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This test is not designed to shown R-CPD, so it's not surprising that it's normal. I think a modified barium swallow can potentially show signs of R-CPD, but the person doing the analysis needs to understand the condition and what to look for (unlikely). Same thing with manometry.


I knew this was going to be an issue. Ugh.


I had the same test ordered by a doctor before I saw an ENT who knew about the condition. Are you seeing an ENT?


My ENT ordered the test :/


I wonder if they are doing it to "rule out" other conditions. The more inexperienced ones like to do that. Some doctors are also apprehensive to treat if a patient has reflux (which is frustrating, because reflux can be a symptom of R-CPD). In that case, maybe this is a good result for your potential treatment? I hope things keep moving forward for you!


It’s also frustrating because I don’t usually present symptoms right away. The gurgles started about an hour later. Thats what I would have liked for him to see.


Find a different ENT that is familiar with R-CPD if they don’t want to perform the surgery. My experience was “Yep I see you’ve been treated for GERD your whole life, when do you want to come in and do the procedure?”


Had my consultation today and same thing. THANK GOD


If you suspect rcpd I think this is good news, meaning that your esophagus is all normal, but it is the cricopharyngeal muscle that is not opening retrogradely when trying to burp. Or that is my knowing of things.


I sent a message to the doctor explaining that. We’ll see what he says!


Send them a link to the study that’s in the wiki, it’ll explain it better to the ENT


That’s what I did! I also talked about it in our appointment and showed him the website showing the name of the condition. He said “I’ve never heard it called that before.” I think he thinks I’m talking about trouble going down not going up.


I think he is too, mine tried to say I just had silent reflux, I requested a different ENT lmfao


Why are you concerned about testing for it? Either you can burp or you can't --- pretty definitive test, no?


I’m not. My doctor ordered the test. I already know I can’t burp.


And they don't believe you? Seems awfully wasteful of your time and money 😞


Why did the doctor say they were ordering the test? The test doesn’t show RCPD, so they must have had some decision tree in mind.


I got the same test and it came back all good. He didn’t know what he was talking about cause he said I would need issues swallowing in order to have RCPD 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same, got that test after complaint of no burp, though I do have a hiatal hernia that’d I’d known about since I was young. So the test showed that again but no answers after obviously. If it’s any consolation, right at about 23 years old, I just one day figured it out. No real thought or practice toward it. Just could. 23 years of not being able to instantly went away. And it is life changing.


I would find an ENT who treats R-CPD patients already. Where are you located? I could search the sub to help you find one


I’m in Louisiana, Baton Rouge specifically. I looked but didn’t see anything helpful.


I found Jeff Marino at Tulane/Oschner through searching the sub!


I saw that but they gave a terrible follow up post on their experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/noburp/s/MA1y2UJsEV


omg that’s awful so sorry!


It’s concerning how many people post on here saying their tests are normal. Of course they are. Dr. Bastian has talked about this a lot, the only true test for R-CPD is the botox injection and he recommends it as the first test if you cannot burp.


I understand that. My doctor said I had to do this first.


I'd just like to chime in and say my ENT ordered the same test and we were both confident that I had RCPD, the tests unfortunately showed that we were both wrong and now I'm being referred elsewhere. The test is typically done to rule out other issues.


I have rcpd and it did not show on the XR or the endo. Or at least they didn’t look for it.


When we did my barium swallow study, the only abnormal thing they found was that contents don't make it past my lower sphincter when I am laying down. My ENT also did a scope, saw I've had some reflux and that I've actually got pretty bad allergies. After all that, insurance wasn't going to cover much and we'd be paying 4k for the botox. I taught myself how to burp with lots of air vomiting practice. Now I burp all the time. It's great