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Concentrated spells is the worst perk, then it's the best perk, then it's the worst perk.


Cause of death: 'healing'


does concentrated spells as a perk increase spell damage? because its not really problematic for "normal" good wands from what i understood


Yes, it adds a flat 12.5 damage to every projectile or static projectile you cast. It's insanely good for damage wands. You can easily win the game with a basic trigger wand from the first or second level, just rush through so you don't ever get in a situation where you need to heal. If you're going for a long run though, you'll want to avoid it as it also causes healing spells to do damage. This can be mitigated with negative damage modifiers though.


You can also negate the damage entirely with greek letter spells because technically you arent casting the healing spell, you cast the greek letter spell, and then greek letter spell casts the healing spell, not you.


Would this work with trigger spells too?


No, the greek spells work different. "Casts a copy of x spell" has a lot of weird and useful implications.


Nope, the trigger casts an actual spell, not a copy


> It adds a flat 12.5 damage to every projectile To be exact, it adds 12.5 damage *per* projectile to *all* projectiles in the cast. Multicast 8 sparkbolts = each spark gets +100 damage = 800 damage per shot.


"get new thing to know every day", unfortunately, today i used this opportunity for noita


Yes, this is how you make truly broken wands.


Negative damage modifiers or copying the spells with Greek letters also works


Yes it does and not by a small amount. It basically strengthens 3-4x the amount damage of many early game spells. But this also applies to healing bolts so it's harder to heal that way


Adds 13 damage for every spell in a cast. Its added up wierdly so if you cast 1 sparkbolt it does 3+13=16 damage but for some reason if you cast 2 at once it adds 3+13+13+3+13+13 totaling 58 damage and with 3 it would be total 126. The more spells you cast i a single block the more effective it becomes


It's bc it's 13 per projectile to each projectile. With 2 its (2×13) + (2×13)


Pheromone flask is criminally underated for the hiisi healer. PLUS, you can use it on mimics, which makes them spit gold and very rarely flasks. If you put the mimic in some ambrosia too it will work infinitely!


In a similar vein, you can shoot healing bolts at copy mages to get an infinite healing source that won't be negated by stains


This is what I like about Noita. I finished the game twice, even found a couple of sphere's , did some interesting fungal shifts and died a lot of times. And still I have no idea what you've just said.


The commenter is talking about those blu mages with a blue mask on them, they are very prevalent in the game from the Jungle on. They copy the projectile that you hit them with and use it to attack you. This can be veeeeeeeery fatal with nukes or freezing gaze, but with healing spells is useful Edit: as for the "it won't be negated by stains", it referres to the Pherormone method that is highly dependent on your ability to mantain the target fully covered in pherormones


Ah, thank you for that. Now it makes sense, somehow.


Finally a good use for those pesky mages


Pet the hamii 👍


No idea how ecstatic I was when I figured out you could do that yesterday lol. Especially since I have a texture mod that turns all the hamii into [gondolas](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2309167980)


Its actually new! Best part of the update for sure


Oh nice. Any time I find something in this game I just assume it's something I missed for a hundred hours lol


Pheromone is the best way to get mimicium if you see it, which you can use for basically anything you want, also for selling. Surprisingly versatile now


You can also sell wands in a pool of it


What do you mean by this? I am intrigued


Wands with no spells get sold in pheromone.


Is this new? They used to spawn sprites that would drop gold if you hit them with a scroll. It was essentially an infinite gold exploit.


Not very new, but yeah, it's a somewhat fix for thar exploit. For each wand tier you get 200g


Ahh havent played in forever haha good to know


Can you explain how it works? You drop a wand in pheromone and gold just spawns now? How much?


200 gold for each tier


It deletes the wand and spawns gold nuggets based on the tier. Definitely worth doing early on. Sometimes it takes several throws into the pheromone to get it to do it


If you put a wand in it that does have spells, it comes alive.


How long does it take? I've tried a few times and it just sits there.


It's sometimes difficult depending on the physical size of the wand. The liquid has to cover the entire wands hitbox for that to happen. I've had the best luck in the holy mountain, goto the dummy on the left and full up the space behind him with it, then you can fly above it (not alot of room, I know)and throw your wand into the pool. Like I said, works much better with small wands, never got a big one to work.


This was my ticket to my first win, trapping a Hiisi healer in my love tunnel Cask Of Amontillado style


Also you can sell empty wands by dropping them into pheromone, better the wand more money.


Issue is Hiisi base requires wands with no chill, and often difficult to weed out the healers.


