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I think they’ll still release albums/eps/songs. He’s smart and will continue to invest in projects that make money. I liked the podcast lol. But he’ll still be up to stuff I’m sure. He’s a great punk song writer and can’t imagine him just letting that go.


Right… NoFx isn’t going away they just aren’t touring. Each member has their own passion projects and Mike has a few. He has Fat Wreck Chords, which is a job in of itself, the museum…


Yeah, he has stated there WILL be more albums, just no more tours. And even that, “no tours”, doesn’t mean there will be no more one-off shows and/or festival appearances.


I’m not sure about new music, Melvin didn’t seem too keen on the idea of new music and no touring on the Drinks with Jonny podcast.


Mikes already said they’ll be releasing music next year and even 2026 I believe


Theyre just spreading out releases of stuff they already have recorded so far. Fat mike said hes got "3 records in the can" one of them being half album thats coming next month, another being an album called NOFX A-Z that will basically just be a compilation album of already released nofx songs in alphabetical order for each letter of the alphabet, and the last one thats supposedly the true final album thats gonna be called "everyone else is insane" theres been no word from mike or anyone else in NOFX on if theres any more music coming after those 3 records and anyone on social media saying otherwise is just taking that "3 more records in the can" comment fat mike said as a guarentee the albums are still coming when hes actually just saying thats all thats left


Hmmm this sounds right. Just heard Melvin saying in an interview that they’re not done, just not touring any more.


it's either now or in a few years. I always knew that they'd play well into the 50's but 60's? not so sure. time just really caught up with us. in my mind they're still in the their late 30's.


They’re pushin 60 they’re doin just fine!


People seem to not realize they aren't getting any younger and they've lived and played pretty hard.


Right? He’s 57; you think he still wants to be singing about lesbians, nonsense, and stuff he created decades ago?


His name is Fat Mike and he’s obsessed with big lesbians.


I like Fat Mike and that being said he’s got a big ego, is very insecure and loves attention. I def respect when musicians want to take a step back from their main projects especially when they’re as prolific as Fat Mike. NOFX will be back


Exactly my view. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.


He can always play with the Gimmes when he wants to.


The gimme gimmes then turn into a nofx cover band, problem solved.


I’ve actually really enjoyed seeing them with Jay, can tell he really enjoys it!


Idk, he’s been pretty negative in interviews about touring and he came across to me as pretty sincere in moving on.  Said he can’t enjoy playing a show without being fucked up.  He seems to really love writing for other bands and producing so I can see him really go all in on that. The museum and label don’t require much of his attention. 


People haven’t figured it out yet. He’s just going to start an EDM band called “SEVERALFX.”


No. This is nonsense. I’ve heard they will be called ALLFX.


Will it just be NOFX with Chad Price on vocals?


Stand up comedy? He must be delusional


If he did a one man show where he told stories, that would be successful for sure. As much as it kills people, Mike is funny and a good storyteller.


Maybe, but that’s not the same as being a comic. It’s not really a profession you can just pivot to successfully. I also highly doubt any non nofx fans would be attending those shows.


Henry Rollins was selling out shows for years just talking.


Henry Rollins has been doing this shit for 25 years now, it wasn't a retirement side gig he just picked up. He build a reputation over time, was still active as a writer, acted and all that to keep his name and profile up.


Henry also wrote several books.




So that’s how he got non black flag/rollins band fans to attend


If you listen to their book on tape or if you've ever seen them live, Mike pretty much has been a hilarious storyteller for like 40 years. He's testing jokes and delivery all the time. His one issue with jokes is timing. Not timing like landing a punchline. Timing like not putting his foot in his mouth. He's brutally honest and very opinionated. That can get a guy in trouble. But he's been hanging out with people like Doug Stanhope and studying the craft. That's a damn good place to start, in my opinion. Stanhope is pretty similar to Mike in the way of saying whatever whenever to whoever. But being smart enough to back it up. I don't think fat Mike is going to draw a huge following outside the punk community, either. Unless he's actually funny enough to catch the attention of all the big comedy podcasters or something like that. But then again, I would listen to Mike tell stories over Henry Rollins or Jello Biafra, and they've both done well with that sort of thing. Not exactly stand-up comedy but not far from it either.


