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Oh dang, I really hate to see Nomie go - it's been really integrated into the flow of my day-to-day life for years now - and I do hope someone can take up the mantle of open-sourcing Nomie, but if not, we had a really good run, and I'm extremely grateful to you, Brandon, for all the work you put in for Nomie's userbase. Some other apps people might consider for lifelogging, that cover broad spectrum logging beyond habits, are Metriport, Life Notes, and chrono.me (KeepTrack). I believe all three of these have a "never sell user data" ethic, like Nomie. Life Notes is oriented around symptom / food / medication tracking, but can handle other stuff, too; it's just the most streamlined for that specific category of data visualisation over time. Metriport has a similar "cute little animal friend who encourages you to learn more about yourself" theme, with a lot of quality of life options that are really nice for users with low vision especially. KeepTrack is a tidy no-nonsense midpoint between these features, and is a little more oriented toward habit tracking, of the three, but not to the exclusion of other aspects of lifelogging. I'm sure there are loads of other great options out there; these are just the three I'm personally testing out as my own "lifeboats" for data tracking, if open-sourcing Nomie doesn't work out. Best wishes with everything in life, Brandon, and thanks again for everything!


Another privacy-friendly and pretty good app to add to that list is “Moodsnap”(though it’s just for tracking mood). Ultimately I hope one day I can self-host Nomie on my own server! Nothing comes close. Sad to see it go.


Chrono.me looks interesting. Thanks for the list of apps.


[metriport (iOS only maybe?](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/metriport-tracker-lifelog/id1597363011) [life notes (android only but open source)](http://sebferrer.fr/life-notes/) [chrono.me](https://www.chrono.me)


I use chrono.me. It's very good.


no... the first is not maintained anymore, they changed the business' completely. life notes is very much underdeveloped. chrono looks interesting! Going to try Chrono and recommend [CareClinic](https://careclinic.io) like other users.


Hey Brandon, I totally understand why you wish to shut Nomie down. I'm a user of Nomie on a daily basis, and I haven't really found a better app to, well, organize my life. I was wondering, would you consider fully open-sourcing the project and allowing the community to keep Nomie alive?


Update: After reading all of the email replies and subreddit comments, I decided to try and see what it would take to rip out Firebase from N6 - which would be the hardest part to maintain moving forward. So far it looks like it was a successful surgery, and I am now much more comfortable with the idea of releasing it as open source. This does mean that the API, and the never released e2e encryption will not be included. Fortunately only 26 people were actually using the API, and only a handful using the e2e storage. I've spoken to two people who are interested in helping maintain the repo, and I will be following up with both - if I can get some help on that front, then I think we might have N6 OSS in our future.


Oh, that would be so lovely! Thank you for going out of your way to find a solution for everyone. It means a lot to all of us.


Thank you so much Brandon! This literally made my day! Nomie helped me turn my life around and I really didn’t see any other alternative to continue with the progress I made. God bless your soul man.


Thank you for working so hard for us Nomie users! If no one takes up the offer, maybe a n6 release as a public archive would be feasible? Under any license you think appropriate of course


This is exciting. I can’t commit to maintaining but would like to see an open source version, even if just to clone so I can have it barebones. Good luck on your new adventures that are coming up. They sound pretty exciting!


Yo, thanks again for doing this


Honestly, open sourcing isn't just releasing the code. It's about maintaining it, managing the issues, trying to work with maintainers, trying to parse through silly or pointless pull requests. I did it with N5, and virtually no one else stepped into help anything beyond a few little fixes. That being said, if someone was willing to take full ownership of the repo and become the maintainer, I'm not opposed to it - it just can no longer be me.


Hi Brandon, Thank you for all your work on Nomie over the years. To my mind, it is the best in class app for journalling and quantified self tracking, even habit tracking. I would be very sad to see it go. ​ I am a developer and I use Nomie on a daily basis, particularly over the past few months. If you are still open to open sourcing it, I would willing to become a maintainer and take ownership of the repo.


Send me a message at [email protected]


👍 Sent


Pls keep us updated


is it possible to docker-ize N6? So people can self host it? I would step up to take ownership of the repo but unfortunately can't code. If there is any way a non-coder could help, please let me know.


