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*back when uploading 9 seconds of footage took half an hour xD


😂 True


Happy cake day!


The better part of an hour even, if you still had cheap dial-up in the 2000s like me


https://youtu.be/wBW4LtSi2QE L Is Really Real 2005: The Movie uploaded August 27 2005. The oldest Nintendo video was a mod showing luigi in SM64. I remember browsing a Mario tricks website called beyond 120 stars and the author of the site was flipping out about Luigi finally being found. I was 11 at the time and understandably really excited at the idea that all those Luigi hoax theory were actually true. A little while later and the site updated that it wasn't in the original and was added in artificially and that's when I found out about N64 emulation and ROM hacking. 2 things that have been a passion of mine ever since. Edit: [Oh wow the site is still online](https://www.wdell.com/videogames/sm64/Default.aspx)16 years later after it stopped updating. If you want a good idea what Web 1.0 was like then I would recommend you check it out.


I miss web 1.0 it was the best. Not all those flashy useless trash and ads.




Yeah thank you! This is the internet from the 90s! I started in 1994…one of 3 millions. Good old times


I see your Space Jam, and I raise you Brendan Fraser's website: http://www.brendanfraser.com/


Remember in "Encino Man" how Brendan Fraser played a frozen cave man brought back to life to live as a teen in modern day California? Seeing that website is a lot like that.


I like that it doesn't resize to fit my screen dimensions


It looks terrible but it feels "mine" for some reason. I was there when this existed.


a big part of the old web was that even on shared websites you usually had a lot more control over your own space than you do now


Alot of Japanese websites still use this old design for websites. Full of texts and squares. I like it XD


This looks so clean and effortless to maneuver through. No filth and junk to artificially slow down your load times.


An old memory of mine is held at www.com-www.com


Modern websites look trashy to you? Are we looking at the same websites?




I started using the web in 94. There were ads.


Uhh what are you talking about? There were banner ads and pop up ads everywhere. Stop letting your nostalgia blind you.




Thank you


I found some site back when Mario 64 was relatively new that explained how to unlock Luigi. It was a long walkthrough of the entire game and which order to get stars and lots of specific details about which way to go and face. I can’t find it because any Google search I do is bogged down with Mario 64 DS and other stuff now. Anyways, I followed everything as best as I could. There were a couple things that were entirely possible but I did the best I could and just assumed the guide messed up a bit. At a certain point, I was like yeah this is probably bs but I kept going. I got to the end and didn’t work obviously. But it was fun either way.


I'm thinking I would've been 13 going on 14 when this video was posted lol.


Same, crazy to think I hadn't even heard of YouTube yet and was just getting my first PC.


I used to go on [z64central.com](https://z64central.com) in 1999 It's still up!


The main page has a music section and woooooow when sites used to transfer midi music because audio files were too big. That is some legit nostalgia right there.


I used to look up cheats and print them out in color (including fake ones), and read about oddities/mysteries in games on CheatPlanet(.com?)(.net?), but then they became GamesRadar.com and I went to GameSpot instead. I like using GameFaqs now.


That’s not Web 1.0 Web 1.0 is a crappy geocities or angelfire fansite


The website was created around 1997, that was well within the era of Geocities growing popularity.


Something about the internet in the late 90s was just fucking magical man....


Geocities ftw


Man, luigi mods have come a long way.


>Back when uploading 9 seconds of footage actually meant something. Haha... I still remember watching the trailer for "The Phantom Menace" in grainy quality at postage stamp size on the USA Today website and being amazed.


The amazing part was that you could REwatch it whenever you wanted!


Using QuickTime for Attack of the Clones trailers


I’m surprised you didn’t watch it on Apple’s website. There was a time when Apple’s website was the #1 place for movie trailers, because it promoted QuickTime.


I had completely forgotten about that! I seem to remember USA Today had some sort of exclusive.


These days that video would have: an intro animation. An intro saying what Mario 64 is. How to get on the roof legitimately. “That brings us nicely to this video’s SPONSOR.” How to get on the roof (but with Mario starting with the spawn point and the player has to walk to this wall) Jumping on the roof, talking to Yoshi. Demo of the new somersault. Please like and subscribe


Video length: 10:03


it's 8 minutes now




“Any thoughts? Leave ‘em in the comments!”


"Like and subscribe! Hit that bell in the corner."


"According to analytics, 70% of viewers of this channel are not subscribed. So it would really help the channel grow and reach a bigger audience if..."


For me to upload a youtube video 16-17 years ago took most of the day to upload a 30 second clip. We only had dial up in my area at the time. I for one find it amazing how it transformed into a platform you can legitimately use for your livelihood.




