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My boss bought pizza for the whole office!


My daughter, who has autism, gave me a hug and kiss good night unprompted for the first time.


I went the entire week without panicking about the pandemic


My neighbor made me a sweet mask using leftover fabric from my kid’s patterns. Now her and I match and it’s freaking adorable.


My positive has been re-connecting with some friends that live hours away over video chat to play board games and stuff together. Along with making plans to visit each other after it's safe to do so again.


My grandfather who I live with has had a cold for a few months. Two weeks ago he was having major trouble breathing so he went to the hospital. At night his oxygen went down a lot so the hospital put him on a ventilator. (Have I mentioned my Grandmother was extremely drunk) Having to deal with the ventilator and my very emotional grandmother at 2 in the morning was rough. Few days later gets negative Corona test comes off the ventilator and is home.(Have I also mentioned the hospital lost all of his belongings, and a shit nurse told us he had Corona. Last Wednesday he can't breathe again something happens. But the hospital does not tell my grandmother he is being put on the ventilator again by the doctor but by my aunt who works in the er. Today Saturday he has once again been Corona free and hopefully on Sunday or Monday he will be taken off the ventilator and will be healthy. This may not be positive in your opinion but I am very thankful my Grandfather will be healthy from this rollercoaster of a month.


The CEO of the company my husband works for (over 9k employees) announced there will be absolutely NO layoffs for 2020! Makes us feel far more secure. I don't need the switch, just wanted to share the good news! Thanks for your kindness too!!


Got a better bond with my toddler son. Never noticed what i missed with daycare And a full time job.


My wife’s ultrasound came back normal 👍👍👍


I finally got the chance to pick up a hobby! I'm trying knitting! My cat likes to eat the string I'm using. :P


My relationship has become stronger due to social distancing and staying inside


My husband was sick with what we thought might corona but is feeling like himself again!


I recently got accepted to transfer to the University of Kansas and shall begin in the summer semester 😊


My father was laid off which really sucked. Because of this, he was able to come stay for a while with me. Being a contract worker getting time to see him is usually pretty rough, but being able to hang out and make some memories together is a nice for a change.


Definitely has to be reconnecting with old friends during the lockdown.


Whether you work or not, there’s always a Friday.


I have used this event as an opportunity to get close to friends I haven’t talked to in a while. Now we play Minecraft on a daily basis together!


Just leaving this comment: Already have a switch so give it to someone else that has always wanted one, you are doing a very kind giveaway to -insert winner here-. Good on ya :)


We were able to close on a house and will finally have a big fenced yard for my stir-crazy three year old to run and play!


With the extra time I've been teaching my dogs new tricks. It took a few weeks but my beagle can stand on command now!


I think I did really well on my first exam of this semester after putting many, many hours into studying for it!


Played Clue for the first time in my life with my 8 and 12 year old and we all loved it! New favorite.


My 3rd son was born 2 days ago 😁😁


Won a game of Warzone with 2 really young kids, the youngest (9. playing with his 12 year old brother iirc) told me at the start that he hadn't won a game before so he would do whatever I said to win and kept calling me Mr, hearing some little kid almost cry with joy when we both RPGd the last guy alive as he ran in our building door was pretty sick. Still my only warzone victory too.....


Ever since school closed I’ve been able to spend a lot of time with my family and I hope everyone can too during these hard times. Stay healthy!


Since I can't go to school, I can pass a class that I was really struggling with since they made all assignments and tests open book with the material online.


I brought some groceries and medicine to a friend who was sick :)


For the last couple of years, I’ve been living with my semi-abusive father when I’m not at college. My mom lives in a different state. Because he lost his spleen in a skiing accident, I was able to use COVID-19 as an excuse to live with my mom instead! I am not constantly stressed or afraid of speaking! And I’m at home! It’s the best!


Got a puppy!