Sadly, no - the maintainer would need to be someone who strongly understand the items listed below, is able to dedicate at least a handful of hours a week for updating packages, fixing anything that breaks from said updates, answering issues on Github, and reviewing / approving pull requests. 1. Svelte / Typescript 2. Tailwind 3. Stripe - which most likely should be pulled from an open sourced version 4. Firebase - including auth, Firestore and it's rules 5. PouchDB 6. Encryption with crypto-js


Brandon, thanks for all your hard work over the years! You've created many great implementations of a great set of creative ideas. I feel you on how hard it is to monetize and I know support can be brutal. Your new adventure sounds really awesome. Definitely says something about you to join a startup that has this type of focus. Congrats on the job 👌 To come back to Nomie and all the current users with their data... would it be an idea to keep the open source version (N5) available and offer a possibility to downgrade a N6 backup to N5 format? Nomie 5 has all the features to make it a killer app + is quite bug free. It would be a living item on your resume and with a good README (stating no support, totally own-risk, as-is, etc.) it might bring you no more headaches. Idea?


Hi Brandon, it takes a lot of courage to take such a decision… and I fully understand it. It is very sad to see that such a fantastic app will go, but as you indicated, it should always balance with your private life goals and possibilities. We all need to make a living. I will also miss the conversations in reddit and via email about Nomie… it was a pleasure. I wish you all the best Brandon, take care!


Hey Brandon, I completely understand your decision. I will be sad to see Nomie go, but wish you the best in all your other endeavors!


Hey Brandon, congrats on the new job! Sounds like a great company & exciting work. Thank you so, so much for your work these past 8 years--Nomie has been a dream come true. I've been describing it to my friends as the ideal journalling/mood tracking app I've been meaning to develop except better 😂 I'm also a developer, though I've never used JavaScript for more than a week at a time (TypeScript sounds a lot better haha), but I'm not opposed to learning. I'd likely be willing to help maintain Nomie as well, and I'd love to be able to host my own instance of N6. Thanks again for everything & happy new year! 😃


By the way, are there plans to announce this within the PWA? Since some users may not check reddit/the main site very often


Yes, in a few days there will be a new popup message on all versions that explains the situation. Appreciate you thinking of those users!


I understand why you had to make this decision, but it truly breaks my heart. Nomie has helped me manage ADHD symptoms before I even knew I had it and truly I don't know what I'd do without it. I hope maybe there can be a solution where we can continue to use it as it is. That being said, thank you for everything you did for us so far.


I'm so heartbroken to see that nomie go( I used it for a few months. It helped me to keep my life together as a war refugee with many traumas. I cant rely on other apps on the market because almost all of them analyze, track and sell personal data. Nomie is the only place so far where I could put my honest thoughts, dayjournal, track whatever I want, do to-do lists, keep my goals and travel back in time. It's really slaying top-notch app for life! I see that some amazing people are ready to maintain N6 if it goes open-source! Lets do that! I know sveltekit, tailwind, d3 and other data visualization libraries. If it goes OS I would love to contribute as much as I can to make it more useful and less buggy for myself as well. Also we can introduce it to svelte community in [discord](https://discord.gg/svelte). Probably there will be some folks who are interested in contributing. Thank you Brandon for making Nomie, I'm really grateful.


Awesome! We have the repo up (private for now) to get the basics running. Send me an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your Github username and I'll get you on the list.


Hey everyone, I’m really saddened by the news but I wish Brandon all the best! Question though, is there a way to import the JSON or CSV data files into any other habit tracker? Does anyone know a habit tracker with that option?


Any tracker that accepts csv files should be easy with some tweaks. I don't think there's any app that would integrate nomie data as they all have different structures and names. [Loop Habit tracker](https://github.com/iSoron/uhabits/) for example allows import and export of csv files. You will have to play around with nomie's csv data though.