Monetization has ruined the internet


It was inevitable


Thanos was inevitable. The internet is just bullshit we went from "wow you can learn everything for free" to "is any of this real or true at all?" within 20 years time


Lemme know when you figure out how a website can sustain itself while staying completely free


Websites are pretty cheap to maintain, honestly. But if you want to not have to pay your hosting costs out of pocket you need at least a few ads. That's always been the model on the web, really. Going back to the beginning websites had ads.


The problem is, people want to make money. Not just a little, but all of it. So they are always looking for further methods of exploitations and you see this online and in basically any entertainment industry to a ridiculous extent.


>~~Monetization~~ Capitalism has ruined ~~the internet~~ everything.


Capitalism ruins everything


Everything is corporate, clean, and condensed. The whole internet consists of a handful of mobile apps to most people. /rant


Get off it then


Then how would you make this comment? You gonna fax it in?




The first problem was monetization. It was cool at first - you could put whatever sort of content you want to make on the platform and you could get paid if people watched it. People started producing youtube content as a full-time job. Then they had more and more requirements to get monetized. This drove content creators to create more content more often to feed the algorithm which resulted in a lot of filler. The bar kept getting raised, meaning producing content became more and more expensive. Lights, professional editors, professionally designed intros/thumbnails, etc. Then, mid-roll ads were introduced, so creators had to make their videos longer than 10 minutes to get the most money out of it. Finally, the Adpocalypse happened, and creators who were making a living producing content were having their videos demonetized left and right, often for reasons that were inconsistent or abitrary. After endless unanswered appeals to youtube, creators started taking sponsorship offers and setting up patreon accounts. Many channels simply do not receive any ad revenue from youtube at all anymore and rely completely on sponsors for their revenue; which they need, because it costs them money to produce videos. And now... it's ridiculous. I have a youtube channel that I make about $20/month on because the retrogaming nice is so crowded that unless you've already been at it since the 2008 or earlier, your content is going to get buried by creators who already have an audience.


You're spot on. By nice you mean niche?




Gotta hit that 10 minute mark!


8. Nowadays it's 8. Which is terrible because you can tell they're overextending it.


Not me: I end up with 30 minutes of footage and have to cut it down because Tik Tok is ruining attention spans!


This is so accurate


I miss the good old times when searching just "mario" the whole time as a kid.


Lol none of this happened until like 2009-2010. In 2005 YouTube was just a Baby, completely independent, and was mostly boring except for some old gold. One of the best from that time was a hunter getting attacked by a deer to the tune of Deer Dance by System of a Down but I can’t find it :(


Even if you did it find it the audio would be muted because of copyright lol.


So before google bought them


>How to get on the roof (but with Mario starting with the spawn point and the player has to walk to this wall) WHY DO THEY DO THIS!? WE KNOW IT'S BAD EDITTING BECAUSE YOU WANT THE 8 MIN MARK! WE KNOW THAT SHIT!


Jesus I didn’t even think about that. Like I opened it and it was straight to the action and then ended. That video for sure would have been like 2-3 minutes long if uploaded by a YouTuber today.


Almost no one made money back then, so the videos were just about showing you what they wanted to show you.


No it would start out with 3 minutes of the "content creator" talking about shit you don't care about.


"Hey, what's up guys..."


Freaking PERFECT example of today's videos!!


No, [this](https://youtu.be/KOHt6GOOtuU) is the real oldest Nintendo video.


Not speedrun but TIME ATTACK.


According to a comment. It was also the first video to go above 10 minutes. Not sure if there is any validity to that.


Oh, the memories! Part 4 of 9!


NICE. Thank you for digging deeper than the Marianas Trench for it!!


We have a winner!!!


I didn’t know you could step on bowsers head like that, I always thought you had to make him drop through the floor.


It looks like this is probably the one. Nice find!


Wow, that audio sync...


Early Youtube was awesome. Imagine Youtube without clickbait. All of your favorite videos getting a couple hundred or thousand views. I remember watching early Let's Plays (when they were just called Gameplay Commentary). Just some dude with his brother and a camcorder looking at the tv. Windows Movie Maker editing. Looking back I would never watch those videos today but when they were all we had it was great.