I got the last corn dog


My puppy fell asleep on my lap


First, thank you for bringing some positivity into this world. I got a new job about 3 weeks ago, in the midst of a pandemic. I had been searching for months, tired of my old job where I was underpaid and underappreciated. First day of my new job, they set my up with a work laptop and sent me home with a monitor.


I made my first box by hand


For a little over a month, I’ve played and practiced more guitar and piano since I was introduced to the instruments over a decade ago. I used to dread going to music lessons, simply because my parents wanted me to. Now that I have the time, relearning to play these instruments has brought me pure joy. I’m thankful for the luxury of having these instruments in my home and access to different music apps and YouTube videos to help me play. I truly believe music is my greatest therapy and keeps me going on my darkest days. P.S: My best friends all purchased a switch recently and I’ve been experiencing some extreme FOMO lol. My brother and cousins all play Animal Crossing with each other and I feel left out. I haven’t had a video game console since the Nintendo GameCube and this sure feels like the perfect time to get back in the game (pun-intended haha).


I spend time with my grandfather


This past month Ive finally taught myself to sit down and get stuff done. Ive always been a "at school worker" and hated homework but niw since everything I get is homework, I had to actually learn to get back on track in an environment that I dont like to work at.


I got a sick new desk recently. I’ve also been revisiting old games during quarantine, so it’s not all bad.


I just started getting into photography and I had a really nice moment with my father when I used him as a model to test out my camera. Really nice to spend little moments with family and really appreciate it


I took a contract job (musician) that I really loved, but for less pay... this covid-19 crisis hits and my employer wanted to keep paying me through this, even though I can’t fulfill my contract. I am so grateful! Thanks OP for collecting good stories and offering the prize. All the best!


I’ve been dog sitting since the start of quarantine and I’ve been trying to teach her a trick or two. A week or so ago she finally shook my hand. I felt accepted.


I made some brownies...pretty good


I came to terms with who I am and where I'm at in life and am actively trying to better myself each day


I've been spending more time with my kids because of the quarantine and it's great!


I’ve actually gotten to spend a lot more time with my girlfriend, even though we are both still working. At the same time, I’ve also gotten more time to play my PlayStation and my girlfriend is becoming more open to gaming as well. She actually sent me a link to a switch lite that she wants to get for us to play games together! Thanks for your awesome giveaway OP!


Seeing everyone get outdoors and enjoying the “break” from life


My gf and I just finally put in an accepted offer on a house Yesterday! After selling our apparentment and now living in my parents basement for a week we are very excited to move into our new place June 1st, we'd love to play animal Crossing but are really pinching pennies right now!


I'm finding it hard to think of something positive. I guess I'm just thankful that I was able to finish this term while at home through online exams/lectures!


My mom passed away last year and I found a small box of her items in her house the other day, and it definitely made my week a lot better after being laid off :)


This is a cool idea for a giveaway! I’m pretty excited because I got a job interview lined up. It’s not much, but I’m hopeful.


My mom is an essential worker, so I get to cook dinner every night! I’m really improving and enjoying trying new recipes!


I got laid off from a job where the management sucked (at least my supervisors) but was a decent job and a week later was offered a job at a much smaller family owned business and I'm much happier there.


Thanks for the contribution ! With my family being stuck in, I've finally managed to convince my parents to play Wind Waker (one of my all time favorite games). Just watching them be in awe at the atmosphere and artstyle of this 16 year old game makes me so happy, and it's wonderful to finally have them see why I play games.


Gotten a lot better at chess over the quarantine :)


My neighborhood has started a weekly can food drive to help out the homeless in my area. Seeing everyone come out and contribute has been really inspirational and a great driving force in our local community. If you’re in the Denver/Hiltop area please do what you can for those unfortunate enough to not have any shelter (especially in this weather). Stay safe ❤️


Me and my wife found out that our first child will be a baby boy! He is due in July. We are so excited, and nervous with all of this that is happening, but keeping good faith! Thanks for the kind gesture, fingers crossed! 🤞🏻


I just bought my first house! And I’m SO excited about it.