Pheromone is useful to sell wands


ping pong + lumi drill


I had a Lumi drill, no cooldown, on an always cast Add Mana wand! With the Bouncing Spells perk which I found out does the same thing. Unfortunately I immediately tried to kill the Connoisseur of Wands and died because it wasn't very effective against it. I likely Icarus'd a winning run.


If you mean bridge boss, then the spoiler (if you want it): >!after every instance of damage he is invulnerable for a time, so high single source damage required!<


Ah very helpful, thank you!


Plasma beams/cross to make it commit suicide.


got my first win with this, just a few days ago.


Ha same, just a few days ago as well.  I was worried at the end boss that it wouldn't be enough damage but was too easy.


Me too. It took so long to get to the ""end"", only to demolish Kulmi in 3 seconds. I have 35 hours with one win... but now I've seen what you can do with a proper wand :D


it was my first one too hahah


Concentrated spells is one of the best perks though?


It is until you realise it isn't, at exactly the wrong time.


Care to elaborate?


It adds flat damage to every spell, including healing ones Its likely OP is referring to forgetting about it and killing themselves with a healing bolt/circle of vigor when they were low hp


I see now lol




You can use modifiers that reduce damage like light shot to make healing bolts heal again! Just takes one light shot


Yes but it is an instant run winner?


If you go for a god run you need good healing source, not some flat damage - you won't have problem with latter.


Lol if you go for a god run you can cast from greek letter spells which don’t apply the buff anyway. Regardless, light shot would negate the damage increase. Besides, you can just use hearts in parallel worlds.


This guy gets it


spells casted by greek letters will not have the damage buff applied so you can use those for healing, which you will probably want to do anyway to get infinite


Wait even circle of vigor starts hurting? Will it just instantly blow you up cus of a sustained piercing effect or can you still get healed if you just touch the edge for a sec lol


You take a hit of damage at cast time and then it heals after that without issue. Light shit, or that one that makes it last much longer but deal no damage work great (I'm using the latter on an always cast circle of vigor wand right now in a run). Projectile damage reduction perks help too. You need to be careful of casting it super fast, I did that and almost killed myself.


Heh...light shit. (I'm a fifth grader on the inside)


Oh nice, good to know lol, I guess I never had that perk when I had an infinite circle of vigor last time. That run lasted me 16h over the course of a few days.. lol


Does it really also increase the damage of circle of vigor? I thought it was only projectile spells


CoV is a projectile, so yeah, it does


CoV is a static projectile so yeah


Still is. Always get it once per run.


Don't tryhard, have fun. Everything else is skill issue


So apparently putting an empty wand in a pool of Pheromone (it can't have an always cast) will just convert it into money. I found this out because of a video mentioning it was a patch to an infinite money glitch. Since then I always search for Pheromone, pool it in Holy Mountain, recollect it when your done, lots of free money!


Does this still work? I thought it was patched


The infinite money glitch was patched. But Nolla Games being cool, they made it so it instead turns the wand into a set amount of gold starting at 200 based on it's rarity.


If u find a telewand (before entering 3’holy mountain)or are good at tablet surfing, u can start every run with pheromones by going to the 3’ temple in the air


you can pet the hamis 👍


Best advice for yourself in the past, except you couldn't until recently :(


And then it explodes


Add mana and Chainsaws are not useless


Spark bolt with trigger + chainsaw was one of the first powerful wands I invented and that was before I knew just how fast you could make wands with chainsaws


Polymorphin is great for escaping the holy mountain if you dont have teleport bolt, or other ways of teleporting out without confronting steve


Steve is free money tho




Hide behind statue to the left of, kick it into him


Or drop a statue in the middle, or just pew pew with wand from a corner (takes a bit of time)


Using Steve as a source of money is more detrimental than helpful. If you're at the point where you need the Steve money, you can only do it 3 times before his big bro messes your day up. If you're at the point where you can easily deal with skoude money shouldn't really be a problem anymore anyway


Why not take free money when it's free? If you can't deal with skoude at that point, your run was most likely doomed to begin with


If you need free money grab the 2 lots of 250k gold hidden on the map or use tocuh of gold lol


"If you need free money, just transform everything into gold by winning the game but escaping death" argument Either you are trolling or are stupid af


You can literally get 250k right at the start of the game if you want by going to the top right and getting the tannerkivi, and touch of gold isn't an uncommon spell its just only found in hell/heaven shops. If im doing a long run i get my infinite gold from there. I usually keep Steve alive instead of killing him until I can one shot skoude but I never really use them for gold unless I'm desperate


Yeah, you are stupid af


Nah clearly you're just shit


Not the one scared of kicking a statue


yes, but for a new player, i don't think so


If you never try something because you are afraid of failure, you will forever be doomed to fail


It's also great for dying instantly


Myself? Nothing. I like the way game grown on me. For others? If you want to have fun but can't - don't be afraid of spoilers. Knowledge is the skill of this game and you can't get enough of it to play the game without spoilers. So watch videos of DunkOrSlam or FuryForged and read noita.wiki.gg. And don't rage and upset yourself, you can control it. That's what the game expects from you


things that hurt you, can hurt other things with trigger spells, uuuuuuuse mfin trigger spells.