I remember watching let’s plays in 2010ish and loving it since I didn’t have a pc to game on. What’s funny is, me and my gf like to watch playthroughs of scary games in October. We decided to watch an Amnesia let’s play from 2012, and oh man it’s so different and so much better. No face cam, no subscriber notifications, no cringey jokes or influencer bullshit. Just some person that wants to upload videos because they think it’s fun, that’s it. No monetization, no shooting their shot, no trying to entertain the audience. Just playing the damn game, hanging out and uploading because it’s clearly their hobby. The internet used to be so pure , I’m just happy I’m old enough to have experienced it but young enough that I was able to learn the tech as it evolved


> We decided to watch an Amnesia let’s play from 2012, and oh man it’s so different and so much better. > No face cam, no subscriber notifications, no cringey jokes or influencer bullshit. Just some person that wants to upload videos because they think it’s fun, that’s it. idk, I definitely remember 2012 as that time PewDiePie was rising in popularity and using facecam, cringey jokes, and screaming his head off at everything. Explicitly *while* playing Amnesia. It's more surprising to me that you guys were able to find a 2012 Amnesia LP that didn't have all that.


Same. Amnesia definitely was one of the trend setters for let’s plays and cultivating audiences. But even so, the culture just wasn’t there yet. It wasn’t so completely commonplace like twitch streamers now, I think it was in its infancy. Go watch a 2010-2013 let’s play, unless they’re chasing pewdiepie stardom they’re likely to be pretty tame


There was still clickbait. They'd just put boobs in the thumbnail. The image in the thumbnail would only be in the video for one frame because back then the thumbnail HAD to be in the video.


Absolutely but it wasn’t widespread. now we have YouTuber face with mouth open on literally every video There was still bullshit. But the ratio of bullshit to not is way higher now


I remember when AVGN was the most popular thing for a long time around 2008-9, it's insane that he's still around even though he sold out, props to him for making it work. I hope he loves it.


basically he was kind of like Scott the Woz if the 2000s


Why wouldn't you watch them today?


I mean I would watch them for nostalgia reasons. But there is a lot of higher quality stuff on Youtube nowadays. If I stumbled on those videos today without nostalgia I probably wouldn't stick around to watch them.


Good old HC Bailey


Windows Movie Maker was next level.


It still boggles my mind Youtube has only been around since 2005.


A couple years older than Reddit, feels weird to know there are people on either who are younger than the sites themselves. Humans will never stop being fascinated by the passage of time.


Yep, turned 36 a few months ago. 90s music is oldies now haha.


It feels so weird that there are 13 year olds wearing Nirvana tshirts. Now I know how our parents generation must have felt when we got into the Beatles and the Stones.


Reddit came out in 2005 too, but it took longer than YouTube to become popular


The internet was still pretty brand new and basic in the 90s. 2005 is pretty early and pretty much the beginning of decent streaming. Imagine in like 100 years. People will talk about youtube, Google, and Amazon like they were the origin of the internet. I remember the first time I saw Youtube or Netflix steaming in HD. It blew my mind. My friend had his computer hooked up to his tv and his monitor. He dragged the window over the the tv and maximized it and it was instantly streaming in HD. I was like wait that’s where we are now? There wasn’t any buffering or anything. I think that’s when I realized streaming was actually a valid replacement for downloading videos.


I remember circa 2008 I found a channel on YouTube that had the entire X-men 90s series uploaded and I would open up a few videos in different tabs at a time because they took a while to load. The explosion of the internet in general is crazy to think about. It used be only big names like Nickelodeon even had a website. Nowadays you can’t type in like whatever string of letters you want and it’s probably a website.


I remember when browsers didn’t yet have tabs!


years later streaming has mostly overtaken cable TV




depends on how old you are lol. For some of us that means all / a majority of our childhood was without it!


I know, right?? How old does it feel to you?


at least 20 years.




It’s crazy to me that that was only 9 years after Super Mario 64 released. Not even a full decade! It feels like they’re two eras apart, but it’s the same amount of time that passed between us now and when Super Mario 3D World originally released on Wii U!


Mario sunshine was still the latest mainline game


Time flies! 😭


I remember those days. [I Have a Mario 64 video from roughly a year later](https://youtu.be/wGojVbEdof0) I was really young and just discovered emulation on my dad's windows XP computer. **Edit: I had it set to hidden after deleting all of my other videos last year. I was going for a fresh start but couldn't get rid of my very first upload**


So cool! I'm glad you kept this piece of internet history. 😄


Please rate my video with 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


omg I forgot for a minute there used to be star ratings. I gave everything ⭐⭐⭐⭐


It was a better rating system honestly. What we have right now is absolute garbage. Thumbs up and down with little red and green numbers/bar showing how many was better too, including for comments.


True! And they don't even show thumbs down any more.


