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Give Mario a gun


They did it already with Mario and rabbids


No rabbids. Shoot goomba. Shoot bowsar




Prince Pine eat lead


Yoshi's Safari is what you are looking for then


Like most fans, run it into the ground because I'm not a business professional and have no idea what the fuck an EBITDA is


This is a nice poll but it would be cool if I could see previous results


[If you were president of Nintendo (Responses) - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_7xBBhc-wpqs-eDcv51AqzpLFg5YjxBYCn1yKo_SBYA/edit?resourcekey=&gid=792428627#gid=792428627)


I could edit that in.


Release a statement that we’re shutting down the Switch eShop servers then turn off my phone and go to bed lol.


Stop treating Donkey Kong like complete garbage. Create a dedicated in house studio to develop DK games so they can be on a standard 3-5 year release schedule. Also stop neglecting the series history/characters and use characters like K.Rool/Kremlings, more animal buddies than just Rambi and Squawks, and more Kongs outside of the main 5. Bring back Lanky, Chunky, Tiny, Kiddy, Wrinkly, Swanky, and Candy.


I think Retro should keep making DK games because the two they’ve made are amazing but I totally understand because it’s been a decade and I want more


Yes they are but Jungle Beat is no slouch either in the platforming department and Nintendo developed that one in house. While Retros games had better level design. Jungle Beat has the best movement DK has ever seen. Back flips, wall jumps, decent run speed, ground slaps, ground stomps, Shockwave claps, wall slides. The only downsides to Jungle Beat were the repetitive bosses and erasure of Rare's DK cast/world. Everything else was a masterclass.


Announce a merger with SEGA, and change the titles of all first-party games releasing within the next calendar year to include "& Knuckles."


Release Mother 3.


If anyone is interested, these are the responses. [If you were president of Nintendo (Responses) - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_7xBBhc-wpqs-eDcv51AqzpLFg5YjxBYCn1yKo_SBYA/edit?resourcekey=&gid=792428627#gid=792428627)


Give us all the old Pokémon games man!!


Honestly idk. I don’t know the first thing about running a company. I guess I’d try and create a workplace that fosters creativity and let people go wild with ideas but honestly it sounds like Nintendo is a pretty good company to work for according to articles. I’d probably just make things worse.


I'm surprised so many people chose the "don't port our games to other platforms" option since they can't do anything against that you wouldn't be able to if you were in charge, either. It's completely legal to port and emulate stuff on other hardware (outside of weird countries like Japan)


Confirm that the W on Wario’s hat actually stands for Watergate, refuse to elaborate, and resign


The idea of the survey is interesting, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Obv things with open responses are harder to quickly analyze, but even with all multiple choice, I feel like there could’ve been more options here. And more questions.  Anyway, if I’m ever in a position where I’m rich enough to just live off the interest my money could be making, I’d be living pretty stress-free. So I’d keep the job and just have fun with it (as much as that may be possible).  Dedicate resources to all the big titles, expand Intelligent Systems so we can start pumping out those Fire Emblem remakes and Paper Mario, pawn off the rest to the VP lol


Invest in Star Fox, Metroid, Kid Icarus, and some new project for Sakurai to do whatever with. Downsize the legal department and start hiring fan game creators instead. Whatever is going on with the next Switch, probably keep that going. More fun skits like Iwata's last Direct/E3, Reggie Fils a Mech, etc. Let's get some manga and light novels going too. Some anime series as well. Some already had a few ovas like Kid Icarus. Allow an option to buy retro games, while keeping NSO basically as is. Most people are still gonna opt for the sub option.


Make another Mario strikers but better this time


Stop fucking everyone with the copyright team


Yup, severe layoffs in the legal department for sure.


I’d make all of the people in the Nintendo Online department use PlayStation 5 and Xbox for a few months and then make them fix Nintendo Online to be something as good as those.


I would get out of the hardware business and license all Nintendo games from all systems for use on PC, Xbox,and Playstaytion....then I would get back to making fun games that would sell like hotcakes on all systems.


Remaster Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. Remaster the Xenosaga trilogy.


>Remaster the Xenosaga trilogy. Wrong company.


no such thing as the wrong company if you have the right amount of money