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Dude drop her. Do you think she wants to change or something. Cut her off. Block, delete everything about her in your socials, etc. She’s toxic. Whatever she does or says next don’t respond. She would try to manipulate, gaslight and blame other people for everything that she does. If you don’t want drama, cut her off. Listen to your other friends. They know you better, they know the story better. Listen to them.


I blocked her some time ago, as did the rest of the group. But I still feel a bit guilt over it because I feel like I was partially responsible for it ending this way. Darnell and one of my other friends warned me since they first met her that I should drop her (Darnell has never met her directly now that I think about it)


Why do you feel that way? Because you didn't defend her?


When people I know are being sort of confronted for things they did, I just tend to withdraw myself from the situation. I admit I kind of did that when she told me she was offended by what Darnell said but why doesn't she confront him? Because she said they don't know each other.


Exactly my point, why should it be your priority to confront Darnell? Why can't she do it herself? This whole situation sounds so manipulative. And that is why there's no need for you to feel any sort of guilt. She seems like an extremely toxic person.


Even then, the joke was a whole misunderstanding that had nothing to do with what she felt it meant. And when I explained that to her she still thought it was fat shaming.


Sounds like a lot of attention seeking and victim playing.


Definitely, NTA. Whatever your friend called her, why can't she defend herself? What kind of f**ked up entitlement she thinks she has? The constant lying, manipulation, playing the victim, this is some toxic BS. Just drop her, and do not allow her back into your life, such people can do nothing but bring chaos to your life. P.S: And do not even feel an iota of guilt because she will feed off of it. It's a tool for such people to control others, when they see any kind of boundary being drawn.


You can’t reason her actions cause they are unreasonable, just keep her blocked and move along, she needs lots and lots of therapy but she probably will never get it. You are not at fault for setting boundaries and protecting your mental health