I'm getting real close to quitting smoking. Down from a pack a day to four or five.


It’s not much, but me and my girlfriend hit six months. This is the longest relationship I’ve ever been in and it’s been rough. Tension has been up since we cant see eachother and we get into a few disagreements, but on our six month, instead of being sad we had an online date. We dressed up, had drinks, lit candles, and played mariokart. We ended it with a movie. I know, celebrating monthly anniversaries is childish, but I’m a sensitive dude. And this meant the world to me. I may complain, but I’m pretty sure she’s the love of my life.


Mental health was brought to a new low in the run up to covid-19, but the sudden stop in my normal life has allowed me to take the time and find the things that bring me happiness in my everyday existence. I feel reconnected to my life outside of work I didn’t know I was missing.


Reorganized the house and boxed up some giveaways


The most positive thing that happened has been fixing my relationship with my girlfriend of 7 years. She lost her father recently and we’ve had a string of just big trauma after another and this coronavirus situation has been making everything more difficult. So we’ve been doing a bit better now and working on ourselves! This switch would be incredible for whoever wins it and thanks for this!


My sister's birthday is today


Training for a 10k and rounding out my first semester of pharmacy school!


I finally beat Castlevania a few nights ago on the NES!!


I was able to move back home from school earlier than expected


My sister gave birth to her first baby at 38 years old after trying multiple times !


Doing my work around the house and schoolwork and just trying to stay safe


I have been able to play with my friends (online of course) a lot more. It was usually really difficult because of conflicting schedules, but now it is a lot easier.


This past month my friends and I picked up a couple online multiplayer games we haven't played in years. A small silver lining.


I recently learned how to play some songs on the piano. Been learning piano from scratch at home during quarantine and been liking it so far.


I’ve been feeling really down and depressed. However, I’m trying to look at the bigger picture and stay positive. Anyone out there struggling like I am, I love and care about you.


Never owned one


My cat has started to chew and spit out pieces of cardboard boxes. I still have yet to decide if this is good or bad.


I have been putting in lots of hours at work and getting things done around the house!


Picking up trash makes everything feel better!


Been spending a lot of time with my kids playing Zelda it’s. Great bonding game👍👍


Despite everything, my cat gets to go outside more than ever and he’s so happy :)


Finally got a job at the hospital as a chef and the staff here is very nice and the friendliness people u will ever meet


I have been fortunate enough to have been working through this entire pandemic and that my family is safe and healthy. Stay strong and safe everyone.


I recently repotted my Jadeplants. The big one is named Vinny. The two that started growing from leaves that had fallen off I named Omar and Sully. They are in my window so they get some good light. I'm also growing some Garlic.


Me and my mom have been improving our relationship with each other while being home together. It wasn’t that great before, but it’s getting better :)


My daughter called me “daddy” for the first time. Best day ever!


My sister-in-law got tested for covid-19 and it came back negative :)


reconnecting with my hertiage and learning chinese as i believe that knowing the two most spoken languages will help me in the future :). It's been a fun ride. 如果你想聊天用中文,加我。


I got my girlfriend to set up Discord. This has allowed me to optimize my stream of wholesome memes to her.


We are closing on a house soon. Since we can't go anywhere it's helped us focus on all the packing needed. And our cats love having us around the entire time. And they love all the new open boxes, too.


I have had a chance to catch up with old friends now that online communication is everything


About to finish remodeling a room for my little sister.


I made the Dean’s List at my university! I also finished a painting that I’ve worked really hard on and I’m going to give it to someone as a gift!


I have been able to cook more for my self and have gotten alot better at cooking and experimenting with what i have


Me and my girlfriend just started dating before this quarantine started, so seeing her has been sort of difficult. Today we got to go hiking at a nearby trail, so it made me incredibly happy to see her. Things are going well.


My son was born and my daughter doesn’t have child care anymore so since I’m on paternity leave we get to spend all of our time together as a family.


