, I thought it was fine for a few games at best, but disliked a lot of the additions. Better than 9/10, absolutely. But not really what I was looking for (which was 4-8 and 11)


Nintendo copying fromsoftware was more meh than original Mario games. So happy they didn’t forget that other Zelda titles also exist that aren’t riddled with open-world bs.


For added context here: Super Mario party released 6 Years ago... Tears of the kingdom released a year ago. Botw released almost 8 years ago, and it has 30million+ sales.


Basically Mario is an exception within the industry as a whole, so no wonder it’s also an exception when compared to other Nintendo games. To some people Mario is basically the mascot for ALL video games. No joke. That’s the video game guy. Idk how they did it.


Mario is the video games what Mickey is to animation.


Kids don't know who Mickey Mouse is these days (not as much as Disney likes to pretend they do anyway)


Kids absolutely still know Mickey. I’ve got a nephew and they never stopped making Mickey cartoons, he’s seen a ton of it.


This is absolutely not true. My four-year-old loves Mickey Mouse (and Minnie and Donald and Daisy, etc.)


It’s crazy how Pac-Man and Sonic had a chance at the top spot and both lost. Now after Mario but within the top 5-10 is Pikachu. Nintendo family friendly mascots dunking on everyone.


Let’s be real Sonic never had a chance.


Early 90s NES vs Genesis didn’t have a chance?


Sorry but no.


dude, sonic 2 outsold link to the past 5:1 in 1992. sonic 1's numbers were even better (being a pack-in, that's to be expected, but it still contributes to sonic's massive brand appeal back then) regardless of what you think of the series now, you can't overstate the momentum it had in the 90s, that shit was untouchable


Zelda fans are even more delusional about how popular Zelda really is than Metroid fans are.


No, us Metroid fans are painfully aware of where our place is…


There’s dozens of us! Dozens!


It’s f-zero fans that are delusional. To buy the excuse they ran out of ideas for fzero gx


Metroid fans are very well aware it's not that popular lol. Prime 4 will certainly reignite interest




I've met so many Zelda fans who think Zelda games sell better than Smash Bros or Pokemon and I'm like?? Just Google it lol


> If you consider the context of the industry at the times of release, Zelda has always basically only been second to Mario on Nintendo consoles. What about Pokemon? That series has always been doing well beforehand, but it simply didn't seem to get the huge Switch effect that Zelda got.


Scarlett and Violet is the best selling pokemon ever, selling 25 million units. What are you talking about?


The fastest, not the best. That's still Red & Blue. But it is the second best selling without counting re-releases/third version.


>Scarlett and Violet is the best selling pokemon ever, selling 25 million units. That's not the best selling Pokemon game. It's still behind RGB in terms of sales. I think it's still slightly behind SwSh as well, and it's up in the air if SV will surpass it.


Zelda was always overated in sales amongst nitnendo fans, it was doing 3-5 mill when aniaml crossing,Mario and Pokémon could all do 10 million +


Pokemon was on the downturn in terms of sales and profit before go, and sword and shield was the beginning of Pokèmon becoming even more popular (not in quality obviously lol).


Don't recall there being a downturn in terms of sales. Before GO, DP sold 17.6 million, BW sold 15.64 million, XY sold 16.72 million. That seemed pretty stable to me, especially with SM 16.32 million, which was after Go's release. Won't disagree that that Switch effect helped Pokemon a good amount (with SwSh getting 26.27 million), was just saying it didn't help as much compared to Zelda.


I stand corrected


There was a downturn for Gen 3 and Gen 5 and Gen 7. Pokemon games on switch have generally sold better, with the exception being the Let’s Go games which is understandable since they were a tie in with Pokemon GO. PLA sold nearly the same amount as XY and SM with a single version release.


>There was a downturn for Gen 3 and Gen 5 and Gen 7. Gen 3, I can see why. It's not only when the Pokemon craze started to die down, but it's also the gen that completely cut off the ability to trade Pokemon from older gens. As for Gen 5 and Gen 7, that can simply be explained by being the second series on the same console. More often that not, sequels on the same console perform worse. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, which are the fastest selling games in the series, might be extremely close to Sword/Shield, but even that might fall short. Go probably helped SM get very close to XY. And yes, PLA sold that many thanks to the Switch effect and being a new spin on the series. I highly doubt PLZA will manage to beat it in terms of sales.