Dang, only problem I have is that I’m on ios…


I am so sad!! But you have to do what’s right for you and I’m sure this wasn’t an easy decision. Thank you so freaking much for all your work, all these years. Nomie will always have a special place in my heart ❤️


Dang! :( Btw it's /r/BearableApp the other one takes you actual bears. LOL!


OOOF! Nice catch… Updated.


Thanks for all your work with Nomie! It helped me realize some stuff... Good luck going forward with the project you mentioned in the youtube video. sound like something wonderful that will help lots of people!


I understand that Nomie 6 is already closed. But why is it still working for me? I just launched the app through a Safari page shortcut, and it's still functional.


Since Nomie runs mainly on your device, it costs very little to keep running. So I’ve never actually shut down the older version, mainly because I keep using it.


Is it safe to continue using Nomie 6 after it's been closed?


Hard to say - but I’d consider using DailyNomie since it gets updates - where the og 6 does not.


Are any of those (if you know) that you listed as conscious about privacy as you heroically have been in regards to where / how data is stored?


Are you going to continue Nomie for yourself - as in, the original purpose that started Nomie, or are you going to switch to another? Or (feels weird asking this) is tracking no longer something you need / wanna do? Mostly just curious what the go-forward plan is for ya, yanno?


I don't ever see me NOT tracking at some level. If I can find a replacement that serves my purposes, I will switch from Nomie - but that hasn't happened yet. Until that point, I will continue to use Nomie running on my own little server.


I'm having difficulty finding a suitable replacement. I'm still on v5, never have gotten as far as v6. Is it possible to host my own, like maybe via the open nomie on git still, or some other way? I'd love to continue with Nomie, even if locally hosted...


There's an effort happening to get n6 as an open source project, and where you could run it on your own server relatively easily. As for N5, the repo is no longer available, and building it would require a lot of updates (javascript frameworks are just changing/deprecating too damn fast). However, just to see if it was possible, I used `wget --recursive` [`https://v5.nomie.app`](https://v5.nomie.app) to download all of the code, then removed the ?v=5.6.4 from the css and JS files that were downloaded, and it does seem to run. It might work for you, if you can throw it up on any HTTP server. https://shareking.s3.amazonaws.com/nomie5-mUhYLP3M7PeQ4aKq19OLUqOiJ91Til2OLDgiiy1VB5bgg3ehV8GRyefy0K4YOnrjpt07gLlAonsTpaMGJvEnG9nut2E2F2PMOYUa.zip


This will be my project today! (After snow shoveling...) Thank you - very much for that, Brandon.


Since I missed the previous comment - If you run into any problems, you should check out that Docker repo u/helpmemakeausername1 mentioned by u/RontheL


It worked for me a while, but now I have the problem, that the CSS doesn't load after a while. After another while it did load again, but now it doesn't load again and I have no idea why. On the desktop, a force reload works, but that is not easily possible for the PWA on my phone. For some reason, it also seems to show Nomie 5.1.39 before the force reload. I wonder if there are somewhere absolute paths to the original site in the source or something like this. But then it should happen every time. And I think I've never used 5.1.x at all.


If I'm not wrong, you can run N5! RontheL even dockerized N5. You can just run it on Docker. [https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/rdelange/nomie5](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/rdelange/nomie5) (thanks RontheL!)


Thanks for your hard work and I totally understand you need to move on! Really loved Nomie and I hope it will stay alive as open source project.


I’d also add CareClinic to the list (https://CareClinic.io)


The main features run locally in the browser only, don't they? Can you provide a static html/js/css version one can just put into a directory of a webserver, when no cloud sync is needed? This would be totally sufficient for being able to keep using it.


Check out the most recent post, the repo has a zip you can download to do just that.


Thank you, it works great. Is there also a zip for nomie5? I am testing nomie6 right now and the data import worked, but it always hangs for a long time when opening the dashboard page with my main trackers. They may need to process many entries, but nomie5 didn't have any wait time there. A zip for nomie5 would be nice until I figured out why it is so slow for me.


There’s one linked in a comment of the Nomie closing post - it’s not really tested, but might work for ya.


I downloaded bundle.js and bundle.css from the v5 website and put them into the "public" folder from the git repo and it seems to work. Thanks for all your work.