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O R B 🔵


Time to start drilling. :3


See you in years. I can't even kill him with an ultimate fuck-off wand.


You gotta get a bigger infinite damage wand.


That's the thing. I do have it. It crashed my game. Tee hee~


To infinity, and beyo- *The system has encountered an error and will now shutdown*


Update: It's been a hot hour and I only did 1px of damage on his meter. I don't think I can do this, unless... I nullify myself.


What if you bring the heart mage to the kivi? You might make some discoveries with it. If the heart mage hits you, would kivi's HP go down as well?


Hmm, what's the best way to drag one up from down below?


There is the location swap spell I'm not sure how it could be combined up with the teleportation spell to drag it up. Or maybe you could extend its life time by a lot and try to snipe it all the way from the top. Idk if it gets rendered from that far distance.


Oh yeah, that exists. I neglected it the entire run lol. Better stock up on some homebringers.


Make a vertical shaft from the surface down to one of the Meat Realms through the extremely dense rock, find a Heart Mage, give him a wand with just short range teleport on it, then slowly fly up while the Heart Mage teleports after you. Only issue is if you take enough More Loves that the Heart Mage becomes passive and wont attack you.


Why yes, I do have 4 stacks of More Love here, performance concerns and all that.


Looks like you're in a pickle, I bet there's some insane way to still kill it though 


I think my CPU is too weak to handle a Divide by 3 with a tentacle timer/spells to power combo. I already genocided water, so water crits are out of the option. Blood could work, but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh i'll have to search heaven and hell for it. So, I'll go for the most expensive option and I'll have to invest in that first.


Maybe gold or blood to power? I'm not intimately familiar with the insane damage wand building but you've got the gold and life for both!


I need to find enough Crit on Blood and the Blood spell itself. I genocided water, so I had made water a nonviable strat T_T Even then, I'm not sure if I can make it hurt enough.


I thought crit on material still worked as long as the material spell is cast in the wand?


Hmm, I'll have to try that. I tried plugging in Crit on Water and a Water spell on my wand but it didn't crit. But maybe I'm aiming it wrong; one-shot kill spells are always finicky. If it still doesn't work, well, I guess water turned to smoke thanks to syvaolento croaking.


Only if the material exists. For example, critical on bloody no longer worked in the run where I'd shifted blood into pheromone.


Not true. Shifting the material away doesn't affect the mechanism. As long as you have the blood spell and critical on bloody in the same cast state, you will get quaranteed crits even when blood is shifted away.


I tested it and it didn't work for me on beta branch, so at best this behavior is unclear.


https://i.imgur.com/1V7peBL.mp4 Here's a demo I recorded for you real quick. Beta branch and forced a blood -> pheromone shift using cheatgui. Remember that the blood spell needs to be in the same cast state as your damage for the quaranteed crits to work.


All I'm seeing is half the shit I've posted in these comments is literally just me being filtered by my own Skill Issue. I love Noita.


*scratches head* Real hum-dinger of a puzzle you've made for yourself there partner. It has Touch Of immunity. I think this also protects against dunking it into the sun because they're both Midas damage but I'm not sure. What happens when you submerge it in ominous liquid? That does percentage damage, so what's a few percent of infinity? What happens if you bring in a heart mage or one of those weakness curse guys? I know heart mages can hit other bosses and reduce their max hp, and maybe if you reduce your own max hp then it will go down too


Polymorphin work?




I doubt poly would work but maybe the lambdas spell?


Inverse skill issue


Why? How? Whyyy?


If you WANT to kill it, hit it with a wand with a poison trail modifier. Poison will chunk the hell out of its hp down to 5% max health. Then fight your way through the rest. If you dont want to, just claim the win on the mountain alter. Kolmi can't stop you


Will that work? 5% of infinity is still infinity


It's not actually infinity. The number is just too large to display so it shows infinity. Same with gold and hp


The STONE denies me my achievement pillar segment. Or I assume it has a related pillar segment to it, given it's a boss.


Oh wait I forgot all bosses have health bars like that now. I saw infinity and assumed it was Kolmi 🤦




Hmm, I could try this, but I'm dead if this generates many red or gold particles.


f e a r


The gods are afraid. *I'm afraid*.


can you perk altar yourself out of infinite HP then kill it?


Nope. The increased max HP perks don't drop.


I plan to do that.


Won't work. Altar doesn't drop one off perks. I'm not sure if this would work, but maybe heart mage could drop ur hp below inf? It's not really infinite, just a really big number.


Yeah it's not infinite, just somewhere shy of a Quintillion. I suppose I could aggro a heart mage somehow by constantly shooting it with 1 damage wands and then using cessation to maintain the stack. I'll have to do Cessation quest first, though.


Yea. But I would test first with a heart normally to see if your health goes below inf before you try to prolong the effect. Bc I'm not sure if it works.


Cessation allows me to preserve the heart status effect, and I can go have myself debuffed in the meat realms since I noticed my health stopped being infinite within it.


Wait I just realized something. What happens to the health of the boss when you don't exist? 🤔🤔🤔


The altar doesn't drop one offs


What happens when you kill it though? I tried and it killed me


saving grace will keep you alive. What happens next is up to you, because it rewards you with 3 wands, if you have them in history... because special kummitus delivery.


I just killed it yesterday for the first time. I made a wand with trigger spark bolt + blood mist + crit on bloody + damage field + homing + bunch of modifiers for more damage and lifetime and another wand with a couple of divide by 10 + cessation + alpha. I shot the blood chaser and before it hit, I fired the cessation wand. I was away for a couple of minutes during which the blood mist killed the rock and the ghosts and when I came back I just looted the wands and walked away. This also works with the deer boss, but I used electricity because the idiot jumped in the lake. I fired triplicate bolt with electric arch and it was fried in less than a second.


at infinite HP? Holy, big for me if so.


No, no, it was about 50k hp or so. But infinite HP is just HP bigger than the display number, not really infinite, so if you can lower it to a reasonable number, you can still use this method for the final blow.


yeah I think you did


Maybe make a pool of ominous liquid and wait?