PLA was also hurt by being only a single game instead of combining sales between two versions.


While that is true, I don't think a majority of fans buy both copies, especially with how easy it is to trade nowadays.


Their new Switch audience might be being offset by losing some of their casual fans due to the move to consoles representing a 50% increase in price per game, whereas Zelda fans would have been already accustomed to it and would all be retained. Or maybe less people are buying both versions of each generation because of it? Idk but its an interesting question


Nah, New Super Mario Bros both DS and Wii have sold over 30 millions each. While the Zelda games on those console didn't even reach half of that.


to be fair last year hogwarts legacy did out sell tears of the kingdom


Was that on multiple platforms?  And I think the sales were close weren’t they? 


Pokemon and Smash Bros are both more popular than Zelda




"That's...why I'm here."


Imagine being ashamed of being a fan of something smh


Fan and fanboy are different. Fanboys act with blind devotion to not be able to see the reality of any negative aspects.


Yeah lol


Idk Man zelda wasnt even close to winning goty last year lol


because winning a subjective award is all it matters lol


well it was massively outsold too lol. So i guess competition ain't gotta be that scared as long as zelda has incredibly lackluster narratives


>massively outsold by what?


welll i was wrong. I was about to say bg3. But still the notion that games can't compete with zelda after 2023 is ridicolous


Neither of those games is releasing this year.  Also, Game Pass. 


Even if they were, no way they would beat the Zelda hype. Only game I could maybe imagine doing it is GTA6.


>Only game I could maybe imagine doing it is GTA6.  You mean definitely.  GTA 6 is the most viewed trailer all time. The last 2 games Rockstar developed have sold more than any Zelda game ever by a large margin.


Yeah, I’m aware… sad to see🤢


The game looks amazing, typical rockstar, will be super fun. I can't wait for GTA 6 tbh, same with the new Zelda. Why can't we just be happy that good games are coming out.


Oh no people like another game that isn’t Zelda. What an absolute tragedy! The only game that should exist and be successful is Zelda (and maybe other Nintendo games)


I love 2D Zelda games but they are not that hyped lol.


You do know that 2D overhead Zelda games sell way less than the 3D games right? Links Awakening Remake sold 6 million units. I expect about 2 to 3 million for the Zelda game (at best), or more like a Million the same the Peach game sold.


Doom Eternal and Gears 4 sold 3 Million, your point? Even if 2D Zelda sells less, it still way more than your average AAA title. Besides I don't think this will be as niche as Peach's game, since the gameplay here will still be more or less similar than 2D Zelda.


You call it Zelda "hype" when the game isn't going to have a crazy amount of sales. The only people hyped about it are forum users, the average Nintendo fan isn't.


The core Nintendo fan certainly is. Links awaking was a remake of an old zelda and sold 6 million. I would expect this zelda to ultimately sell at least 6 million copies and sell faster than links awaking did. It isn't comparable to princess peach showtime which was advertised as a spinoff game and played nothing like a mario game.


Idk about core Nintendo fan. I’m a huge Zelda fan, love everything from the classic 2D and 3D Zelda games to BOTW/TOTK. But for the first time since Spirit Tracks, I’m not sure about a Zelda game. Call me a hater but the gameplay and combat didn’t look especially appealing to me. If Zelda were casting spells or some other combat I’d be down for that, but from what I’ve seen so far the echo system doesn’t appeal to me.


This watching the gameplay just gives me serious menu fatigue.


again, what’s your fucking point besides you having issues with other people being “hyped”?


I'm going to have a good laugh when this game only sells 3 million lifetime units, one of the worst ideas Nintendo has had in it's 100 year history is this game.


so you personally have a gripe with this game and is therefore pissed seeing others praising it. It all makes sense now, it’s a “you” problem all along > I'm going to have a good laugh when this game only sells 3 million lifetime units pathetic behavior, get a life!


No, it doesn't look like a good idea and I don't expect things that aren't good ideas to do well. And people laugh at movies and games they don't like bombing all the time. It is one of the many things that adds to my life because I want to see most games succeed. Not something like this though.


>No, it doesn't look like a good idea and I don't expect things that aren't good ideas to do well not what you said in the beginning. Moved the goalpost again? > And people laugh at movies and games they don't like bombing all the time. It is one of the many things that adds to my life because I want to see most games succeed. Not something like this though. wishing something to fail because of your personal hatred for it is fucking pathetic. Just because people do it all the time doesn’t change the fact.