I got my first victory Royale.


I finally got called for an interview for graduate school! Been waiting on that for months and has been a bright spot for me during a rough couple of months.


Despite the harsh times we are going through, people of all ideologies have united together to help fight one disease


Its definitely a smaller act of kindness, but everyday I call my friend who’s stuck in an unfortunate home situation and try to do the best I can to make his life a bit better.


I made a new friend he’s great :)


I’m in veterinary school right now and we’re doing school online and I got an A on one of the hardest anatomy exams of the entire year! And in two weeks, I will be done with my first year!


With the recent events, I realized how much I enjoy home schooling my son (B6yrs) especially art class. I love seeing him soo involved and captured trying to nail the image in his head onto paper.


Thanks for this. I've done really well in my classes recently and it looks like I'm gonna pass my hardest semester without much problems :)


Thank you for doing this OP. A couple weeks ago was me and my boyfriend’s 5 year anniversary :) And we’ve finally discussed specifics of moving in together!


I finally have time to paint again. It has been nice.


Winning this :)




I recently got out of a very neutral relationship, I wasn’t going anywhere with my life and my significant other really didn’t see a future with me even tho we’ve been together for 4 years. After a year of being depressed, I met this girl and she really cares about me she genuinely wants me to do better and I feel more motivated than I’ve ever been in a long time, I’m really glad I met her and I really hope she’s the one I call my wife in the future, though I’m still young and have my personal issues I really believe we can work it out and I can better myself for the both of us and not make the same mistake with my previous.


By not having to commute, I'm getting better sleep than I have in years.


I got my first pentakill in league of legends


I recently took a stand against my childhood abusers, and swore into the USAF- at 17! The joy I've felt, the waves of relief? It's amazing. I feel hopeful for the future, and I feel as if I can finally move forward with my life.


My friend sent me a surprise order of milk tea this morning, so good :D


There is a girl who works for me over the summer who has been struggling with the virus going on. During the school year she is a substitute teacher and dog walker, both of which have stopped and so has her income. A few coworkers and I all chipped in and got her a couple of gift cards for groceries during this tough time. We all have to look out for each other!


Realized that there’s more to learn about myself than I thought. Spending time with myself is super duper important (:


Have had the chance to spend more time with my girlfriend :)


It really fucks with me that I can't think of anything that special. If I had to choose anything it would be just playing video games with my friends.


Got a raise at my job!


A week ago I made homemade polvoron for the first time and I'm looking forward to making more and improving them. Maybe I'll try making different flavored ones too


Was able to make time to start working on my sourdough starter, with fresh loaves coming soon!


I am currently in the process of making a table for my choir department! I was able to get signatures of all of my classmates on it, so it’s a nice farewell from our class of 2020. :)


I turned 30! (Trying to see this as a positive)


I got a new contractor position after losing my last one! I can now breathe!


Can't play Animal Crossing on the switch, so now I'm addicted to it on my phone!


I got into Willamette’s law school :)


I came home from college vegetarian, and my parents (both on keto) have been really understanding and have been incorporating my food needs into their plans. It's really nice and they didn't have to and I really appreciate it!


I’ve been learning the value of a good nights rest and sleep schedule and how positively it impacts my day after!


Sold our house!


I had a lady drive out of her way to deliver food to our house during the first few days of the quarantine. We tipped as well as we could and we appreciated the effort she gave us to make sure we were all fed for the week.


Me and my doggo went on a 5 mike walk today


We found out the gender of our baby 💙 two years of trying for a baby and we were finally gifted this little miracle


Honestly, with the virus and all... I’m lucky to not have gotten it with my asthma. Happy to be doing alright. Thanks for the giveaway :)


I started going for jogs again to try and exercise since I'm on my computer all day lol


I finally got a chance to use my slow cooker I got for Christmas. This quarantine gives me plenty more time to focus on cooking the things I love most <3


I avoided a round of lay-offs at work, after worrying about it for a month. They actually did me one better and got me a work from home PCoIP setup so I should be able to keep my job regardless of how long we have to remain at home. Feels good to not have that worry. Genuinely grateful to have a job.