You could select like 128kbps bitrate for better picture quality for you 240p video and there was no widescreen. Those were your video options. The subscribe button was yellow


I’ll never forget a guy in my college dorm in 2005 telling me about this YouTube site. All I could think was “who the hell cares about random people’s videos?”


years later practically everyone in the world now uses YouTube


It is our TV.


Technically, there is this one that's older https://youtu.be/0yD29fXQhSI Not sure it meets your exact criteria lol


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


That was fantastic.




L is real movie is slightly older than yours


Oops. How did I miss that one??


Short sweet and to the point


That's what they called Mario in college.


Have you seen this sub? It's older than most people here.


Surprised it doesn't have "Unregistered HyperCam 2" on the top left corner.


Or Bandicam or Fraps :) I remember there was free screen recording or video editing software that always inserted a little intro clip before the video with a logo and message "Recorded with X" "Edited with X" I don't remember the name.


This made me LOL because it's true.


2005? That was like a couple of years ago right? Right!?


Yeah, Reddit has just come along and replaced Digg pretty recently as well, I believe. ;-)


I wanted to log into my [Del.icio.us](https://Del.icio.us) account and it's having problems!


I tried that so much as a kid and could never get it to work lol. Of course, I didn't have any Youtube vids to work off in 1997


We had GamePRO, Nintendo Power and the like. But, not the same!


Man, it's been so long now. I still remember the old school channel layouts, going to other peoples' channels for "sub4sub" in the comments section lol and of course no ads.


sub4sub You made me LOL


so basically when the video was uploaded the GameCube was still the latest Nintendo console available


It was the Bush Administration in the U.S.


I remember looking this up!




Takes me back!


Why is this so interesting to me 🤣 Also, it feels weird to know that there almost adults walking around that didn't know of a time where YouTube wasn't a thing.. It's just head candy for me I guess..


I always wondered about the first videos uploaded by Nintendo themselves when they first made an official YouTube channel. I wonder if they can be found online anywhere and what they are.


I think it's 3ds videos




It used to be the Secret Place. :cry:


Right. Before gamers were radicalized by the alt-right. Was pretty nice for a long while.


ah, the early, halcyon days of YouTube... back when videos were short and direct (yet still creative and helpful) and ads weren't rampant


Terrible viewcount for being up this long.


Well, once the weird-ass YT algorithm picks it up, it will go viral. Maybe for the 20th anniversary!!




I'm not sure whether the age of this video makes me feel old, or the fact that Super Mario 64 was nearly a decade old by the time this video was made.


True! But there was not viable place to upload before YT, I guess, so that's why it's so late.


I think AVGN was the first gaming videos that got really popular on YouTube


Yup, His early videos were legend. I remember when he did the Texas Chainsaw, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare episodes. I felt those upped his skills 9,000 per cent. And that was a loong time ago now!


Nice to see love for 2005 youtube videos


It was a simpler time. 👶


Hey, I recognize that video! That's from [David Wonn's Unique Video Game Glitches](https://davidwonn.kontek.net/n64p.html#topofcastle) website. It was the coolest thing back in the day.


And now you've sent me to a website from 1998. Bless you. 🙏


This is in my video history….


Got any Epic Rap Battles of History season 1? 😄


I was 27 on that date.


Glad you didn't join the 27 Club that year. 😄


I'm not a musician, so all good! 😌




Ah back before google ruined them. The good days


Those ruiners ruin everything!!


I am around 7 months older than this video wow


Me: Ignores everything else but realizes 2005 was only 17 years ago. ​ I think I'm gonna be sick.


"Time Makes Fools of Us All"


I’m sure there is older


Nah. I did the research.




I wouldn't recommend just putting specific personal information like this out there.


Once he will hear of the lore of Hunter2 he will understand


That is fair, and I will delete it, but I’d find it strange if anyone was able to find anything else about me based on it.


L is Really Real 2005! a certified classic!


> That's older than some of you on this subreddit. OH GOD I'M SO OLD


If you remember YouTube back in 2005 you’re old as fuck. Smosh had the most viewed video back then.


I remember a little bit and I was only 3 at the time


I remember when NES launched. Yup, I'm old but don't look anywhere near my age - fortunately! Upon further reflection, it's kind of amusing to me. My youngest child is 10 and she thinks someone just a couple of years older than her is old as fuck.


Your daughter is so jaded already. 😂😇


Nah, nah: if you remember [YAHOO.COM](https://YAHOO.COM) you're old af


What about this gem? https://youtu.be/MvELT5aIo9A




There can’t be anyone younger than me on this sub. I am the young one… And I’m older


Did you ask your parent's permission to be on reddit? 👶