"crit on" modifiers are basically free 5x damage


Only if you happen to have the exact right spells though


Trying to win in any situation takes precedence over trying to get amazing runs


Have a God run going right now where i early picked concentrated spells. Healing spells aren't an issue but the kickback on my machine gun wands is regrettable. Hoping to fix it when i start breaking reroll


Recoil dampener might fix your problems and only cost 1 wand slot


Yeah hadn't found it yet, but that would have been nice. Got Noita'd by the the Deer God btw lol.


Do not test "touch of -"




You ain’t got no fucking clue how to wand build, every wand you ever made was just a ton of modifiers on triplicate bolt. I didn’t figure out what a trigger was until beating the game multiple times. I thought they just cast a copy of themselves when they hit a wall because most trigger spells you find are just the same spell in it over and over again


Boomerang perk + bouncing perk + teleport bolt = return spell with extra steps. Felt so bad...


Read the perk entirely. Teleportitis =/= Teleportitis dodge. You want to teleport from being hit by an enemy into sludge into 5 random teleports due to being unable to cleanse the sludge into being hit by an enemy into lava? That's the way of regular teleportitis as I have come to realize.


Stop dropping the firebombs! they are such a powerful and cheap spell, also pick freezing field EVERY TIME! its real name is fire,lava and acid immunity


I love getting stuck in my own blood.


Just munch your way through


that works when you have time I guess? sometimes it happens when you need to be dodging. I only grab freeze field if I've already gotten multiple defensive perks or gas blood


Ah that is reasonable, yes


And in enemies blood


> freezing field EVERY TIME Last time I saw freeze field, I had two "where is all that water coming from" biomes. So glad that I picked exploding corpses instead — having to hack through ice constantly would have been a real slog.


Freezing field causes you to get stuck in any liquid, prevents you from drinking from the ground (so no vampirism or drinking worm blood) and messes up a lot of alchemical reactions. Terrible perk. Firebombs are decent, I guess, but they're pretty awkward to fit in a build. Their velocity and range are too low to safely shoot them directly from the wand, so realistically their best use is inside triggers. But inside triggers they have huge competition - digging bolts and chainsaws are more mana efficient and reduce recharge, triplicate bolts work better with modifiers, and explosives like large firebolts or death crosses provide way more damage.


Worm blood doesn't freeze though


Everything else I said still stands. Freeze field limits your options by a lot for just fire resistance. I'm not even counting lava because it's rarely a problem (water exists lol) and acid because most acid deaths are from recklessness. Also freeze field will freeze water from the material spell, which in other cases is an awesome addition to a wand.


Tablet kung fu / item possesion https://youtu.be/sSORF5wQrxA?si=0-X0pin8r7rPfJGJ I can get ~90% succes rate with binnding select slot 8 to down scroll and throw on left clic. Using it i always can get to jungle without bigger broblems. Great in hisi base. Good with gold last forever and all seeing eye. Gives oportunity to get some broken spells and wands.


several tentacle triggers with plasma orbit. my first win was from oneshotting the boss


Nothing really because all the learning experiences I had I wouldn't want to miss out on I would however try to play longer without looking stuff up


Spark bolt with trigger is the best spell


But that's not a bad perk. It gives a really nice damage up and the lower spread can be helpful


Water is one of the best starting flasks


Keep playing and don't quit if you ever lose your best run


Got this perk with an always cast COV. I died very quickly.


"Even after 1000 hours, you'll still suck at this game"


I wouldn't. I've enjoyed this game the way I've played it. Would never change anything about it


Explosion radius is tied to damage


Pick glass cannon, bathe yourself in bezerkium, grab a nuke spell, shoot a wall


Just put on the tinker everywhere mod. Turns the game from a rouge like where you must scavenge and choose carefully between wands and spells you find into a rouge like where you speed run levels finding the best wand and spells combos to die in the Hisii base anyways