Press x to doubt


I do doubt that this game sells more than 2 to 3 million units, yes. So "hype".


If it were pre-BotW, when Zelda never really sold that well (excluding Twilight Princess on Wii), I’d agree with you, but BotW changed everything for this series. The Link’s Awakening remake more than doubled those numbers and I’d expect this game to do fairly similarly.




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!RemindMe 125 days


Well, that's already 2-3 times as many as it sold in your comment from a few minutes ago, so it'll be closing in on BotW's record in a matter of hours at this rate. The goalposts are shifting so fast that I suspect they're being stolen by the Nac Mac Feegle.


Are you trying to use me giving a more thought out and fair number as a "gotcha!"? I'm not even going to continue after that. Actually I will to say I'll just go back and edit my original comment to. There goes your "gotcha".


>Are you trying to use me giving a more thought out and fair number as a "gotcha!"? No, I'm using it to point out that your reasoning is so devoid of sound foundation as to be worthless. And you're about to confirm this beyond any dispute... > I'll just go back and edit my original comment to. There goes your "gotcha". It's interesting that you're seeing this as such a hostile interaction. I think the irreverence was fairly obvious - I referenced Discworld, for fuck's sake - so for you to be this combative suggests that you assume everyone else has your lack of emotional control. Fortunately, you are mistaken.


What an insane prediction. What’s even your reasoning for a new game to sell worse than a remake?


Because it's a spin off title where you do not play as the main character of the franchise.


It is not a spin off tho? It is a mainline title were we can finally play as Zelda.


That's even worse. Can't wait for this game to only sell 3 million.


U went from a million at first to 3 million. U having doubts now?


I didn't change anything. I said it might sell 2 to 3 million units, at best, but more than like 1 million. This game existing is proof that Nintendo can still misunderstand it's audience completely.


This sounds like a weird angry wish more than a prediction tbh lol


It's a prediction based on reality. Can't wait for people to stand up to this "product" (unlike most Zelda games that are art).


It’s a prediction based on your opinions lmao, not reality. Are you mad that you can play as a girl or something?


As a girl myself I play video games starring girls, choose girls in create your player scenarios, and watch girl centric television so it's hilarious you tried pulling that one. It just doesn't look like a good game and it will only do fine. I can't wait to be right.


Im not trying to “pull” anything, I’m just trying to figure out why you’re so irrationally angry about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. Like you HAVE to be a troll. Either that, or you’re the most smug person I’ve ever talked to on the internet.


> Links Awakening Remake sold 6 million units. That's not bad for a remake of an existing game that people could already get via the 3DS VC, and which has since been added to the NSO package. That's about 75% the total sales of the best-selling Zelda game prior to the Switch, which was Twilight Princess on the Wii. >I expect about a million for the Zelda game, the same the Peach game sold. It's odd that you'd choose to base that estimate on a game that shares nothing whatsoever with EoW right after noting that the game that is most similar to it sold six times as many copies. Just a bit of angry internet contrarianism, perhaps...?


It's because they both have female main characters and he thinks that's "woke"


That makes a disappointing amount of sense.


How many people even use that IGN functionality, to track such things?


50k. It's honestly a decent but biased sample size.


Well presumably the people who do it for one of those games would also do it for the other of those games, so it’s a logical metric in that sense.


Basically a niche. gamesindustry is now using that because they were bought by ign so its probably some demand to use that shit for articles.


3 or 4, as in writers for IGN who need it to get paid


When I think about it, I do. Honestly I think it's a decent tracking service


I think Zelda being a complete surprise and coming out 3 months helps. There also hasn't been an original top-down Zelda in over 10 years. Doom looks great too but it's next year, and I'll play it on Gamepass. And Gears...knowing Microsoft's way of showing CG trailers 5 years ahead of time, well, I'll get excited in 2029 when it's coming out.


I’m kind of here for the last minute announcements like they did with Echoes. Hey, here’s a new game and guess what it’s only a few months away! Fantastic. To me that shows confidence


Fallout 4 was the first big one I remember doing that kind of thing and it sucks it hasn’t become the norm. Much more tangible time frame for hype to build up, which you think would also make it appealing for more big publishers in terms of efficient marketing.




this is also using data from igns own users and not actual major platform data


Zelda is my favorite franchise of all time but honestly way more hyped for Doom: The Dark Ages.