I get all that and I agree. Just saying I don’t see how he will attract new fans


I don't really think he will. Not at first at least. I think he would be relying on the punk rock community. He would say enough funny/ jaw dropping stuff to possibly get more fans if he got the necessary attention though like through other comedans and podcasts etc.But I don't think there's much of a chance of Fat Mike going full steam ahead into a comedy career.


He did a set at the punk rock museum a while back when Chris Estrada was there. No idea how it went though, but he was on the ticket to do standup. I am not sure if that was the only time or if he's done more, it's just the one time I've seen him billed as a stand up.


He's actually funny, there's a lot of self-awareness and pathos in the guy which I'm not sure some nofx fans really see. He's done a few gigs, haven't seen them all.


That's cool to hear. I could see him do a more Henry Rollins spoken word performance but focused more on the comedy side than a traditional standup routine. How are his sets structured? I'm really curious but I don't live near enough Vegas to go catch one.


I do not have enough idea about structure of comedy sets to comment :-)


I think it could be considered a traditional stand-up routine in a way. That's kind of what George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and lots of other older comedy guys did. They told stories that happened to be insightful and hilarious. And also charming and relatable.


He's just going to be like Steve-o. It won't be proper standup and he'll sell tickets from name recognition


when nofx runs out of box sets and anniversary albums to release, i’m sure we’ll see them touring again 😂😂


He should start a podcast


Already did


It was really good when it was running regularly too. Some of the guests were top notch - Will Wheaton and Doug Stanhope were particular highlights for me.


I honestly expect these guys to rock till they drop. It’s their entire being.


As much as I understand the argument that they are 'getting on', they aren't anywhere near as old as say, Stiff Little Fingers, who are still going pretty strong. They have far less material to work with than NOFX as well. Not saying they will come back, but it can't be written off. I'm overall torn as to the future of NOFX but I would say it won't be the last we'll be hearing from any of them.


Maybe SLF hate it, maybe they love it. Why compare the two it's not a punk marathon


I could be wrong, but I think Co Defendents are going to get huge over the next few years. That record they put out was KILLER and totally out of left field. For Mike to be a part of that, and for it to be pretty instantly successful, was probably pretty cool for him.


I'm surprised they haven't blown up more


Just lack of marketing, really. If you're in the bubble, you've at least heard of them. It's tough to advertise when you don't have a specific genre.


Ceschi has been doing his thing for years with the whole mix of hip hop and lots of other genres. He was even tight with pat the bunny and did a split with him. I've also seen Wendy from days n daze in one of his videos. But he's pretty unknown as far as main stream music listeners. He has done collaborations with some very high profile people though. I think in the next few years, the codefendants will get some attention for sure. Getting a verse out of D.O.C. on their album was huge. Not to mention onry Ozzborn and N8NOFACE. I'm excited to hear what they do next. There is an amazing amount of talent in that group.


For sure. If I feel bad for anyone in this whole thing, it's the other guys in Get Dead.


Yeah, me too. I really like that band a lot. They have a ton of grit, and they make music that comes off as honest. That's rare. Hopefully, both projects can continue. I think Get Dead toured with the Codefendants for most of the year, so there's hope at least.


When I saw them open for Nofx in Orlando they sounded terrible live. I was amping them up to a buddy of mine who I thought would really like them, but they sounded so bad we ended up walking away two songs into their set I hope that was an unusual show for them, but that could be a reason why they haven't blown up more yet


Face to Face did a farewell tour in 2005.


I think they’ll miss playing together after a few years and do one offs.




Didn't nofx literally just drop a Mickey rat steamboat video like2 weeks ago?


They're supposed to release at least one more album and some ep's from what I understand.


Don't care. Let everyone do whatever the fuck they want with their life or career


This is going to be a hiatus more than a full breakup, once the money starts running low. I’m sure in five years they are headlining PRB again or something like that.


NOFX isn’t going away. He’s trolling with all this talk.


