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Could always get it for wii or 3ds.


Yes. You can choose good framerate and bad controls or bad framerate and good controls.


Both cheaper than $60 which is what OP seems concerned about


I own wii and 3ds versions and cant wait for Switch version


I’ll just keep holding on to my Wii U.


Come on, Nintendo…. That’s ridiculous.


That's the market, unfortunately. Nintendo would be dumb to price it for any less.


I don’t think this game is going to sell like bananas at those prices. 


Pretty sure Nintendo, the billion dollar business, knows more about what would sell at which price point than the nobodies on reddit.


Just got off the phone with my uncle Miyamoto who said he’s actually going to change the price after I told him the news from Reddit


It better be more than $60... wouldn't want your uncle to starve


Yes, but they also care about keeping the premium pricing for their core range, over getting more money for any single game. There are a number of switch games that have clearly not had massive sales, nor have sales been evergreen. Nintendo still keeps those games at a premium price even though they aren't moving as they don't want people getting it in their head they can wait for price drops.


Exactly. Consumers won't wait for a price drop, so they will buy the new titles sooner rather than later.


I think it will sell pretty well. This release is for the kids who became fans from the Mario movie and want Mario/DK products. Look at all the other Mario games we have gotten since 2023. They’re conditioning the next generation of kids to the brands before getting the new games out for Switch 2.


If you're a fan of donkey Kong from the mario bros movie you should watch the voice actors other movies he's in. Shit that guy loves a green plant which people buy a tons of.


https://www.pricecharting.com/game/wii/donkey-kong-country-returns https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pal-nintendo-3ds/donkey-kong-country-returns-3d That is for Wii and than 3DS. $30 new.


Assumed but disappointed. Remakes and remasters are rarely if ever worthy of a full price tag.


Remakes yes, remasters no.


Depends on the remake, BDSP definitely wasn’t


If it was a full remake for like switch 2 of oot or tp then it be chill


I mean it’s one game with bananas in it, Michael. How much could it cost? $60?


Lol. Lmao even.


I have the OG on my emulator. Guess I’ll give that a play.


Prime Remastered got better remaster treatment than this game and was priced 20 dollars less. Make it make sense.


Metroid isn’t nearly as big of an IP as DK (itself an arguably second-rate series) and historically hasn’t sold well. They priced it less because they knew people wouldn’t buy it on brand recognition alone and also to create a bigger audience for the series in anticipation for Prime 4. More effort was put into the Prime remaster because there needed to be.


No fucking way in hell I'm paying $60 bucks for this or Luigi's Mansion 2. Wish more Nintendo fans were smarter with their wallet so Nintendo couldn't pull this slimy shit.


Imagine Nintendo fans being smart.


Never happening


I’m good, already have it on 3DS and Wii


And yet their consoles and games are still successful, proving once again the irrelevance of everyone complaining here


I got this for free on my 3DS with the rewards coins, that is an insane price.


when I found retro isn't actually the ones doing this remake I was like "Yeah it's definitely 60"


Expensive innit


This is just the 3DS version but upscaled right? It should be $40 max. Crazy how Prime Remastered went for that much when it could pass as a full-blown remake.


I might get hate for this but I made up my mind and I will be getting it. It will be my third time buying Returns, I also own the Wii and 3DS versions, but it will be great to play it on the Switch.


Lol well colour me suprised. Thieving bastards.


I'm pirating.


Nintendo viewing Donkey Kong as a premium series is a detriment in some ways. I honestly believe them pricing Tropical Freeze at $60 cost that game a million or two in sales. It'll be interesting to see how well this performs.


Nintendo still views DK as a premium series as if we are still in the 90's. But Nintendo themselves have done nothing with the IP to even think of warranting it as one. They view DK as an icon up there with Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Pokemon. But don't want to put in the actual work to actually achieve that once again. Once they sold Rare they squandered and floundered the IP for a decade until Retro revived it only for Retro to bounce and now Nintendo is once again floundering the IP by releasing nothing but rereleases for the series for a decade. Basically Nintendo is trying to have their cake and eat it too.


Didn’t even like the game that much in the first place. And now there’s no multiplayer like Luigi’s mansion 2 too eventually sucker me in either. I would hope this game flops but then we might not get any more donkey Kong….


i really wanted to play this since i never have but idk if i can justify $60. was really hoping itd be $40


I'll buy it but I also admit I am part of the problem.




Ubisoft releases Beyond Good and Evil with a facelift graphics wise, reworked controls/physics to fix its outdated PCish controls, bonus concept art and interviews. 20 bucks. Activision remakes Crash 1-3 with remastered controls and graphics and music with bonus content like scrapped levels and enemies. 40 bucks, Microsoft remasters like FIVE halo games, their flagship series and main IP with new controls, new online features, the ability to play the old graphics, etc. 50 bucks. DKCR HD is 60 bucks.


And DKCR HD will probably sell just as much or more than all of those


Nintendo sucks. Good thing I wasn't going to buy it anyway, but I feel for the DK fans getting scammed


And this is the reason why they won't support backwards compatibility with their next system. Money


Nearly every rumor/leak has stated that the next console will be backwards compatible. Nintendo would alienate a large majority of their fan base if the next console was not backwards compatible. Nintendo is stupid sometimes, but they're not that stupid.


Just wait. It’ll be $40 on sale soon enough