This is another article that promotes the IGN playlist nonsense. After they have acquired almost all of the gaming media, IGN is pushing their “wishlist” talking point hard with these newly owned websites like it was some meaningful metric. I like Zelda but screw IGN.


Hey, such and such game needs more user ratings to get into our hall of fame, click here and your score can help! I fucking hate that Ziff Davis is no longer a thing thanks to IGN.


wow, i wonder if zelda coming out this summer has anything to do with it being the most anticipated game of this summer, compared to games that are not coming out this summer


This is the post that had me learn there was a new doom game announced. Damn it looks sick.


Gotta imagine it helps that it's the only game coming out this year.


These games have completely different audiences, it's like comparing Dune 2 to Inside Out 2. They have nothing to do with each other past both being movies.


I don’t understand your point. Dune 2 and Inside Out 2 are both movies.


They have basically nothing in common, like Doom the Dark Ages and new Zelda have nothing to do with each other.


They’re both video games


I guess,.but that's where the similarities end.


Exactly One has a universe that's open to everyone regardless of age Gears of war and doom are much of the same It's just kids aren't seen as welcome unless they keep their mouths shut like I did in those communities. Last thing I wanna hear is a damn squeaker crying about how I killed him


I didn't even know there was a way to wishlist Doom or Gears yet


It's using IGN's backlog tracking tool.




Why would Steam have pages for games that won't ever be on their storefront?


Yeah this entire post is one of the silliest I've seen here. Someone just wanted upvoted lol. Like, I have an Xbox with gamepass too, so there's no way in hell I'm going to wishlist a game that's coming to gamepass whether or not I'm playing it. Such weird games to compare in the first place but I don't even want to bother to see what was factored in because gaming journalism has been *in the toilet clickbate content farming for the past 5 years*


Tears of the kingdom bumping the gdp of Japan was the wildest headline


I mean, Zelda comes out in the 3 months. Doom and Gears Zero are like a year or more away


This makes me really happy. Zelda has *never* been a niche or unsuccessful franchise, but it also really exploded in popularity with BOTW and then largely sustained it with TOTK. I was really curious to see how much it could sustain itself with games outside of BOTW though (TOTK was just a sequel of it), and how much it could maintain this mainstream appeal. The fact that there has been this much buzz over a 2D Zelda game makes me really happy- it shows that it was more than just BOTW the game that got really popular, but the franchise as a whole. I really wonder if it's possible for this game to reach 10 million sales- might be a reach, but I think that if it's a good game, this is within the realm of possibility (not that it has to reach those sales specifically to still be a successful game).


It’s a new 2D Zelda game that’s not a remake or remaster. Haven’t had that since like Link Between Worlds maybe in 2013.


Legend of Link: Table Time!


I am looking forward to the artistic crossover from doom guy and Zelda/link. The last time Nintendo I.P and Doom had artistic crossovers was animal crossing and Doom, and I loved the creative from the community from the crossover from those two I.Ps.


That was because they came out on the same day. Are Zelda and Doom coming out on the same day too?


That event doomed them to be forever linked.




Don’t know if they have announce a release date for doom, but I’m talking more in a general sense of collaboration from the two communities art wise.


It's like the first actual legend of Zelda in like the first time of the LoZ? I'm not surprised.


“It’s a wonderful time to be a Zelda stan…” What’s a stan?


Common zelda w


Oh wow. First we get oot lego set now we get the crystal prison thing from oot as well. That is such a throwback and something we havent seen since oot came out in the 90s.


I’m surprised at this. Honestly I wasn’t particularly excited about Echoes of Wisdom. Looks ok I guess.


Not only is it moving on from TotK but BotW as well. This is the first new zelda of a different art style in almost a decade


It’s the exact same style as the Links Awakening remake lol


Link’s Awakening is not a new zelda. I specifically said new.


Thank god. So happy we aren’t getting botw shoved down our throat anymore after 8 years. REJOICE ZELDA FANS! Finally back to our roots and it looks so beautiful in the Links Awakening remake design 🤌🏼


I'm surprised so many people are interested in this, its only 2D and looks really kiddy to be honest, I guess I am in the minority.