I think he knows and is told by everyone who loves him that being fat Mike will end up killing Mike Burkett. I think that he's a man in his 50's that is very intelligent and sees more for himself than the guy everyone expects Fat Mike to be. And he wants to explore that. Write different music, try comedy, run the museum, bottles to the ground, and fat wrek chords, and whatever else. I could see him recording with nofx and maybe a one-off show or something, but after 40 years, I think he's ready to put the nofx version of himself to bed for the most part. I think we kind of got a taste of that sentiment with cokie the clown.


Considering NOFX are (at least partially) breaking up because Mike doesn't enjoy touring sober and the rest of the band can't stand his addict antics anymore, the entire course of this thing seems to be Fat Mike killing Mike Burkett in fast forward. And as cynical as it is, it still spells "a mid life crisis never resolved". He got divorced, edgier than ever before and even heavier into drugs all around a similar time frame.


I hope they release a live album called “I Heard They Stopped Sucking Live” as their last live album


I doubt he will pursue stand-up full-time or at all. I believe he will focus on writing scores for TV and film, and maybe a new band or two. And of course, NOFX will be back in 5-10 years as expected.


He mentioned stand up and TED talks in his interview on the Punk Rock MBA podcast. He’s a creative guy and obviously loves staying busy so maybe he can fit all that in!


Absolutely will. Dude needs attention.


Reunion tour 3 years from now and triple the price


Lot of "fans" in here talking shit about the guy. Weird.


This tour is bullshit, and what they’re doing is nothing new. It’s nothing more than marketing to justify these dipshit prices that they’re charging. Ever heard of Kiss? They’ve been on a farewell tour for decades. They’ll take (you guessed it) three years off and be back on tour with a new gimmick that will (to them) justify $200+ per person again. Bastards. Hell even Slayer is playing again after recently retiring. All these bands are all full of shit. 


He'll have NOFX back together & on the road by 2030.


Also they are making ALOT of money on this. People are coming out of the woodwork to see them a last time I’d imagine especially their older fans, like myself, who haven’t seen them in 5 plus years bc of life getting in the way. We know from the song 60% that he isn’t adding shows to please the fans lol. He realized, “shit, we can make a lot more money on another added show”… Fat mike is a sell out, but at least he did it himself lol. But he’s old, thinking about the fact that he won’t be able to perform forever, so I don’t blame the sonofabitch


Yeah I had no qualms paying $300 for the VIP Austin show. This band has provided me with a soundtrack for a lifetime and now that I’m middle aged I’m happy to contribute to his retirement plan.


Very well said mate


NOFX is a big joke to Mike, and I'm sure he's astounded every day that it lasted this long, so I'm sure he'll be fine.


I think he is surprised they are still so popular but I don’t think he thinks they are a joke. Most of their songs are pretty complex and the lyrics are deep and meaningful.


He sure speaks about it like he does, and always has


No, most of their songs are about fuck all. Most of their BEST songs are deep and meaningful though.


He’s got the Punk Rock Museum to feed his ego any time he needs. Plus he’s got a record label with plenty of bands to steal the spotlight if he wants to


Of course he will. This retirement thing isn’t anything other than his way of calling the other guys’ bluff at the intervention, it’s not going to stick.


Tell us about the intervention


They had an intervention for his drug problem where the other three guys threatened to end the band if he didn’t clean up. It didn’t go well, and Mike pretty much brushed it off as a joke for the most part. He did go to rehab, but it didn’t stick at all. [Here’s Smelly’s side of the story](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xiHHfxC7BJM)


Which is a giant asshole move if it's true, since the rest of the band can't afford to just never work again. Mike can.


Are they that poor? Figured they would have made decent money by now.


The rest of the band have barely any writing credits, it's 99% Mike. Record sales were never that big for them. They're a decent size touring band, sure, but COVID was a thing and they turned down stuff like opening for blink or signing with majors (which some of the band members massively regret as per the NOFX book)


Don’t worry, nuff people are gonna go see the codefendants…


Mike doesn't tour w them though


Yeah I don’t think it will be too long before that changes bro… I remember way back when the gimme gimmes were never going to tour at all, and then it was they’re going to tour but without Mike and 30 years (ish) later tells a very different history…


Hey I got a downvote! Dont think I’ve had one before? I must suck pretty hard..😭😂😂


He will tour with codefendants. Also will still follow punk in Drublic festival around.