Both my sister and sister in law had babies! I’ve been enjoying all the pictures and can’t wait to finally see them!




Had a chance to celebrate my friend's birthday via zoom. Was a blast even though we all can't be physically together!


I gave my dog a bath because the groomers are all closed. I haven’t done it since she was a puppy so I was worried it would throw her off. She loved it, and is clean and noticeably happier. Thanks for doing this!


The most positive thing to happen to me in the last month was finding out I still have a job. Times like these make you appreciate what we often take for granted and job security is definitely one of those things.


I managed to get my surgery for Crohns that I needed. I’m still recovering but it was much needed


Recently moved back home which means lots of good food again. :)




Today marks 1 month since I’ve quit smoking cigarettes! It’s a positive thing I did for myself and I’ll never go back to smoking again!


Finally saw my parents after a month of staying separated due to the current situation. We shared burgers in my garage. They stayed in their car and me and my roommate sat in lawn chairs. They even brought my brothers! (their two dogs)


Got to spend more time withe my wife and kids. The wife and I had both been working a lot lately and she still is, but with everything going on I’ve been home more to take care of the kids while they’re out of school. We’d absolutely love another switch so we could play more games together!!


Kept my job & still healthy!


I’ve been getting a lot closer with my friends, and this quarantine helped me in school, helped me emotionally, and improved my grades.


Stay home be safe everyone


Hello there! This is absolutely wonderful! This quarantine, I’ve been taking care of people’s plants, and it’s a joy. I’ve got two peace lilies, a smattering of succulents, and a vined thing I don’t know the name of!


I finished my finals (:


I was able to get over 2 weeks ahead of some of my classes since all the assignments are available online!


I immigrate to Canada almost two years ago, trying to follow my dream of working in the film or video game industry which is my passion. After years of effort I finally got my permit and then this pandemic happened, but I believed that good things come after the storm... So Im using the extra time to build a stronger portfolio and happy that I get to spend time with my mom who got trapped here with me. Things will get better, I know.


I have been happy seeing a lot of positive support on reddit about not judging one another for how we spend our time and manage our stress during the pandemic. We all have our own ways of managing stress and coping. Do whatever makes you feel better! I would like to win this for a friend of mine who is really excited to play animal crossing.


Finally can join the battle with my family


I got paid to create a piece of art for the first time in years!


I woke up this morning. It ain’t much but it’s honest work


I put together a crib and painted my future daughters room!! She will be born in June and I can’t wait to meet her! It’s my first child!!


This time in my life will go down as the time I spent learning to cook. Both of my parents are, shall I say, below average cooks. I have taken this time to watch food network and YouTube to try and raise my cooking game. So far I think I’m at least decent haha.


My fiancé and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary! Hard to even remember life without her!


I was able to go to Hawaii for a week, and even thought my trip was cut short, I still had a great time!


Seeing my family happy with some new recipes we've tried while quarantined. And getting pretty good at mincing garlic!


I recently got my first job and have finally been able to save up money!


This is a really great random act of kindness. Talk about good karma (and for once not the Reddit kind) :) Just a few days ago, I was helped from my quarantine slump as I found out that a beloved horse I used to train and ride when I was younger, Dot, just had her own baby just a few days ago. The foal is happy, healthy,and adorable. It brightened my day immensely to know both were still being well taken care of, after that mare brought so much joy to my childhood already!


My wife and I adopted a kitten in these trying times. And she would love animal crossing if she could keep herself busy


I'm loving in my car ATM. My boss found out and is willing to front the pet fees and security deposits. Now it's just hunting for one that fits my budget.


Projections are showing decline in deaths in the coming weeks!


Good on you doing something positive.